We present a high resolution spectrometer consisting of dual solid Fabry-Perot Interferometers (FPIs). This work is intended to be an all inclusive documentation of the instrument including discussion of the design of this instrument, the methods used in data reduction, and the analysis of these data. Each FPI is made of a single piece of L-BBH2 glass which has a high index of refraction n~2.07 with a thickness on the order of 100 μm. Each is then coated with partially reflective mirrors to create a resonant cavity and thus achieve a spectral resolution of R~30,000. Running the FPIs in tandem reduces the overlapping orders and allows for a much wider free spectral range and higher contrast. We will also discuss the properties of the FPIs which we have measured. This includes the tuning of the FPIs which is achieved by adjusting the temperature and thus changing the FPI gap and the refractive index of the material. The spectrometer then moves spatially in order to get spectral information at every point in the field of view. We select spectral lines for further analysis and create maps of the line depths across the field. Using this technique we are able to measure the fluorescence of chlorophyll in plants and attempt to observe zodiacal light. In the chlorophyll analysis we are able to detect chlorophyll fluorescence using the line depth in a plant using the sky as a reference solar spectrum. This instrument has possible applications in either a cubesat or aerial observations to measure bulk plant activity over large areas.
Heavy metals are used in many industrial processestheirs discard can harm fel effects to the environment, becoming a serious problem. Many methods used for wastewater treatment have been reported in the literature, but many of them have high cost and low efficiency. The adsorption process has been used as effective for the metal remoal ions. This paper presents studies to evaluate the adsorption capacity of vermiculite as adsorbent for the heavy metals removal in a synthetic solution. The mineral vermiculite was characterized by differents techniques: specific surface area analysis by BET method, X-ray diffraction, raiosX fluorescence, spectroscopy in the infraredd region of, laser particle size analysis and specific gravity. The physical characteristics of the material presented was appropriate for the study of adsorption. The adsorption experiments weredriveal finite bath metod in synthetic solutions of copper, nickel, cadmium, lead and zinc. The results showed that the vermiculite has a high potential for adsorption, removing about 100% of ions and with removal capacity values about 85 ppm of metal in solution, 8.09 mg / g for cadmium, 8.39 mg/g for copper, 8.40 mg/g for lead, 8.26 mg/g for zinc and 8.38 mg/g of nickel. The experimental data fit in the Langmuir and Freundlich models. The kinetic datas showed a good correlation with the pseudo-second order model. It was conducteas a competition study among the metals using vermiculiti a adsorbent. Results showed that the presence of various metals in solution does not influence their removal at low concentrations, removing approximat wasely 100 % of all metals present in solutions
Tese dout. em Química, Unidade de Ciências Exactas e Humanas, Univ. do Algarve, 1997
Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Purpose: To determine the heavy metal and trace element composition of the powdered aerial parts of Origanum sipyleum L. and its water extract. Methods: The heavy metal and trace elements content of the powdered plant material and 2 % aqueous extract were evaluated by x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy with silicon drift detector SDD at a resolution of 145 eV and 10,000 pulses. The process conditions were 0.1 g sample weight, process time of 300 s at a voltage of 25 kV and 50 kV, and at a current of 0.5 and 1.0 mA under helium atmosphere. Results: The major elements, K, Ca and Na, known as macronutrients, constituted 11990, 10490 and 970 ppm of the powdered drug and 8910, 2991 and 810 ppm of the water extract, respectively. Among other constituents, arsenic, lead and uranium levels were < 1, 2.1 and < 3 ppm, respectively, in the powdered material while in the aqueous extract, the levels were < 1, < 2 and 200 ppm, respectively. Conclusion: O. sipyleum is a potential source of macro- and micronutrients from which useful food additives and health supplements can be derived.
The study of photophysical and photochemical processes crosses the interest of many fields of research in physics, chemistry and biology. In particular, the photophysical and photochemical reactions, after light absorption by a photosynthetic pigment-protein complex, are among the fastest events in biology, taking place on timescales ranging from tens of femtoseconds to a few nanoseconds. Among the experimental approaches developed for this purpose, the advent of ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy has become a powerful and widely used technique.[1,2] Focusing on the process of photosynthesis, it relies upon the efficient absorption and conversion of the radiant energy from the Sun. Chlorophylls and carotenoids are the main players in the process. Photosynthetic pigments are typically arranged in a highly organized fashion to constitute antennas and reaction centers, supramolecular devices where light harvesting and charge separation take place. The very early steps in the photosynthetic process take place after the absorption of a photon by an antenna system, which harvests light and eventually delivers it to the reaction center. In order to compete with internal conversion, intersystem crossing, and fluorescence, which inevitably lead to energy loss, the energy and electron transfer processes that fix the excited-state energy in photosynthesis must be extremely fast. In order to investigate these events, ultrafast techniques down to a sub-100 fs resolution must be used. In this way, energy migration within the system as well as the formation of new chemical species such as charge-separated states can be tracked in real time. This can be achieved by making use of ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. The basic principles of this notable technique, instrumentation, and some recent applications to photosynthetic systems[3] will be described. Acknowledgements M. Moreno Oliva thanks the MINECO for a “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” research contract. References [1] U. Megerle, I. Pugliesi, C. Schriever, C.F. Sailer and E. Riedle, Appl. Phys. B, 96, 215 – 231 (2009). [2] R. Berera, R. van Grondelle and J.T.M. Kennis, Photosynth. Res., 101, 105 – 118 (2009). [3] T. Nikkonen, M. Moreno Oliva, A. Kahnt, M. Muuronen, J. Helaja and D.M. Guldi, Chem. Eur. J., 21, 590 – 600 (2015).
Les éléments de terres rares (REEs) sont de plus en plus utilisés dans une multitude d’applications, notamment la fabrication d’aimants, de batteries rechargeables et les écrans de téléviseurs. Ils sont pour la plupart des métaux trivalents peu solubles dans les eaux naturelles. Comme pour les métaux divalents, le risque écologique des REEs est très probablement étroitement lié à leurs spéciations chimiques. Cependant, le comportement du samarium (Sm) dans les matrices environnementales est très peu connu et il n'existe actuellement aucune technique pour évaluer sa spéciation chimique. Dans cette optique, la technique d'échange d'ions (IET) sur la résine Dowex a été optimisée pour mesurer le samarium libre en solution. Les temps d'équilibre ont d'abord été déterminés pour des solutions tamponnées de samarium (Sm 6,7x10-8 M ; MES 1,0 mM M ; pH 6,0) en présence du nitrate de sodium (de 0,01M à 0,5 M). Pour ces diverses forces ioniques, l’équilibre thermodynamique n’est atteint que pour NaNO3 0,5M. Un autre mode d’utilisation de la résine (mode dynamique) a donc été développé pour tenir compte des conditions environnementales et évaluer efficacement le samarium libre. Les impacts des ligands organiques tels le NTA, l’EDTA, le citrate, l’acide malique et l’acide fulvique Suwannee River Standard I (SRFA) ont été étudiés par l’IET en mode dynamique. Une grande corrélation a été trouvée plus entre les taux d’accumulation de samarium sur la résine d’échange pour différents rapports NTA : Sm, EDTA : Sm, SRFA : Sm et le samarium libre. Par contre, aucune corrélation significative n’a été observée pour les ligands citrate et acide malique compte tenu des complexes qu’ils forment avec le samarium et qui s’adsorbent aussi sur la résine Dowex. Les concentrations Sm3+ mesurées par la technique IET ont été fortement corrélées avec celles prédites par le modèle WHAM 7.0 en utilisant la constante de stabilité obtenue par titration de SRFA par extinction de la fluorescence. Par ailleurs, la formation de colloïdes de samarium en fonction du pH influe grandement sur la détermination du samarium libre et doit être prise en compte dans la spéciation du samarium. L'IET assisté par des techniques auxiliaires comme le dosage par extinction de la fluorescence et le SP-ICPMS pourrait être une technique utile pour évaluer les concentrations de Sm biodisponible dans les eaux naturelles.
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an emerging non-invasive optical neuro imaging technique that monitors the hemodynamic response to brain activation with ms-scale temporal resolution and sub-cm spatial resolution. The overall goal of my dissertation was to develop and apply NIRS towards investigation of neurological response to language, joint attention and planning and execution of motor skills in healthy adults. Language studies were performed to investigate the hemodynamic response, synchrony and dominance feature of the frontal and fronto-temporal cortex of healthy adults in response to language reception and expression. The mathematical model developed based on granger causality explicated the directional flow of information during the processing of language stimuli by the fronto-temporal cortex. Joint attention and planning/ execution of motor skill studies were performed to investigate the hemodynamic response, synchrony and dominance feature of the frontal cortex of healthy adults and in children (5-8 years old) with autism (for joint attention studies) and individuals with cerebral palsy (for planning/execution of motor skills studies). The joint attention studies on healthy adults showed differences in activation as well as intensity and phase dependent connectivity in the frontal cortex during joint attention in comparison to rest. The joint attention studies on typically developing children showed differences in frontal cortical activation in comparison to that in children with autism. The planning and execution of motor skills studies on healthy adults and individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) showed difference in the frontal cortical dominance, that is, bilateral and ipsilateral dominance, respectively. The planning and execution of motor skills studies also demonstrated the plastic and learning behavior of brain wherein correlation was found between the relative change in total hemoglobin in the frontal cortex and the kinematics of the activity performed by the participants. Thus, during my dissertation the NIRS neuroimaging technique was successfully implemented to investigate the neurological response of language, joint attention and planning and execution of motor skills in healthy adults as well as preliminarily on children with autism and individuals with cerebral palsy. These NIRS studies have long-term potential for the design of early stage interventions in children with autism and customized rehabilitation in individuals with cerebral palsy.
The elemental analysis of soil is useful in forensic and environmental sciences. Methods were developed and optimized for two laser-based multi-element analysis techniques: laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). This work represents the first use of a 266 nm laser for forensic soil analysis by LIBS. Sample preparation methods were developed and optimized for a variety of sample types, including pellets for large bulk soil specimens (470 mg) and sediment-laden filters (47 mg), and tape-mounting for small transfer evidence specimens (10 mg). Analytical performance for sediment filter pellets and tape-mounted soils was similar to that achieved with bulk pellets. An inter-laboratory comparison exercise was designed to evaluate the performance of the LA-ICP-MS and LIBS methods, as well as for micro X-ray fluorescence (μXRF), across multiple laboratories. Limits of detection (LODs) were 0.01-23 ppm for LA-ICP-MS, 0.25-574 ppm for LIBS, 16-4400 ppm for µXRF, and well below the levels normally seen in soils. Good intra-laboratory precision (≤ 6 % relative standard deviation (RSD) for LA-ICP-MS; ≤ 8 % for µXRF; ≤ 17 % for LIBS) and inter-laboratory precision (≤ 19 % for LA-ICP-MS; ≤ 25 % for µXRF) were achieved for most elements, which is encouraging for a first inter-laboratory exercise. While LIBS generally has higher LODs and RSDs than LA-ICP-MS, both were capable of generating good quality multi-element data sufficient for discrimination purposes. Multivariate methods using principal components analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were developed for discriminations of soils from different sources. Specimens from different sites that were indistinguishable by color alone were discriminated by elemental analysis. Correct classification rates of 94.5 % or better were achieved in a simulated forensic discrimination of three similar sites for both LIBS and LA-ICP-MS. Results for tape-mounted specimens were nearly identical to those achieved with pellets. Methods were tested on soils from USA, Canada and Tanzania. Within-site heterogeneity was site-specific. Elemental differences were greatest for specimens separated by large distances, even within the same lithology. Elemental profiles can be used to discriminate soils from different locations and narrow down locations even when mineralogy is similar.
Les éléments de terres rares (REEs) sont de plus en plus utilisés dans une multitude d’applications, notamment la fabrication d’aimants, de batteries rechargeables et les écrans de téléviseurs. Ils sont pour la plupart des métaux trivalents peu solubles dans les eaux naturelles. Comme pour les métaux divalents, le risque écologique des REEs est très probablement étroitement lié à leurs spéciations chimiques. Cependant, le comportement du samarium (Sm) dans les matrices environnementales est très peu connu et il n'existe actuellement aucune technique pour évaluer sa spéciation chimique. Dans cette optique, la technique d'échange d'ions (IET) sur la résine Dowex a été optimisée pour mesurer le samarium libre en solution. Les temps d'équilibre ont d'abord été déterminés pour des solutions tamponnées de samarium (Sm 6,7x10-8 M ; MES 1,0 mM M ; pH 6,0) en présence du nitrate de sodium (de 0,01M à 0,5 M). Pour ces diverses forces ioniques, l’équilibre thermodynamique n’est atteint que pour NaNO3 0,5M. Un autre mode d’utilisation de la résine (mode dynamique) a donc été développé pour tenir compte des conditions environnementales et évaluer efficacement le samarium libre. Les impacts des ligands organiques tels le NTA, l’EDTA, le citrate, l’acide malique et l’acide fulvique Suwannee River Standard I (SRFA) ont été étudiés par l’IET en mode dynamique. Une grande corrélation a été trouvée plus entre les taux d’accumulation de samarium sur la résine d’échange pour différents rapports NTA : Sm, EDTA : Sm, SRFA : Sm et le samarium libre. Par contre, aucune corrélation significative n’a été observée pour les ligands citrate et acide malique compte tenu des complexes qu’ils forment avec le samarium et qui s’adsorbent aussi sur la résine Dowex. Les concentrations Sm3+ mesurées par la technique IET ont été fortement corrélées avec celles prédites par le modèle WHAM 7.0 en utilisant la constante de stabilité obtenue par titration de SRFA par extinction de la fluorescence. Par ailleurs, la formation de colloïdes de samarium en fonction du pH influe grandement sur la détermination du samarium libre et doit être prise en compte dans la spéciation du samarium. L'IET assisté par des techniques auxiliaires comme le dosage par extinction de la fluorescence et le SP-ICPMS pourrait être une technique utile pour évaluer les concentrations de Sm biodisponible dans les eaux naturelles.
Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy is a conceptually simple and versatile tool for resolving photoinduced dynamics in molecular systems. Due to the fast development of new experimental setups, such as synchrotron light sources and X-ray free electron lasers (XFEL), new spectral windows are becoming accessible. On the one hand, these sources have enabled scientist to access faster and faster time scales and to reach unprecedent insights into dynamical properties of matter. On the other hand, the complementarity of well-developed and novel techniques allows to study the same physical process from different points of views, integrating the advantages and overcoming the limitations of each approach. In this context, it is highly desirable to reach a clear understanding of which type of spectroscopy is more suited to capture a certain facade of a given photo-induced process, that is, to establish a correlation between the process to be unraveled and the technique to be used. In this thesis, I will show how computational spectroscopy can be a tool to establish such a correlation. I will study a specific process, which is the ultrafast energy transfer in the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dimer (NADH). This process will be observed in different spectral windows (from UV-VIS to X-rays), accessing the ability of different spectroscopic techniques to unravel the system evolution by means of state-of-the-art theoretical models and methodologies. The comparison of different spectroscopic simulations will demonstrate their complementarity, eventually allowing to identify the type of spectroscopy that is best suited to resolve the ultrafast energy transfer.
The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and reproducibility of the cytologic diagnosis of salivary gland tumors (SGTs) using fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). The study aimed to determine diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity and to evaluate the extent of interobserver agreement. We retrospectively evaluated SGTs from the files of the Division of Pathology at the Clinics Hospital of São Paulo and Piracicaba Dental School between 2000 and 2006. We performed cytohistologic correlation in 182 SGTs. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy were 94%, 100%, 100%, 100%, and 99%, respectively. The interobserver cytologic reproducibility showed significant statistical concordance (P < .0001). FNAC is an effective tool for performing a reliable preoperative diagnosis in SGTs and shows high diagnostic accuracy and consistent interobserver reproducibility. Further FNAC studies analyzing large samples of malignant SGTs and reactive salivary lesions are needed to confirm their accuracy.