937 resultados para FEA simulations
A crystal nucleus in a finite volume may exhibit phase coexistence with a surrounding fluid. The thermodynamic properties of the coexisting fluid (pressure and chemical potential) are enhanced relative to their coexistence values. This enhancement is uniquely related to the surface excess free energy. rnA model for weakly attractive soft colloidal particles is investigated, the so called Asakura-Oosawa model. In simulations, this model allows for the calculation of the pressure in the liquid using the virial formula directly. The phase coexistence pressure in the thermodynamic limit is obtained from the interface velocity method. We introduce a method by which the chemical potential in dense liquids can be measured. There is neither a need to locate the interface nor to compute the anisotropic interfacial tension to obtain nucleation barriers. Therefore, our analysis is appropriate for nuclei of arbitrary shape. Monte Carlo simulations over a wide range of nucleus volumes yield to nucleation barriers independent from the total system volume. The interfacial tension is determined via the ensemble-switch method, hence a detailed test of classical nucleation theory is possible. The anisotropy of the interfacial tension and the resulting non-spherical shape has only a minor effect on the barrier for the Asakura-Oosawa model.
VIRTIS, a bordo di Venus Express, è uno spettrometro in grado di operare da 0.25 a 5 µm. Nel periodo 2006-2011 ha ricavato un'enorme mole di dati ma a tutt'oggi le osservazioni al lembo sono poco utilizzate per lo studio delle nubi e delle hazes, specialmente di notte. Gli spettri al lembo a quote mesosferiche sono dominati dalla radianza proveniente dalle nubi e scatterata in direzione dello strumento dalle hazes. L'interpretazione degli spettri al lembo non può quindi prescindere dalla caratterizzazione dell'intera colonna atmosferica. L'obiettivo della tesi è di effettuare un’analisi statistica sulle osservazioni al nadir e proporre una metodologia per ricavare una caratterizzazione delle hazes combinando osservazioni al nadir e al lembo. La caratterizzazione delle nubi è avvenuta su un campione di oltre 3700 osservazioni al nadir. È stato creato un ampio dataset di spettri sintetici modificando, in un modello iniziale, vari parametri di nube quali composizione chimica, numero e dimensione delle particelle. Un processo di fit è stato applicato alle osservazioni per stabilire quale modello potesse descrivere gli spettri osservati. Si è poi effettuata una analisi statistica sui risultati del campione. Si è ricavata una concentrazione di acido solforico molto elevata nelle nubi basse, pari al 96% in massa, che si discosta dal valore generalmente utilizzato del 75%. Si sono poi integrati i risultati al nadir con uno studio mirato su poche osservazioni al lembo, selezionate in modo da intercettare nel punto di tangenza la colonna atmosferica osservata al nadir, per ricavare informazioni sulle hazes. I risultati di un modello Monte Carlo indicano che il numero e le dimensioni delle particelle previste dal modello base devono essere ridotte in maniera significativa. In particolare si osserva un abbassamento della quota massima delle hazes rispetto ad osservazioni diurne.
Feedback from the most massive components of a young stellar cluster deeply affects the surrounding ISM driving an expanding over-pressured hot gas cavity in it. In spiral galaxies these structures may have sufficient energy to break the disk and eject large amount of material into the halo. The cycling of this gas, which eventually will fall back onto the disk, is known as galactic fountains. We aim at better understanding the dynamics of such fountain flow in a Galactic context, frame the problem in a more dynamic environment possibly learning about its connection and regulation to the local driving mechanism and understand its role as a metal diffusion channel. The interaction of the fountain with a hot corona is hereby analyzed, trying to understand the properties and evolution of the extraplanar material. We perform high resolution hydrodynamical simulations with the moving-mesh code AREPO to model the multi-phase ISM of a Milky Way type galaxy. A non-equilibrium chemical network is included to self consistently follow the evolution of the main coolants of the ISM. Spiral arm perturbations in the potential are considered so that large molecular gas structures are able to dynamically form here, self shielded from the interstellar radiation field. We model the effect of SN feedback from a new-born stellar cluster inside such a giant molecular cloud, as the driving force of the fountain. Passive Lagrangian tracer particles are used in conjunction to the SN energy deposition to model and study diffusion of freshly synthesized metals. We find that both interactions with hot coronal gas and local ISM properties and motions are equally important in shaping the fountain. We notice a bimodal morphology where most of the ejected gas is in a cold $10^4$ K clumpy state while the majority of the affected volume is occupied by a hot diffuse medium. While only about 20\% of the produced metals stay local, most of them quickly diffuse through this hot regime to great scales.
In this work the problem of performing a numerical simulation of quasi-static crack propagation within an adhesive layer of a bonded joint under Mode I loading affected by stress field changes due to thermal-chemical shrinkage induced by cure process is addressed. Secondly, a parametric study on fracture critical energy, cohesive strength and Young's modulus is performed. Finally, a particular case of adhesive layer stiffening is simulated in order to verify qualitatively the major effect.
L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare la stabilità di uno spettro raggi X emesso da un tubo usurato per analisi cardiovascolari, in modo da verificare il suo comportamento. Successivamente questo tipo di analisi sarà effettuata su tubi CT. Per raggiungere questo scopo è stato assemblato un particolare set-up con un rivelatore al germanio criogenico in modo da avere la miglior risoluzione energetica possibile ed alcuni particolari collimatori così da ridurre il flusso fotonico per evitare effetti di pile-up. Il set-up è stato costruito in modo da avere il miglior allineamento possibile nel modo più veloce possibile, e con l'obiettivo di rendere l'intero sistema portabile. Il tubo usato è un SRM Philips tube per analisi cardiovascolari; questa scelta è stata fatta in modo da ridurre al minimo i fattori esterni (ottica elettromagnetica, emettitori) e concentrare l'attenzione solo sugli effetti, causati dalle varie esposizioni, sull'anodo (roughness e bending) e sul comportamento di essi durante il surriscaldamento e successivo raffreddamento del tubo. I risultati mostrano come durante un'esposizione alcuni fattori di usura del tubo possono influire in maniera sostanziale sullo spettro ottenuto e quindi alterare il risultato. Successivamente, nell'elaborato, mediante il software Philips di ricostruzione e simulazione dello spettro si è cercato di riprodurre, variando alcuni parametri, la differenza riscontrata sperimentalmente in modo da poter simulare l'instabilità e correggere i fattori che la causano. I risultati sono interessanti non solo per questo esperimento ma anche in ottica futura, per lo sviluppo di applicazioni come la spectral CT. Il passo successivo sarà quello di spostare l'attenzione su un CT tube e verificare se l'instabilità riscontrata in questo lavoro è persiste anche in una analisi più complessa come quella CT.
Software is available, which simulates all basic electrophoretic systems, including moving boundary electrophoresis, zone electrophoresis, ITP, IEF and EKC, and their combinations under almost exactly the same conditions used in the laboratory. These dynamic models are based upon equations derived from the transport concepts such as electromigration, diffusion, electroosmosis and imposed hydrodynamic buffer flow that are applied to user-specified initial distributions of analytes and electrolytes. They are able to predict the evolution of electrolyte systems together with associated properties such as pH and conductivity profiles and are as such the most versatile tool to explore the fundamentals of electrokinetic separations and analyses. In addition to revealing the detailed mechanisms of fundamental phenomena that occur in electrophoretic separations, dynamic simulations are useful for educational purposes. This review includes a list of current high-resolution simulators, information on how a simulation is performed, simulation examples for zone electrophoresis, ITP, IEF and EKC and a comprehensive discussion of the applications and achievements.
PURPOSE: The advent of imaging software programs has proved to be useful for diagnosis, treatment planning, and outcome measurement, but precision of 3-dimensional (3D) surgical simulation still needs to be tested. This study was conducted to determine whether the virtual surgery performed on 3D models constructed from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) can correctly simulate the actual surgical outcome and to validate the ability of this emerging technology to recreate the orthognathic surgery hard tissue movements in 3 translational and 3 rotational planes of space. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Construction of pre- and postsurgery 3D models from CBCTs of 14 patients who had combined maxillary advancement and mandibular setback surgery and 6 patients who had 1-piece maxillary advancement surgery was performed. The postsurgery and virtually simulated surgery 3D models were registered at the cranial base to quantify differences between simulated and actual surgery models. Hotelling t tests were used to assess the differences between simulated and actual surgical outcomes. RESULTS: For all anatomic regions of interest, there was no statistically significant difference between the simulated and the actual surgical models. The right lateral ramus was the only region that showed a statistically significant, but small difference when comparing 2- and 1-jaw surgeries. CONCLUSIONS: Virtual surgical methods were reliably reproduced. Oral surgery residents could benefit from virtual surgical training. Computer simulation has the potential to increase predictability in the operating room.
Supramolecular two-dimensional engineering epitomizes the design of complex molecular architectures through recognition events in multicomponent self-assembly. Despite being the subject of in-depth experimental studies, such articulated phenomena have not been yet elucidated in time and space with atomic precision. Here we use atomistic molecular dynamics to simulate the recognition of complementary hydrogen-bonding modules forming 2D porous networks on graphite. We describe the transition path from the melt to the crystalline hexagonal phase and show that self-assembly proceeds through a series of intermediate states featuring a plethora of polygonal types. Finally, we design a novel bicomponent system possessing kinetically improved self-healing ability in silico, thus demonstrating that a priori engineering of 2D self-assembly is possible.
Water vapour, despite being a minor constituent in the Martian atmosphere with its precipitable amount of less than 70 pr. μm, attracts considerable attention in the scientific community because of its potential importance for past life on Mars. The partial pressure of water vapour is highly variable because of its seasonal condensation onto the polar caps and exchange with a subsurface reservoir. It is also known to drive photochemical processes: photolysis of water produces H, OH, HO2 and some other odd hydrogen compounds, which in turn destroy ozone. Consequently, the abundance of water vapour is anti-correlated with ozone abundance. The Herschel Space Observatory provides for the first time the possibility to retrieve vertical water profiles in the Martian atmosphere. Herschel will contribute to this topic with its guaranteed-time key project called "Water and related chemistry in the solar system". Observations of Mars by Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI) and Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) onboard Herschel are planned in the frame of the programme. HIFI with its high spectral resolution enables accurate observations of vertically resolved H2O and temperature profiles in the Martian atmosphere. Unlike HIFI, PACS is not capable of resolving the line-shape of molecular lines. However, our present study of PACS observations for the Martian atmosphere shows that the vertical sensitivity of the PACS observations can be improved by using multiple-line observations with different line opacities. We have investigated the possibility of retrieving vertical profiles of temperature and molecular abundances of minor species including H2O in the Martian atmosphere using PACS. In this paper, we report that PACS is able to provide water vapour vertical profiles for the Martian atmosphere and we present the expected spectra for future PACS observations. We also show that the spectral resolution does not allow the retrieval of several studied minor species, such as H2O2, HCl, NO, SO2, etc.
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used to study the dynamical and time-averaged characteristics of the DNA triple helix d(T)10âd(A)10âd(T)10. The structures sampled during the trajectory resemble closely the B-type model for the DNA triplex proposed on the basis of NMR data, although there are some subtle differences. Alternative P- and A-type conformations for the triplex, suggested from X-ray experiments, are not predicted to contribute significantly to the structure of the DNA triplex in solution. Comparison with the best available experimental data supports the correctnes of the MD-generated structures. The analysis of the collected data gives a detailed picture of the characteristics of triple-helix DNA. A new and interesting pattern of hydration, specific for triplex DNA, is an important observation. The results suggest that molecular dynamics can be useful for the study of novel nucleic acid structures.
The goals of this article are to (1) provide further validation of the Glycam06 force field, specifically for its use in implicit solvent molecular dynamic (MD) simulations, and (2) to present the extension of G.N. Ramachandran's idea of plotting amino acid phi and psi angles to the glycosidic phi, psi, and omega angles formed between carbohydrates. As in traditional Ramachandran plots, these carbohydrate Ramachandran-type (carb-Rama) plots reveal the coupling between the glycosidic angles by displaying the allowed and disallowed conformational space. Considering two-bond glycosidic linkages, there are 18 possible conformational regions that can be defined by (α, ϕ, ψ) and (β, ϕ, ψ), whereas for three-bond linkages, there are 54 possible regions that can be defined by (α, ϕ, ψ, ω) and (β, ϕ, ψ, ω). Illustrating these ideas are molecular dynamic simulations on an implicitly hydrated oligosaccharide (700 ns) and its eight constituent disaccharides (50 ns/disaccharide). For each linkage, we compare and contrast the oligosaccharide and respective disaccharide carb-Rama plots, validate the simulations and the Glycam06 force field through comparison to experimental data, and discuss the general trends observed in the plots.
Three comprehensive one-dimensional simulators were used on the same PC to simulate the dynamics of different electrophoretic configurations, including two migrating hybrid boundaries, an isotachophoretic boundary and the zone electrophoretic separation of ten monovalent anions. Two simulators, SIMUL5 and GENTRANS, use a uniform grid, while SPRESSO uses a dynamic adaptive grid. The simulators differ in the way components are handled. SIMUL5 and SPRESSO feature one equation for all components, whereas GENTRANS is based on the use of separate modules for the different types of monovalent components, a module for multivalent components and a module for proteins. The code for multivalent components is executed more slowly compared to those for monovalent components. Furthermore, with SIMUL5, the computational time interval becomes smaller when it is operated with a reduced calculation space that features moving borders, whereas GENTRANS offers the possibility of using data smoothing (removal of negative concentrations), which can avoid numerical oscillations and speed up a simulation. SPRESSO with its adaptive grid could be employed to simulate the same configurations with smaller numbers of grid points and thus is faster in certain but not all cases. The data reveal that simulations featuring a large number of monovalent components distributed such that a high mesh is required throughout a large proportion of the column are fastest executed with GENTRANS.
The variability of the Atlantic meridional overturing circulation (AMOC) strength is investigated in control experiments and in transient simulations of up to the last millennium using the low-resolution Community Climate System Model version 3. In the transient simulations the AMOC exhibits enhanced low-frequency variability that is mainly caused by infrequent transitions between two semi-stable circulation states which amount to a 10 percent change of the maximum overturning. One transition is also found in a control experiment, but the time-varying external forcing significantly increases the probability of the occurrence of such events though not having a direct, linear impact on the AMOC. The transition from a high to a low AMOC state starts with a reduction of the convection in the Labrador and Irminger Seas and goes along with a changed barotropic circulation of both gyres in the North Atlantic and a gradual strengthening of the convection in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian (GIN) Seas. In contrast, the transition from a weak to a strong overturning is induced by decreased mixing in the GIN Seas. As a consequence of the transition, regional sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies are found in the midlatitude North Atlantic and in the convection regions with an amplitude of up to 3 K. The atmospheric response to the SST forcing associated with the transition indicates a significant impact on the Scandinavian surface air temperature (SAT) in the order of 1 K. Thus, the changes of the ocean circulation make a major contribution to the Scandinavian SAT variability in the last millennium.