965 resultados para Estrogen a and ß receptors
The ecdysone-responsive DNA sequence of the Drosophila hsp27 gene promoter contains four direct and inverted repeats reminiscent of those that compose the vertebrate palindromic estrogen response element (ERE) and the thyroid hormone/retinoic acid response element (TRE/RRE). Interestingly, a 3 bp substitution in the wild-type Hsp27 ecdysone response element (EcdRE) increases both its similarity with the vertebrate ERE and TRE/RRE and its capacity to confer ecdysone responsiveness to a heterologous promoter. Remarkably, increasing the spacing between the inverted repeats of this strong EcdRE by two nucleotides converts it into an ERE. Inversely, decreasing the spacing between the two inverted repeats of the vertebrate consensus palindromic ERE, from three to one nucleotide, converts it into a functional EcdRE. Thus, the only difference between an invertebrate EcdRE and a vertebrate palindromic ERE or TRE/RRE is in the spacing between the conserved inverted repeated motifs forming these palindromic HREs. The finding that the sequence motif 5'-GGTCA-3' present in the vertebrate ERE and TRE/RRE is also a functionally important characteristic of an invertebrate HRE, suggests that a common ancestor regulatory DNA sequence gave rise to all HREs known so far. We discuss the possibility that this progenitor motif is the GGTCA sequence.
Objectives: To characterize the modifications of gene expression of adenosine receptors (AR), TRPC channels, HIF-1α and iNOS during the early cardiogenesis in response to chronic hypoxia exposure. Methods: 4-day-old chick embryos were subjected in ovo to 6H, 12H and 24H of hypoxia (10% O2). The mRNA expression was quantified by RT-qPCR. Results: The targeted genes were found to be expressed at mRNA level with a differential expression pattern within the heart. Hypoxia has no significant effect on mRNA expression of ARs, TRPCs channels and iNOS within the heart. By contrast, HIF-1α mRNA expression shows a tendency to be down-regulated by hypoxia. Conclusion: These results suggest that an intrauterine oxygen lack does not significantly affect expression of genes involved in adenosine signaling and in calcium handling by store operated channels (TRPC).
Inflammatory mechanisms are known to contribute to the pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Since bradykinin is one of the first mediators activated during inflammation, we investigated the role of bradykinin and its receptors in posttraumatic secondary brain damage. We subjected wild-type (WT), B(1)-, and B(2)-receptor-knockout mice to controlled cortical impact (CCI) and analyzed tissue bradykinin as well as kinin receptor mRNA and protein expression up to 48 h thereafter. Brain edema, contusion volume, and functional outcome were assessed 24 h and 7 days after CCI. Tissue bradykinin was maximally increased 2 h after trauma (P<0.01 versus sham). Kinin B(1) receptor mRNA was upregulated up to four-fold 24 h after CCI. Immunohistochemistry showed that B(1) and B(2) receptors were expressed in the brain and were significantly upregulated in the traumatic penumbra 1 to 24 h after CCI. B(2)R(-/-) mice had significantly less brain edema (-51% versus WT, 24 h; P<0.001), smaller contusion volumes ( approximately 50% versus WT 24 h and 7 d after CCI; P<0.05), and better functional outcome 7 days after TBI as compared with WT mice (P<0.05). The present results show that bradykinin and its B(2) receptors play a causal role for brain edema formation and cell death after TBI.
Transfection of a human estrogen receptor cDNA expression vector (HEO) into cultured Xenopus kidney cells confers estrogen responsiveness to the recipient cells as demonstrated by the hormone dependent expression of co-transfected Xenopus vitellogenin-CAT chimeric genes. The estrogen stimulation of these vit-CAT genes is dependent upon the presence of the vitellogenin estrogen responsive element (ERE) in their 5' flanking region. Thus, functional human estrogen receptor (hER) can be synthesized in heterologous lower vertebrate cells and can act as a trans-acting regulatory factor that is necessary, together with estradiol, for the induction of the vit-CAT constructs in these cells. In addition, vitellogenin minigenes co-transfected with the HEO expression vector also respond to hormonal stimulation. Their induction is not higher than that of the vit-CAT chimeric genes. It suggests that in the Xenopus kidney cell line B 3.2, the structural parts of the vitellogenin minigenes do not play a role in the induction process. Furthermore, no stabilizing effect of estrogen on vitellogenin mRNA is observed in these cells. In contrast to the transfected genes, the endogenous chromosomal vitellogenin genes remain silent, demonstrating that in spite of the presence of the hER and the hormone, the conditions necessary for their activation are not fulfilled.
We describe the transcriptional potentiation in estrogen responsive transcription extracts of the Xenopus vitellogenin B1 gene promoter through the formation of a positioned nucleosome. Nuclease digestion and hydroxyl radical cleavage indicate that strong, DNA sequence-directed positioning of a nucleosome occurs between -300 and -140 relative to the start site of transcription. Deletion of this DNA sequence abolishes the potentiation of transcription due to nucleosome assembly. The wrapping of DNA around the histone core of the nucleosome positioned between -300 and -140 creates a static loop in which distal estrogen receptor binding sites are brought close to proximal promoter elements. This might facilitate interactions between the trans-acting factors themselves and/or RNA polymerase. Such a nucleosome provides an example of how chromatin structure might have a positive effect on the transcription process.
BACKGROUND: Postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer have persistent, long-term risk of breast-cancer recurrence and death. Therefore, trials assessing endocrine therapies for this patient population need extended follow-up. We present an update of efficacy outcomes in the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 study at 8·1 years median follow-up. METHODS: BIG 1-98 is a randomised, phase 3, double-blind trial of postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer that compares 5 years of tamoxifen or letrozole monotherapy, or sequential treatment with 2 years of one of these drugs followed by 3 years of the other. Randomisation was done with permuted blocks, and stratified according to the two-arm or four-arm randomisation option, participating institution, and chemotherapy use. Patients, investigators, data managers, and medical reviewers were masked. The primary efficacy endpoint was disease-free survival (events were invasive breast cancer relapse, second primaries [contralateral breast and non-breast], or death without previous cancer event). Secondary endpoints were overall survival, distant recurrence-free interval (DRFI), and breast cancer-free interval (BCFI). The monotherapy comparison included patients randomly assigned to tamoxifen or letrozole for 5 years. In 2005, after a significant disease-free survival benefit was reported for letrozole as compared with tamoxifen, a protocol amendment facilitated the crossover to letrozole of patients who were still receiving tamoxifen alone; Cox models and Kaplan-Meier estimates with inverse probability of censoring weighting (IPCW) are used to account for selective crossover to letrozole of patients (n=619) in the tamoxifen arm. Comparison of sequential treatments to letrozole monotherapy included patients enrolled and randomly assigned to letrozole for 5 years, letrozole for 2 years followed by tamoxifen for 3 years, or tamoxifen for 2 years followed by letrozole for 3 years. Treatment has ended for all patients and detailed safety results for adverse events that occurred during the 5 years of treatment have been reported elsewhere. Follow-up is continuing for those enrolled in the four-arm option. BIG 1-98 is registered at clinicaltrials.govNCT00004205. FINDINGS: 8010 patients were included in the trial, with a median follow-up of 8·1 years (range 0-12·4). 2459 were randomly assigned to monotherapy with tamoxifen for 5 years and 2463 to monotherapy with letrozole for 5 years. In the four-arm option of the trial, 1546 were randomly assigned to letrozole for 5 years, 1548 to tamoxifen for 5 years, 1540 to letrozole for 2 years followed by tamoxifen for 3 years, and 1548 to tamoxifen for 2 years followed by letrozole for 3 years. At a median follow-up of 8·7 years from randomisation (range 0-12·4), letrozole monotherapy was significantly better than tamoxifen, whether by IPCW or intention-to-treat analysis (IPCW disease-free survival HR 0·82 [95% CI 0·74-0·92], overall survival HR 0·79 [0·69-0·90], DRFI HR 0·79 [0·68-0·92], BCFI HR 0·80 [0·70-0·92]; intention-to-treat disease-free survival HR 0·86 [0·78-0·96], overall survival HR 0·87 [0·77-0·999], DRFI HR 0·86 [0·74-0·998], BCFI HR 0·86 [0·76-0·98]). At a median follow-up of 8·0 years from randomisation (range 0-11·2) for the comparison of the sequential groups with letrozole monotherapy, there were no statistically significant differences in any of the four endpoints for either sequence. 8-year intention-to-treat estimates (each with SE ≤1·1%) for letrozole monotherapy, letrozole followed by tamoxifen, and tamoxifen followed by letrozole were 78·6%, 77·8%, 77·3% for disease-free survival; 87·5%, 87·7%, 85·9% for overall survival; 89·9%, 88·7%, 88·1% for DRFI; and 86·1%, 85·3%, 84·3% for BCFI. INTERPRETATION: For postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer, a reduction in breast cancer recurrence and mortality is obtained by letrozole monotherapy when compared with tamoxifen montherapy. Sequential treatments involving tamoxifen and letrozole do not improve outcome compared with letrozole monotherapy, but might be useful strategies when considering an individual patient's risk of recurrence and treatment tolerability. FUNDING: Novartis, United States National Cancer Institute, International Breast Cancer Study Group.
The T-type Ca(2+) channels encoded by the Ca(V)3 genes are well established electrogenic drivers for burst discharge. Here, using Ca(V)3.3(-/-) mice we found that Ca(V)3.3 channels trigger synaptic plasticity in reticular thalamic neurons. Burst discharge via Ca(V)3.3 channels induced long-term potentiation at thalamoreticular inputs when coactivated with GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors, which are the dominant subtype at these synapses. Notably, oscillatory burst discharge of reticular neurons is typical for sleep-related rhythms, suggesting that sleep contributes to strengthening intrathalamic circuits.
The cytoskeleton is essential for the structural organization of neurons and is influenced during development by excitatory stimuli such as activation of glutamate receptors. In particular, NMDA receptors are known to modulate the function of several cytoskeletal proteins and to influence cell morphology, but the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we characterized the neurofilament subunit NF-M in cultures of developing mouse cortical neurons chronically exposed to NMDA receptor antagonists. Western blots analysis showed that treatment of cortical neurons with MK801 or AP5 shifted the size of NF-M towards higher molecular weights. Dephosphorylation assay revealed that this increased size of NF-M observed after chronic exposure to NMDA receptor antagonists was due to phosphorylation. Neurons treated with cyclosporin, an inhibitor of the Ca(2+)-dependent phosphatase calcineurin, also showed increased levels of phosphorylated NF-M. Moreover, analysis of neurofilament stability revealed that the phosphorylation of NF-M, resulting from NMDA receptor inhibition, enhanced the solubility of NF-M. Finally, cortical neurons cultured in the presence of the NMDA receptor antagonists MK801 and AP5 grew longer neurites. Together, these data indicate that a blockade of NMDA receptors during development of cortical neurons increases the phosphorylation state and the solubility of NF-M, thereby favoring neurite outgrowth. This also underlines that dynamics of the neurofilament and microtubule cytoskeleton is fundamental for growth processes.
Insulin and insulin-like growth factor I receptors utilize different G protein signaling components.
We examined the role of heterotrimeric G protein signaling components in insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) action. In HIRcB cells and in 3T3L1 adipocytes, treatment with the Galpha(i) inhibitor (pertussis toxin) or microinjection of the Gbetagamma inhibitor (glutathione S-transferase-betaARK) inhibited IGF-I and lysophosphatidic acid-stimulated mitogenesis but had no effect on epidermal growth factor (EGF) or insulin action. In basal state, Galpha(i) and Gbeta were associated with the IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR), and after ligand stimulation the association of IGF-IR with Galpha(i) increased concomitantly with a decrease in Gbeta association. No association of Galpha(i) was found with either the insulin or EGF receptor. Microinjection of anti-beta-arrestin-1 antibody specifically inhibited IGF-I mitogenic action but had no effect on EGF or insulin action. beta-Arrestin-1 was associated with the receptors for IGF-I, insulin, and EGF in a ligand-dependent manner. We demonstrated that Galpha(i), betagamma subunits, and beta-arrestin-1 all play a critical role in IGF-I mitogenic signaling. In contrast, neither metabolic, such as GLUT4 translocation, nor mitogenic signaling by insulin is dependent on these protein components. These results suggest that insulin receptors and IGF-IRs can function as G protein-coupled receptors and engage different G protein partners for downstream signaling.
Vitellogenin is synthesized under estrogen control in the liver, extensively modified, transported to the ovary, and there processed to the yolk proteins lipovitellin and phosvitin. In the frog Xenopus laevis there are at least four distinct but related vitellogenin genes. The two genes A1 and A2 have a 95 percent sequence homology in their messenger RNA coding regions, and contain 33 introns that interrupt the coding region (exons) at homologous positions. Sequences and lengths of analogous introns differ, and many introns contain repetitive DNA elements. The introns in these two genes that have apparently arisen by duplication have diverged extensively by events that include deletions, insertions, and probably duplications. Rapid evolutionary change involving rearrangements and the presence of repeated DNA suggests that the bulk of the sequences within introns may not have any specific function.
Background. Toll-like receptors (TLR) recognize a variety of ligands, including pathogen-associated molecular patterns and link innate and adaptive immunity. Individual receptors can be up-regulated during infection and inflammation. We examined the expression of selected TLRs at the protein level in various types of renal disease.Methods. Frozen sections of renal biopsies were stained with monoclonal antibodies to TLR-2, -4 and -9.Results. Up-regulation of the three TLRs studied was seen, although the extent was modest. TLR-2- and -4-positive cells belonged to the population of infiltrating inflammatory cells; only in the case of TLR-9 were intrinsic glomerular cells positive in polyoma virus infection and haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS).Conclusions. Evidence for the involvement of the three TLRs tested in a variety of human renal diseases was found. These findings add to our understanding of the role of the innate immune system in kidney disease.
Peroxisome proliferator activated receptors are ligand activated transcription factors belonging to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. Three cDNAs encoding such receptors have been isolated from Xenopus laevis (xPPAR alpha, beta, and gamma). Furthermore, the gene coding for xPPAR beta has been cloned, thus being the first member of this subfamily whose genomic organization has been solved. Functionally, xPPAR alpha as well as its mouse and rat homologs are thought to play an important role in lipid metabolism due to their ability to activate transcription of a reporter gene through the promoter of the acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO) gene. ACO catalyzes the rate limiting step in the peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids. Activation is achieved by the binding of xPPAR alpha on a regulatory element (DR1) found in the promoter region of this gene, xPPAR beta and gamma are also able to recognize the same type of element and are, as PPAR alpha, able to form heterodimers with retinoid X receptor. All three xPPARs appear to be activated by synthetic peroxisome proliferators as well as by naturally occurring fatty acids, suggesting that a common mode of action exists for all the members of this subfamily of nuclear hormone receptors.
Testis size and sperm production are directly correlated to the total number of adult Sertoli cells (SCs). Although the establishment of an adequate number of SCs is crucial for future male fertility, the identification and characterization of the factors regulating SC survival, proliferation, and maturation remain incomplete. To investigate whether the IGF system is required for germ cell (GC) and SC development and function, we inactivated the insulin receptor (Insr), the IGF1 receptor (Igf1r), or both receptors specifically in the GC lineage or in SCs. Whereas ablation of insulin/IGF signaling appears dispensable for GCs and spermatogenesis, adult testes of mice lacking both Insr and Igf1r in SCs (SC-Insr;Igf1r) displayed a 75% reduction in testis size and daily sperm production as a result of a reduced proliferation rate of immature SCs during the late fetal and early neonatal testicular period. In addition, in vivo analyses revealed that FSH requires the insulin/IGF signaling pathway to mediate its proliferative effects on immature SCs. Collectively, these results emphasize the essential role played by growth factors of the insulin family in regulating the final number of SCs, testis size, and daily sperm output. They also indicate that the insulin/IGF signaling pathway is required for FSH-mediated SC proliferation.
In oviparous vertebrates vitellogenin, the precursor of the major yolk proteins, is synthesized in the liver of mature females under the control of estrogen. We have established the organization and primary structure of the 5' end region of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin A2 gene and of the major chicken vitellogenin gene. The first three homologous exons have exactly the same length in both species, namely 53, 21 and 152 nucleotides, and present an overall sequence homology of 60%. In both species, the 5'-non-coding region of the vitellogenin mRNA measures only 13 nucleotides, nine of which are conserved. In contrast, the corresponding introns of the Xenopus and the chicken vitellogenin gene show no significant sequence homology. Within the 500 nucleotides preceding the 5' end of the genes, at least six blocks with sequence homologies of greater than 70% were detected. It remains to be demonstrated which of these conserved sequences, if any, are involved in the hormone-regulated expression of the vitellogenin genes.
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a member of the TNF family that induces cancer cell death by apoptosis with some selectivity. TRAIL-induced apoptosis is mediated by the transmembrane receptors death receptor 4 (DR4) (also known as TRAIL-R1) and DR5 (TRAIL-R2). TRAIL can also bind decoy receptor 1 (DcR1) (TRAIL-R3) and DcR2 (TRAIL-R4) that fail to induce apoptosis since they lack and have a truncated cytoplasmic death domain, respectively. In addition, DcR1 and DcR2 inhibit DR4- and DR5-mediated, TRAIL-induced apoptosis and we demonstrate here that this occurs through distinct mechanisms. While DcR1 prevents the assembly of the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) by titrating TRAIL within lipid rafts, DcR2 is corecruited with DR5 within the DISC, where it inhibits initiator caspase activation. In addition, DcR2 prevents DR4 recruitment within the DR5 DISC. The specificity of DcR1- and DcR2-mediated TRAIL inhibition reveals an additional level of complexity for the regulation of TRAIL signaling.