910 resultados para Estética dentária


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The reestablishment of a harmonious smile through dental ceramics, when properly conducted and with specific indications, can achieve extremely predictable results. For aesthetic and functional rehabilitation, many ceramic materials can be used such as zirconia, leucite, alumina, feldspar, and lithium disilicate. Among these materials the lithium disilicate stands out due to the following characteristics: its resistance to wear, to chemical attack, high temperatures and oxidation; low electrical conductivity; near zero thermal expansion; good optical properties and biocompatibility with periodontal; excellent esthetics; color stability and reinforcement of tooth structure. The indications for the use of lithium disilicate are not limited to multiple facets of teeth in cases where there was no favorable response to tooth whitening, and also comprehend teeth with multiple restorations, diastema closure, shape alteration, and dental contouring, replacement of missing or fractured teeth, among others. The versatility of lithium disilicate ceramics allows its utilization in several clinical situations. The concomitant use of lithium disilicate for veneers and over metal has satisfactory aesthetic results, as reported in the present studying cases that require both aesthetics and resistance.


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The composite resin is the material of election for direct restorations in posterior teeth currently. The restorative dentistry aims to improve each day the material and facilitate the restorative technique. This paper describes the technique of occlusal matrix made to speed up and preservation the occlusal surface of a first molar tooth affected by caries lesion. A new resin-based composite was used called Silorane, which may be placed in larger increments due the material has low shrinkage and polymerization stress. The use of occlusal matrix associated with a low shrinkage resin composite can simplify the clinical work, and result in a restoration with excellent reproduction of anatomical.


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Atualmente, os pacientes buscam cada vez mais estética, e o profissional deve ser capaz de suprir a necessidade da demanda atual. Para isso, os profissionais devem estar atentos a não somente devolver funcionalidade a seus procedimentos restauradores, mas acima de tudo buscar excelência estética. Entre esses procedimentos, as restaurações adesivas diretas são capazes de mimetizar o que é artificial, tornando as restaurações naturais. Esse artigo tem o objetivo de expor uma sequência clínica, de certa maneira simplificada, em que o profissional conseguiu uma restauração altamente estética.


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A Odontologia atual está direcionada em executar procedimentos cada vez menos invasivos sem perder a objetividade, tais como função e estética. Como tais procedimentos, podemos citar o clareamento dentário e a utilização de resinas compostas diretas, que nos fazem praticar o conceito de uma Odontologia minimamente invasiva. Este artigo tem o objetivo de demonstrar, através de alguns procedimentos conservadores, a possibilidade de se obter resultados satisfatórios.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Na reabilitação protética com implantes, a reconstituição das características anatômicas do tecido peri-implantar é fundamental para a obtenção de uma estética ótima. Como os componentes metálicos não transmitem a luz, fazem com que os pacientes com fenótipos gengivais finos apresentem uma coloração escurecida, resultante da limitação estética desses componentes. Pilares cerâmicos (alumina ou zircônia) têm sido utilizados para resolver esse problema, os quais possibilitam a complementação com próteses metal free. A indústria fornece, para alguns sistemas, componentes pré-fabricados cerâmicos a serem personalizados por desgastes e componentes personalizados confeccionados com sistemas CAD/CAM e CAD/MAN. Tendo em vista as limitações de algumas das conexões desses componentes, o objetivo desse estudo é apresentar a técnica laboratorial para confecção de um pilar personalizado cerâmico realizado sobre pilar UCLA de sobrefundição. Concluiu-se que a utilização da cerâmica feldspática proporciona ótima estética, boa transparência, resistência mecânica, baixo custo, melhor capacidade adesiva, com utilização de cimentos resinosos, e, principalmente, técnica de amplo domínio dos laboratórios.


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Introdução: a perda da dimensão vertical de oclusão (DVO) é resultada de um grande desequilíbrio oclusal, onde não apenas a perda dos dentes pode ser o fator responsável, mas também as parafunções, entre elas, o bruxismo. O restabelecimento da relação maxilomandibular é condição necessária para que uma adequada reabilitação bucal seja executada, devolvendo, assim, função e estética perdidas. Objetivo: descrever um caso clínico de reabilitação em paciente bruxista, com presença de desgastes dentários, desgastes de tratamentos restauradores previamente existentes, fratura de onlay e bordas incisais, restabelecendo uma nova DVO por meio de onlays posteriores em cerômeros, recuperando a estética com restaurações diretas em resinas compostas nos dentes anteriores. Conclusões: a reabilitação bucal com levante de mordida em onlays devolve a DVO perdida de maneira segura.


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The knowledge of risk of carried during pregnant is essential for an appropriate treatment using educational and preventives actions to mother for a good care of their oral health and that of children. The main objective of present retrospective study was to identify the risk of caries of pregnants (aged 15-44, mean= 25 years) came to clinic of Preventive Odontology of Araraquara-UNSEP from 1999 to 2007, using 166 medical records obtained by the third pregraduate year students, following the pre-established guidelines. The information collected includes: classification of caries risk diagnosis, pregnancy trimester, carbohydrates ingestion (between or during foods), dental plaques (O'Leary's plaque control registry) and the number of teeth with caries. The statistical analysis used the Chi2 and ANOVA tests. Most of patients showed a 25 % or more of teeth surfaces with dental plaques (92.1 %) and carbohydrates consumption among foods (89.2 %). The mean (SD) of carried and restores teeth was of 7.9 (5.1) and 4.0 (3.4), respectively and the posterior teeth were the more involved by caries/restorations. As regards the diagnosis of caries risk, classification of high risk was observed in the 38.5 % of pregnants, moderate in the 47.6 %) and low in the 13.9 %. There was a statistically significant association (p= 0.001) between the carbohydrates consumption and the diagnosis of caries risk. The plaque's rate was similar in the different trimesters of pregnancy (f= 0.223; p= 0.803). The caries risk of most pregnant women was high or moderate and it was associated with the consumption of carbohydrates.


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Introduction: Despite tooth avulsion following trauma being relatively common in children, the available studies show that adults have limited knowledge about it. Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess, by a questionnaire, the mothers’ general knowledge about the immediate management of tooth avulsion. Material and method: This descriptive study was carried out on a convenient sample of mothers (n= 65) who participated of the “Pastoral da Criança”, from Araraquara, SP, Brazil. The questionnaire comprised 15 questions about personal data and knowledge on tooth avulsion management. Results: Participants were, on average, 35 years old. A total of 30.8% of the mothers reported that their children suffered dental trauma. The majority had never received advice on this subject (76.9%); and did not know how teeth are kept in the dental arch (69.2%). Almost a half of the sample believed that an avulsed tooth can be replanted (49.2%). In relation to the management of tooth avulsion, 40% of them would clean the avulsed tooth with water, even if it was not dirty (38.5%). Most of them (69.2%) would take the tooth by hand for cleaning purposes, regardless the tooth region; and believed that brushing the tooth was important to take the dirty out (67.7%). Conclusion: The general knowledge of mothers about the immediate management of tooth avulsion was considered inadequate endangering the successful treatment of tooth avulsion.