829 resultados para Employee’s commitment
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Includes bibliography.
An important tool for organizational change is the standardization of procedures for developing standards so that companies have greater control, thus providing a broad view of their processes and needs. This paper presents and analyzes a model of standard processes developed by the bakeries in PROPAN (Support Programme Bakery), detailing each stage of deployment to evaluate both its benefits for companies and employees and its shortcomings, to make proposals for improvements. Five bakeries were selected for this multi-case study, whose methodology consists of qualitative research using semi-structured interviews, on-site observations and document analysis. The main positive points of the model are the possibility of standardized recipes and procedures, a large decrease in wasted raw material and a significant increase in worker productivity. The main challenges are the lack of employee and owner commitment to the project, the lack of materials needed for deployment and the resistance of employees to change.
In 2010 two retailers signed an association agreement to gain an advantage in the market, however this association has promoted many changes within the companies. So this study had the objective to analyze the organizational climate, in the integration of companies context, in order to early detect deficiencies that could pose risks to the process of integration. The results collected from the questionnaires revealed the perceptions and expectations of employees regarding the integration of companies and their level of satisfaction with the organization, in addition, the data obtained from interviews allowed us to understand and to find some causes to the level of satisfaction presented by employees. The results made possible to identify strengths as the company‟s image, points of failure in communication and training and dissatisfaction with the workload, then some actions were suggested with the intention to achieve greater engagement and commitment of employees and consequently contribute to the success of the Integration Program. The conclusion of this study is that the changes promoted by the integration of companies impacted in the organizational climate and increased employees dissatisfaction
Background There are limited studies on the prevalence and risk factors associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Objective Identify the prevalence and risk factors for HCV infection in university employees of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods Digital serological tests for anti-HCV have been performed in 3153 volunteers. For the application of digital testing was necessary to withdraw a drop of blood through a needlestick. The positive cases were performed for genotyping and RNA. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test were used, with P-value <0.05 indicating statistical significance. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were also used. Results Prevalence of anti-HCV was 0.7%. The risk factors associated with HCV infection were: age >40 years, blood transfusion, injectable drugs, inhalable drugs (InDU), injectable Gluconergam®, glass syringes, tattoos, hemodialysis and sexual promiscuity. Age (P=0.01, OR 5.6, CI 1.4 to 22.8), InDU (P<0.0001, OR=96.8, CI 24.1 to 388.2), Gluconergam® (P=0.0009, OR=44.4, CI 4.7 to 412.7) and hemodialysis (P=0.0004, OR=90.1, CI 7.5 – 407.1) were independent predictors. Spatial analysis of the prevalence with socioeconomic indices, Gross Domestic Product and Human Development Index by the geoprocessing technique showed no positive correlation. Conclusions The prevalence of HCV infection was 0.7%. The independent risk factors for HCV infection were age, InDU, Gluconergan® and hemodialysis. There was no spatial correlation of HCV prevalence with local economic factors.
Keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KCOT) previously known as odontogenic keratocyst was recently classified as a benign lesion characterized by an infiltrating pattern, local aggressiveness with the propensity to recurrence. It is thought to arise from the dental lamina. Pain is usually not associated with KCOT until swelling occurs, and it commonly affects the posterior mandible. Multiple KCOT are associated with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. This study reports an aggressive case of KCOT with destruction of the osseous tissue of the mandible, accentuated face asymmetry, dysphagia and dysphonia. It was managed with a defined protocol which entailed diagnosis, treatment with enucleation along with peripheral ostectomy and rehabilitation. A long-term follow-up schedule was provided to the patient to observe the recurrence behaviour of this cyst. In postoperative phase, no complication was noticed regarding wound healing and recurrence.
The Brazilian banking sector has undergone an intense restructuring process and taken a leading position in the incorporation of new technologies and organizational innovations. Computerization in the industry, in association with forms of work organization, has resulted in changes that reflect on the workers' health. Based on the theoretical and methodological frameworks of historical and dialectical materialism, this qualitative study investigates the work conditions of bank employees in order to identify the extent to which changes in work organization interfere with these workers' health. Data were collected through interviews held with 11 bank employees. In addition to physical sickening due to occupational diseases directly related to work intensification, the results also show an increased incidence of mental suffering and a feeling of loss of professional identity. Work-related frustration, instability and concerns related to psychological pressure resulting from the need to achieve goals predominated in the reports.
Das Ehrenamt hat sowohl in der Forschung als auch in der Politik seit Ende der 1980er Jahre zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Durch ökonomische und soziale Veränderungen, insbesondere die Reduktion staatlicher Leistungen, rückten Wohlfahrts- und Interessenverbände, Bürger- und Umweltinitiativen, Stiftungen und nichtstaatliche Organisationen verstärkt ins öffentliche Interesse. Damit einher ging die Diskussion um freiwillige, unentgeltliche Tätigkeit und die Personen, die diese Tätigkeiten ausüben. Offensichtlich sind nicht alle Menschen bereit, sich ehrenamtlich zu engagieren. Je nach Datenmaterial wird von einer bürgerschaftlichen Beteiligung am ehrenamtlichen Engagement zwischen 13% und 38% ausgegangen (vgl. Rauschenbach 1999: 400). Deshalb stellt sich neben Fragen nach der Funktion des Ehrenamts für die Ausgestaltung der modernen Gesellschaft und der Stabilisationsfunktion für Non-Profit-Organisationen u.a. auch die Frage danach, wie Bürgerinnen und Bürger für ehrenamtliche Dienste rekrutiert werden können. Es interessieren die Gründe dafür, dass sich manche Menschen freiwillig engagieren, während dies andere nicht tun. In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll das Augenmerk auf Personen gerichtet werden, die bereits freiwillig und unentgeltlich tätig sind. Dies schließt auch jene ein, die sich als Freigestellte in den entsprechenden Organisationen engagieren. Gefragt wird nach der Bedingung für die Motivation freiwillig tätiger Menschen, ihr Engagement aufrechtzuerhalten. Die langfristige Bindung Ehrenamtlicher an die Organisation steht damit im Vordergrund. Hiermit wird ein Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Aufrechterhaltung der Effizienzfähigkeit von Freiwilligenorganisationen geleistet, deren Ziel- und Zweckerreichung, so die These, durch die Motivation der Mitglieder maßgeblich getragen wird. Arbeits- und organisationstheoretische Arbeiten messen der Zufriedenheit von Personen dabei entscheidende Bedeutung zu. Die Besonderheit dieser Arbeit liegt in der Auseinandersetzung damit, Ansätze, die in der Forschung auf die Motivation von Angestellten in Unternehmen angewendet werden, auf die Motivation ehrenamtlich Tätiger theoretisch zu übertragen und diese Übertragung empirisch zu überprüfen. Am Beispiel des THW soll untersucht werden, ob die Motivation ehrenamtlicher Mitglieder von der Zufriedenheit mit dem Engagement abhängt.
Several studies have documented women's use of vaginal practices in South Africa to enhance their desirability to men. This article describes a little known practice of this kind among women in KwaZulu-Natal. It involves the use of small incisions in the genital area (and often abdomen and breasts) to introduce herbal substances, described as love medicines, into the body through the incisions. In-depth interviews were carried out with 20 key informants and 20 women, and eight focus group discussions with women and men, in a rural and urban site in 2005-06. A province-wide household survey was then conducted using a multi-stage cluster sample design among 867 women aged 18-60. Forty-two per cent of the women in the household survey had heard of genital incisions; only 3% had actually used them. The main motivation was the enhancement of sexual attractiveness and long-term partner commitment. It appears to be a very recent practice, but may be an extension of an older healing practice not involving the genitals. It was most prevalent among rural women aged 24-29 (although not significant), those with less education, and those who suspected their partners of having other partners. It is linked to the modern popularity of love medicines, which in turn illustrates the troubling state of gender relations in KwaZulu-Natal today.