993 resultados para Educational Guidance


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This study has investigated the medium to long term costs to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of the preservation of research data and developed guidance to HEFCE and institutions on these issues. It has provided an essential methodological foundation on research data costs for the forthcoming HEFCE-sponsored feasibility study for a UK Research Data Service.It will also assist HEIs and funding bodies wishing to establish strategies and TRAC costings for long-term data management and archiving. The rising tide of digital research data raises issues relating to access, curation and preservation for HEIs and within the UK a growing number of research funders are now implementing policies requiring researchers to submit data management, preservation or data sharing plans with their funding applications.


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The principal purpose of this document is to assist programme teams throughout the development process when they are considering the development or review of a route through the award where it will be delivered wholly, or primarily, via online distance learning. Please note that this document is current as of Sept 2015 but it is considered to be an evolving document and is updated/tweaked from time to time.


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Coastal Change Analysis Programl (C-CAP) is developing a nationally standardized database on landcover and habitat change in the coastal regions of the United States. C-CAP is part of the Estuarine Habitat Program (EHP) of NOAA's Coastal Ocean Program (COP). C-CAP inventories coastal submersed habitats, wetland habitats, and adjacent uplands and monitors changes in these habitats on a one- to five-year cycle. This type of information and frequency of detection are required to improve scientific understanding of the linkages of coastal and submersed wetland habitats with adjacent uplands and with the distribution, abundance, and health of living marine resources. The monitoring cycle will vary according to the rate and magnitude of change in each geographic region. Satellite imagery (primarily Landsat Thematic Mapper), aerial photography, and field data are interpreted, classified, analyzed, and integrated with other digital data in a geographic information system (GIS). The resulting landcover change databases are disseminated in digital form for use by anyone wishing to conduct geographic analysis in the completed regions. C-CAP spatial information on coastal change will be input to EHP conceptual and predictive models to support coastal resource policy planning and analysis. CCAP products will include 1) spatially registered digital databases and images, 2) tabular summaries by state, county, and hydrologic unit, and 3) documentation. Aggregations to larger areas (representing habitats, wildlife refuges, or management districts) will be provided on a case-by-case basis. Ongoing C-CAP research will continue to explore techniques for remote determination of biomass, productivity, and functional status of wetlands and will evaluate new technologies (e.g. remote sensor systems, global positioning systems, image processing algorithms) as they become available. Selected hardcopy land-cover change maps will be produced at local (1:24,000) to regional scales (1:500,000) for distribution. Digital land-cover change data will be provided to users for the cost of reproduction. Much of the guidance contained in this document was developed through a series of professional workshops and interagency meetings that focused on a) coastal wetlands and uplands; b) coastal submersed habitat including aquatic beds; c) user needs; d) regional issues; e) classification schemes; f) change detection techniques; and g) data quality. Invited participants included technical and regional experts and representatives of key State and Federal organizations. Coastal habitat managers and researchers were given an opportunity for review and comment. This document summarizes C-CAP protocols and procedures that are to be used by scientists throughout the United States to develop consistent and reliable coastal change information for input to the C-CAP nationwide database. It also provides useful guidelines for contributors working on related projects. It is considered a working document subject to periodic review and revision.(PDF file contains 104 pages.)


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In recent years, participatory approaches have been incorporated in decision-making processes as a way to strengthen the bonds between diverse areas of knowledge and social actors in natural resources management and environmental governance. Despite the favourable context, this paradigm shift is still in an early stage within the development of the Natura 2000 in the European Union, the largest network of protected areas in the world. To enhance the full scope of participatory approaches in this context, this article: (i) briefly reviews the role of participatory approaches in environmental governance, (ii) develops a common framework to evaluate such participatory processes in protected area management, (iii) applies this framework to a real case study, and (iv) based on the lessons learned, provides guidance to improve the future governance of Natura 2000 sites.


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The South Carolina Coastal Information Network (SCCIN) emerged as a result of a number of coastal outreach institutions working in partnership to enhance coordination of the coastal community outreach efforts in South Carolina. This organized effort, led by the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium and its Extension Program, includes partners from federal and state agencies, regional government agencies, and private organizations seeking to coordinate and/or jointly deliver outreach programs that target coastal community constituents. The Network was officially formed in 2006 with the original intention of fostering intra-and inter- agency communication, coordination, and cooperation. Network partners include the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium, S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control – Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management and Bureau of Water, S.C. Department of Natural Resources – ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve, North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service and Carolina Clear, Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments, Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments, Urban Land Institute of South Carolina, S.C. Department of Archives and History, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Coastal Services Center and Hollings Marine Laboratory, Michaux Conservancy, Ashley-Cooper Stormwater Education Consortium, the Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium, the S.C. Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council, and the Lowcountry Council of Governments. (PDF contains 3 pages)


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The notes for guidance on preparation of research, research dissertations and scientific papers are meant to assist researchers on how to achieve a successful presentation, writing a technical report or research paper. This comprises some simple rules that have helped many inexperienced writers to get started, and have also helped more experienced writers to get out of a hopeless tangle of observations and inferences. (PDF contains 65 pages)


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The low-thrust guidance problem is defined as the minimum terminal variance (MTV) control of a space vehicle subjected to random perturbations of its trajectory. To accomplish this control task, only bounded thrust level and thrust angle deviations are allowed, and these must be calculated based solely on the information gained from noisy, partial observations of the state. In order to establish the validity of various approximations, the problem is first investigated under the idealized conditions of perfect state information and negligible dynamic errors. To check each approximate model, an algorithm is developed to facilitate the computation of the open loop trajectories for the nonlinear bang-bang system. Using the results of this phase in conjunction with the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as a model for the random inputs to the system, the MTV guidance problem is reformulated as a stochastic, bang-bang, optimal control problem. Since a complete analytic solution seems to be unattainable, asymptotic solutions are developed by numerical methods. However, it is shown analytically that a Kalman filter in cascade with an appropriate nonlinear MTV controller is an optimal configuration. The resulting system is simulated using the Monte Carlo technique and is compared to other guidance schemes of current interest.


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Esta dissertação se insere no estudo de políticas de currículo em múltiplos contextos educacionais, com base na abordagem teórico-metodológica do ciclo de políticas de Stephen Ball, na forma como interpretado para o campo do Currículo por Lopes e Macedo. Essa análise é subsidiada também pela concepção de comunidade disciplinar de Ivor Goodson e pela teoria do discurso de Ernesto Laclau. O objeto desta pesquisa é a investigação da produção de políticas curriculares pela comunidade disciplinar de ensino de Biologia. Para tanto, são analisados os principais documentos curriculares relacionados à Biologia no nível médio produzidos em âmbito federal os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (PCNEm), as Orientações Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (PCN+) e as Orientações Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (OCNEM). Igualmente buscando entender o processo de produção da política, foram realizadas entrevistas com professores e pesquisadores reconhecidos nessa comunidade disciplinar que participaram da elaboração dos documentos curriculares supramencionados. Nessa análise, são identificadas demandas em disputa no âmbito dessa comunidade disciplinar assim como distanciamentos e aproximações entre esses documentos. Concluímos que mesmo em governos diferentes, representantes das comunidades disciplinares podem se manter atuantes no contexto de produção de textos das políticas e produzir sentidos e significados semelhantes nas políticas.


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O Ensino à distância (EaD) procura utilizar propostas pedagógicas para desenvolver sistemas inclusivos de ensino e aprendizagem. Estas propostas tem colaborado no sucesso que a EaD tem alcançado no meio empresarial corporativo. Neste meio, a demanda por cursos de formação técnica tem sido tão alta, que as empresas envolvidas no design instrucional de EaD criaram a noção de cursos à distância expressos, ou seja, cursos cuja a concepção e elaboração devem atender as tradicionais necessidades de rapidez do mercado de trabalho. Esta dissertação procura soluções para um tipo de ensino à distância ainda pouco explorado. O cenário que procuramos equacionar é o do ensino de ferramentas (softwares) para desenho vetorial, onde a metodologia de ensino é parte do processo de ensino corporativo. No processo atual de ensino de ferramentas de computação gráfica, o aluno submete ao professor, normalmente pela internet, o seu trabalho para que uma avaliação seja feita. Nesta dissertação sugerimos que este processo seja modificado de duas formas. Primeiro, no design instrucional para esta situação, trabalhamos constantemente a questão de avaliação não só na sua forma tradicional (atribuição de graus e valores) mas também como aperfeiçoamento do processo de ensino. A hipermídia adaptativa entra nesta proposta como facilitador da relação alunoprofessor-conhecimento, permitindo individualização de um ensino voltado para as massas. Em segundo lugar, propomos que a avaliação das tarefas sejam automatizada. O aluno oferece as partes (objetos) da solução que são avaliadas individualmente através de algoritmos computacionais. Isto permite uma menor participação do professor, o que é compatível com a proposta de cursos expressos. Para que isto seja possível a tarefa proposta pelo professor é dividida em objetos componentes, sendo o aluno estimulado a criar cada objeto segundo o modelo padrão oferecido. A comparaçào de cada objeto criado pelo aluno com o padrão a ser alcançado pode ser feita por diversos algoritmos computacionais existentes ou criados especificamente pelo autor do curso. Neste trabalho apresentamos exemplos desta abordagem e um protótipo que demonstra a viabilidade da proposta.