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El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio de la libertad de conciencia y el derecho de los pacientes a decidir al final de su vida, principalmente, a través del análisis de la eutanasia en su distinción entre eutanasia activa directa, eutanasia activa indirecta y eutanasia pasiva, y el respectivo tratamiento que reciben dichas modalidades en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico.


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[ES] En este artículo hago un estudio lingüístico del habla que presenta el texto que llamaré « de Estibaliz Sasiola », escrito probablemente a fines del siglo XVI. Estibaliz de Sasiola parece ser la autora o recopiladora de un texto breve, escrito en verso, que se encuentra hacia el final del manuscrito de Joan Perez de Lazarraga. En el estudio del texto que nos ocupa comparo el euskera que pudiéramos atribuir a Sasiola con el de la parte más importante del manuscrito, que identificaríamos con el habla de Lazarraga. De la comparación de un buen número de características en los dos textos, llego a la conclusión de que el euskera del texto de Sasiola es significativamente distinto del habla de la mayor parte del manuscrito de Lazarraga. En el epílogo a este artículo hago una breve reflexión sobre el posible origen del euskera del texto de Sasiola. Una primera respuesta defendería que ese texto pudiera provenir de otra zona de Álava distinta a la de Lazarraga ; seguramente de más al este. Sin embargo, creo que hay varios tipos de evidencia para primar la hipótesis de que tanto Estibaliz Sasiola como el texto que nos ocupa fueran originarios de la Gipuzkoa noroccidental, seguramente de la zona de Deba.


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Solomon Islands has recently developed substantial policy aiming to support inshore fisheries management, conservation, climate change adaptation and ecosystem approaches to resource management. A large body of experience in community based approaches to management has developed but “upscaling” and particularly the implementation of nation-wide approaches has received little attention so far. With the emerging challenges posed by climate change and the need for ecosystem wide and integrated approaches attracting serious donor attention, a national debate on the most effective approaches to implementation is urgently needed. This report discusses potential implementation of “a cost-effective and integrated approach to resource management that is consistent with national policy and needs” based on a review of current policy and institutional structures and examination of a recent case study from Lau, Malaita using stakeholder, transaction and financial cost analyses.


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The overall objective of the project is the reduction of poverty in rural areas of Solomon Islands through creation of livelihoods based on sustainable aquaculture. This fits within the over-arching goals of the WorldFish Center in the Pacific to reduce poverty and hunger in rural communities, and with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to stimulate rural development and to develop aquaculture. It has been recognised that the nature of the pearl farming industry means that a high chance of success requires a long term investment from an established pearl farming organisation. This project has been specifically designed to compile the elements of a pre-feasibility study to provide offshore pearl companies with sufficient information to investigate the potential for long-term investment in pearl farming in Solomon Islands. This report also includes the following 6 appendices: Appendix I) Past research and development on black-lip pearl oysters in Solomon Islands; Appendix II) Suitability of habitats in the Solomon Islands and other regions of the Pacific for growth of black-lip and silver-lip pearl oysters; Appendix III) Water temperature and cyclone frequency in the Solomon Islands and other key regions of the Pacific: implications for pearl farming; Appendix IV) Abundance, size structure and quality of silver-lip pearl oysters in Solomon Islands; Appendix V) Solomon Islands: the investment climate for pearl farming; Appendix VI) Pearl farming policy and management guidelines.


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Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas


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A dissertação busca demonstrar como o final do século XVIII português foi marcado por tentativas de estabelecimento de programas de reformas pautadas em estratégias reformistas, no sentido de salvar Portugal da difícil situação social, política econômica em que o mesmo se encontrava. Nesse sentido, destaca a administração de D. Rodrigo de Souza Coutinho, ministro da marinha e do ultramar e teórico da Ilustração luso-brasileira, que teve como proposta manter e explorar a América portuguesa, baseado no mercantilismo ilustrado. A dissertação destaca, ainda, o papel da Academia Real das Ciências de Lisboa, reduto da intelectualidade luso-brasileira, cujo auxílio permitiu que fosse colocada em prática uma exploração renovada e útil das riquezas do Brasil, calcada no ideal de reforma das Luzes.


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El cáncer se ha considerado una enfermedad definida y dirigida por la inestabilidad genómica, las alteraciones cromosómicas y las mutaciones genéticas. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, la influencia de las células estromales no malignas del microambiente tumoral está claramente establecida. Los tumores son tejidos complejos, compuestos no sólo por las células malignas, sino también, por células estromales genéticamente estables, incluyendo a fibroblastos y macrófagos además de la matriz extracelular que producen. Al igual que en órganos sanos, estos compartimentos del microambiente no son meros espectadores, sino que regulan críticamente la iniciación tumoral, la progresión maligna y la metástasis. Más aún, los diferentes tipos estromales en diferentes contextos pueden exhibir capacidades promotoras u opuestas al tumor.


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Neste trabalho, será considerado um problema de controle ótimo quadrático para a equação do calor em domínios retangulares com condição de fronteira do tipo Dirichlet é nos quais, a função de controle (dependente apenas no tempo) constitui um termo de fonte. Uma caracterização da solução ótima é obtida na forma de uma equação linear em um espaço de funções reais definidas no intervalo de tempo considerado. Em seguida, utiliza-se uma sequência de projeções em subespaços de dimensão finita para obter aproximações para o controle ótimo, o cada uma das quais pode ser gerada por um sistema linear de dimensão finita. A sequência de soluções aproximadas assim obtidas converge para a solução ótima do problema original. Finalmente, são apresentados resultados numéricos para domínios espaciais de dimensão 1.


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O ozônio é um poluente secundário formado pela presença de poluentes atmosféricos primários e secundários formados a partir de uma sequência de reações entre o dióxido de nitrogênio e de compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV). No grupo de compostos orgânicos voláteis estão os aldeídos e os BTEX. Os COVS são emitidos, no Rio de Janeiro, principalmente por veículos automotores. O presente estudo realizou então coletas de aldeídos e BTEX no período de 2013. Além disso, com dados de 2012 e 2013 de poluentes de uma rede automática de monitoramento analisou o possível efeito fim de semana existente na região. O efeito fim de semana é caracterizado por altas concentrações de ozônio no final de semana mesmo com a redução da frota das emissões de NOx e COVs neste período.


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This is the report on the Leven estuary project: Fisheries Department final report produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1997. This report contains information about Leven estuary, river Leven catchment, river Crake catchment and the Ulverston Discharges. The Leven estuary is characterised by being very shallow, and shares the extremely variable tides and currents that characterize the whole of Morecambe Bay. There was little detailed knowledge of the impact on the Leven estuary, and particularly its fisheries, of the discharges from Ulverston. There has been some concern expressed by the lave netsmen and the general public about the possible harmful effects of the effluents on the biology of the estuary. In the absence of a definite strategy for the protection and management of the estuary was born this project. The project involves water quality monitoring, effluent and estuary toxicity testing, tracking of effluent plumes, and salmonid tagging and tracking. The entire project commenced in June 1995 and was expected to reach a conclusion in March 1997. The information gained from the project was expected to contribute to the creation of a 'mixing zone' for the effluent, and to improve the environmental management of the estuary and protection of its fishery.


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This is the River Leith fluvial audit: Final project report produced by Lancaster University in 1998. Freeze cores extracted from the upper and lower ends of River Leith illustrate that the bed is highly compacted in the downstream reach. Fine material is locally derived from bedrock at depths of only 32 cms into the bed and in one core fine material is 66% of the extracted core. Levels of fines that are believed to be detrimental to fish are put at 20 to 30%. Reduced flow and stream power from water abstraction may lead to a greater infiltration of fine material if gravels are not regularly flushed through with flood flows. Infiltration of fine material can lead to river bed compaction and concretion. A small abstraction may have no effect on the morphology of a river if the reduced discharge is within the normal range of flows experienced. However if the impact on flows is small it is still possible that fine sediment problems will develop progressively and the effects may not be noticed for several years.


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This is the River Eden RHS and geomorphology evaluation: Final report October 2001 produced by the Environment Agency North West in 2001. This report analysed the River Habitat Survey (RHS) and geomorphology data to evaluate the level of habitat quality and the geomorphological characteristics of the River Eden and sub-catchments. RHS data and geomorphological assessment data was collected within the study areas by CEH and Fluvial Environmental Services Ltd. The River Eden and its sub-catchments are being considered as a Special Area for Conservation (SAC) due to the presence of habitat types and species, which are rare or threatened within Europe. The purpose of the project is to provide an overview of the state of the catchment in terms of river habitats and geomorphological processes in order to aid the derivation of sound management for this proposed SAC.The aim of this report was to determine the state of the environment within the Eden and sub-catchments and identify the main pressures on the system in order to derive sound management options.


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This is the River Camel Salmon Action Plan Final document produced by the Environment Agency in 2002. This final Salmon Action Plan (SAP) for the River Camel catchment has been produced after consideration of feedback from external consultation. It provides a list of the agreed issues and actions for the next five years to maintain and improve the River Camel salmon stock. The actions presented within this Salmon Action Plan clarify the important issues and factors currently limiting the salmon stock on the river. The resolution of these issues should ensure that a sustainable salmon population will be maintained for future generations. An attempt has been made to cost these actions, identify possible sources of funding and to provide a timescale for action. This Action Plan aims to promote long term collaboration and co-operation between the Agency and other interested parties to effectively and efficiently manage the stock of salmon on the River Camel.


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This is the River Fowey Salmon Action Plan Final document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. This final Salmon Action Plan (SAP) for the River Fowey catchment has been produced after consideration of feedback from external consultation. It provides a list of the agreed issues and actions for the next five years to maintain and improve the River Fowey salmon stock. The actions presented within this final Salmon Action Plan clarify the important issues and factors currently limiting the salmon stock on the river. The resolution of these issues should ensure that a sustainable salmon population will be maintained for future generations. The main objective of the Fowey SAP therefore, is to maintain, improve and develop the Fowey salmon stocks to a sustainable level that, on the basis of historic catch records, the catchment can clearly support. Although the Fowey is passing its conservation limit, the consultees felt very strongly that there were two major factors limiting the salmon stock of the River Fowey- the overgrazing of Bodmin Moor and the use of the catchment for water supply by South West Water.