918 resultados para Dynamic Control Systems


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The BlackEnergy malware targeting critical infrastructures has a long history. It evolved over time from a simple DDoS platform to a quite sophisticated plug-in based malware. The plug-in architecture has a persistent malware core with easily installable attack specific modules for DDoS, spamming, info-stealing, remote access, boot-sector formatting etc. BlackEnergy has been involved in several high profile cyber physical attacks including the recent Ukraine power grid attack in December 2015. This paper investigates the evolution of BlackEnergy and its cyber attack capabilities. It presents a basic cyber attack model used by BlackEnergy for targeting industrial control systems. In particular, the paper analyzes cyber threats of BlackEnergy for synchrophasor based systems which are used for real-time control and monitoring functionalities in smart grid. Several BlackEnergy based attack scenarios have been investigated by exploiting the vulnerabilities in two widely used synchrophasor communication standards: (i) IEEE C37.118 and (ii) IEC 61850-90-5. Specifically, the paper addresses reconnaissance, DDoS, man-in-the-middle and replay/reflection attacks on IEEE C37.118 and IEC 61850-90-5. Further, the paper also investigates protection strategies for detection and prevention of BlackEnergy based cyber physical attacks.


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This work presents a computational, called MOMENTS, code developed to be used in process control to determine a characteristic transfer function to industrial units when radiotracer techniques were been applied to study the unit´s performance. The methodology is based on the measuring the residence time distribution function (RTD) and calculate the first and second temporal moments of the tracer data obtained by two scintillators detectors NaI positioned to register a complete tracer movement inside the unit. Non linear regression technique has been used to fit various mathematical models and a statistical test was used to select the best result to the transfer function. Using the code MOMENTS, twelve different models can be used to fit a curve and calculate technical parameters to the unit.


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This work presents a study about a the Baars-Franklin architecture, which defines a model of computational consciousness, and use it in a mobile robot navigation task. The insertion of mobile robots in dynamic environments carries a high complexity in navigation tasks, in order to deal with the constant environment changes, it is essential that the robot can adapt to this dynamism. The approach utilized in this work is to make the execution of these tasks closer to how human beings react to the same conditions by means of a model of computational consci-ousness. The LIDA architecture (Learning Intelligent Distribution Agent) is a cognitive system that seeks tomodel some of the human cognitive aspects, from low-level perceptions to decision making, as well as attention mechanism and episodic memory. In the present work, a computa-tional implementation of the LIDA architecture was evaluated by means of a case study, aiming to evaluate the capabilities of a cognitive approach to navigation of a mobile robot in dynamic and unknown environments, using experiments both with virtual environments (simulation) and a real robot in a realistic environment. This study concluded that it is possible to obtain benefits by using conscious cognitive models in mobile robot navigation tasks, presenting the positive and negative aspects of this approach.


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Embedded software systems in vehicles are of rapidly increasing commercial importance for the automotive industry. Current systems employ a static run-time environment; due to the difficulty and cost involved in the development of dynamic systems in a high-integrity embedded control context. A dynamic system, referring to the system configuration, would greatly increase the flexibility of the offered functionality and enable customised software configuration for individual vehicles, adding customer value through plug-and-play capability, and increased quality due to its inherent ability to adjust to changes in hardware and software. We envisage an automotive system containing a variety of components, from a multitude of organizations, not necessarily known at development time. The system dynamically adapts its configuration to suit the run-time system constraints. This paper presents our vision for future automotive control systems that will be regarded in an EU research project, referred to as DySCAS (Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive Systems). We propose a self-configuring vehicular control system architecture, with capabilities that include automatic discovery and inclusion of new devices, self-optimisation to best-use the processing, storage and communication resources available, self-diagnostics and ultimately self-healing. Such an architecture has benefits extending to reduced development and maintenance costs, improved passenger safety and comfort, and flexible owner customisation. Specifically, this paper addresses the following issues: The state of the art of embedded software systems in vehicles, emphasising the current limitations arising from fixed run-time configurations; and the benefits and challenges of dynamic configuration, giving rise to opportunities for self-healing, self-optimisation, and the automatic inclusion of users’ Consumer Electronic (CE) devices. Our proposal for a dynamically reconfigurable automotive software system platform is outlined and a typical use-case is presented as an example to exemplify the benefits of the envisioned dynamic capabilities.


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Com a proliferação das mídias, conectadas à rede mundial de computadores, tem-se expandido as oportunidades de expressão e criação de um público cada vez mais crescente. Este advento tecnológico, associado às características do sujeito pertencente ao conceito denominado modernidade líquida, vêm alterando gradualmente as relações sociais. A motivação deste trabalho advém da urgência em sinalizar ao contexto educativo, desde o ensino básico ao acadêmico, sobre as alterações ocorridas no perfil de seu público alvo, tornando-se necessária uma revisão nos métodos, para que esses venham acrescentar abordagens aos desafios emergentes. O primeiro objetivo, a partir do referencial teórico e estudo de caso, visa identificar as características do sujeito influenciado pelo consumismo midiático, apontando para as narrativas transmídia como influências advindas do mercado de consumo interativo, destacando, contudo o interesse pela arte da narrativa. O segundo objetivo, na mesma estrutura, procura destacar exemplos de metodologias que têm o contexto acadêmico como lócus de integração e diálogos entre áreas afins. Também, procura aproximar do contexto dos meios de comunicação transmidiáticas, em seus regimes de controle, recursos de consumo e processos formativos informais, advindos destas dinâmicas. O terceiro objetivo propõe reflexões sobre os resultados de uma proposta com dois grupos de pesquisa e os expectadores de uma instalação de arte digital intitulada E-Reflexos. A dinâmica permeou em integrar os estudantes e espectadores em mestiçagens, unindo abordagens metodológicas aos conhecimentos prévios, na criação de narrativas e jogos, onde os conceitos e reflexões, advindos deste trabalho, foram problematizados e avaliados. O quarto objetivo integra reflexões sobre os principais resultados dos objetivos acima, considerando que é possível ao contexto acadêmico mediar propostas que venham reverter o potencial narrador midiático emergente para o contexto cultural, destacando a relevância das áreas de Arte nesse processo formativo.


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Pressure management (PM) is commonly used in water distribution systems (WDSs). In the last decade, a strategic objective in the field has been the development of new scientific and technical methods for its implementation. However, due to a lack of systematic analysis of the results obtained in practical cases, progress has not always been reflected in practical actions. To address this problem, this paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the most innovative issues related to PM. The methodology proposed is based on a case-study comparison of qualitative concepts that involves published work from 140 sources. The results include a qualitative analysis covering four aspects: (1) the objectives yielded by PM; (2) types of regulation, including advanced control systems through electronic controllers; (3) new methods for designing districts; and (4) development of optimization models associated with PM. The evolution of the aforementioned four aspects is examined and discussed. Conclusions regarding the current status of each factor are drawn and proposals for future research outlined


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En 1991 Colombia presenció la promulgación de una nueva Carta Política que trajo consigo renovadoras esperanzas y generó expectativas muy altas. La presente investigación examina y analiza las transformaciones y limitaciones de los sistemas de control sobre la Hacienda Pública, propuestos por esta nueva Constitución. En este sentido, se caracteriza y se cuestiona el funcionamiento del nuevo sistema de control fiscal, del sistema de control político y finalmente del sistema de control económico y financiero. Los resultados de este trabajo son reflexiones a propósito de las fallas que han dilucidado estos sistemas desde su implementación, y fueron posibles gracias a la revisión sistemática de informes institucionales, documentos académicos y trabajo de campo con los funcionarios de las entidades a cargo del control.


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In this thesis, a thorough investigation on acoustic noise control systems for realistic automotive scenarios is presented. The thesis is organized in two parts dealing with the main topics treated: Active Noise Control (ANC) systems and Virtual Microphone Technique (VMT), respectively. The technology of ANC allows to increase the driver's/passenger's comfort and safety exploiting the principle of mitigating the disturbing acoustic noise by the superposition of a secondary sound wave of equal amplitude but opposite phase. Performance analyses of both FeedForwrd (FF) and FeedBack (FB) ANC systems, in experimental scenarios, are presented. Since, environmental vibration noises within a car cabin are time-varying, most of the ANC solutions are adaptive. However, in this work, an effective fixed FB ANC system is proposed. Various ANC schemes are considered and compared with each other. In order to find the best possible ANC configuration which optimizes the performance in terms of disturbing noise attenuation, a thorough research of \gls{KPI}, system parameters and experimental setups design, is carried out. In the second part of this thesis, VMT, based on the estimation of specific acoustic channels, is investigated with the aim of generating a quiet acoustic zone around a confined area, e.g., the driver's ears. Performance analysis and comparison of various estimation approaches is presented. Several measurement campaigns were performed in order to acquire a sufficient duration and number of microphone signals in a significant variety of driving scenarios and employed cars. To do this, different experimental setups were designed and their performance compared. Design guidelines are given to obtain good trade-off between accuracy performance and equipment costs. Finally, a preliminary analysis with an innovative approach based on Neural Networks (NNs) to improve the current state of the art in microphone virtualization is proposed.


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The topic of this thesis is the design and the implementation of mathematical models and control system algorithms for rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles to be used in cooperative scenarios. The use of rotorcrafts has many attractive advantages, since these vehicles have the capability to take-off and land vertically, to hover and to move backward and laterally. Rotary-wing aircraft missions require precise control characteristics due to their unstable and heavy coupling aspects. As a matter of fact, flight test is the most accurate way to evaluate flying qualities and to test control systems. However, it may be very expensive and/or not feasible in case of early stage design and prototyping. A good compromise is made by a preliminary assessment performed by means of simulations and a reduced flight testing campaign. Consequently, having an analytical framework represents an important stage for simulations and control algorithm design. In this work mathematical models for various helicopter configurations are implemented. Different flight control techniques for helicopters are presented with theoretical background and tested via simulations and experimental flight tests on a small-scale unmanned helicopter. The same platform is used also in a cooperative scenario with a rover. Control strategies, algorithms and their implementation to perform missions are presented for two main scenarios. One of the main contributions of this thesis is to propose a suitable control system made by a classical PID baseline controller augmented with L1 adaptive contribution. In addition a complete analytical framework and the study of the dynamics and the stability of a synch-rotor are provided. At last, the implementation of cooperative control strategies for two main scenarios that include a small-scale unmanned helicopter and a rover.


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This work deals with the development of calibration procedures and control systems to improve the performance and efficiency of modern spark ignition turbocharged engines. The algorithms developed are used to optimize and manage the spark advance and the air-to-fuel ratio to control the knock and the exhaust gas temperature at the turbine inlet. The described work falls within the activity that the research group started in the previous years with the industrial partner Ferrari S.p.a. . The first chapter deals with the development of a control-oriented engine simulator based on a neural network approach, with which the main combustion indexes can be simulated. The second chapter deals with the development of a procedure to calibrate offline the spark advance and the air-to-fuel ratio to run the engine under knock-limited conditions and with the maximum admissible exhaust gas temperature at the turbine inlet. This procedure is then converted into a model-based control system and validated with a Software in the Loop approach using the engine simulator developed in the first chapter. Finally, it is implemented in a rapid control prototyping hardware to manage the combustion in steady-state and transient operating conditions at the test bench. The third chapter deals with the study of an innovative and cheap sensor for the in-cylinder pressure measurement, which is a piezoelectric washer that can be installed between the spark plug and the engine head. The signal generated by this kind of sensor is studied, developing a specific algorithm to adjust the value of the knock index in real-time. Finally, with the engine simulator developed in the first chapter, it is demonstrated that the innovative sensor can be coupled with the control system described in the second chapter and that the performance obtained could be the same reachable with the standard in-cylinder pressure sensors.


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Sound radiators based on forced vibrations of plates are becoming widely employed, mainly for active sound enhancement and noise cancelling systems, both in music and automotive environment. Active sound enhancement solutions based on electromagnetic shakers hence find increasing interest. Mostly diffused applications deal with active noise control (ANC) and active vibration control systems for improving the acoustic experience inside or outside the vehicle. This requires investigating vibrational and, consequently, vibro-acoustic characteristics of vehicles. Therefore, simulation and processing methods capable of reducing the calculation time and providing high-accuracy results, are strongly demanded. In this work, an ideal case study on rectangular plates in fully clamped conditions preceded a real case analysis on vehicle panels. The sound radiation generated by a vibrating flat or shallow surface can be calculated by means of Rayleigh’s integral. The analytical solution of the problem is here calculated implementing the equations in MATLAB. Then, the results are compared with a numerical model developed in COMSOL Multiphysics, employing Finite Element Method (FEM). A very good matching between analytical and numerical solutions is shown, thus the cross validation of the two methods is achieved. The shift to the real case study, on a McLaren super car, led to the development of a mixed analytical-numerical method. Optimum results were obtained with mini shakers excitement, showing good matching of the recorded SPL with the calculated one over all the selected frequency band. In addition, a set of directivity measurements of the hood were realized, to start studying the spatiality of sound, which is fundamental to active noise control systems.


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In the field of Power Electronics, several types of motor control systems have been developed using STM microcontroller and power boards. In both industrial power applications and domestic appliances, power electronic inverters are widely used. Inverters are used to control the torque, speed, and position of the rotor in AC motor drives. An inverter delivers constant-voltage and constant-frequency power in uninterruptible power sources. Because inverter power supplies have a high-power consumption and low transfer efficiency rate, a three-phase sine wave AC power supply was created using the embedded system STM32, which has low power consumption and efficient speed. It has the capacity of output frequency of 50 Hz and the RMS of line voltage. STM32 embedded based Inverter is a power supply that integrates, reduced, and optimized the power electronics application that require hardware system, software, and application solution, including power architecture, techniques, and tools, approaches capable of performance on devices and equipment. Power inverters are currently used and implemented in green energy power system with low energy system such as sensors or microcontroller to perform the operating function of motors and pumps. STM based power inverter is efficient, less cost and reliable. My thesis work was based on STM motor drives and control system which can be implemented in a gas analyser for operating the pumps and motors. It has been widely applied in various engineering sectors due to its ability to respond to adverse structural changes and improved structural reliability. The present research was designed to use STM Inverter board on low power MCU such as NUCLEO with some practical examples such as Blinking LED, and PWM. Then we have implemented a three phase Inverter model with Steval-IPM08B board, which converter single phase 230V AC input to three phase 380 V AC output, the output will be useful for operating the induction motor.


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Air quality in animal production environment has been refereed as an interesting point for studies in environmental control systems with the focus both to the animal health which live in total confinement, as to the workers. The objective of this research was to determine the variation on the aerial environmental quality in two types of broiler housing: conventional (Gc) and tunnel type (Gt). The total dust values in both houses offered adequate rearing conditions to the birds; however, regarding the inhale dust in the air was above the limits recommended for humans. Carbon monoxide concentration in the heating phase during the evaluated period was above the 10 ppm maximum recommended, and it was higher during the cold season in Gt house (30 ppm) when compared to the Gc house (18 ppm). Ammonia concentration peaks in the air were above the 20 ppm recommended from the 20th day of production in both houses and in daily average, for a period higher in Gt (4h30) when compared to Gt (2h45). Only traces of nitrate oxide and methane were found while carbonic dioxide gas concentration evaluated during daytime met the limits allowed for both birds and labor.


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Em função de suas condições de interface entre águas doces e salinas, desembocaduras estuarinas e lagunares constituem sistemas geomorfológicos altamente complexos e dinâmicos. Como conseqüência da variabilidade espacial e temporal dos fluxos de maré, o leito responde com uma grande variabilidade nas características morfológicas e sedimentares. Neste sentido, é possível relacionar diretamente a circulação de fundo e o transporte sedimentar com as feições submersas geradas. Perfis de ecossondagem, sonar de varredura lateral e sísmica de alta resolução, executados na desembocadura lagunar de Cananéia, revelaram a existência de uma dinâmica de fundo extremamente complexa, caracterizada por marcas onduladas e ondas de areia de alturas métricas. As maiores ondas de areia, localizadas em uma depressão na desembocadura lagunar, apresentam inversão de polaridade em sua assimetria, com a presença de ondas simétricas de grande tamanho no ponto de inversão. Este padrão morfológico não apresenta variação temporal em escala anual, sugerindo a persistência de um padrão de fluxos sobre o leito. Esta dinâmica revela, também, a constância de fluxos convergentes que aparentemente independem das condições de maré enchente ou vazante. Os resultados permitiram o estabelecimento de um primeiro modelo qualitativo de circulação de fundo na área, com aplicações potenciais na navegação e estudos de proteção da costa.


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This study assessed the effects of haptic information on the postural control systems of individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID), through the use of a nonrigid tool that we call the ""anchor system"" (e.g., ropes attached to graduated weights that rest on the floor). Eleven participants with ID were asked to stand, blindfolded, on a balance beam placed at two heights (10 and 20 cm), for 30 s, while using the anchor system at two weights. The lighter anchor weight appeared to improve the individuals' balance in contrast to a control task condition; therefore, we concluded that haptic sensitivity was more significant in helping to orient the body than was the anchor's mechanical support alone.