959 resultados para Drop
Wettability gradient surfaces play a significant role in control and manipulation of liquid drops. The present work deals with the analysis of water drops impacting onto the junction line between hydrophobic texture and hydrophilic smooth portions of a dual-textured substrate made using stainless steel material. The hydrophobic textured portion of the substrate comprised of unidirectional parallel groove-like and pillar-like structures of uniform dimensions. A high-speed video camera recorded the spreading and receding dynamics of impacting drops. The drop impact dynamics during the early inertia driven impact regime remains unaffected by the dual-texture feature of the substrate. A larger retraction speed of drop liquid observed on the hydrophobic portion of the substrate during the impact of low velocity drops makes the drop liquid on the higher wettability portion to advance further (secondary drop spreading). The net horizontal drop velocity towards the hydrophilic portion of the dual-textured substrate decreases with increasing drop impact velocity. The available experimental results suggest that the movement of bulk drop liquid away from the impact point during drop impact on the dual-textured substrate is larger for the impact of low inertia drops. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we describe a method for the optimum design of fiber rein forced composite laminates for strength by ranking. The software developed based on this method is capable of designing laminates for strength; which are subjected to inplane and/or bending loads and optionally hygrothermal loads. Symmetric laminates only are considered which are assumed to be made of repeated sublaminate construction. Various layup schemes are evaluated based on the laminated plate theory and quadratic failure cri terion for the given mechanical and hygrothermal loads. The optimum layup sequence in the sublaminate and the number of such sublaminates required are obtained. Further, a ply-drop round-off scheme is adopted to arrive at an optimum laminate thickness. As an example, a family of 0/90/45/ -45 bi-directional lamination schemes are examined for dif ferent types of loads and the gains in optimising the ply orientations in a sublaminate are demonstrated.
In Salmonella typhimurium, propionate is oxidized to pyruvate via the 2-methylcitric acid cycle. The last step of this cycle, the cleavage of 2-methylisocitrate to succinate and pyruvate, is catalysed by 2-methylisocitrate lyase (EC Methylisocitrate lyase (molecular weight 32 kDa) with a C-terminal polyhistidine affinity tag has been cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified and crystallized under different conditions using the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique. Crystals belong to the orthogonal space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 63.600, b = 100.670, c = 204.745 Angstrom. A complete data set to 2.5 Angstrom resolution has been collected using an image-plate detector system mounted on a rotating-anode X-ray generator.
A relatively stable specific complex of the chromatin core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 has been obtained in 2 M NaCl/25 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The histone core complex has an apparent specific volume of 0.73 ml/g. Its sedimentation coefficient was dependent on rotor speed (angular velocity, omega) and attained different stable values at low and high rotor speeds. The drop in sedimentation coefficient occurred sharply between omega 2 values of about 9 x 10(6) and 1.1 x 10(7) (radians/sec)2. The s020,w corresponding to zero angular velocity (1 atmosphere pressure) was 6.6 S +/- (SEM) 0.1 S. At high rotor speeds the value decreased to 3.8 S +/- 0.1 S. The core complex has a diffusion coefficient, D20,w, of 5.4 x 10(-7) cm2/sec and a molecular weight of 108,000 +/- (SD) 2500.
A detailed experimental and simulation study has been carried out in the present work to understand drop breakup in regions around the edge of the Rushton turbine in agitated vessels. The effect of impeller speed, impeller size, interfacial tension, and the viscosities of the two phases is studied on drop breakup through their effect on dmax, the size of the largest drop in the system, and the whole size distribution. The measurements were carried out using Galai particle size analyser and optical microscope. Experimental analysis shows that the dmax, maximum stable drop diameter varies with impeller tip velocity to the power -1. The variation of dmax with interfacial tension is studied using different surfactants. The effect of viscosity ratio, achieved by changing the dispersed phase viscosity, on dmax is captured. For the same dmax values obtained from two different dispersed phases show that the wider drop size distribution is observed for higher dispersed phase viscosity.
The various existing models for predicting the maximum stable drop diameterd max in turbulent stirred dispersions have been reviewed. Variations in the basic framework dictated by additional complexities such as the presence of drag reducing agents in the continuous phase, or viscoelasticity of the dispersed phase have been outlined. Drop breakage in the presence of surfactants in the continuous phase has also been analysed. Finally, the various approaches to obtaining expressions for the breakage and coalescence frequencies, needed to solve the population balance equation for the number density function of the dispersed phase droplets, have been discussed.
A model of drop breakage in turbulent stirred dispersions based on interaction of a drop with eddies of a length scale smaller than the drop diameter has been developed. It predicts that, unlike the equal breakage assumed by earlier models, a large drop reduces in size due to stripping of smaller segments off it through unequal breakage. It is only when the drop nears the value of the maximum stable drop diameter that it breaks into equal parts. This new model of drop breakage, coupled with the pattern of interaction of drops with eddies of different sizes existing in the vessel, has been used to evaluate not only the breakage frequency, but also the size distribution of the daughter droplets(which was hitherto assumed). The model has been incorporated in the population balance equation and the resulting cumulative size distributions compared with those availble in the literature.
We report here the results of a series of careful experiments in turbulent channel flow, using various configurations of blade manipulators suggested as optimal in earlier boundary layer studies. The mass flow in the channel could be held constant to better than 0.1%, and the uncertainties in pressure loss measurements were less than 0.1 mm of water; it was therefore possible to make accurate estimates of the global effects of blade manipulation of a kind that are difficult in boundary layer flows. The flow was fully developed at the station where the blades were mounted, and always relaxed to the same state sufficiently far downstream. It is found that, for a given mass flow, the pressure drop to any station downstream is always higher in the manipulated than in the unmanipulated flow, demonstrating that none of the blade manipulators tried reduces net duct losses. However the net increase in duct losses is less than the drag of the blade even in laminar flow, showing that there is a net reduction in the total skin friction drag experienced by the duct, but this relief is only about 20% of the manipulator drag at most.
A model for coalescence efficiency of two drops embedded in an eddy has been developed. Unlike the other models which consider only head-on collisions, the model considers the droplets to approach at an arbitrary angle. The drop pair is permitted to undergo rotation while they approach each other. For coalescence to occur, the drops are assumed to approach each other under a squeezing force acting over the life time of eddy but which can vary with time depending upon the angle of approach. The model accounts for the deformation of tip regions of the approaching drops and, describes the rupture of the intervening film, based on stability considerations while film drainage is continuing under the combined influence of the hydrodynamic and van der Waals forces. The coalescence efficiency is defined as the ratio of the range of angles resulting in coalescence to the total range of all possible approach angles. The model not only reconciles the contradictory predictions made by the earlier models based on similar framework but also brings out the important role of dispersed-phase viscosity. It further predicts that the dispersions involving pure phases can be stabilized at high rps values. Apart from explaining the hitherto unexplained experimental data of Konno et al. qualitatively, the model also offers an alternate explanation for the interesting observations of Shinnar.
Satellite-derived chlorophyll a concentration (chl a) maps show three regions with high chl a in the Bay of Bengal. First among these is close to the coast, particularly off river mouths, with high values coinciding with the season of peak discharge; second is in the southwestern bay during the northeast monsoon, which is forced by local Ekman pumping; and the third is to the east of Sri Lanka in response to the summer monsoon winds. Chlorophyll-rich water from the mouths of rivers flows either along the coast or in an offshore direction, up to several hundred kilometers, depending on the prevailing ocean current pattern. The Irrawady River plume flows toward offshore and then turns northwestward during October–December, but it flows along the coast into the Andaman Sea for the rest of the year. From the Ganga-Brahmaputra river mouth, chl a–rich water flows directly southward into the open bay during spring but along the Indian coast during summer and winter. Along the Indian coast, the flow of chl a–rich water is determined by the East India Coastal Current (EICC). Whenever the EICC meanders off the Indian coast, it leads to an offshore outbreak of chl a–rich water from the coastal region into open ocean. The EICC as well as open ocean circulation in the bay is made up of several eddies, and these eddies show relatively higher chl a. Eddies near the coast, however, can often have higher chl a because of advection from the coastal region rather than generation within the eddy itself. The bay experiences several cyclones in a year, most of them occurring during October–November. These cyclones cause a drop in the sea surface temperature, a dip in the sea level, and a local increase in chl a. The impact of a cyclone is weaker in the northern part of the bay because of stronger stratification compared to the southern parts.
The first essay in this thesis is on gender wage differentials among manufacturing sector white-collar workers. The wage differential is decomposed into firm, job (within-firm) and individ-ual-level components. Job-level gender segregation explains over half of the gap, while firm-level segregation is not important. After controlling for firm, job and individual characteristics, the remaining unexplained wage cap to the advantage of men is six per cent of men s mean wage. In the second essay, I study how the business cycle and gender affect the distribution of the earnings losses of displaced workers. The negative effect of displacement is large, persistent and strongest in the lowest earnings deciles. The effect is larger in a recession than in a recov-ery period, and in all periods women s earnings drop more than men s earnings. The third essay shows that the transition from steady employment to disability pension de-pends on the stringency of medical screening and the degree of experience-rating of pension costs applied to the employer. The fact that firms have to bear part of the cost of employees disability pension costs lowers both the incidence of long sick leave periods and the probabil-ity that sick leave ends in a disability pension. The fourth and fifth essays are studies on the employment, wage and profit effects of a re-gional payroll tax cut experiment conducted in northern and eastern Finland. The results show no statistically significant effect on any of the response variables.
A fairly comprehensive computer program incorporating explicit expressions for the four-pole parameters of concentric-tube resonators, plug mufflers, and three-duct cross-flow perforated elements has been used for parametric studies. The parameters considered are hole diameter, the center-to-center distance between consecutive holes (which decides porosity), the incoming mean flow Mach number, the area expansion ratio, the number of partitions of chambers within a given overall shell length, and the relative lengths of these partitions or chambers, all normalized with respect to the exhaust pipe diameter. Transmission loss has been plotted as a function of a normalized frequency parameter. Additionally, the effect of the tail pipe length on insertion loss for an anechoic source has also been studied. These studies have been supplemented by empirical expressions for the normalized static pressure drop for different types of perforated-element mufflers developed from experimental observations.
The aim of this thesis was to study the crops currently used for biofuel production from the following aspects: 1. what should be the average yield/ ha to reach an energy balance at least 0 or positive 2. what are the shares of the primary and secondary energy flows in agriculture, transport, processing and usage, and 3. overall effects of biofuel crop cultivation, transport, processing and usage. This thesis concentrated on oilseed rape biodiesel and wheat bioethanol in the European Union, comparing them with competing biofuels, such as corn and sugarcane-based ethanol, and the second generation biofuels. The study was executed by comparing Life Cycle Assessment-studies from the EU-region and by analyzing them thoroughly from the differences viewpoint. The variables were the following: energy ratio, hectare yield (l/ha), impact on greenhouse gas emissions (particularly CO2), energy consumption in crop growing and processing one hectare of a particular crop to biofuel, distribution of energy in processing and effects of the secondary energy flows, like e.g. wheat straw. Processing was found to be the most energy consuming part in the production of biofuels. So if the raw materials will remain the same, the development will happen in processing. First generation biodiesel requires esterification, which consumes approximately one third of the process energy. Around 75% of the energy consumed in manufacturing the first generation wheat-based ethanol is spent in steam and electricity generation. No breakthroughs are in sight in the agricultural sector to achieve significantly higher energy ratios. It was found out that even in ideal conditions the energy ratio of first generation wheat-based ethanol will remain slightly under 2. For oilseed rape-based biodiesel the energy ratios are better, and energy consumption per hectare is lower compared to wheat-based ethanol. But both of these are lower compared to e.g. sugarcane-based ethanol. Also the hectare yield of wheat-based ethanol is significantly lower. Biofuels are in a key position when considering the future of the world’s transport sector. Uncertainties concerning biofuels are, however, several, like the schedule of large scale introduction to consumer markets, technologies used, raw materials and their availability and - maybe the biggest - the real production capacity in relation to the fuel consumption. First generation biofuels have not been the expected answer to environmental problems. Comparisons made show that sugarcane-based ethanol is the most prominent first generation biofuel at the moment, both from energy and environment point of view. Also palmoil-based biodiesel looks promising, although it involves environmental concerns as well. From this point of view the biofuels in this study - wheat-based ethanol and oilseed rape-based biodiesel - are not very competitive options. On the other hand, crops currently used for fuel production in different countries are selected based on several factors, not only based on thier relative general superiority. It is challenging to make long-term forecasts for the biofuel sector, but it can be said that satisfying the world's current and near future traffic fuel consumption with biofuels can only be regarded impossible. This does not mean that biofuels shoud be rejected and their positive aspects ignored, but maybe this reality helps us to put them in perspective. To achieve true environmental benefits through the usage of biofuels there must first be a significant drop both in traffic volumes and overall fuel consumption. Second generation biofuels are coming, but serious questions about their availability and production capacities remain open. Therefore nothing can be taken for granted in this issue, expect the need for development.
An experimental flow loop with He II flow driven by fountain effect pumps (FEPs) is studied with respect to operation at different flow impedances and with thermal loads applied at different positions. The measured values of temperature, flow rate and pressure drop are compared with calculations resulting from a simplified model which assumes ideal performance of the porous plug and of the heat exchangers and which does not take into account Gorter-Mellink (GM) conduction. The main features of the loop are shown to be well described by this model. Refined calculations with a more complex model, including GM conduction of the He II, are only required for predicting the temperature distribution in some discrete regions of the loop.
Background: Malaria was prevalent in Finland in the 18th century. It declined slowly without deliberate counter-measures and the last indigenous case was reported in 1954. In the present analysis of indigenous malaria in Finland, an effort was made to construct a data set on annual malaria cases of maximum temporal length to be able to evaluate the significance of different factors assumed to affect malaria trends. Methods: To analyse the long-term trend malaria statistics were collected from 1750–2008. During that time, malaria frequency decreased from about 20,000 – 50,000 per 1,000,000 people to less than 1 per 1,000,000 people. To assess the cause of the decline, a correlation analysis was performed between malaria frequency per million people and temperature data, animal husbandry, consolidation of land by redistribution and household size. Results: Anopheles messeae and Anopheles beklemishevi exist only as larvae in June and most of July. The females seek an overwintering place in August. Those that overwinter together with humans may act as vectors. They have to stay in their overwintering place from September to May because of the cold climate. The temperatures between June and July determine the number of malaria cases during the following transmission season. This did not, however, have an impact on the longterm trend of malaria. The change in animal husbandry and reclamation of wetlands may also be excluded as a possible cause for the decline of malaria. The long-term social changes, such as land consolidation and decreasing household size, showed a strong correlation with the decline of Plasmodium. Conclusion: The indigenous malaria in Finland faded out evenly in the whole country during 200 years with limited or no counter-measures or medication. It appears that malaria in Finland was basically a social disease and that malaria trends were strongly linked to changes in human behaviour. Decreasing household size caused fewer interactions between families and accordingly decreasing recolonization possibilities for Plasmodium. The permanent drop of the household size was the precondition for a permanent eradication of malaria.