953 resultados para Ditadura Militar


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Avalia-se aqui como evoluíram as relações entre governo e Forças Armadas, e o comportamento destas no interior da burocracia de Estado com base na análise dos orçamentos federais desde o governo autoritário até o atual (1964-2001). Os dados indicam um declínio lento e constante dos gastos com a defesa, entremeados por repiques elevatórios no início de novos gover­nos. De maneira geral, sugerem que os governos civis definem o padrão orça­mentário sem interferência militar, embora os recursos sejam usados sem um acompanhamento adequado das atividades castrenses. Indica-se ainda que a autonomia castrense, isto é, a sua capacidade de definir seu campo de atua­ção, as normas que a norteiam e as missões a desempenhar, pode ser revigo­rada. Essa autonomia endêmica não é fruto de escolhas militares, mas da omissão do poder civil.


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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The objective of this essay is to examine the trajectory of a clandestine organization that, despite being rather active and frequently cited by the academic literature, has not been very visible in Brazilian history: the Military Sector of the PCB, or Antimil. The particularity of this project is to learn about Antimil’s organizational structure in the process of intervening in the Armed Forces between 1929 and 1945. It does not pretend to evaluate its revolutionary efficacy or all the situations in which it was involved, due to the lack of documentation and specific studies. The revelation of its historical configuration, as an organization in the party structure, is the result of exhaustive research and the narratives of some of its members.


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This text aims to present a very short review on Machiavelli’s ideas reception concerning his military thought and short reflections on international affairs, as part of what was called realism in the realm of international relations theory. The text deals with much more emphasis the mentioned interpretations in a very concise way within contemporary studies about maquiavelian legacy on contemporary studies in International Relations.


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Analisam-se os fundamentos do processo de democratização da sociedade brasileira e seus impactos no campo da educação. Pressupõe-se que: a) democracia não é um conjunto dado de valores; b) as sociedades capitalistas são estruturalmente desiguais, incompatíveis com qualquer noção substantiva de igualdade; c) o Estado não é o lócus da realização do interesse geral; d) os conflitos de classes formam o terreno histórico no qual se objetivam as possibilidades democráticas. Com base nisso, afirma-se que tanto nas relações sociais em geral, como na educação, efetivou-se um processo de democratização no Brasil pósDitadura, fruto dos conflitos sociais que encaminharam a sociedade brasileira a conquistas favoráveis às classes trabalhadoras. Processo este que foi contraditório: de um lado, estavam as forças populares, para as quais democratização implicava conquista de direitos e participação nos processos decisórios; de outro lado, as forças que desejavam preservar a ordem vigente, ainda que tivessem de acatar mudanças na sua configuração (de Ditadura para um regime de direito). Nas conclusões argumentamos que, com a chamada redemocratização, houve certa abertura para uma democracia mais substantiva, capaz de dar vazão aos conflitos sociais. Abertura que logo se reverteu com o neoliberalismo, o que vem levando a um contexto de crescente ausência de alternativas.


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This article examines aspects of policies for higher education during the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship (1964-1985) and some of its legacies that persist in the decades of 1990 and 2000. The text was divided into two parts: the first one analyses the "university reform" of 1968 and its historical context; the second discusses how some features configure certain trend in policies for higher education, with traces maintained until today. Finally, this amazing continuity is evaluated through four axes of analysis – 1) Fragmentation of education and different access to the levels and stages of teaching; 2) Deformation of the inseparability of teaching, research and extension; 3) Privatization as official policy for higher education; 4) Authoritarianism and systematic repression in institutions of higher education – and it is supported the need to resist and be opposed to the dominant project of policy for higher education in Brazil.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Não disponível


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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The hypothesis guiding this work is that the student movement of 1968, inserted into a scene of great social movements contrary to the present political system, showed great expression in its demonstrations even considering the fact that in a dictatorship there was significant intolerance of divergent views to the military regime, which, of the student movement of 2008, inserted into a scene of mobilizations contrary to the educational system and the corruption that permeated it. The aim of this study is to investigate the myths that permeate the image of students, through a comparison between the Brazilian student movement, highlighting the students at the University of Brasilia from 1968 to 2008, with the specific objective of analyzing if the student movement lost strength of mobilizing in support of their fight flags. The question may be answered from the youth of the 1960s characterized by revolutionary, in which the possible advances and retreats performed in 40 years of history of the student movement, which seems to have lost its revolutionary feature


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This article analyses the Brazilian political process in the period between the beginning of the government of general Arthur da Costa e Silva in March 15, 1967 and the edition of the Institutional Act No. 5 (December 13, 1968). Through the analysis of the key moments in this context, seeks to qualify the actions of the main political players in terms of their goals and strategies and assess the impact that they had on the production of authoritarian legislation.


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