999 resultados para Dispepsia e educação em saúde
The Family Health Strategy is a primary care public policy that is becoming a decisive step towards the transformation of the Brazilian healthcare model. This study evaluated the dental knowledge among individuals who attended a Family-Health Unit (FHU) in the city of São Carlos, SP, Brazil. Methods: The evaluation was based on a questionnaire with 20 questions about oral health, prevention and development of dental caries and periodontal disease. The questionnaire was given to 168 individuals, over 18 years of age and both sexes, to fill out under the supervision of a trained dentist. After data collection, the answers contained in the original questionnaires were entered into a database built using the program Excel® (Microsoft Corporation, USA) and a descriptive statistical analysis was done. Results: 66.67% of the subjects reported having received information about dental caries and periodontal disease before attending the FHU, and dentists were cited as the main source of such information (60.71%). With regard to dental caries, 70.24% of the individuals stated that they knew about the subject, but the majority of answers revealed incorrect explanation of it. The multifactorial etiology (bacteria/sugar/poor hygiene) was not mentioned. A low percentage of subjects (24.40%) claimed to know what periodontal disease is, and of these, the highest percentage of responses was related to gingivitis (26.83%) and gingival bleeding (12.20%). Out of all subjects, 80.36% affirmed that oral hygiene is important, and among them, the main reasons cited were the maintenance of oral health (29.63%), to avoid diseases (16.30%) and to preserve and prevent disease (14.81%). Conclusion: Responses from the questionnaires revealed deficient dental knowledge among the individuals. To improve the understanding about this issue, the information obtained through the questionnaire can be used to develop educational programs that will focus specifically on the major deficiencies found.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
A EUROsociAL se estruturou e se apresenta como uma rede de cooperação social, de iniciativa da Comissão Europeia para atuar nos países da América Latina em intercâmbio de experiências, em cinco áreas que incidem diretamente em políticas públicas: educação, trabalho, saúde, fiscalização e justiça. Neste estudo nos delimitamos a analisar a cooperação estabelecida no âmbito da educação. Investigamos o papel da educação no programa de cooperação da EUROsociAL para compreender se a concepção pedagógica está refém ou não da dinâmica de poder alinhada na configuração econômica do neoliberalismo. Estudamos o contexto histórico em que surge esse tipo de proposta de integração considerando que o processo de formação das nações latino-americanas aconteceu associado ao empreendimento colonizador europeu. A EUROsociAL propõe uma integração entre os continentes ou algo que vá além disso? Qual é o interesse dessa rede? Trata-se de uma forma de compensação pelos efeitos do tipo de colonização na América-Latina? Que articulações existem entre propósitos de cooperação e programas educacionais? Havendo um investimento na integração entre os continentes, na questão pedagógica, qual é a sua proposta e seu interesse nessa escolha? Analisamos a relação entre o movimento internacional de reforma da educação no mundo e a pedagogia na EUROsociAL, com o foco na formulação do termo cooperação incidindo diretamente na formulação das políticas públicas dos países participantes
The need for a closer contact between students and the community reality, as well as, the necessity of providing an education that can result in social changes early in life were crucial for the development of the Extension Project : Oral Health Education, which was developed in Public Child Care Schools in Araçatuba. The aim of this article is to describe the project, emphasizing its educational aspects and to share this experience in order to allow for reflection about this practice.
The guidelines of National Curriculum for Dental courses highlights the necessity in providing for the professional the ability to analyze and assess community’s problems and needs, and to create solutions for the society. The continuing education may be considered a useful tool for the teaching and learning because it favors the diversification of learning environments, which allows the insertion of undergraduate and graduate students into the real scenarios. This current study aimed to assess the Public Health projects and programs of the UNESP – Araçatuba Dental School, by describing the interaction experiences between faculty and health services in the professional career development. Historical, documentary and descriptive searches were performed based on the faculty archives such as official documents, reports, databases from the Pro-rector of continuing education and published papers in the period between 1964 and 2011. The following experiences were noted: the Extra-Muro Dental Service (SEMO), established in 1964, that focused in providing dental treatment to the rural population, highlighted the social inclusion of discriminated society groups since that time. In 1972, this service was expanded to several specific populations living in the urban areas. In the '60s, many educational campaigns were performed as homemade water filter and construction of wells and septic tanks which demonstrate the concern with the determinants of healthdisease process. At that time, the campaign of fluoridation of public water supplies in several counties started as Araçatuba, Birigui, Penápolis, Guararapes, Valparaíso and so on. The Campaign of “Good Teeth” from the '70s became wider over time and it was transformed in the "Oral Health Education Program" and it was continuously developed in all public schools of Araçatuba and some neighboring towns, benefiting children aged from 6 to 10 years-old. Several epidemiological studies of caries, periodontal diseases, malocclusion and fluorosis were conducted in cooperation with local governments, and counted with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students. Pereira Barreto – SP was the precursor city in Brazil to carry out fluorosis study. Currently, 12 projects of Public Health from the Institution of Higher Education in the Pro-rector of continuing education are being developed. The concern in qualifying the human resources in health is confirmed with the development of training courses and workshops for professionals, highlighting the training for people enrolled in the Family Health program; Community Health Agent training - Solidarity University, and Municipal Health Counselors training. The Graduate Program in Social and Preventive Dentistry, created in 1993, has an important role to train several professionals for the Unified Health System, and provides education to create researchers, professors and administrators, and enucleates research groups in several Brazilian states. In all activities showed herein, a dynamic participation of undergraduate and graduate students has been observed, and several books, guidelines, articles, brochures and booklets have been published as a result of the continuing education activities.. It was concluded that different projects and programs have been developed by the Public Health of UNESP –Araçatuba Dental School, which allow the exchange of experience between the university and health services, and benefit all participants enrolled in these activities.
Introduction: The oral health education is a process that aims to transform attitudes and behaviors and to form habits for the benefit of individual health. For this to occur, it is necessary to strengthen and continuous repetition, as possible in the school environment. Objective: To analyze teachers’ knowledge about oral health, practices developed in the school environment, as well as the participation of dentists in guiding teachers of primary and secondary schools. Subjects and method: We used a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions about teacher training, received guidance on oral health during their training, development of oral health issues in the classroom and knowledge on the subject . Results: Of the total respondents (n = 221), only 77 (34.8%) said they had guidance on oral health in their training to be a teacher. 70 (31.7%) said they did not develop oral health issues in the classroom and 91 (41.2%) stated no interaction between dentist and professor. We observed deficiency in teachers’ knowledge about certain issues related to dental health. There was statistically significant association between the dentist’s guidance to teachers and the development of oral health actions and the teacher’s knowledge about the location of the first permanent molar eruption (p <0.01). Conclusion: This study conclude that although most educators develop educational practices on oral health in the school environment, there is a deficiency in understanding by teachers of certain subjects, making it necessary a greater participation of the dentist in the transmission of technical and scientific knowledge to them.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the perception and attitudes about oral health of pregnant women recorded on SIS-Prenatal from Bilac city, São Paulo State. Method: the data collection was through interviews with pregnant women using a semi-structured questionnaire. Pregnant women that were not present on attendance with gynecologist and those whose children were born were excluded of sample. Result: Among the 20 interviewed pregnant women, 80% didn’t received any type of information about oral health during pregnancy, 45% of total didn’t know how to maintain baby’s oral health, 85% didn’t know the mean of carie disease. The majority of pregnant women (95%) interested to make part of projects about promotion of oral health. Conclusion: the future mothers showed little knowledge in relation to preventive proceedings in dentistry and about diseases that could involve their and baby’s oral health. It’s necessary to perform programs about oral health, pointing the cares for mother-baby
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objective: to evaluate the standardization of vaccination rooms in the Municipality of Marília, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: descriptive and exploratory study, realized in 2008-2009; the instrument used was the Supervision in Vaccination Rooms, of the Ministry of Health; variables analyzed were general aspects of the vaccination room, technical procedures, cold chain, information system, post-vaccination adverse events, special immunobiologicals, epidemiological surveillance and health education; the score achieved classifies the room (90.0-100.0% = ideal; 76.0-89.0% = good; 50.0-75.0% = fair; <50.0% = insufficient); overall index for each point was calculated as the average score of all rooms. Results: technical procedures, information system, post-vaccination adverse events and special immunobiologicals were scored as ideal; cold chain, epidemiological surveillance and health education were scored as good; and to general aspects of the vaccination room, the evaluation was fair. Conclusion: general index for vaccination rooms in the municipality was considered ideal.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e analisar as ações educativas realizadas por um Programa de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde de uma cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo, considerando as concepções pedagógicas e os aspectos intervenientes que aproximam e afastam a equipe da mudança de prática pretendida pelo programa. É uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. O estudo evidenciou que a concepção pedagógica predominante é a da transmissão de informações voltada para prevenção de doenças, embora existam algumas ações próximas da pedagogia participativa. A organização do trabalho e o vínculo com a população também interferem no trabalho educativo. Conclui-se que as ações educativas ainda são alicerçadas no preventivismo com desafios para promoção da saúde e carecem de investimentos em formação e na organização da rede assistencial.
Essa pesquisa-intervenção teve como objetivo cartografar os movimentos instituídos e instituintes presentes no trabalho da Estratégia Saúde da Família, no que tange a composição de suas práticas cuidativas. O referencial teórico metodológico fundamentou-se na análise institucional, linha esquizoanalítica. Foram realizados encontros grupais com uma equipe para discutir o modo como realizavam os cuidados coletivos em ação de educação permanente em saúde. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram trabalhadores da equipe e estudantes em atividade acadêmica no serviço. A média de participação foi de doze pessoas por encontro, sendo que se desenvolveram oito encontros no período de março a julho de 2010. Os dados foram agrupados em dois estratos imanentes: as relações da equipe e a relação com os usuários. Os estratos apontaram para o atravessamento das instituições de educação, justiça e da divisão técnica e social do trabalho. A reflexão coletiva em grupo mostrou-se potente, para desnaturalizar processos instituídos e interrogar lugares, saberes e práticas.