954 resultados para Digitizatin Project of Kindred Languages
Este estudo tem por objetivo refletir sobre a educação não-formal e seu papel educativo nos marcos de uma Escola Cidadã: os Centros Educacionais de Santo André (CESAs), que se apresentam como um projeto contra-hegemônico de escola inclusiva. Considerando-se a educação não-formal um campo de conhecimento em construção, analisa-se outra forma de organização da escola pública e como ocorre a mediação deste processo educativo. O espaço arquitetônico, as novas dimensões do educar, a formação dos professores e a entrada de outros atores na escola são apreciados ouvindo-se as vozes de crianças, pais e professores. Partindo-se de referências teóricas de estudiosos da corrente crítico-reprodutivista que analisam a escola no contexto de sociedades de classe, buscam-se, apoiados na perspectiva da escola única, defendida por Gramsci (1981), alternativas em que as aprendizagens aconteçam nas interações geradas no processo participativo em todo seu significado social. Nos capítulos iniciais, de caráter histórico e bibliográfico, discute-se a implantação de políticas públicas dessa natureza, que lançam mão da educação não-formal; finalizamos buscando evidenciá-las na política pública de educação desenvolvida nos CESAs, explorando, principalmente, as linguagens artísticas no desenvolvimento da cidadania.(AU)
A study was conducted in the UK, as part of the New Dynamics of Ageing Working Late project, of the journey to work among 1215 older workers (age groups 45-49, 50-55, 56-60 and 60 + ). The aim was to identify problems or concerns that they might have with their commute, strategies that have been adopted to address them, and the role that employers can play to assist them. Follow-up interviews with 36 employees identified many strategies for assisting with the problems of journeys to work, ranging from car share and using public transport to flexible working and working some days from home. Further interviews with a sample of 12 mainly larger companies showed that employers feel a responsibility for their workers’ commute, with some offering schemes to assist them, such as adjusting work shift timings to facilitate easier parking. The research suggests that the journey to work presents difficulties for a significant minority of those aged over 45, including issues with cost, stress, health, fatigue and journey time. It may be possible to reduce the impact of these difficulties on employee decisions to change jobs or retire by assisting them to adopt mitigating strategies. It does not appear that the likelihood of experiencing a problem with the journey to work increases as the employee approaches retirement; therefore, any mitigating strategy is likely to help employees of all ages. These strategies have been disseminated to a wider audience through an online resource at www.workinglate.org.
This article provides an account of undergraduate sociology students conducting indepth interviews with international students from Hong Kong. The research is locating in a broader project of identifying rationales for the recruitment of international students. One of the shortcomings of previous research was that the student voice and rationale were missing. We have addressed this by involving undergraduate researchers in the collection and analysis of data. This project report draws on one of the reflections of the student researcher.
Derivational morphology proposes meaningful connections between words and is largely unrepresented in lexical databases. This thesis presents a project to enrich a lexical database with morphological links and to evaluate their contribution to disambiguation. A lexical database with sense distinctions was required. WordNet was chosen because of its free availability and widespread use. Its suitability was assessed through critical evaluation with respect to specifications and criticisms, using a transparent, extensible model. The identification of serious shortcomings suggested a portable enrichment methodology, applicable to alternative resources. Although 40% of the most frequent words are prepositions, they have been largely ignored by computational linguists, so addition of prepositions was also required. The preferred approach to morphological enrichment was to infer relations from phenomena discovered algorithmically. Both existing databases and existing algorithms can capture regular morphological relations, but cannot capture exceptions correctly; neither of them provide any semantic information. Some morphological analysis algorithms are subject to the fallacy that morphological analysis can be performed simply by segmentation. Morphological rules, grounded in observation and etymology, govern associations between and attachment of suffixes and contribute to defining the meaning of morphological relationships. Specifying character substitutions circumvents the segmentation fallacy. Morphological rules are prone to undergeneration, minimised through a variable lexical validity requirement, and overgeneration, minimised by rule reformulation and restricting monosyllabic output. Rules take into account the morphology of ancestor languages through co-occurrences of morphological patterns. Multiple rules applicable to an input suffix need their precedence established. The resistance of prefixations to segmentation has been addressed by identifying linking vowel exceptions and irregular prefixes. The automatic affix discovery algorithm applies heuristics to identify meaningful affixes and is combined with morphological rules into a hybrid model, fed only with empirical data, collected without supervision. Further algorithms apply the rules optimally to automatically pre-identified suffixes and break words into their component morphemes. To handle exceptions, stoplists were created in response to initial errors and fed back into the model through iterative development, leading to 100% precision, contestable only on lexicographic criteria. Stoplist length is minimised by special treatment of monosyllables and reformulation of rules. 96% of words and phrases are analysed. 218,802 directed derivational links have been encoded in the lexicon rather than the wordnet component of the model because the lexicon provides the optimal clustering of word senses. Both links and analyser are portable to an alternative lexicon. The evaluation uses the extended gloss overlaps disambiguation algorithm. The enriched model outperformed WordNet in terms of recall without loss of precision. Failure of all experiments to outperform disambiguation by frequency reflects on WordNet sense distinctions.
The attitudes that bilingual teachers have toward the use of foreign languages seem to have an effect on the success of bilingual education programs. In this study, our purpose is to shed light on how often bilingual teachers in New York City use Spanish in their everyday lives, and to examine their attitudes toward the use of Spanish in the U.S. Overall, results indicate only moderate frequencies of use of Spanish in everyday life among bilingual teachers. In addition, the study shows that bilingual teachers have a favorable attitude toward the use of Spanish in the U.S. However, bilingual teachers whose first language is English seem to have a more favorable attitude than those whose first language is Spanish. Among the native Spanish speakers, those born abroad show a more favorable attitude than those born in the U.S. Although no group seems to favor the use of lexical borrowings and code-switching, bilingual native Spanish-speaking teachers born in the U.S. seem to have a less favorable attitude than native Spanish-speaking teachers born abroad. In addition, native Spanish-speaking teachers born abroad seem to have a less favorable attitude toward lexical borrowings and code-switching than U.S.-born teachers whose first language is English. Recommendations for the training of bilingual teachers are discussed in the conclusions of the study.
This comparative study considers the main causative factors for change in recent years in the teaching of modern languages in England and France and seeks to contribute, in a general sense, to the understanding of change in comparable institutions. In England by 1975 the teaching of modern languages in the comprehensive schools was seen to be inappropriate to the needs of children of the whole ability-range. A combination of the external factor of the Council of Europe initiative in devising a needs-based learning approach for adult learners, and the internal factor of teacher-based initiatives in developing a graded-objectives learning approach for the less-able, has reversed this situation to some extent. The study examines and evaluates this reversal, and, in addition, assesses teachers' attitudes towards, and understanding of, the changes involved. In France the imposition of `la reforme Haby' in 1977 and the creation of `le college unique' were the main external factors for change. The subsequent failure of the reform and the socialist government's support of decentralisation policies returning the initiative for renewal to schools are examined and evaluated, as are the internal factors for changes in language-teaching - `groupes de niveau' and the creation of `equipes pedagogiques'. In both countries changes in the function of examinations at 15/16 plus are examined. The final chapter compared the changes in both education systems.
This study aimed firstly to investigate current patterns of language use amongst young bilinguals in Birmingham and secondly to examine the relationship between this language use and educational achievement. The research then focussed on various practices, customs and attitudes which would favour the attrition or survival of minority languages in the British situation. The data necessary to address this question was provided by a sample of three hundred and seventy-four 16-19 year olds, studying in Birmingham schools and colleges during the period 1987-1990 and drawn from the main linguistic minority communities in Birmingham. The research methods chosen were both quantitative and qualitative. The study found evidence of ethnolinguistic vitality amongst many of the linguistic minority communities in Birmingham: a number of practices and a range of attitudes indicate that linguistic diversity may continue and that a stable diglossic situation may develop in some instances, particularly where demographical and religious factors lead to closeness of association. Where language attrition is occurring it is often because of the move from a less prestigious minority language or dialect to a more prestigious minority language in addition to pressures from English. The educational experience of the sample indicates that literacy and formal language study are of key importance if personal bilingualism is to be experienced as an asset; high levels of oral proficiency in the L1 and L2 do not, on their own, necessarily correlate with positive educational benefit. The intervening variable associated with educational achievement appears to be the formal language learning process and literacy. A number of attitudes and practices, including the very close associations maintained with some of the countries of origin of the families, were seen to aid or hinder first language maintenance and second language acquisition.
The transformational implementation of JSD process specifications via finite automata representation
Conventional structured methods of software engineering are often based on the use of functional decomposition coupled with the Waterfall development process model. This approach is argued to be inadequate for coping with the evolutionary nature of large software systems. Alternative development paradigms, including the operational paradigm and the transformational paradigm, have been proposed to address the inadequacies of this conventional view of software developement, and these are reviewed. JSD is presented as an example of an operational approach to software engineering, and is contrasted with other well documented examples. The thesis shows how aspects of JSD can be characterised with reference to formal language theory and automata theory. In particular, it is noted that Jackson structure diagrams are equivalent to regular expressions and can be thought of as specifying corresponding finite automata. The thesis discusses the automatic transformation of structure diagrams into finite automata using an algorithm adapted from compiler theory, and then extends the technique to deal with areas of JSD which are not strictly formalisable in terms of regular languages. In particular, an elegant and novel method for dealing with so called recognition (or parsing) difficulties is described,. Various applications of the extended technique are described. They include a new method of automatically implementing the dismemberment transformation; an efficient way of implementing inversion in languages lacking a goto-statement; and a new in-the-large implementation strategy.
The founding Treaties of the European Union (EU) provide the Commission with bureaucratic structures and functions, and the authority to take a political leadership role in the integration process. However, the legitimacy of the Commission's authority to act either as a bureaucracy or as a political institution is periodically contested, as is the authority and leadership of its President. Max Weber's theory of the legitimation of authority suggests itself in this context as a working tool for assessing the nature of institutional and individual authority and leadership in the Commission and the broader EU context. Weber's typology of authority offers both an understanding of the changes in the Commission's fortunes within the 'would-be polity' of the European institutions, and an appraisal of claims to authority at the individual level by the Commission President. When applied to two contrasting moments in the Commission's life during the presidency of Jacques Delors (the generating of the White Papers of 1985 and 1993), Weber's typology provides an explanation for the evolution of the legitimation of these forms of authority in terms of, first, the Union's imperfect provisions for legitimate claims to leadership authority on 'charismatic' grounds and, second, the absence in the Union of resources for leadership legitimacy based on 'traditional'-type authority, such as explicit, popular, or party political European-wide support for the project of European union. These are resources which, if present in the EU, would legitimise calls to reform the EU's institutions in the direction of more integration and a more federal polity. The case studies offer an appraisal of the functioning and malfunctioning of authority within the Union, as well as a critical assessment of the applicability of the Weberian model to the legitimation of authority in the EU.
This research project examined the feasibility of using a cavity transfer mixer (CTM) as a continuous reactor to perform reactions between either solid or liquid reagents and polymer melt; reactions which have previously been typically carried out in batch reactor systems. Equipment has been developed to allow uniform and reproducible introduction of reagents into the polymer melt. Reactions have also been performed using batch processing equipment to enable comparison with the performance of the CTM. It was concluded that: a) there are certain reactions which cannot be carried out in a CTM, but which can be performed in a batch system such as a mill or a sigma blade mixer. This was found to be the case for some neutralisation reactions where the product was quasi crosslinked. b) the reactions that can be carried out in a CTM are performed more efficiently in a CTM than on a batch process. For example, when monomers were to be grafted onto polymers, this was more safely and efficiently performed in the CTM than in a mill or a sigma blade mixer. Residence time distributions (RTDs) for three CTMs were studied in order to gain an insight into the effect of CTM geometry on RTD, polymer melt flow pattern and reactor performance. A mathematical model has been developed to predict the influence of process parameters on RTD and the results compared with experimentally observed trends. The comparison was good. A programme of research has been drawn up to form the basis of an industrially based sponsored development project of the CTM reactor. This work programme was successfully marketed to companies with commercial interest in modified rubber and plastics as an integral part of the research programme of this thesis and the sponsored research programme has paralleled the work reported here.
The Teallach project has adapted model-based user-interface development techniques to the systematic creation of user-interfaces for object-oriented database applications. Model-based approaches aim to provide designers with a more principled approach to user-interface development using a variety of underlying models, and tools which manipulate these models. Here we present the results of the Teallach project, describing the tools developed and the flexible design method supported. Distinctive features of the Teallach system include provision of database-specific constructs, comprehensive facilities for relating the different models, and support for a flexible design method in which models can be constructed and related by designers in different orders and in different ways, to suit their particular design rationales. The system then creates the desired user-interface as an independent, fully functional Java application, with automatically generated help facilities.
Internationalization of software as a previous step for localization is usually taken into account during early phases of the life-cycle of software development. However, the need to adapt software applications into different languages and cultural settings can appear once the application is finished and even in the market. In these cases, software localization implies a high cost of time and resources. This paper shows a real case of a existent software application, designed and developed without taking into account future necessities of localization, whose architecture and source code were modified to include the possibility of straightforward adaptation into new languages. The use of standard languages and advanced programming languages has permitted the authors to adapt the software in a simple and straightforward mode.
The following statements are proven: A correspondence of a semigroup in another one is a homomorphism if and only if when the entire prototype of the product of images contains (always) the product of their entire prototypes. The Kleene closure of the maximal rewriting of a regular language at a regular language substitution contains in the maximal rewriting of the Kleene closure of the initial regular language at the same substitution. Let the image of the maximal rewriting of a regular language at a regular language substitution covers the entire given regular language. Then the image of any word from the maximal rewriting of the Kleene closure of the initial regular language covers by the image of a set of some words from the Kleene closure of the maximal rewriting of this given regular language everything at the same given regular language substitution. The purposefulness of the ¯rst statement is substantiated philosophically and epistemologically connected with the spirit of previous mathematical results of the author. A corollary of its is indicated about the membership problem at a regular substitution.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 12F12