954 resultados para Digit speech recognition


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The Colloquium on Human-Machine Communication by Voice highlighted the global technical community's focus on the problems and promise of voice-processing technology, particularly, speech recognition and speech synthesis. Clearly, there are many areas in both the research and development of these technologies that can be advanced significantly. However, it is also true that there are many applications of these technologies that are capable of commercialization now. Early successful commercialization of new technology is vital to ensure continuing interest in its development. This paper addresses efforts to commercialize speech technologies in two markets: telecommunications and aids for the handicapped.


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As the telecommunications industry evolves over the next decade to provide the products and services that people will desire, several key technologies will become commonplace. Two of these, automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech synthesis, will provide users with more freedom on when, where, and how they access information. While these technologies are currently in their infancy, their capabilities are rapidly increasing and their deployment in today's telephone network is expanding. The economic impact of just one application, the automation of operator services, is well over $100 million per year. Yet there still are many technical challenges that must be resolved before these technologies can be deployed ubiquitously in products and services throughout the worldwide telephone network. These challenges include: (i) High level of accuracy. The technology must be perceived by the user as highly accurate, robust, and reliable. (ii) Easy to use. Speech is only one of several possible input/output modalities for conveying information between a human and a machine, much like a computer terminal or Touch-Tone pad on a telephone. It is not the final product. Therefore, speech technologies must be hidden from the user. That is, the burden of using the technology must be on the technology itself. (iii) Quick prototyping and development of new products and services. The technology must support the creation of new products and services based on speech in an efficient and timely fashion. In this paper I present a vision of the voice-processing industry with a focus on the areas with the broadest base of user penetration: speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, natural language processing, and speaker recognition technologies. The current and future applications of these technologies in the telecommunications industry will be examined in terms of their strengths, limitations, and the degree to which user needs have been or have yet to be met. Although noteworthy gains have been made in areas with potentially small user bases and in the more mature speech-coding technologies, these subjects are outside the scope of this paper.


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This paper describes a range of opportunities for military and government applications of human-machine communication by voice, based on visits and contacts with numerous user organizations in the United States. The applications include some that appear to be feasible by careful integration of current state-of-the-art technology and others that will require a varying mix of advances in speech technology and in integration of the technology into applications environments. Applications that are described include (1) speech recognition and synthesis for mobile command and control; (2) speech processing for a portable multifunction soldier's computer; (3) speech- and language-based technology for naval combat team tactical training; (4) speech technology for command and control on a carrier flight deck; (5) control of auxiliary systems, and alert and warning generation, in fighter aircraft and helicopters; and (6) voice check-in, report entry, and communication for law enforcement agents or special forces. A phased approach for transfer of the technology into applications is advocated, where integration of applications systems is pursued in parallel with advanced research to meet future needs.


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The deployment of systems for human-to-machine communication by voice requires overcoming a variety of obstacles that affect the speech-processing technologies. Problems encountered in the field might include variation in speaking style, acoustic noise, ambiguity of language, or confusion on the part of the speaker. The diversity of these practical problems encountered in the "real world" leads to the perceived gap between laboratory and "real-world" performance. To answer the question "What applications can speech technology support today?" the concept of the "degree of difficulty" of an application is introduced. The degree of difficulty depends not only on the demands placed on the speech recognition and speech synthesis technologies but also on the expectations of the user of the system. Experience has shown that deployment of effective speech communication systems requires an iterative process. This paper discusses general deployment principles, which are illustrated by several examples of human-machine communication systems.


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This paper describes the state of the art in applications of voice-processing technologies. In the first part, technologies concerning the implementation of speech recognition and synthesis algorithms are described. Hardware technologies such as microprocessors and DSPs (digital signal processors) are discussed. Software development environment, which is a key technology in developing applications software, ranging from DSP software to support software also is described. In the second part, the state of the art of algorithms from the standpoint of applications is discussed. Several issues concerning evaluation of speech recognition/synthesis algorithms are covered, as well as issues concerning the robustness of algorithms in adverse conditions.


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This talk, which was the keynote address of the NAS Colloquium on Human-Machine Communication by Voice, discusses the past, present, and future of human-machine communications, especially speech recognition and speech synthesis. Progress in these technologies is reviewed in the context of the general progress in computer and communications technologies.


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A perda auditiva no idoso acarreta em dificuldade na percepção da fala. O teste comumente utilizado na logoaudiometria é a pesquisa do índice de reconhecimento de fala máximo (IR-Max) em uma única intensidade de apresentação da fala. Entretanto, o procedimento mais adequado seria a realização do teste em diversas intensidades, visto que o índice de acerto depende da intensidade da fala no momento do teste e está relacionado com o grau e configuração da perda auditiva. A imprecisão na obtenção do IR-Max poderá gerar uma hipótese diagnóstica errônea e o insucesso no processo de intervenção na perda auditiva. Objetivo: Verificar a interferência do nível de apresentação da fala, no teste de reconhecimento de fala, em idosos com perda auditiva sensorioneural com diferentes configurações audiométricas. Métodos: Participaram 64 idosos, 120 orelhas (61 do gênero feminino e 59 do gênero masculino), idade entre 60 e 88 anos, divididos em grupos: G1- composto por 23 orelhas com configuração horizontal, G2- 55 orelhas com configuração descendente, G3- 42 orelhas com configuração abrupta. Os critérios de inclusão foram: perda auditiva sensorioneural de grau leve a severo, não usuário de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI), ou com tempo de uso inferior a dois meses, e ausência de alterações cognitivas. Foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos: pesquisas do limiar de reconhecimento de fala (LRF), do índice de reconhecimento de fala (IRF) em diversas intensidades e do nível de máximo conforto (MCL) e desconforto (UCL) para a fala. Para tal, foram utilizadas listas com 11 monossílabos, para diminuir a duração do teste. A análise estatística foi composta pelo teste Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey. Resultados: A configuração descendente foi a de maior ocorrência. Indivíduos com configuração horizontal apresentaram índice médio de acerto mais elevado de reconhecimento de fala. Ao considerar o total avaliado, 27,27% dos indivíduos com configuração horizontal revelaram o IR-Max no MCL, assim como 38,18% com configuração descendente e 26,19% com configuração abrupta. O IR-Max foi encontrado no UCL, em 40,90% dos indivíduos com configuração horizontal, 45,45% com configuração descendente e 28,20% com configuração abrupta. Respectivamente, o maior e o menor índice médio de acerto foram encontrados em: G1- 30 e 40 dBNS; G2- 50 e 10 dBNS; G3- 45 e 10 dBNS. Não há uma única intensidade de fala a ser utilizada em todos os tipos de configurações audiométricas, entretanto, os níveis de sensação que identificaram os maiores índices médios de acerto foram: G1- 20 a 30 dBNS, G2- 20 a 50 dBNS; G3- 45 dBNS. O MCL e o UCL-5 dB para a fala não foram eficazes para determinar o IR-Max. Conclusões: O nível de apresentação teve influência no desempenho no reconhecimento de fala para monossílabos em idosos com perda auditiva sensorioneural em todas as configurações audiométricas. A perda auditiva de grau moderado e a configuração audiométrica descendente foram mais frequentes nessa população, seguida da abrupta e horizontal.


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Cette thèse contribue a la recherche vers l'intelligence artificielle en utilisant des méthodes connexionnistes. Les réseaux de neurones récurrents sont un ensemble de modèles séquentiels de plus en plus populaires capable en principe d'apprendre des algorithmes arbitraires. Ces modèles effectuent un apprentissage en profondeur, un type d'apprentissage machine. Sa généralité et son succès empirique en font un sujet intéressant pour la recherche et un outil prometteur pour la création de l'intelligence artificielle plus générale. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse donne un bref aperçu des sujets de fonds: l'intelligence artificielle, l'apprentissage machine, l'apprentissage en profondeur et les réseaux de neurones récurrents. Les trois chapitres suivants couvrent ces sujets de manière de plus en plus spécifiques. Enfin, nous présentons quelques contributions apportées aux réseaux de neurones récurrents. Le chapitre \ref{arxiv1} présente nos travaux de régularisation des réseaux de neurones récurrents. La régularisation vise à améliorer la capacité de généralisation du modèle, et joue un role clé dans la performance de plusieurs applications des réseaux de neurones récurrents, en particulier en reconnaissance vocale. Notre approche donne l'état de l'art sur TIMIT, un benchmark standard pour cette tâche. Le chapitre \ref{cpgp} présente une seconde ligne de travail, toujours en cours, qui explore une nouvelle architecture pour les réseaux de neurones récurrents. Les réseaux de neurones récurrents maintiennent un état caché qui représente leurs observations antérieures. L'idée de ce travail est de coder certaines dynamiques abstraites dans l'état caché, donnant au réseau une manière naturelle d'encoder des tendances cohérentes de l'état de son environnement. Notre travail est fondé sur un modèle existant; nous décrivons ce travail et nos contributions avec notamment une expérience préliminaire.


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This work focuses on Machine Translation (MT) and Speech-to-Speech Translation, two emerging technologies that allow users to automatically translate written and spoken texts. The first part of this work provides a theoretical framework for the evaluation of Google Translate and Microsoft Translator, which is at the core of this study. Chapter one focuses on Machine Translation, providing a definition of this technology and glimpses of its history. In this chapter we will also learn how MT works, who uses it, for what purpose, what its pros and cons are, and how machine translation quality can be defined and assessed. Chapter two deals with Speech-to-Speech Translation by focusing on its history, characteristics and operation, potential uses and limits deriving from the intrinsic difficulty of translating spoken language. After describing the future prospects for SST, the final part of this chapter focuses on the quality assessment of Speech-to-Speech Translation applications. The last part of this dissertation describes the evaluation test carried out on Google Translate and Microsoft Translator, two mobile translation apps also providing a Speech-to-Speech Translation service. Chapter three illustrates the objectives, the research questions, the participants, the methodology and the elaboration of the questionnaires used to collect data. The collected data and the results of the evaluation of the automatic speech recognition subsystem and the language translation subsystem are presented in chapter four and finally analysed and compared in chapter five, which provides a general description of the performance of the evaluated apps and possible explanations for each set of results. In the final part of this work suggestions are made for future research and reflections on the usability and usefulness of the evaluated translation apps are provided.


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Cette thèse contribue a la recherche vers l'intelligence artificielle en utilisant des méthodes connexionnistes. Les réseaux de neurones récurrents sont un ensemble de modèles séquentiels de plus en plus populaires capable en principe d'apprendre des algorithmes arbitraires. Ces modèles effectuent un apprentissage en profondeur, un type d'apprentissage machine. Sa généralité et son succès empirique en font un sujet intéressant pour la recherche et un outil prometteur pour la création de l'intelligence artificielle plus générale. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse donne un bref aperçu des sujets de fonds: l'intelligence artificielle, l'apprentissage machine, l'apprentissage en profondeur et les réseaux de neurones récurrents. Les trois chapitres suivants couvrent ces sujets de manière de plus en plus spécifiques. Enfin, nous présentons quelques contributions apportées aux réseaux de neurones récurrents. Le chapitre \ref{arxiv1} présente nos travaux de régularisation des réseaux de neurones récurrents. La régularisation vise à améliorer la capacité de généralisation du modèle, et joue un role clé dans la performance de plusieurs applications des réseaux de neurones récurrents, en particulier en reconnaissance vocale. Notre approche donne l'état de l'art sur TIMIT, un benchmark standard pour cette tâche. Le chapitre \ref{cpgp} présente une seconde ligne de travail, toujours en cours, qui explore une nouvelle architecture pour les réseaux de neurones récurrents. Les réseaux de neurones récurrents maintiennent un état caché qui représente leurs observations antérieures. L'idée de ce travail est de coder certaines dynamiques abstraites dans l'état caché, donnant au réseau une manière naturelle d'encoder des tendances cohérentes de l'état de son environnement. Notre travail est fondé sur un modèle existant; nous décrivons ce travail et nos contributions avec notamment une expérience préliminaire.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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These are the full proceedings of the conference.


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This paper reviews some basic issues and methods involved in using neural networks to respond in a desired fashion to a temporally-varying environment. Some popular network models and training methods are introduced. A speech recognition example is then used to illustrate the central difficulty of temporal data processing: learning to notice and remember relevant contextual information. Feedforward network methods are applicable to cases where this problem is not severe. The application of these methods are explained and applications are discussed in the areas of pure mathematics, chemical and physical systems, and economic systems. A more powerful but less practical algorithm for temporal problems, the moving targets algorithm, is sketched and discussed. For completeness, a few remarks are made on reinforcement learning.