900 resultados para Developing competencies at the Geography
This research investigates the contribution that Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can make to the land suitability process used to determine the effects of a climate change scenario. The research is intended to redress the severe under representation of Developing countries within the literature examining the impacts of climatic change upon crop productivity. The methodology adopts some of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates for regional climate variations, based upon General Circulation Model predictions (GCMs) and applies them to a baseline climate for Bangladesh. Utilising the United Nations Food & Agricultural Organisation's Agro-ecological Zones land suitability methodology and crop yield model, the effects of the scenario upon agricultural productivity on 14 crops are determined. A Geographic Information System (IDRISI) is adopted in order to facilitate the methodology, in conjunction with a specially designed spreadsheet, used to determine the yield and suitability rating for each crop. A simple optimisation routine using the GIS is incorporated to provide an indication of the 'maximum theoretical' yield available to the country, should the most calorifically significant crops be cultivated on each land unit both before and after the climate change scenario. This routine will provide an estimate of the theoretical population supporting capacity of the country, both now and in the future, to assist with planning strategies and research. The research evaluates the utility of this alternative GIS based methodology for the land evaluation process and determines the relative changes in crop yields that may result from changes in temperature, photosynthesis and flooding hazard frequency. In summary, the combination of a GIS and a spreadsheet was successful, the yield prediction model indicates that the application of the climate change scenario will have a deleterious effect upon the yields of the study crops. Any yield reductions will have severe implications for agricultural practices. The optimisation routine suggests that the 'theoretical maximum' population supporting capacity is well in excess of current and future population figures. If this agricultural potential could be realised however, it may provide some amelioration from the effects of climate change.
Aerial photography was used to determine the land use in a test area of the Nigerian savanna in 1950 and 1972. Changes in land use were determined and correlated with accessibility, appropriate low technology methods being used to make it easy to extend the investigation to other areas without incurring great expense. A test area of 750 sq km was chosen located in Kaduna State of Nigeria. The geography of the area is summarised together with the local knowledge which is essential for accurate photo interpretation. A land use classification was devised and tested for use with medium scale aerial photography of the savanna. The two sets of aerial photography at 1:25 000 scale were sampled using systematic dot grids. A dot density of 8 1/2 dots per sq km was calculated to give an acceptable estimate of land use. Problems of interpretation included gradation between categories, sample position uncertainty and personal bias. The results showed that in 22 years the amount of cultivated land in the test area had doubled while there had been a corresponding decrease in the amount of uncultivated land particularly woodland. The intensity of land use had generally increased. The distribution of land use changes was analysed and correlated with accessibility. Highly significant correlations were found for 1972 which had not existed in 1950. Changes in land use could also be correlated with accessibility. It was concluded that in the 22 year test period there had been intensification of land use, movement of human activity towards the main road, and a decrease in natural vegetation particularly close to the road. The classification of land use and the dot grid method of survey were shown to be applicable to a savanna test area.
The issues involved in planning for pedal cyclists are examined with reference to the West Midlands County. Working with a local cycling campaign group, the researcher uses action research methods to investigate and influence the campaign. Development of cycle planning is traced through the literature, focusing on bicycle ownership, bicycle use and cycling policy. UK practice is contrasted with the integrated approach of other countries. An extensive bibliography is provided. Local authority cycle planning through the TPP process is systematically assessed over three years. This provides a context for the information regarding cycling in the West Midlands. Existing data is presented from the 1981 Census and local police road accident and bicycle theft records. The developing relationship between the local authority and the cycle campaign group is narrated in detail, explaining the problems that can beset efforts to improve conditions for cyclists. The researcher was closely involved in this interaction, particularly with policy and a major public inquiry. A survey of the Cycle Campaign Network indicates that the local group was not atypical. To provide information relevant to the local campaign and for effective local planning, a survey of 3,500 West Midlands residents was conducted using a novel combination of questionnaires and interviews. It shows that 1) Bicycle ownership and use is considerably higher than indicated by the 1978/9 National Travel Survey 2) Cycling is most import to certain disadvantaged sections of the community, particularly the young, those without access to a car and in the lower SEGs. The broader issues of transport policy are discussed, concluding that cycling is regarded as a marginal activity and that changes in general transport policy, land use planning and fiscal arrangements are necessary conditions for cycle planning to succeed. An integrated package of cycling measures involving engineering, education, enforcement and encouragement is also required. Recommendations are made concerning central government, local authorities and cycle campaign groups. Subjects for further research are identified.
As a global profession, engineering is integral to the maintenance and further development of society. Indeed, contemporary social problems requiring engineering solutions are not only a consequence of natural and ‘manmade’ disasters (such as the Japanese earthquake or the oil leakage in the Gulf of Mexico) but also encapsulate 21st Century dilemmas around sustainability, poverty and pollution [2,6,7]. Given the complexity of such problems and the constant need for innovation, the demand for engineering education to provide a ready supply of suitably qualified engineering graduates, able to make innovative decisions has never been higher [3,5]. Bearing this in mind, and taking account problems of attrition in engineering education [1,6,4] innovation in the way in which the curriculum is developed and delivered is crucial. CDIO [Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate] provides a potentially ground-breaking solution to such dilemmas. Aimed at equipping students with practical engineering skills supported by the necessary theoretical background, CDIO could potentially change the way engineering is perceived and experienced within higher education. Aston University introduced CDIO into its Mechanical Engineering and Design programmes in October 2011. From its induction, engineering education researchers have ‘shadowed’ the staff responsible for developing and teaching the programme. Utilising an Action Research Design, and adopting a mixed methodological research design, the researchers have worked closely with the teaching team to critically reflect on the processes involved in introducing CDIO into the curriculum. Concurrently, research has been conducted to capture students’ perspectives of CDIO. In evaluating the introduction of CDIO at Aston, the researchers have developed a distinctive research strategy with which to evaluate CDIO. It is the emergent findings from this research that form the basis of this paper. Although early-on in its development CDIO is making a significant difference to engineering education at the University. The paper draws attention to pedagogical, practical and professional issues – discussing each one in turn and in doing so critically analysing the value of CDIO from academic, student and industrial perspectives. The paper concludes by noting that whilst CDIO represents a forwardthinking approach to engineering education, the need for constant innovation in learning and teaching should not be forgotten. Indeed, engineering education needs to put itself at the forefront of pedagogic practice. Providing all-rounded engineers, ready to take on the challenges of the 21st Century!
The transition economies have lower rates of entrepreneurship than are observed in most developed and developing market economies. The difference is even more marked in the countries of the former Soviet Union than those of Central and Eastern Europe. We link these differences partly with the legacy of communist planning, which needs to be replaced with formal market-supporting institutions. But many of these developments have now taken place, yet entrepreneurial activity still remains low in many places. To analyse this longer term issue, we highlight the necessarily slow pace of development of new informal institutions and the corresponding social attitudes, notably rebuilding the generalised trust. We argue that changes are even slower in the former Soviet Union than Central and Eastern Europe because communist rule was much longer, leading to a lack of institutional memory. We posit that changes in informal institutions may be therefore delayed until after full generational change.
In India, more than one third of the population do not currently have access to modern energy services. Biomass to energy, known as bioenergy, has immense potential for addressing India’s energy poverty. Small scale decentralised bioenergy systems require low investment compared to other renewable technologies and have environmental and social benefits over fossil fuels. Though they have historically been promoted in India through favourable policies, many studies argue that the sector’s potential is underutilised due to sustainable supply chain barriers. Moreover, a significant research gap exists. This research addresses the gap by analysing the potential sustainable supply chain risks of decentralised small scale bioenergy projects. This was achieved through four research objectives, using various research methods along with multiple data collection techniques. Firstly, a conceptual framework was developed to identify and analyse these risks. The framework is founded on existing literature and gathered inputs from practitioners and experts. Following this, sustainability and supply chain issues within the sector were explored. Sustainability issues were collated into 27 objectives, and supply chain issues were categorised according to related processes. Finally, the framework was validated against an actual bioenergy development in Jodhpur, India. Applying the framework to the action research project had some significant impacts upon the project’s design. These include the development of water conservation arrangements, the insertion of auxiliary arrangements, measures to increase upstream supply chain resilience, and the development of a first aid action plan. More widely, the developed framework and identified issues will help practitioners to take necessary precautionary measures and address them quickly and cost effectively. The framework contributes to the bioenergy decision support system literature and the sustainable supply chain management field by incorporating risk analysis and introducing the concept of global and organisational sustainability in supply chains. The sustainability issues identified contribute to existing knowledge through the exploration of a small scale and developing country context. The analysis gives new insights into potential risks affecting the whole bioenergy supply chain.
The role of third party logistics providers (3PLs) in the adoption of green supply chain initiatives
The increasing importance of environmental sustainability has sharpened the focus on the need for innovative approaches to the purchasing of transport and logistics services. This article points out some of the challenges that purchasers of transport and logistics services, as well as their suppliers in the third party logistics (3PL) industry, are facing. These include the need for closer collaboration between 3PLs and their customers, as well as developing systems for the robust assessment of the environmental sustainability of services. The article is based on several years’ research experience in Ireland, Italy and Sweden.
The global plant location decision is important since it involves the allocation of significant resources and may influence the long term competitiveness of firms. The decision is also complex, taking into account a wide range of factors. The decision should involve the consideration of both international business issues as well as manufacturing strategy. Firms may be seeking access to markets, to low cost labour, or new skills and competencies. In the past there has been some emphasis on firms offshoring production to lower cost regions. Case studies from the authors’ experience of advising clients in this decision show that for ‘luxury’ products, firms have chosen to invest further capacity in home country engineering and manufacturing to maintain quality and brand integrity, despite the fact that these locations are higher cost. On the other hand, for ‘standard’ products, firms have located additional capacity closer to target markets to access lower costs.
The application of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) varies in different regions of the world in terms of both level of understanding and acceptability. Employing a qualitative methodological approach, this paper aims to explore factors hindering the acceptability of the LSS initiative in organizations and list factors required for successful application and implementation in a developing economy from the perspective of LSS consultants. Using Nigeria as a case study, primary data were collected though a number of semi-structured interviews with representatives of leading continuous improvement consultancy firms in Nigeria. Finding draws out links between major factors such as drivers and motivation, LSS performance, marketability and challenges to the acceptability and applicability of LSS in Nigeria. Further findings highlight major factors such as lack of management buy-in, level of awareness, certification driven market, Nigerian environment and culture, etc as problems that hinder successful implementation of LSS in Nigeria. This paper contributes to the theoretical foundation of critical success factors required for the implementation of Lean Six Sigma, with results from the experience of a developing economy.
The successful design of polymers for contact lens applications depends on the ability to provide a balance of properties appropriate to the ocular environment. Principal relevant aspects of the anterior eye are the tear film, eyelid and cornea, which govern the requirements for surface properties, modulus and oxygen permeability, respectively. Permeability requirements and the developing view of the needs of the cornea, in terms of oxygen consumption and the particular roles of fluorine and silicon in the design of silicone hydrogels, which have proved to be the most successful family of materials for this demanding application, are discussed. The contact lens field is complicated by the fact that contact lenses are used in a range of wear modalities, the extremes of which can conveniently be classified as lenses that are disposed of at the end of a single period of daily wear and those used for 30. days of successive day-and-night periods, frequently referred to as extended or continuous wear. As silicone hydrogels developed, in the decade following their launch there has been a progressive trend in properties taking both modulus and water content closer to those of conventional hydrogels. This is particularly evident in the family of daily disposable contact lenses that have appeared since 2008.
A szerzők kutatásukban a karcsú menedzsment vállalati szintű versenyképességre gyakorolt hatását tanulmányozták. Ehhez olyan gondolkodási keretet alakítottak ki, amely összekapcsolja a szervezeti képességeket létrehozó gyakorlatokat és rutinokat az ezek eredményeként adódó teljesítménnyel és versenyképességgel. Vállalati esettanulmányokon keresztül mutatják be, hogy a) a karcsú termelés bevezetésének hatására hogyan változnak a szervezet képességei és b) milyen tényezők állnak a karcsú vállalatok javuló versenyképessége mögött. Eredményeik arra mutatnak rá, hogy a karcsú menedzsment elsősorban a vállalatok működőképességére és változóképességére gyakorol pozitív hatást, az üzleti teljesítményre nem feltétlenül. ______ In their research the authors studied the lean management’s effect has on competitiveness with a corporate level. To do this, a framework has been developing, which combines the organizational abilities establishing routines and practices resulting from their performance and competitiveness. Corporate case studies to show that a) the impact of the introduction of lean production, how to change the organization’s capabilities, and b) what factors are improving the competitiveness of the companies behind the slim. Their results point out that the lean management companies primarily in the functionality and variable ability positive effects on business performance is not necessarily.
Inter-regionalism refers to regular forms of cooperation between regions or actors from different regions and is a result of the parallel phenomena of globalization and regionalism. Inter-regional links are rapidly developing all around the world and form a new level of global governance. Though originally inter-regionalism typically connected the actors of the so-called Triad, today emerging economies and developing regions are more active and visible participants of inter-regional cooperation. The article examines the perspectives and limitations of inter-regional relations between China and Latin America as a new dimension of deepening Sino–Latin American relations.
The purpose of this study was to identify the needed competencies of a Recreational Foodservice manager. A three round Delphi method of iteration was used. Delphi is a research method that utilizes iterating rounds to elicit the opinion of a panel of experts regarding a specific subject.^ A nominating committee of 22 industry leaders was consulted to establish a panel of 40 management experts, of which 35 (87.5%) completed all three rounds of the Delphi study.^ Round One of the study identified 17 specific job functions of a Recreational Foodservice manager. The researcher prepared an instrument detailing 60 competencies derived from an analysis of Round One results and distributed it as a Round Two instrument requesting the panel opinion regarding the relative importance of each listed competency on a five point Likert scale.^ The results of Round Two were tabulated and analyzed to ascertain areas of consensus. A Round Three instrument was prepared advising panelists of all areas of consensus, their dissenting opinions, if any, and a request for a revised opinion.^ A final report was prepared listing the 60 competencies and the panel opinion that eight were of highest priority, 29 of above average priority, and 23 of average priority. No item received two other available ratings, below average priority and lowest priority.^ The implications of these findings suggest necessary areas of curriculum development and industry management development to implement professionalism for Recreational Foodservice managers. ^
Educational planners and economists have long recognized the importance of education as a form of productive investment in both advanced countries and developing countries. In the case of Taiwan, along with impressive economic growth, there was an even faster rate of growth of the government's investment in education. This leads some to question whether education has any role in economic development. ^ The purpose of this study is to provide a broad overview of the role of education, in terms of private rates of return to education, in Taiwan. In the process, a variety of hypotheses about human capital theory are examined and an empirical study of Taiwan's earnings functions are tested to show that education can be an important instrument to increase private rate of return, even under conditions of scarcity of natural and physical resources. Data was collected using the Manpower Survey and Manpower Utilization Survey, conducted by the government. Research questions were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequencies, and regression analysis. ^ Results indicated that the Manpower Development Plans have been the decisive influence in allowing Taiwan to develop its human resources and achieve success in meeting the needs of Taiwan's economy. The structure of age-earnings profiles showed a strong relationship between earnings and education, and the profiles that successively shift upward are associated with higher levels of education. In the cross-sectional results of the rate of return in 1997, each additional year of schooling leads to a 6.2% increase in income. As to the private rates of return to different levels of education, the results found that the private rates of return are 2.88%, 4.85% and 10.05% for primary, secondary and higher education respectively. In an intertemporal comparison for 1980, 1985, 1990 and 1997, the results showed no significant trend except the private rates of return for primary education have been falling from 3.9% to 2.88%. ^ On the basis of this study, for individual student or family in Taiwan, there is likely to be a strong demand for education, particularly at the higher level. Therefore, a well-developed higher educational level becomes essential and the content of curriculum in higher education becomes another crucial question facing planners in Taiwan if they are going to use education as a means to foster economic development. ^