946 resultados para Deep Inference, Proof Theory, Teoria della Dimostrazione, Cut elimination, Gentzen Hauptsatz


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Es repassa la formulació de la Teoria de Pertorbacions en notació matricial i s'exposa una aplicació senzilla com és la solució del problema de la partícula sotmesa a un potencial d'atracció dins la caixa quàntica monodimensional


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Summary of the course on Architectural History and Theory, EPS, UdG. This architectural history and theory program will study in roughly chronological order some of the major theories and theoreticians of architecture, from Vitruvius, through the Renaissance to the Enlightenment


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Aquesta tesi té la intenció de realitzar una contribució metodològica en el camp de la direcció estratègica, per mitjà de tres objectius: la revisió del concepte de risc ex post o realitzat per l'àmbit de la direcció estratègica; la concreció d'aquest concepte en una mesura de risc vàlida; i l'exploració de les possibilitats i l'interès de la descomposició del risc en diferents determinants que puguin explicar-ne la seva naturalesa. El primer objectiu es du a terme prenent com a base el concepte intuïtiu de risc i revisant la literatura en els camps més afins, especialment en la teoria comportamental de la decisió i la direcció estratègica. L'anàlisi porta a formular el risc ex post d'una activitat com el grau en què no s'han assolit els objectius per a aquesta activitat. La concreció d'aquesta definició al camp de la direcció estratègica implica que els objectius han de portar a l'obtenció de l'avantatge competitiu sostenible, el que descobreix l'interès de realitzar la mesura del risc a curt termini, és a dir, estàticament, i a llarg termini, és a dir, dinàmicament, pel que es defineix una mesura de Risc Estàtic i una altra de Risc dinàmic, respectivament. En l'anàlisi apareixen quatre dimensions conceptuals bàsiques a incorporar en les mesures: sign dependence, relativa, longitudinal i path dependence. Addicionalment, la consideració de que els resultats puguin ser cardinals o ordinals justifica que es formulin les dues mesures anteriors per a resultats cardinals i, en segon lloc, per a resultats ordinals. Les mesures de risc que es proposen sintetitzen els resultats ex post obtinguts en una mesura de centralitat relativa dels resultats, el Risc Estàtic, i una mesura de la tendència temporal dels resultats, el Risc Dinàmic. Aquesta proposta contrasta amb el plantejament tradicional dels models esperança-variància. Les mesures desenvolupades s'avaluen amb un sistema de propietats conceptuals i tècniques que s'elaboren expressament en la tesi i que permeten demostrar el seu gra de validesa i el de les mesures existents en la literatura, destacant els problemes de validesa d'aquestes darreres. També es proporciona un exemple teòric il·lustratiu de les mesures proposades que dóna suport a l'avaluació realitzada amb el sistema de propietats. Una contribució destacada d'aquesta tesi és la demostració de que les mesures de risc proposades permeten la descomposició additiva del risc si els resultats o diferencials de resultats es descomponen additivament. Finalment, la tesi inclou una aplicació de les mesures de Risc Estàtic i Dinàmic cardinals, així com de la seva descomposició, a l'anàlisi de la rendibilitat del sector bancari espanyol, en el període 1987-1999. L'aplicació il·lustra la capacitat de les mesures proposades per a analitzar la manifestació de l'avantatge competitiu, la seva evolució i naturalesa econòmica. En les conclusions es formulen possibles línees d'investigació futures.


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Catalan modern and contemporary philosophy has traditionally been little studied so strictly to historical and political reasons for more or less the same conviction that is compared with literature and even in historiography, it is a minor contribution. Some of the characters in the world of philosophy has been the Catalan Jaume Serra Hunter charismatic and versatile, whom history has done justice. Like many others, was persecuted in the Franco regime, declared outlawed and persecuted and exiled, first to France and then Mexico. This research aims to discover him and his huge role as a politician. But above all, I want to convey their deep love for culture and fierce defense that he did, especially Catalan, is following in philosophical discourse of his work. I figure Serra Hunter claim their struggle for cultural cohesion through its philosophy, making it reach everyone. I want to show how he worked in a time of crisis in society, culture and education, to overcome the crisis of philosophy as a guide. Serra Hunter lived a very difficult time for philosophy. But he wanted to bring all cultures. It is a philosophy that dealing with the issues may be even a sort of advanced in the world and some of the problems it has today. According to him, philosophy should be more human and more alive and present in all the different curriculum of any educational plan.


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A lo largo de estos años de existencia del grupo de investigación se han ido desarrollando un volumen de casos donde se comenzó a evidenciar un hecho: niños y adolescentes llegaban derivados a la consulta por problemas de aprendizaje, pero éstos no siempre respondían a que tuvieran unos procesos cognitivos por debajo de la media. Por tanto, no se explicaba su bajo rendimiento escolar. Ante estos casos nos planteamos como intervenir en esta realidad educativa. Indagando descubrimos que la mayoría de estos también tenían problemas a nivel emocional. La pregunta inmediata que nos hicimos fue: podemos llegar a pensar que quizás los procesos emocionales influyen directamente en los procesos cognitivos? El estado emocional influye directamente en los procesos cognitivos?Los procesos cognitivos y emocionales son un todo inseparable? Estas dudas son las que me llevaron a proponer esta investigación: ver la relación que puede haber entre los procesos cognitivos y los procesos emocionales, evidentemente, siempre centrados desde el Modelo Humanista- Estratégico (modelo del grupo de investigación): a nivel cognitivo, Teoría PASS de la Inteligencia; a nivel emocional, la Teoría del Procesamiento Cerebral de las Emociones. Se plantea la tesis estructurada en dos partes: Parte teórica: explicación de la Unidad de Neuropsicopedagogía del Hospital Dr. Trueta de Girona (UNPP) donde se realiza la investigación, revisión teórica de procesamiento cognitivo, procesamiento emocional y su relación mutua. 2.- Parte práctica: objetivos, metodología, resultados, análisis- discusión, implicaciones educativas y conclusiones. El objetivo general es establecer una relación entre el procesamiento cognitivo y emocional a partir de la relación de los procesos cognitivos PASS con problemas emocionales en niños y niñas de entre 5 y 16 años. Para conseguirlo se pretende: 1. Establecer la relación entre procesamiento PASS y los efectos de la intervención emocional según el Modelo Humanista - Estratégico; 2. Analizar la relación entre procesamientos cognitivos PASS y los efectos de la intervención cognitiva según la Teoría PASS de la Inteligencia; 3.Comprobar si los procesos PASS varían en el transcurso de más de seis meses sin ningún tipo de intervención ni emocional ni cognitiva, 4. Comprobar si los resultados obtenidos en los tres primeros objetivos se diferencian entre ellos para determinar el componente emocional en los procesos cognitivos PASS, y 5. Establecer orientaciones prácticas para la intervención psicopedagògica considerando la relación de procesos emocionales, cognitivos y aprendizaje. Para poder llevar a cabo esta investigación, la metodologia utilizada es: una metodologia cuantitativa ya que se realiza una investigación experimental enmarcada como un diseño mixto 3x2 con el primer factor ínter sujeto y el segundo factor intra sujeto. Y por otra parte, una metodologia cualitativa. ya que en la primera muestra se realiza una intervención psicopedagógica en base emocional a cuarenta casos de la UNPP, y en la segunda muestra se realiza una intervención psicopedagògica en base cognitiva a treinta casos de la UNPP. Los resultados comparativos nos corraboran afirmativamente la hipotesis y objetivos, facilitando realizar un analisis-discusión muy interesante aportando las implicaciones educativas que acarrean, y por consiguiente llegando a las conclusiones. De entre éstas destacamos principalmente: 1. La intervención emocional es eficaz para mejorar el rendimiento cognitivo, si tenemos en cuenta que a pesar que no se ha realizado intervención cognitiva se ha producido una mejora en el rendimiento escolar. 2. La intervención cognitiva PASS es eficaz para la mejora del rendimiento cognitivo y la desaparación de las dificultades de aprendizaje cuando el origen de estas es cognitivo. 3. En las diferencias en planificación se observa que se ha producido un incremento mayor y sustancial en el grupo que ha recibido intervención emocional. 4. Y por consiguiente, podemos decir que la emoción se interrelaciona con la cognición a través del procesamiento cognitivo de planificación.


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School management is a recent worry in the history of Brazilian education. Still today the administrative theories from the industrial business model are reference for education, despite its specificities. This situation is not a misconception. Care is necessary to attempt to the goal differences from schools to companies. The aim of this research was to analyze the influence of administrative practices in the quality of education in the Brazilian state of Pará, taking as empiric reference the educational-administrative reality of the 10th Educational Regional Unit (ERU), in the period from 2007 to 2010. The study was made by means of document analysis, questionnaires and the revision of theoretic fundaments, analyzing the results of the national exams of high schools and the practice of ERU school directors and schools of the same unit. Our conclusion is that among managers, the is a lack of knowledge and lack of practice of an adequate theory for education, what has created problems to the students evaluation, whose right to success is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution of Brazil. The academics and managers of education would need to discuss and reach the propositions of a management theory that meets the aims and goals of education


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Muito se tem teorizado sobre a formação contínua dos professores e a sua implicação no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos docentes, tendo sempre presente as necessárias melhorias no sistema educativo. Entre a dimensão teórica que nos reconforta pela quantidade de saberes acumulados ao longo dos anos e a dimensão prática que se esvanece frequentemente na inércia e rotinas diárias dos professores fica a ausência de uma formação contínua adequada às verdadeiras necessidades dos seus profissionais. Falta proporcionar o encontro mais sistemático entre teoria e prática em contexto, ou vice-versa, numa simbiose perfeita de sentidos para que a formação se torne essencial e determinante na prática diária do professor. A reflexão e o profundo questionamento sobre esta temática colocaram-nos diante de uma questão extremamente pertinente: que formação contínua em contexto proporcionar aos docentes, promotora de aprendizagens (pessoais, profissionais, organizacionais) e da melhoria dos resultados escolares num Agrupamento de Escolas? As respostas estão implícitas na formulação do tema do presente trabalho: (i) a formação em contexto permite revitalizar aprendizagens pessoais, profissionais e organizacionais; (ii) (re)pensar e (re)dinamizar as dinâmicas de trabalho entre professores, bem como criar novas dinâmicas organizacionais, procurando desenvolver saberes e competências individuais que devidamente aproveitados farão da escola um espaço de trabalho agradável, onde a partilha, o trabalho colaborativo e reflexivo melhorarão naturalmente as práticas do quotidiano escolar. Efetuou-se um levantamento das ações realizadas pelos docentes do agrupamento e verificou-se que maioritariamente se faziam fora do âmbito disciplinar, constrangimento apontado pela falta de formações específicas nas áreas disciplinares. Esta e outras questões foram validadas a partir das entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas a docentes do agrupamento que confirmaram existir no contexto escolar oportunidades de aprendizagem desaproveitadas. Partindo das fundamentações necessárias, quer a partir dos dados, quer a partir de um quadro concetual teórico, quer ainda da opinião muito favorável das professoras entrevistadas, propomos um projeto de formação pró-ativo concebido para um agrupamento de escolas que contribua para a melhoria das práticas letivas.


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Population subdivision complicates analysis of molecular variation. Even if neutrality is assumed, three evolutionary forces need to be considered: migration, mutation, and drift. Simplification can be achieved by assuming that the process of migration among and drift within subpopulations is occurring fast compared to Mutation and drift in the entire population. This allows a two-step approach in the analysis: (i) analysis of population subdivision and (ii) analysis of molecular variation in the migrant pool. We model population subdivision using an infinite island model, where we allow the migration/drift parameter Theta to vary among populations. Thus, central and peripheral populations can be differentiated. For inference of Theta, we use a coalescence approach, implemented via a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) integration method that allows estimation of allele frequencies in the migrant pool. The second step of this approach (analysis of molecular variation in the migrant pool) uses the estimated allele frequencies in the migrant pool for the study of molecular variation. We apply this method to a Drosophila ananassae sequence data set. We find little indication of isolation by distance, but large differences in the migration parameter among populations. The population as a whole seems to be expanding. A population from Bogor (Java, Indonesia) shows the highest variation and seems closest to the species center.


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In the first half of this memoir we explore the interrelationships between the abstract theory of limit operators (see e.g. the recent monographs of Rabinovich, Roch and Silbermann (2004) and Lindner (2006)) and the concepts and results of the generalised collectively compact operator theory introduced by Chandler-Wilde and Zhang (2002). We build up to results obtained by applying this generalised collectively compact operator theory to the set of limit operators of an operator (its operator spectrum). In the second half of this memoir we study bounded linear operators on the generalised sequence space , where and is some complex Banach space. We make what seems to be a more complete study than hitherto of the connections between Fredholmness, invertibility, invertibility at infinity, and invertibility or injectivity of the set of limit operators, with some emphasis on the case when the operator is a locally compact perturbation of the identity. Especially, we obtain stronger results than previously known for the subtle limiting cases of and . Our tools in this study are the results from the first half of the memoir and an exploitation of the partial duality between and and its implications for bounded linear operators which are also continuous with respect to the weaker topology (the strict topology) introduced in the first half of the memoir. Results in this second half of the memoir include a new proof that injectivity of all limit operators (the classic Favard condition) implies invertibility for a general class of almost periodic operators, and characterisations of invertibility at infinity and Fredholmness for operators in the so-called Wiener algebra. In two final chapters our results are illustrated by and applied to concrete examples. Firstly, we study the spectra and essential spectra of discrete Schrödinger operators (both self-adjoint and non-self-adjoint), including operators with almost periodic and random potentials. In the final chapter we apply our results to integral operators on .


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The present paper presents a simple theory for the transformation of non-precipitating, shallow convection into precipitating, deep convective clouds. In order to make the pertinent point a much idealized system is considered, consisting only of shallow and deep convection without large–scale forcing. The transformation is described by an explicit coupling between these two types of convection. Shallow convection moistens and cools the atmosphere, whereas deep convection dries and warms, leading to destabilization and stabilization respectively. Consequently, in their own stand–alone modes, shallow convection perpetually grows, whereas deep convection simply damps: the former never reaches equilibrium, and the latter is never spontaneously generated. Coupling the modes together is the only way to reconcile these undesirable separate tendencies so that the convective system as a whole can remain in a stable periodic state under this idealized setting. Such coupling is a key missing element in current global atmospheric models. The energy–cycle description as originally formulated by Arakawa and Schubert, and presented herein is suitable for direct implementation into models using a mass–flux parameterization, and would alleviate the current problems with the representation of these two types of convection in numerical models. The present theory also provides a pertinent framework for analyzing large–eddy simulations and cloud–resolving modelling.


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In 'Avalanche', an object is lowered, players staying in contact throughout. Normally the task is easily accomplished. However, with larger groups counter-intuitive behaviours appear. The paper proposes a formal theory for the underlying causal mechanisms. The aim is to not only provide an explicit, testable hypothesis for the source of the observed modes of behaviour-but also to exemplify the contribution that formal theory building can make to understanding complex social phenomena. Mapping reveals the importance of geometry to the Avalanche game; each player has a pair of balancing loops, one involved in lowering the object, the other ensuring contact. For more players, sets of balancing loops interact and these can allow dominance by reinforcing loops, causing the system to chase upwards towards an ever-increasing goal. However, a series of other effects concerning human physiology and behaviour (HPB) is posited as playing a role. The hypothesis is therefore rigorously tested using simulation. For simplicity a 'One Degree of Freedom' case is examined, allowing all of the effects to be included whilst rendering the analysis more transparent. Formulation and experimentation with the model gives insight into the behaviours. Multi-dimensional rate/level analysis indicates that there is only a narrow region in which the system is able to move downwards. Model runs reproduce the single 'desired' mode of behaviour and all three of the observed 'problematic' ones. Sensitivity analysis gives further insight into the system's modes and their causes. Behaviour is seen to arise only when the geometric effects apply (number of players greater than degrees of freedom of object) in combination with a range of HPB effects. An analogy exists between the co-operative behaviour required here and various examples: conflicting strategic objectives in organizations; Prisoners' Dilemma and integrated bargaining situations. Additionally, the game may be relatable in more direct algebraic terms to situations involving companies in which the resulting behaviours are mediated by market regulations. Finally, comment is offered on the inadequacy of some forms of theory building and the case is made for formal theory building involving the use of models, analysis and plausible explanations to create deep understanding of social phenomena.


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Equilibrium theory occupies an important position in chemistry and it is traditionally based on thermodynamics. A novel mathematical approach to chemical equilibrium theory for gaseous systems at constant temperature and pressure is developed. Six theorems are presented logically which illustrate the power of mathematics to explain chemical observations and these are combined logically to create a coherent system. This mathematical treatment provides more insight into chemical equilibrium and creates more tools that can be used to investigate complex situations. Although some of the issues covered have previously been given in the literature, new mathematical representations are provided. Compared to traditional treatments, the new approach relies on straightforward mathematics and less on thermodynamics, thus, giving a new and complementary perspective on equilibrium theory. It provides a new theoretical basis for a thorough and deep presentation of traditional chemical equilibrium. This work demonstrates that new research in a traditional field such as equilibrium theory, generally thought to have been completed many years ago, can still offer new insights and that more efficient ways to present the contents can be established. The work presented here can be considered appropriate as part of a mathematical chemistry course at University level.


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This article discusses planning in the global South-East while focusing on the specific context of social divides, political turmoil and conflict situations. The article proposes a five-way framework based on political science and planning to theory to analyse such contexts. The article explores the case of Beirut, Lebanon that has undergone several episodes of internal and external conflicts resulting in a society splintered along sectarianism. Three Two case studies of open urban spaces and their public activities are analysed using the five-way framework The discussion indicates how economic liberalism that is prevalent in countries of the South-East, along with place-based identities, interest-based identities, consensus orientated processes and institutionalism might facilitate a cultivation of deep values away from a narrowly constructed identity. The article argues that planners should understand the options for positive action that aim to bridge deep divisions and suggests that the five-way framework provides a reference for contextualising in different ways to suit particular contexts. Therefore, the framework is not necessarily restricted to the South-East but could be applicable to any context which manifests deep divisions.


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For many learning tasks the duration of the data collection can be greater than the time scale for changes of the underlying data distribution. The question we ask is how to include the information that data are aging. Ad hoc methods to achieve this include the use of validity windows that prevent the learning machine from making inferences based on old data. This introduces the problem of how to define the size of validity windows. In this brief, a new adaptive Bayesian inspired algorithm is presented for learning drifting concepts. It uses the analogy of validity windows in an adaptive Bayesian way to incorporate changes in the data distribution over time. We apply a theoretical approach based on information geometry to the classification problem and measure its performance in simulations. The uncertainty about the appropriate size of the memory windows is dealt with in a Bayesian manner by integrating over the distribution of the adaptive window size. Thus, the posterior distribution of the weights may develop algebraic tails. The learning algorithm results from tracking the mean and variance of the posterior distribution of the weights. It was found that the algebraic tails of this posterior distribution give the learning algorithm the ability to cope with an evolving environment by permitting the escape from local traps.