989 resultados para Cyst degeneration
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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
Purpose: To determine whether the localization of retinal glutamate transporters is affected by retinal ischaemia and whether their ability to transport glutamate decreases with the progression of ischemic retinal and optic nerve degeneration. Methods: Retinal ischemia was induced in rats by acutely increasing the intraocular pressure (IOP, 110 mmHg/60 min). Reperfusion was permitted for periods up to 60 days post-ischemia. Functional evaluation was performed by monitoring the pupil light reflexes (PLRs) and electroretinograms (flash, flicker ERG and oscillatory potentials). Glutamate transporter localization and D-aspartate (glutamate analogue) uptake were assessed by immunohistochemistry. Results: Intense immunoreactivity for the retinal glutamate transporters (GLAST, GLT1, EAAC1 and EAAT5) was observed at all time points after the insult, despite severe retinal degeneration. D-aspartate was also normally accumulated in the ischemic retinas. Ten days post-operatively the PLR ratio (ratio = indirect/direct PLR = 34 +/- 7(.)5%) was significantly less than the pre-operative value (pre-op = 76(.)7 +/- 2 (.)6%, p < 0(.)05). However, 25 and 35 days post-operatively PLR ratios did not differ significantly from pre-operative values (44(.)4 +/- 6(.)9 and 53(.)8 +/- 9(.)6%, p > 0(.)05). Forty-five and 60 days post-operatively the PLR ratio declined again and was significantly lower than the pre-operative value (33(.)8 + 8(.)7 and 26(.)2 + 8(.)9%, p < 0(.)05). Statistical analysis revealed that all tested ERG components had significantly higher values at 32, but not at 42 and 58 days post-operatively when compared to the first time point recorded post-operatively (10 days). Conclusions: While retinal glutamate transport is compromised during an acute ischemic insult, consequent retinal recovery and degeneration are not due to a change in the excitatory amino acid transporter localization or D-aspartate (glutamate analogue) uptake. Rat retina and optic nerve are capable of spontaneous, but temporary, functional recovery after an acute ischemic insult. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rising sea temperatures are increasing the incidences of mass coral bleaching (the dissociation of the coral-algal symbiosis) and coral mortality. In this study, the effects of bleaching (induced by elevated light and temperature) on the condition of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) within the tissue of the hard coral Stylophora pistillata (Esper) were assessed using a suite of techniques. Bleaching of S. pistillata was accompanied by declines in the maximum potential quantum yield of photosynthesis (F-v/F-m, measured using pulse amplitude modulated [PAM] fluorometry), an increase in the number of Sytox-green-stained algae (indicating compromised algal membrane integrity and cell death), an increase in 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluroscein diacetate (H(2)DCFDA)stained algae (indicating increased oxidative stress), as well as ultrastructural changes (vacuolisation, losses of chlorophyll, and an increase in accumulation bodies). Algae expelled from S. pistillata exhibited a complete disorganisation of cellular contents; expelled cells contained only amorphous material. In situ samples taken during a natural mass coral bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef in February 2002 also revealed a high number of Sytox-labelled algae cells in symbio. Dinoflagellate degeneration during bleaching seems to be similar to the changes resulting from senescence-phase cell death in cultured algae. These data support a role for oxidative stress in the mechanism of coral bleaching and highlight the importance of algal degeneration during the bleaching of a reef coral.
Four new species of dinoflagellate cysts are described from Callovian to lower Oxfordian (Jurassic) sediments of the Timor Sea, northwestern Australia. These comprise Evansia? lacryma, Egmontodinium elongatum, Leptodinium? ancoralium, and Nannoceratopsis reticulata. They are rare to common constituents of the Rigaudella aemula dinoflagellate cyst Interval Zone, and may prove useful for regional biostratigraphic correlation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Modification of proteins by reactive ethanol metabolites has been known for some time to occur in the liver, the main site of ethanol metabolism. In more recent studies of laboratory animals, similar modifications have been detected in organs with lesser ability to metabolize ethanol, such as skeletal and cardiac muscle and brain. Such modification may alter protein function or form a neoantigen, making it a target for immune attack. We now report an analysis of protein modification derived from ethanol metabolites in human brain tissue by ELISA using adduct-specific antibodies. We obtained autopsy cerebellum samples from 10 alcoholic cerebellar degeneration cases and 10 matched controls under informed written consent from the next of kin and clearance from the UQ Human Ethics Committee. Elevated levels of protein modifications derived from acetaldehyde (unreduced-acetaldehyde and acetaldehyde-advanced glycation end-product adducts), from malondialdehyde (malondialdehyde adducts) and from combined adducts (malondialdehydeacetaldehyde (MAA) adducts) were detected in alcoholic cerebellar degeneration samples when compared to controls. Other adduct types found in liver samples, such as reduced-acetaldehyde and those derived from hydroxyethyl radicals, were not detected in brain samples. This may reflect the different routes of ethanol metabolism in the two tissues. This is the first report of elevated protein modification in alcoholic cerebellar degeneration, and suggests that such modification may play a role in the pathogenesis of brain injury. Supported by NIAAA under grant NIH AA12404 and the NHMRC (Australia) under grant #981723.
Modification of proteins by reactive ethanol metabolites has been known, for some time, to occur in the liver, the main site of ethanol metabolism. More recently, similar modifi cation has been detected in organs with lesser ability to metabolise ethanol such as skeletal and cardiac muscle, and brain. Such modifi cation may alter protein function or form a neoantigen, making it a target for immune attack.
Background: The MacDQoL is an individualised measure of the impact of macular degeneration (MD) on quality of life (QoL). There is preliminary evidence of its psychometric properties and sensitivity to severity of MD. The aim of this study was to carry out further psychometric evaluation with a larger sample and investigate the measure's sensitivity to MD severity. Methods: Patients with MD (n = 156: 99 women, 57 men, mean age 79 ± 13 years), recruited from eye clinics (one NHS, one private) completed the MacDQoL by telephone interview and later underwent a clinic vision assessment including near and distance visual acuity (VA), comfortable near VA, contrast sensitivity, colour recognition, recovery from glare and presence or absence of distortion or scotoma in the central 10° of the visual field. Results: The completion rate for the MacDQoL items was 99.8%. Of the 26 items, three were dropped from the measure due to redundancy. A fourth was retained in the questionnaire but excluded when computing the scale score. Principal components analysis and Cronbach's alpha (0.944) supported combining the remaining 22 items in a single scale. Lower MacDQoL scores, indicating more negative impact of MD on QoL, were associated with poorer distance VA (better eye r = -0.431 p < 0.001; worse eye r = -0.350 p < 0.001; binocular vision r = -0.419 p < 0.001) and near VA (better eye r -0.326 p < 0.001; worse eye r = -0.226 p < 0.001; binocular vision r = -0.326 p < 0.001). Poorer MacDQoL scores were associated with poorer contrast sensitivity (better eye r = 0.392 p < 0.001; binocular vision r = 0.423 p < 0.001), poorer colour recognition (r = 0.417 p < 0.001) and poorer comfortable near VA (r = -0.283, p < 0.001). The MacDQoL differentiated between those with and without binocular scotoma (U = 1244 p < 0.001). Conclusion: The MacDQoL 22-item scale has excellent internal consistency reliability and a single-factor structure. The measure is acceptable to respondents and the generic QoL item, MD-specific QoL item and average weighted impact score are related to several measures of vision. The MacDQoL demonstrates that MD has considerable negative impact on many aspects of QoL, particularly independence, leisure activities, dealing with personal affairs and mobility. The measure may be valuable for use in clinical trials and routine clinical care. © 2005 Mitchell et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Aim: To assess the repeatability of Eger macular stressometer (EMS) measures of photostress recovery and determine their association with other measures of visual function. Methods: EMS photostress recovery time was measured in 90 patients with bilateral exudative age related macular degeneration (AMD), 19 with bilateral atrophic AMD and 47 with both forms of the condition (mean age 79 (SD 13) years). Measurements were made on two occasions separated by 1 year. Intrasession repeatability was assessed by repeating the measures after a 10 minute recovery period at the first visit. Distance visual acuity was measured with a logMAR chart, near visual acuity with a MNRead chart at 25 cm, contrast sensitivity with a Pelli-Robson chart, and the presence of central visual disturbance assessed with an Amsler grid. A questionnaire was used to assess self reported difficulties with glare recovery. Results: The average EMS recovery time was 11.0 (SD 8.9) seconds, decreasing by 1.6 (5.2) seconds on repeated measurement (p<0.05). EMS photostress recovery was not correlated with visual function measures or subjective difficulties with lights (p>0.05). EMS photostress recovery time did not predict those whose vision decreased over the following year compared with those among whom it remained stable. Conclusions: The EMS test is not a useful tool in determining the severity or progression of AMD.
Are pathological lesions in neurodegenerative disorders the cause or the effect of the degeneration?
Pathological lesions in the form of extracellular protein deposits, intracellular inclusions and changes in cell morphology occur in the brain in the majority of neurodegenerative disorders. Studies of the presence, distribution, and molecular determinants of these lesions are often used to define individual disorders and to establish the mechanisms of lesion pathogenesis. In most disorders, however, the relationship between the appearance of a lesion and the underlying disease process is unclear. Two hypotheses are proposed which could explain this relationship: (i) lesions are the direct cause of the observed neurodegeneration ('causal' hypothesis); and (ii) lesions are a reaction to neurodegeneration ('reaction' hypothesis). These hypotheses are considered in relation to studies of the morphology and molecular determinants of lesions, the effects of gene mutations, degeneration induced by head injury, the effects of experimentally induced brain lesions, transgenic studies and the degeneration of anatomical pathways. The balance of evidence suggests that in many disorders, the appearance of the pathological lesions is a reaction to degenerative processes rather than being their cause. Such a conclusion has implications both for the classification of neurodegenerative disorders and for studies of disease pathogenesis.