961 resultados para Cultural field
At the end of 2002 and throughout 2003, there was a severe outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in an intensive production area of commercial hens in the Sao Paulo State of Brazil. ILT virus was isolated from 28 flocks, and 21 isolates were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) using four genes and eight restriction enzymes, and by partial sequencing of the infected cell protein 4 (ICP4) and thymidine kinase (TK) genes. Three groups resulted from the combinations of PCR-RFLP patterns: 19 field isolates formed Group I, and the remaining two isolates together with the chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccine strains formed Group II. Group III comprised the tissue-culture origin (TCO) vaccine strain by itself. The PCR-RFLP results agreed with the sequencing results of two ICP4 gene fragments. The ICP4 gene sequence analysis showed that the 19 field isolates classified into Group I by RFLP-PCR were identical among themselves, but were different to the TCO and CEO vaccines. The two Group II isolates could not be distinguished from one of the CEO vaccines. The nucleotide and amino acid sequence analyses discriminated between the Brazilian and non-Brazilian isolates, as well as between the TCO and CEO vaccines. Sequence analysis of the TK gene enabled classification of the field isolates (Group I) as virulent and non-vaccine. This work shows that the severe ILT outbreak was caused by a highly virulent, non-vaccine strain.
Two different regions of the infected cell protein 4 (ICP4) gene of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) were amplified and sequenced for characterization of field isolates and tissue culture-origin (TCO) and chicken embryo-origin (CEO) vaccine strains. Phylogenetic analysis of the two regions showed differences in nucleotide and amino acid sequences between field isolates and attenuated vaccines. The PCR-RFLP results were identical to those obtained by DNA sequencing and validated their use to differentiate ILTV strains. The approach using the sequencing of the two fragments of the ICP4 gene showed to be an efficient and practical procedure to differentiate between field isolates and vaccine strains of ILTV. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Shows how economic theories based on parental self-interest may explain parental discrimination against daughters relative to sons. However, such theories often need to be adjusted (or even discarded) to allow for altruism of parents towards their children, and to take account of cultural influences on parental desires to have children of particular gender, and care equally for their children of different gender. The latter point is illustrated by a study of two different communities. In one situated in the Santal tribal belt I West Bengal, discrimination against daughters is found to be marked and accords (given the structure of society) with predictions of economic theories based on the pursuit of parental self-interest. By contrast, it is found that although the Knondh-dominated community in Orissa experiences similar economic conditions and social structures to the West Bengal communities, parental discrimination against daughters is almost absent. The differences seem to arise from a difference between the cultural values shared by the Kondhs in Orissa and those shared by the West Bengal community consisting of Santals and Bengali Hindus. This suggests that the applicability of economic theories of the family depends significantly on the social contexts in which they are to be applied. In this respect, both social structures and cultural values are important.