822 resultados para Copyright Reform


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The contemporary individual finds on the Internet and especially on the Web facilitating conditions to build a basic infrastructure based on the concept of commons. He also finds favorable conditions which allow him to collaborate and share resources for the creation, use, reuse, access and dissemination of information. However, he also faces obstacles such as Copyright (Law 9610/98 in Brazil). An alternative is Creative Commons which not only allows the elaboration, use and dissemination of information under legal conditions but also function as a facilitator for the development of informational commons. This paper deals with this scenario.


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The agrarian reform allows for land redistribution and gives rural workers the opportunity to develop their life projects, rescuing the dignity of a historically excluded population. The conquest of the land carries significances that span from the rescue of citizenship to the improvement of living conditions due to the acquisition of goods, products and services. It is pointed out that in Brazil there still exists a marked concentration of large-landed estates. In this sense, this work had the objective of analyzing the Brazilian agrarian reform process during the last two decades. In this period the country had three Presidents, two of them elected with the support of the Rural Landless Workers Movement, increasing the expectations in relation to the fulfillment of the agrarian reform. The advances in the policies of rural settlements are notable; however, the structure of large-land estates remains unaltered. In the last two years (2011 and 2012) the number of settled families, as well as the number of settlements accomplished, were the worst since 2006. The priority of the current government is the eradication of extreme poverty and, in this sense, the agrarian reform becomes an essential policy to contribute to such goal, since with the distribution of the property of the land also diminishes the concentration of wealth.


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Brazil is one of the largest agricultural producers in the world. However, its agrarian composition is based on two markedly different production models, particularly in relation to sustainability: a peasant family agriculture, which plays an important role in food production for domestic consumption and advocates agro-ecological practises; and agribusiness, the politically and economically hegemonic model that produces commodities for export based on monoculture and intensive use of pesticides. Therefore, in order to create the means to develop peasant lands, social movements and peasants have engaged themselves politically and defended an education model grounded in sustainable practises of production and social organisation. Taking this into account, the main purpose of this paper is to analyse and assess the Brazilian experience of integration between education and sustainability, in the National Education Program in Agrarian Reform (PRONERA). To accomplish this aim, a survey with a semi-structured questionnaire was carried out among teachers, students, monitors, and coordinators of the course offered by PRONERA. The surveys showed that the courses are promoting the concepts of sustainability among peasants. However, many adjustments need to be taken into consideration during the planning process for the next courses offered by PRONERA.


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The objective of this study was to present a panoramic view of the scientific production regarding Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS). This literature review was performed using the LILACS, MEDLINE, and SciELO databases. Sixty-eight references were selected, most of which were journal articles (88.24%) and studies related to final graduate study essays (10.29%); 75% of the references found dating from 2003 were included. The following are highlighted among the most frequent objectives: the analysis and evaluation of the new proposal for mental health care, represented by Psychiatric Reform and by CAPS, and the analysis of mental health professionals and their expectations towards the services. The authors hope the present review will help find pathways and implications that lead to new studies and practices in the everyday work of health care services.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to assess re-hospitalization rates of individuals with psychosis and bipolar disorder and to study determinants of readmission. Methods: Prospective observational study, conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil. One hundred-sixty-nine individuals with bipolar and psychotic disorder in need of hospitalization in the public mental health system were followed for 12 months after discharge. Their families were contacted by telephone and interviews were conducted at 1, 2, 6 and 12 months post-discharge to evaluate readmission rates and factors related. Results: One-year re-hospitalization rate was of 42.6%. Physical restraint during hospital stay was a risk factor (OR = 5.4-10.5) for readmission in most models. Not attending consultations after discharge was related to the 12-month point readmission (OR = 8.5, 95% CI 2.3-31.2) and to the survival model (OR = 3.2, 95% CI 1.5-7.2). Number of previous admissions was a risk factor for the survival model (OR = 6.6-11.9). Family's agreement with permanent hospitalization of individuals with mental illness was the predictor associated to readmission in all models (OR = 3.5-10.9) and resulted in shorter survival time to readmission; those readmitted were stereotyped as dangerous and unhealthy. Conclusions: Family's stigma towards mental illness might contribute to the increase in readmission rates of their relatives with psychiatric disorders. More studies should be conducted to depict mechanisms by which stigma increases re-hospitalization rates.


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Bioethics can be included in the context of psychiatric patients' recovery of dignity and rights, creating a therapeutic interface of social rehabilitation, respect and closeness between professionals and the treated persons. The completion of the analysis of the facts occurred by reviewing 22 articles dated between 1999-2011, from a prior reading, selecting the ones that mention bioethics and mental health. Before the Psychiatric Reform, often, a lack of commitment to the mentally ill was noticed, isolating the patient from a social life. Before the Psychiatric Reform, often, a lack of commitment to the mentally ill was noticed by isolating the patient from a social life. After the Reform, the person with mental illness began to receive a more attentive care. It can be concluded that the Reform tried to bring life to those who had no respect and attention, these patients who needed to be included in a social and urban interaction.


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Background: The incidence of depression in children and adolescents still increasing and this disorder is now a major public health challenge worldwide. The Psychiatric Reform suggested an end to the fragmented and inefficient service by proposing integrated and quality care. In this context, family narratives are a way to recognize vulnerabilities and provide psychopathology prevention in primary care. Methods: Two medical databases (LILACS and SciELO) were surveyed and 14 texts published between 2004 and 2011 were selected and reviewed. Results and discussion: Children and adolescents are nowadays exposed to several stressing factors, in addition to natural vulnerabilities of this age group. Prevention is associated with a qualified hearing of family narratives in primary care and healthcare professionals should be able to perceive said and unsaid elements across the speech. Conclusion: In spite of the advances about children and adolescents mental health, some procedures must be adapted to achieve an efficient mental health policy though analyzing family discourse.


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FOOD-CT-2007-036298: AquAgriS. Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework (2002-2006)


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This thesis is a collection of essays about the instrumental use of commitment decisions to facilitate the completion of the European internal electricity market. European policy can shape markets in many ways, two most evident being regulation and competition enforcement. The interplay between these two instruments attracts a lot of scholarly attention. One of the major concerns in the competition vs. regulation debate is the instrumental use of competition rules. It has been observed that competition enforcement is triggered not only as a response to an anticompetitive harm occurring in the market, but that it sometimes becomes a powerful tool in the European Commission’s hands to pursue regulatory goals. This thesis looks for examples of such instrumentalisation in the context of electricity markets and finds that the Commission is very pragmatic in using all the possible instruments it has at hand to push forward its project of creating the internal electricity market. This includes regulation, competition enforcement and all sorts of political pressure. To the extent that commitment decisions accelerate sector-specific regulation and overcome political deadlocks, they contribute to the Commission’s energy policy goals. However, instrumentalisation of competition rules comes at a certain cost to competition policy, energy policy and, most importantly, to electricity markets themselves. Markets might be negatively affected either indirectly, by application of sector-specific regulation or competition policy building on previous commitment decisions, or directly, through the implementation of inadequate commitments in individual cases. Concluding, commitment decisions generally contributed to achieving the policy objectives of the internal electricity market, but their use for that purpose does not come without cost. Given that this cost is ultimately borne by the internal electricity market, the Commission should take a more balanced approach to the instrumental use of commitment decisions so that it does not do more harm than good.


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Con l’avvento di Internet, potentissimo strumento tecnologico di diffusione di informazioni e di comunicazione a distanza, anche le modalità di apprendimento sono cambiate: persino nelle scuole si tende a non utilizzare più i classici libri di testo, ma ad utilizzare dispositivi dai quali scaricare in formato elettronico, libri, dispense, test, video ed ogni altro genere di materiale di apprendimento, dando vita a un vero e proprio nuovo modo di apprendere chiamato E-learning, più veloce, comodo e ricco di alternative rispetto al vecchio modello offline che si presentava sottoforma di floppy inizialmente e poi di CD-ROM. E-learning significa, electronic based learning, ed è appunto una vera e propria metodologia di didattica che sfrutta e viene facilitata da risorse e servizi disponibili e accessibili virtualmente in rete. Al momento vi sono numerose piattaforme di E-learning, una delle quali è il nucleo di questa tesi, ovvero il tool autore AContent. Questo documento di tesi, infatti, raccoglie la descrizione della progettazione e della fase implementativa della gestione delle politiche di copyright per il tool AContent. L’obbiettivo è quello di rendere possibile l’assegnazione di un copyright a qualsiasi tipo di materiale didattico venga creato, caricato e/o condiviso sulla piattaforma in questione. Pertanto l’idea è stata quella di dare la possibilità di scegliere fra più copyright preimpostati, utilizzando degli standard di licenze riguardanti i diritti d’autore, lasciando anche l’opportunità di inserire la propria politica.