967 resultados para Contemporary Spanish literature
Entre fines del siglo XVI y comienzos del siglo XVII se desarrolló una importante producción de literatura panfletaria y político-religiosa relacionada con los acontecimientos históricos que involucraron a España e Inglaterra. Hasta el momento esta literatura no ha sido estudiada en profundidad ni se le ha dado la atención crítica debida. El documento que aquí se presenta recoge los sucesos inmediatamente posteriores a la derrota de la Armada Invencible (1588) y se hace eco de las rebeliones de Aragón, Cataluña y Valencia por los mismos años, así como de un episodio de lucha entre ciudadanos de Portugal y España en Lisboa y de las malas cosechas de Ñápoles del año 1590.
De la construcción de la memoria a la identidad como mutación : Apuntes sobre España de Manuel Vilas
Este trabajo analiza los procedimientos narrativos de España de Manuel Vilas en torno de la construcción de la identidad nacional. Esta se constituye como un núcleo 'pre-significativo' al que los textos buscan referirse a través de una serie de operaciones alegóricas. Ellas suponen una interrogación tanto sobre el estatuto del texto como sobre la configuración actual del sistema literario. A partir de esto, se plantea el problema del lugar de la literatura en la cultura contemporánea, cruzada por las recientes transformaciones tecnológicas digitales. Una toma de distancia respecto de las líneas que marcaron la literatura de la Transición española, primero, y la ligada con la recuperación de 'memoria histórica', después, abre España a una concepción de la invención literaria como mutación ficcional
Este trabajo se propone contrastar tres novelas escritas durante la década del noventa (El palomo cojo de Eduardo Mendicutti, Luna lunera de Rosa Regàs y La hija del caníbal de Rosa Montero), en las que se aborda el pasado reciente español (la Guerra civil y el franquismo) y en las que se observa una preocupación por delimitar aspectos relacionados con la problemática del género sexual y de las identidades no hegemónicas, con la narrativa sobre la memoria del periodo. La hipótesis principal sostiene que en las tres novelas ocurren procesos de configuración de subjetividades abyectas y subalternas, auxiliados por mecanismos que subvierten las formas literarias convencionales elegidas, y que se oponen visiblemente a la construcción de un yo intelectual, cívico y ejemplar que ocurre en la narrativa más amplia comprometida con el rescate del pasado
De la construcción de la memoria a la identidad como mutación : Apuntes sobre España de Manuel Vilas
Este trabajo analiza los procedimientos narrativos de España de Manuel Vilas en torno de la construcción de la identidad nacional. Esta se constituye como un núcleo 'pre-significativo' al que los textos buscan referirse a través de una serie de operaciones alegóricas. Ellas suponen una interrogación tanto sobre el estatuto del texto como sobre la configuración actual del sistema literario. A partir de esto, se plantea el problema del lugar de la literatura en la cultura contemporánea, cruzada por las recientes transformaciones tecnológicas digitales. Una toma de distancia respecto de las líneas que marcaron la literatura de la Transición española, primero, y la ligada con la recuperación de 'memoria histórica', después, abre España a una concepción de la invención literaria como mutación ficcional
Entre fines del siglo XVI y comienzos del siglo XVII se desarrolló una importante producción de literatura panfletaria y político-religiosa relacionada con los acontecimientos históricos que involucraron a España e Inglaterra. Hasta el momento esta literatura no ha sido estudiada en profundidad ni se le ha dado la atención crítica debida. El documento que aquí se presenta recoge los sucesos inmediatamente posteriores a la derrota de la Armada Invencible (1588) y se hace eco de las rebeliones de Aragón, Cataluña y Valencia por los mismos años, así como de un episodio de lucha entre ciudadanos de Portugal y España en Lisboa y de las malas cosechas de Ñápoles del año 1590.
Este trabajo se propone contrastar tres novelas escritas durante la década del noventa (El palomo cojo de Eduardo Mendicutti, Luna lunera de Rosa Regàs y La hija del caníbal de Rosa Montero), en las que se aborda el pasado reciente español (la Guerra civil y el franquismo) y en las que se observa una preocupación por delimitar aspectos relacionados con la problemática del género sexual y de las identidades no hegemónicas, con la narrativa sobre la memoria del periodo. La hipótesis principal sostiene que en las tres novelas ocurren procesos de configuración de subjetividades abyectas y subalternas, auxiliados por mecanismos que subvierten las formas literarias convencionales elegidas, y que se oponen visiblemente a la construcción de un yo intelectual, cívico y ejemplar que ocurre en la narrativa más amplia comprometida con el rescate del pasado
De la construcción de la memoria a la identidad como mutación : Apuntes sobre España de Manuel Vilas
Este trabajo analiza los procedimientos narrativos de España de Manuel Vilas en torno de la construcción de la identidad nacional. Esta se constituye como un núcleo 'pre-significativo' al que los textos buscan referirse a través de una serie de operaciones alegóricas. Ellas suponen una interrogación tanto sobre el estatuto del texto como sobre la configuración actual del sistema literario. A partir de esto, se plantea el problema del lugar de la literatura en la cultura contemporánea, cruzada por las recientes transformaciones tecnológicas digitales. Una toma de distancia respecto de las líneas que marcaron la literatura de la Transición española, primero, y la ligada con la recuperación de 'memoria histórica', después, abre España a una concepción de la invención literaria como mutación ficcional
The author participated in the 6 th EU Framework Project ―Q-pork Chains (FP6-036245-2)‖ from 2007 to 2009. With understanding of work reports from China and other countries, it is found that compared with other countries, China has great problems in pork quality and safety. By comparing the pork chain management between China and Spain, It is found that the difference in governance structure is one of the main differences in pork chain management between Spain and China. In China, spot-market relationship still dominates governance structure of pork chain, especially between the numerous house-hold pig holders and the great number of small slaughters. While in Spain, chain agents commonly apply cooperatives or integrations to cooperate. It also has been proven by recent studies, that in quality management at the chain level that supply chain integration has a direct effect on quality management practices (Han, 2010). Therefore, the author started to investigate the governance structure choices in supply chain management. And it has been set as the first research objective, which is to explain the governance structure choices process and the influencing factors in supply chain management, analyzing the pork chains cases in Spain and in China. During the further investigation, the author noticed the international trade of pork between Spain and China is not smooth since the signature of bi-lateral agreement on pork trade in 2007. Thus, another objective of the research is to find and solve the problems exist in the international pork chain between Spain and China. For the first objective, to explain the governance structure choices in supply chain management, the thesis conducts research in three main sections. 10 First of all, the thesis gives a literature overview in chapter two on Supply Chain Management (SCM), agri-food chain management and pork chain management. It concludes that SCM is a systems approach to view the supply chains as a whole, and to manage the total flow of goods inventory from the supplier to the ultimate customer. It includes the bi-directional flow of products (materials and services) and information, and the associated managerial and operational activities. And it also is a customer focus to create unique and individual source of customer value with an appropriate use of resources, leading to customer satisfaction and building competitive chain advantages. Agri-food chain management and pork chain management are applications of SCM in agri-food sector and pork sector respectively. Then, the research gives a comparative study in chapter three in the pork chain and pork chain management between Spain and China. Many differences are found, while the main difference is governance structure in pork chain management. Furthermore, the author gives an empirical study on governance structure choice in chapter five. It is concluded that governance structure of supply chain consists of a collection of rules/institutions/constraints structuring the transactions between the various stakeholders. Based on the overview on literatures closely related with governance structure, such as transaction cost economics, transaction value analysis and resource-based view theories, seven hypotheses are proposed, which are: Hypothesis 1: Transaction cost has positive relationship with governance structure choice Hypothesis 2: Uncertainty has positive relationship with transaction cost; higher uncertainty exerts high transaction cost Hypothesis 3: The relationship between asset specificity and transaction cost is positive Hypothesis 4: Collaboration advantages and governance structure choice have positive relationship11 Hypothesis 5: Willingness to collaborate has positive relationship with collaboration advantages Hypothesis 6: Capability to collaborate has positive relationship with collaboration advantages Hypothesis 7: Uncertainty has negative effect on collaboration advantages It is noted that as transaction cost value is negative, the transaction cost mentioned in the hypotheses is its absolute value. To test the seven hypotheses, Structural Equation Model (SEM) is applied and data collected from 350 pork slaughtering and processing companies in Jiangsu, Shandong and Henan Provinces in China is used. Based on the empirical SEM model and its results, the seven hypotheses are proved. The author generates several conclusions accordingly. It is found that the governance structure choice of the chain not only depends on transaction cost, it also depends on collaboration advantages. Exchange partners establish more stable and more intense relationship to reduce transaction cost and to maximize collaboration advantages. ―Collaboration advantages‖ in this thesis is defined as the joint value achieved through transaction (mutual activities) of agents in supply chains. This value forms as improvements, mainly in mutual logistics systems, cash response, information exchange, technological improvements and innovative improvements and quality management improvements, etc. Governance structure choice is jointly decided by transaction cost and collaboration advantages. Chain agents take different governance structures to coordinate in order to decrease their transaction cost and to increase their collaboration advantages. In China´s pork chain case, spot market relationship dominates the governance structure among the numerous backyard pig farmer and small family slaughterhouse 12 as they are connected by acquaintance relationship and the transaction cost in turn is low. Their relationship is reliable as they know each other in the neighborhood; as a result, spot market relationship is suitable for their exchange. However, the transaction between large-scale slaughtering and processing industries and small-scale pig producers is becoming difficult. The information hold back behavior and hold-up behavior of small-scale pig producers increase transaction cost between them and large-scale slaughtering and processing industries. Thus, through the more intense and stable relationship between processing industries and pig producers, processing industries reduce the transaction cost and improve the collaboration advantages with their chain partners, in which quality and safety collaboration advantages be increased, meaning that processing industries are able to provide consumers products with better quality and higher safety. It is also drawn that transaction cost is influenced mainly by uncertainty and asset specificity, which is in line with new institutional economics theories developed by Williamson O. E. In China´s pork chain case, behavioral uncertainty is created by the hold-up behaviors of great numbers of small pig producers, while big slaughtering and processing industries having strong asset specificity. On the other hand, ―collaboration advantages‖ is influenced by chain agents´ willingness to collaborate and chain agents´ capabilities to cooperate. With the fast growth of big scale slaughtering and processing industries, they are more willing to know and make effort to cooperate with their chain members, and they are more capable to create joint value together with other chain agents. Therefore, they are now the main chain agents who drive more intense and stable governance structure in China‘s pork chain. For the other objective, to find and solve the problems in the international pork chain between Spain and China, the research gives an analysis in chapter four on the 13 international pork chain. This study gives explanations why the international trade of pork between Spain and China is not sufficient from the chain perspective. It is found that the first obstacle is the high quality and safety requirement set by Chinese government. It makes the Spanish companies difficult to get authorities to export. Other aspects, such as Spanish pork is not competitive in price compared with other countries such as Denmark, United States, Canada, etc., Chinese consumers do not have sufficient information on Spanish pork products, are also important reasons that Spain does not export great quantity of pork products to China. It is concluded that China´s government has too much concern on the quality and safety requirements to Spanish pork products, which makes trade difficult to complete. The two countries need to establish a more stable and intense trade relationship. They also should make the information exchange sufficient and efficient and try to break trade barriers. Spanish companies should consider proper price strategies to win the Chinese pork market
At present there is much literature that refers to the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of statistical and dynamical downscaling of climate variables projected by climate models. Less attention has been paid to other indirect variables, like runoff, which play a significant role in evaluating the impact of climate change on hydrological systems. Runoff presents a much greater bias in climate models than other climate variables, like temperature or precipitation. It is very important to identify the methods that minimize bias while downscaling runoff from the gridded results of climate models to the basin scale
Selling on credit is rather frequent in Mediterranean countries. Its generalized use can lead to excessive enlargements of the payment periods and consequently can deteriorate the profitability of firms. In spite of the relevance of this problem there are few empirical researches. This work intends to fill this gap and to shed light on the factors related to the extension of trade credit. In the theoretical and empirical literature, different motives have been proposed to explain this issue: a mechanism to reduce transaction costs, a financial alternative to the bank system and an additional tool to improve commercial activities. To contrast these ideas a panel of 388 firms of the Spanish agrofood industry has been taken, and static and dynamic regression models have been estimated by using robust methods to heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation and endogeneity of the explanatory variables. The results confirm that trade credit receivable is associated with more active firms and with cheaper bank financing. Other factors with positive relationships are short-term bank debts and accounts payable. These findings are consistent with commercial motives, rather than a pure financial view, in the sense that financial distressed producers extend trade credit as a way of promoting their products and in turn increasing their sales.
This paper analyzes the relationship among research collaboration, number of documents and number of citations of computer science research activity. It analyzes the number of documents and citations and how they vary by number of authors. They are also analyzed (according to author set cardinality) under different circumstances, that is, when documents are written in different types of collaboration, when documents are published in different document types, when documents are published in different computer science subdisciplines, and, finally, when documents are published by journals with different impact factor quartiles. To investigate the above relationships, this paper analyzes the publications listed in the Web of Science and produced by active Spanish university professors between 2000 and 2009, working in the computer science field. Analyzing all documents, we show that the highest percentage of documents are published by three authors, whereas single-authored documents account for the lowest percentage. By number of citations, there is no positive association between the author cardinality and citation impact. Statistical tests show that documents written by two authors receive more citations per document and year than documents published by more authors. In contrast, results do not show statistically significant differences between documents published by two authors and one author. The research findings suggest that international collaboration results on average in publications with higher citation rates than national and institutional collaborations. We also find differences regarding citation rates between journals and conferences, across different computer science subdisciplines and journal quartiles as expected. Finally, our impression is that the collaborative level (number of authors per document) will increase in the coming years, and documents published by three or four authors will be the trend in computer science literature.
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Within the context of the health reforms introduced in Spain in the early 20th century and the influence of international health organisations on their development, this article analyses the growing interest that surrounded nourishment and food-related problems at that time in relation to healthcare, the diagnosis provided by hygienists of such problems, and the public health measures applied to resolve them. The issue of hygienic diet and the collective aspect of nutritional problems became priorities in the field of healthcare. Two of the most prominent initiatives involved setting up a Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene and Bromatological Technique during the early years of the Second Republic, as part of the National School of Health, as well as a Food Hygiene Service. Spanish hygienists underlined the importance of education and the dissemination of information about food hygiene, health and nutrition, in order to overcome the qualitative and quantitative deficiencies observed in the average diet of the Spanish population.
The standardized assessment of sports injuries provides important epidemiological information and instructions to prevent them. The aim of this study was to determine if the pattern detrimental impact on fixed seat rowing agreed with the literature review of the Olympic rowing modality. A retrospective questionnaire was administer to 79 male rowers, with an age mean of 27.66 ± 7.15, belonging to the male in the senior category VIII Rowing Spanish Mediterranean Bank Fixed Championship that took place in Torrevieja during the 25th, 26th and 27th of May. The anatomical regions that were damage the most were the ankle (15.4%) and lower back (13.2%). These injuries have occurred with higher incidence in training (55.1%) as the most recidivist injury, the ankle, which has occurred for 73% of the time during this moment. The most common injury is the overuse (44.2%) and the most repeated diagnosis was sprain (23.1%).
This article focuses on the impact of third-party complaints on firm performance. We propose two research hypotheses, which are developed from the literature of dissatisfaction, emotions, and economics. The methodology is based on an event study to estimate variation in firm share returns in the stock market due to the publication of the Annual Complaints Service Report by the Bank of Spain; as well as a regression analysis to examine the impact of the number of complaints per branch on the variation obtained. The empirical focus is on a sample of eleven banks to which complaints were made and which were quoted on the Spanish Stock Exchange between 1992 and 2001. The results show a negative impact of the publication of these annual complaint reports on the share returns of the banks concerned. Additionally, these returns have a negative relationship with the number of complaints per branch.