987 resultados para Chief Wawatam (Ferry)
Original image is missing. Duplicate in Bentley Historical Library record group, Box 10, Daybook image #1
On verso: Major Carl K. Hart (center), second Commanding Officer, from June 28 to August 10, 1943, with Lt. C.D. Vaughn (left), and Lt. Ralph L. Bergh. Taken at Retreat in honor of Col. F.C. Rogers, Commandant, U.S. Army Forces, University of Michigan, July 2, 1943, on Ferry Field.
Regents purchased south ten acres for $3000 in 1890. In 1902 UM received seven acres of land to the north from Dexter M. Ferry; became Ferry Field. In 1904 brick wall constructed on three sides and in 1906 gate and ticket office at northeast corner added (gift of Mr. Ferry). Wooden stands to accommodate 400 put up in 1893; burned in 1895. Rebuilt to seat 800 with later additions to facililties. By 1914, 13,600 accommodated. New stadium built in 1927.
Regents purchased south ten acres for $3000 in 1890. In 1902 UM received seven acres of land to the north from Dexter M. Ferry; became Ferry Field. In 1904 brick wall constructed on three sides and in 1906 gate and ticket office at northeast corner added (gift of Mr. Ferry). Wooden stands to accommodate 400 put up in 1893; burned in 1895. Rebuilt to seat 800 with later additions to facililties. By 1914, 13,600 accommodated. New stadium built in 1927.
Regents purchased south ten acres for $3000 in 1890. In 1902 UM received seven acres of land to the north from Dexter M. Ferry; became Ferry Field. In 1904 brick wall constructed on three sides and in 1906 gate and ticket office at northeast corner added (gift of Mr. Ferry). Wooden stands to accommodate 400 put up in 1893; burned in 1895. Rebuilt to seat 800 with later additions to facililties. By 1914, 13,600 accommodated. New stadium built in 1927.
Regents purchased south ten acres for $3000 in 1890. In 1902 UM received seven acres of land to the north from Dexter M. Ferry; became Ferry Field. In 1904 brick wall constructed on three sides and in 1906 gate and ticket office at northeast corner added (gift of Mr. Ferry). Wooden stands to accommodate 400 put up in 1893; burned in 1895. Rebuilt to seat 800 with later additions to facilties. By 1914, 13,600 accommodated. New stadium built in 1927.On image: Printed in Germany
Regents purchased south ten acres for $3000 in 1890. In 1902 UM received seven acres of land to the north from Dexter M. Ferry; became Ferry Field. In 1904 brick wall constructed on three sides and in 1906 gate and ticket office at northeast corner added (gift of Mr. Ferry). Wooden stands to accommodate 400 put up in 1893; burned in 1895. Rebuilt to seat 800 with later additions to facililties. By 1914, 13,600 accommodated. New stadium built in 1927.
Regents purchased south ten acres for $3000 in 1890. In 1902 UM received seven acres of land to the north from Dexter M. Ferry; became Ferry Field. In 1904 brick wall constructed on three sides and in 1906 gate and ticket office at northeast corner added (gift of Mr. Ferry). Wooden stands to accommodate 400 put up in 1893; burned in 1895. Rebuilt to seat 800 with later additions to facililties. By 1914, 13,600 accommodated. New stadium built in 1927.
In 1906 intercollegiate activities shifted to north part of Ferry Field. Baseball diamond moved north to present site of Yost Field House. In 1923 with erection of Yost Field House baseball diamond moved west to its present location. In 1914 wooden stands from south side of football moved to diamond.
In 1906 intercollegiate activities shifted to north part of Ferry Field. Baseball diamond moved north to present site of Yost Field House. In 1923 with erection of Yost Field House baseball diamond moved west to its present location. In 1914 wooden stands from south side of football moved to diamond.