957 resultados para Charging systems (Libraries)--History--18th century
The information in this digest comes from the FY09 Iowa Annual Public Library Survey. It reflects the activities of 522 of the 543 public libraries in Iowa.
Proposta de sistematització de les possibilitats d'aplicació del videotex a biblioteques. Les aplicacions són de cinc tipus: bases de dades pròpies, bases de dades compartides, bases de dades alienes, missatgeria i transacció. Dins de cada tipus, n'hi ha d'adreçades als professionals i d'altres als usuaris. El conjunt posa de manifest la gran versatilitat d'aquesta nova tecnologia de la informació.
Summary: Changes of mean temperatures in South-West Finland during the latter part of the 18th century
The concept of autism is reviewed in its historical evolution. It is suggested that the Bleulerian insistence on the withdrawal component in autism contributed to the decline of its use in adult psychiatry. Phenomenology offers another approach to grasping the nature of autism as a relational (subject-outer world) phenomenon. European phenomenological psychiatry in the field of schizophrenia is introduced and its attempts to reveal the essence of autism are presented. Autism is here considered as a "loss of vital contact with reality" (Minkowski), "inconsistency of natural experience" (Binswanger), or "the global crisis of common sense" (Blankenburg). It is proposed that autism represents dysfunctional perceptual/expressive attunement to the outer world. The usefulness of this concept is briefly examined in relation to the diagnosis and etiopathogenesis of schizophrenia.
The information in this digest comes from the FY10 Iowa Annual Public Library Survey. It reflects the activities of 525 of the 543 public libraries in Iowa.
The 2009-2010 (FY10) edition of Iowa Public Library Statistics includes information on income, expenditures, collections, circulation, and other measures, including staff. Each section is arranged by size code, then alphabetically by city. The totals and percentiles for each size code grouping are given immediately following the alphabetical listings. Totals and medians for all reporting libraries are given at the end of each section. There are 543 libraries included in this publication; 525 submitted a report. The table of size codes (page 5) lists the libraries alphabetically. The following table lists the size code designations, the population range in each size code, the number of libraries reporting in each size code, and the total population of the reporting libraries in each sizecode. The total population served by the 543 libraries is 2,339,070. Population data is used to determine per capita figures throughout the publication.
Summary: New constructions in 18th century almanacs
The 2010-2011 (FY11) edition of Iowa Public Library Statistics includes information on income, expenditures, collections, circulation, and other measures, including staff. Each section is arranged by size code, then alphabetically by city. The totals and percentiles for each size code grouping are given immediately following the alphabetical listings. Totals and medians for all reporting libraries are given at the end of each section. There are 543 libraries included in this publication; 525 submitted a report. The table of size codes (page 5) lists the libraries alphabetically. The following table lists the size code designations, the population range in each size code, the number of libraries reporting in each size code, and the total population of the reporting libraries in each size code. The total population served by the 543 libraries is 2,339,070. Population data is used to determine per capita figures throughout the publication.
La reducció de l'interès del 5 % al 3 % ha estat considerada el principi de la fi dels censals. Però aquest argument no té en compte que la de 1750 va ser només l'última d'una sèrie de reduccions del for de censal, que també es produïren a Anglaterra, França o Castella, i que els primers símptomes de retracció de l'oferta de préstecs censals no apareixerien fins a la darreria del segle XVIII o principi del segle XIX. L¿article proposa una explicació alternativa d¿aquelles reduccions, que ajustaven l'interès a l'alça coetània del valor patrimonial de la terra i la minva de la rendibilitat del seu esmerç, i de la fi del censal a partir de l'impagament de pensions que es desencadenà a les acaballes del segle XVIII, juntament amb la vaga de delmes i rendes de la terra, quan s'havien esgotat, en bona part, les possibilitats d'expansió agrària del segle XVIII.
L'article ens planteja algunes reflexions sobre el sempre vidriós tema del nacionalisme. El valor afegit d'aquest treball rau en el fet que té la pretensió de fer història comparada, confrontant el cas català amb la resta de nacionalismes perifèrics espanyols, sense perdre de vista l'inevitable context europeu general, així com la cronologia específica del cas català.