565 resultados para Chandra Bhimull


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We report the discovery of 12 new fossil groups (FGs) of galaxies, systems dominated by a single giant elliptical galaxy and cluster-scale gravitational potential, but lacking the population of bright galaxies typically seen in galaxy clusters. These FGs, selected from the maxBCG optical cluster catalog, were detected in snapshot observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We detail the highly successful selection method, with an 80% success rate in identifying 12 FGs from our target sample of 15 candidates. For 11 of the systems, we determine the X-ray luminosity, temperature, and hydrostatic mass, which do not deviate significantly from expectations for normal systems, spanning a range typical of rich groups and poor clusters of galaxies. A small number of detected FGs are morphologically irregular, possibly due to past mergers, interaction of the intra-group medium with a central active galactic nucleus (AGN), or superposition of multiple massive halos. Two-thirds of the X-ray-detected FGs exhibit X-ray emission associated with the central brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), although we are unable to distinguish between AGN and extended thermal galaxy emission using the current data. This sample representing a large increase in the number of known FGs, will be invaluable for future planned observations to determine FG temperature, gas density, metal abundance, and mass distributions, and to compare to normal (non-fossil) systems. Finally, the presence of a population of galaxy-poor systems may bias mass function determinations that measure richness from galaxy counts. When used to constrain power spectrum normalization and Omega(m), these biased mass functions may in turn bias these results.


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Thanks to the Chandra and XMM–Newton surveys, the hard X-ray sky is now probed down to a flux limit where the bulk of the X-ray background is almost completely resolved into discrete sources, at least in the 2–8 keV band. Extensive programs of multiwavelength follow-up observations showed that the large majority of hard X–ray selected sources are identified with Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) spanning a broad range of redshifts, luminosities and optical properties. A sizable fraction of relatively luminous X-ray sources hosting an active, presumably obscured, nucleus would not have been easily recognized as such on the basis of optical observations because characterized by “peculiar” optical properties. In my PhD thesis, I will focus the attention on the nature of two classes of hard X-ray selected “elusive” sources: those characterized by high X-ray-to-optical flux ratios and red optical-to-near-infrared colors, a fraction of which associated with Type 2 quasars, and the X-ray bright optically normal galaxies, also known as XBONGs. In order to characterize the properties of these classes of elusive AGN, the datasets of several deep and large-area surveys have been fully exploited. The first class of “elusive” sources is characterized by X-ray-to-optical flux ratios (X/O) significantly higher than what is generally observed from unobscured quasars and Seyfert galaxies. The properties of well defined samples of high X/O sources detected at bright X–ray fluxes suggest that X/O selection is highly efficient in sampling high–redshift obscured quasars. At the limits of deep Chandra surveys (∼10−16 erg cm−2 s−1), high X/O sources are generally characterized by extremely faint optical magnitudes, hence their spectroscopic identification is hardly feasible even with the largest telescopes. In this framework, a detailed investigation of their X-ray properties may provide useful information on the nature of this important component of the X-ray source population. The X-ray data of the deepest X-ray observations ever performed, the Chandra deep fields, allows us to characterize the average X-ray properties of the high X/O population. The results of spectral analysis clearly indicate that the high X/O sources represent the most obscured component of the X–ray background. Their spectra are harder (G ∼ 1) than any other class of sources in the deep fields and also of the XRB spectrum (G ≈ 1.4). In order to better understand the AGN physics and evolution, a much better knowledge of the redshift, luminosity and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of elusive AGN is of paramount importance. The recent COSMOS survey provides the necessary multiwavelength database to characterize the SEDs of a statistically robust sample of obscured sources. The combination of high X/O and red-colors offers a powerful tool to select obscured luminous objects at high redshift. A large sample of X-ray emitting extremely red objects (R−K >5) has been collected and their optical-infrared properties have been studied. In particular, using an appropriate SED fitting procedure, the nuclear and the host galaxy components have been deconvolved over a large range of wavelengths and ptical nuclear extinctions, black hole masses and Eddington ratios have been estimated. It is important to remark that the combination of hard X-ray selection and extreme red colors is highly efficient in picking up highly obscured, luminous sources at high redshift. Although the XBONGs do not present a new source population, the interest on the nature of these sources has gained a renewed attention after the discovery of several examples from recent Chandra and XMM–Newton surveys. Even though several possibilities were proposed in recent literature to explain why a relatively luminous (LX = 1042 − 1043erg s−1) hard X-ray source does not leave any significant signature of its presence in terms of optical emission lines, the very nature of XBONGs is still subject of debate. Good-quality photometric near-infrared data (ISAAC/VLT) of 4 low-redshift XBONGs from the HELLAS2XMMsurvey have been used to search for the presence of the putative nucleus, applying the surface-brightness decomposition technique. In two out of the four sources, the presence of a nuclear weak component hosted by a bright galaxy has been revealed. The results indicate that moderate amounts of gas and dust, covering a large solid angle (possibly 4p) at the nuclear source, may explain the lack of optical emission lines. A weak nucleus not able to produce suffcient UV photons may provide an alternative or additional explanation. On the basis of an admittedly small sample, we conclude that XBONGs constitute a mixed bag rather than a new source population. When the presence of a nucleus is revealed, it turns out to be mildly absorbed and hosted by a bright galaxy.


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In the present thesis a thourough multiwavelength analysis of a number of galaxy clusters known to be experiencing a merger event is presented. The bulk of the thesis consists in the analysis of deep radio observations of six merging clusters, which host extended radio emission on the cluster scale. A composite optical and X–ray analysis is performed in order to obtain a detailed and comprehensive picture of the cluster dynamics and possibly derive hints about the properties of the ongoing merger, such as the involved mass ratio, geometry and time scale. The combination of the high quality radio, optical and X–ray data allows us to investigate the implications of the ongoing merger for the cluster radio properties, focusing on the phenomenon of cluster scale diffuse radio sources, known as radio halos and relics. A total number of six merging clusters was selected for the present study: A3562, A697, A209, A521, RXCJ 1314.4–2515 and RXCJ 2003.5–2323. All of them were known, or suspected, to possess extended radio emission on the cluster scale, in the form of a radio halo and/or a relic. High sensitivity radio observations were carried out for all clusters using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at low frequency (i.e. ≤ 610 MHz), in order to test the presence of a diffuse radio source and/or analyse in detail the properties of the hosted extended radio emission. For three clusters, the GMRT information was combined with higher frequency data from Very Large Array (VLA) observations. A re–analysis of the optical and X–ray data available in the public archives was carried out for all sources. Propriety deep XMM–Newton and Chandra observations were used to investigate the merger dynamics in A3562. Thanks to our multiwavelength analysis, we were able to confirm the existence of a radio halo and/or a relic in all clusters, and to connect their properties and origin to the reconstructed merging scenario for most of the investigated cases. • The existence of a small size and low power radio halo in A3562 was successfully explained in the theoretical framework of the particle re–acceleration model for the origin of radio halos, which invokes the re–acceleration of pre–existing relativistic electrons in the intracluster medium by merger–driven turbulence. • A giant radio halo was found in the massive galaxy cluster A209, which has likely undergone a past major merger and is currently experiencing a new merging process in a direction roughly orthogonal to the old merger axis. A giant radio halo was also detected in A697, whose optical and X–ray properties may be suggestive of a strong merger event along the line of sight. Given the cluster mass and the kind of merger, the existence of a giant radio halo in both clusters is expected in the framework of the re–acceleration scenario. • A radio relic was detected at the outskirts of A521, a highly dynamically disturbed cluster which is accreting a number of small mass concentrations. A possible explanation for its origin requires the presence of a merger–driven shock front at the location of the source. The spectral properties of the relic may support such interpretation and require a Mach number M < ∼ 3 for the shock. • The galaxy cluster RXCJ 1314.4–2515 is exceptional and unique in hosting two peripheral relic sources, extending on the Mpc scale, and a central small size radio halo. The existence of these sources requires the presence of an ongoing energetic merger. Our combined optical and X–ray investigation suggests that a strong merging process between two or more massive subclumps may be ongoing in this cluster. Thanks to forthcoming optical and X–ray observations, we will reconstruct in detail the merger dynamics and derive its energetics, to be related to the energy necessary for the particle re–acceleration in this cluster. • Finally, RXCJ 2003.5–2323 was found to possess a giant radio halo. This source is among the largest, most powerful and most distant (z=0.317) halos imaged so far. Unlike other radio halos, it shows a very peculiar morphology with bright clumps and filaments of emission, whose origin might be related to the relatively high redshift of the hosting cluster. Although very little optical and X–ray information is available about the cluster dynamical stage, the results of our optical analysis suggest the presence of two massive substructures which may be interacting with the cluster. Forthcoming observations in the optical and X–ray bands will allow us to confirm the expected high merging activity in this cluster. Throughout the present thesis a cosmology with H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1, m=0.3 and =0.7 is assumed.


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I have studied entropy profiles obtained in a sample of 24 X-ray objects at high redshift retrieved from the Chandra archive. I have discussed the scaling properties of the entropy S, the correlation between metallicity Z and S, the profiles of the temperature of the gas, Tgas, and performed a comparison between the dark matter 'temperature' and Tgas in order to constrain the non-gravitational processes which affect the thermal history of the gas. Furthermore I have studied the scaling relations between the X-ray quantities and Sunyaev Zel'dovich measurements. I have observed that X-ray laws are steeper than the relations predicted from the adiabatic model. These deviations from expectations based on self-similarity are usually interpreted in terms of feedback processes leading to non-gravitational gas heating, and suggesting a scenario in which the ICM at higher redshift has lower both X-ray luminosity and pressure in the central regions than the expectations from self-similar model. I have also investigated a Bayesian X-ray and Sunyaev Zel'dovich analysis, which allows to study the external regions of the clusters well beyond the volumes resolved with X-ray observations (1/3-1/2 of the virial radius), to measure the deprojected physical cluster properties, like temperature, density, entropy, gas mass and total mass up to the virial radius.


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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the strength and structure of the magnetized medium surrounding radio galaxies via observations of the Faraday effect. This study is based on an analysis of the polarization properties of radio galaxies selected to have a range of morphologies (elongated tails, or lobes with small axial ratios) and to be located in a variety of environments (from rich cluster core to small group). The targets include famous objects like M84 and M87. A key aspect of this work is the combination of accurate radio imaging with high-quality X-ray data for the gas surrounding the sources. Although the focus of this thesis is primarily observational, I developed analytical models and performed two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations of magnetic fields. The steps of the thesis are: (a) to analyze new and archival observations of Faraday rotation measure (RM) across radio galaxies and (b) to interpret these and existing RM images using sophisticated two and three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations. The approach has been to select a few bright, very extended and highly polarized radio galaxies. This is essential to have high signal-to-noise in polarization over large enough areas to allow computation of spatial statistics such as the structure function (and hence the power spectrum) of rotation measure, which requires a large number of independent measurements. New and archival Very Large Array observations of the target sources have been analyzed in combination with high-quality X-ray data from the Chandra, XMM-Newton and ROSAT satellites. The work has been carried out by making use of: 1) Analytical predictions of the RM structure functions to quantify the RM statistics and to constrain the power spectra of the RM and magnetic field. 2) Two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations to address the effect of an incomplete sampling of RM distribution and so to determine errors for the power spectra. 3) Methods to combine measurements of RM and depolarization in order to constrain the magnetic-field power spectrum on small scales. 4) Three-dimensional models of the group/cluster environments, including different magnetic field power spectra and gas density distributions. This thesis has shown that the magnetized medium surrounding radio galaxies appears more complicated than was apparent from earlier work. Three distinct types of magnetic-field structure are identified: an isotropic component with large-scale fluctuations, plausibly associated with the intergalactic medium not affected by the presence of a radio source; a well-ordered field draped around the front ends of the radio lobes and a field with small-scale fluctuations in rims of compressed gas surrounding the inner lobes, perhaps associated with a mixing layer.


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The purpose of this thesis is to further the understanding of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of ternary inter-metallic compounds using density functional theory (DFT). Four main problems are addressed. First, a detailed analysis on the ternary Heusler compounds is made. It has long been known that many Heusler compounds ($X_2YZ$; $X$ and $Y$ transition elements, $Z$ main group element) exhibit interesting half-metallic and ferromagnetic properties. In order to understand these, the dependence of magnetic and electronic properties on the structural parameters, the type of exchange-correlation functional and electron-electron correlation was examined. It was found that almost all Co$_2YZ$ Heusler compounds exhibit half-metallic ferromagnetism. It is also observed that $X$ and $Y$ atoms mainly contribute to the total magnetic moment. The magnitude of the total magnetic moment is determined only indirectly by the nature of $Z$ atoms, and shows a trend consistent with Slater-Pauling behaviour in several classes of these compounds. In contrast to experiments, calculations give a non-integer value of the magnetic moment in certain Co$_2$-based Heusler compounds. To explain deviations of the calculated magnetic moment, the LDA+$U$ scheme was applied and it was found that the inclusion of electron-electron correlation beyond the LSDA and GGA is necessary to obtain theoretical description of some Heusler compounds that are half-metallic ferromagnets. The electronic structure and magnetic properties of substitutional series of the quaternary Heusler compound Co$_2$Mn$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$Si were investigated under LDA+$U$. The calculated band structure suggest that the most stable compound in a half-metallic state will occur at an intermediate Fe concentration. These calculated findings are qualitatively confirmed by experimental studies. Second, the effect of antisite disordering in the Co$_2$TiSn system was investigated theoretically as well as experimentally. Preservation of half-metallicity for Co$_2$TiSn was observed with moderate antisite disordering and experimental findings suggest that the Co and Ti antisites disorder amounts to approximately 10~% in the compound. Third, a systematic examination was carried out for band gaps and the nature (covalent or ionic) of bonding in semiconducting 8- and 18-electron or half-metallic ferromagnet half-Heusler compounds. It was found that the most appropriate description of these compounds from the viewpoint of electronic structures is one of a $YZ$ zinc blende lattice stuffed by the $X$ ion. Simple valence rules are obeyed for bonding in the 8- and 18-electron compounds. Fourth, hexagonal analogues of half-Heusler compounds have been searched. Three series of compounds were investigated: GdPdSb, GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP. GdPdSb is suggested as a possible half-metallic weak ferromagnet at low temperature. GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP were investigated because they exhibit interesting bonding, structural and magnetic properties. The results qualitatively confirm experimental studies on magnetic and structural behaviour in GdPdSb, GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP compounds. ~


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In this thesis, I have investigated the evolution of the high-redshift (z > 3) AGN population by collecting data from some of the major Chandra and XMM-Newton surveys. The final sample (141 sources) is one of the largest selected at z> 3 in the X- rays and it is characterised by a very high redshift completeness (98%). I derived the spectral slopes and obscurations through a spectral anaysis and I assessed the high-z evolution by deriving the luminosity function and the number counts of the sample. The best representation of the AGN evolution is a pure density evolution (PDE) model: the AGN space density is found to decrease by a factor of 10 from z=3 to z=5. I also found that about 50% of AGN are obscured by large column densities (logNH > 23). By comparing these data with those in the Local Universe, I found a positive evolution of the obscured AGN fraction with redshift, especially for luminous (logLx > 44) AGN. I also studied the gas content of z < 1 AGN-hosting galaxies and compared it with that of inactive galaxies. For the first time, I applied to AGN a method to derive the gas mass previously used for inactive galaxies only. AGN are found to live preferentially in gas-rich galaxies. This result on the one hand can help us in understanding the AGN triggering mechanisms, on the other hand explains why AGN are preferentially hosted by star-forming galaxies.


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In this Thesis work we have studied the properties of high-redshift galaxy clusters through the X-ray emission from their intracluster gas. In particular, we have focused on the relation between concentration and mass that is related to the density of the universe at the formation time of the clusters and therefore, it is a powerful cosmological probe. Concentration is expected to be a decreasing function of mass but a complete characterization of this relation has not been reached yet. We have analysed 22 clusters observed withe the Chandra satellite at high redshift and we have investigated the concentration-mass relation.


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L’interruzione dell’attività di formazione stellare nelle galassie attraverso l’azione di venti guidati dalla potenza dell’AGN e/o dall’attività di starburst è una fase prevista da tutti i modelli di coevoluzione tra i buchi neri super massicci e la galassia ospite. La recente scoperta di venti molecolari massivi in alcune ULIRG locali ha fornito una prova forte a favore dell’esistenza del meccanismo di feedback negativo nelle galassie. Ad oggi non è chiaro il ruolo che l'attività di AGN e di starburst hanno nella produzione dei venti: tuttavia, la maggior parte delle ULIRG in cui sono stati osservati i venti molecolari presentano elevati tassi e velocità di outflow, suggerendo che l'AGN giochi un ruolo principale. IRAS 13120-5453 rappresenta un caso particolare: la sua attività e dominata dalla formazione stellare, ma sembra anche ospitare un AGN oscurato al suo interno. Tuttavia, non presenta elevati tassi di outflow e velocità dei venti: non è quindi chiaro quale dei due fenomeni vi sia all'origine. In questo lavoro di tesi si è operata un'analisi multibanda di questa sorgente con lo scopo di studiarne le principali proprietà fisiche. Lo studio in banda X attraverso l'analisi dei dati provenienti dai satelliti XMM-Newton, Chandra e NuSTAR ha permesso di conoscere parametri importanti come il grado di oscuramento della sorgente e la potenza dell'AGN. Con l'analisi in banda IR, è stato possibile conoscere il contributo dell'AGN e della starburst alla luminosità IR e i principali parametri fisici di questa galassia. L’obiettivo di tale lavoro è quello di capire il ruolo svolto da questi due principali fenomeni e quale possa essere la connessione con i venti molecolari.


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Negli ultimi vent’anni innumerevoli sforzi sono stati compiuti a livello internazionale per ottenere un censimento completo degli “Active Galactic Nuclei” (AGN), ovvero di nuclei galattici attivi, oscurati in banda X. Tale censimento potrebbe rappresentare infatti la soluzione alla problematica del cosiddetto fondo cosmico non risolto in banda X. Gli studi finora condotti sfruttano la forte correlazione fra l'attività del SMBH e l'evoluzione della galassia ospite attraverso osservazioni in banda X hard, nel vicino-medio infrarosso e nell'ottico. Questa tesi si colloca in questo scenario con lo scopo di verificare e confermare l'affidabilità della selezione tramite la riga di emissione del CIV a 1549 Å di AGN oscurati fino a z≈3. Per raggiungere tale obiettivo è stato assunto che il CIV rappresenti un indicatore affidabile della luminosità intrinseca degli AGN e del loro alto potenziale di ionizzazione. Inoltre, allo studio in banda ottica delle sorgenti sono stati associati i dati profondi in banda X per analizzarne le proprietà X e caratterizzarne l’ammontare dell’oscuramento in tale banda in termini di densità di colonna di idrogeno. In particolare, in questo lavoro vengono presentati i risultati dell’analisi in banda X del campione di 192 AGN selezionati nella survey ottica zCOSMOS-Deep, attraverso la riga di emissione del CIV a 1549 Å. Queste 192 sorgenti hanno un redshift medio di 2.2 e una magnitudine media AB in banda B di 23.7. La copertura in banda X del campo selezionato è data dalla survey Chandra COSMOS-Legacy comprendente 4.6 Ms di osservazioni in un’area di 2.2 deg2. I risultati ottenuti in questo progetto di tesi tramite la selezione possono ritenersi soddisfacenti: metà delle AGN di Tipo 2 selezionate con il CIV e rilevate in banda X risultano fortemente oscurate (NH>10^23 cm^(-2) ). Inoltre, le AGN di Tipo 2 non rilevate in banda X risultano consistenti con uno scenario di oggetti oscurati.


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Despite enormous research in the field of hypertension, its pathophysiology still remains largely unresolved and appears to be multifactorial. In the present communication, we have analyzed the status of nitric oxide (NO) in the patients with essential hypertension and age matched controls. We have found that the levels of NO are lowered in essential hypertension. The normalization of blood pressure by administration of antihypertensive therapy causes rise in the NO level indicating that perturbed NO status in essential hypertension is reversible. Addition of antioxidant to the antihypertensive drugs causes a further, though non significant, rise in the levels of NO, suggesting that antioxidants may be combined with antihypertensive drugs as adjunct in the management of essential hypertension.


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Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is an incurable disease characterized by the accumulation of terminally differentiated, mature B cells that do not progress beyond the G1 stage of cell cycle, suggesting that these cells possess intrinsic defects in apoptosis. Treatment relies heavily on chemotherapy (primarily nucleoside analogs and glucocorticoids) that may initially be effective in patients, but ultimately give rise to refractory, untreatable disease. The purpose of this study was to determine whether key components of the apoptotic machinery were intact in CLL lymphocytes, especially in patients refractory to therapy. ^ Activation of proteases has been shown to be at the core of the apoptotic pathway and this work demonstrates that protease activation is required for glucocorticoid and nucleoside analog-induced apoptosis in CLL cells. Inhibitors of serine proteases as well as caspase inhibitors blocked induced DNA fragmentation, and a peptide inhibitor of the nuclear scaffold (NS) protease completely suppressed both induced and spontaneous apoptosis. However, the NS protease inhibitor actually promoted several pro-apoptotic events, such as caspase activation, exposure of surface phosphatidylserine, and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. These results suggested that the NS protease may interact with the apoptotic program in CLL cells at two separate points. ^ In order to further investigate the role of the NS protease in CLL, patient isolates were treated with proteasome inhibitors because of previous results suggesting that the ISIS protease might be a β subunit of the proteasome. Proteasome inhibitors induced massive DNA fragmentation in every patient tested, even in those resistant to the effects of glucocorticoid and nucleoside analogs in vitro. Several other features of apoptosis were also promoted by the proteasome inhibitor, including mitochondrial alterations such as release of cytochrome c and drops in mitochondrial membrane potential. Proteasome inhibitor-induced apoptosis was associated with inhibition of NFκB, a proteasome-regulated transcription factor that has been implicated in the suppression of apoptosis in a number of systems. The NS protease inhibitor also caused a decrease in active NFκB, suggesting that the proapoptotic effects of this agent might be due to depletion of NFκB. ^ Given these findings, the role of NFκB, in conferring survival in CLL was investigated. Glucocorticoid hormone treatment was shown to cause decreases in the activity of the transcription factor, while phorbol dibutyrate, which blocks glucocorticoid-induced DNA fragmentation, was capable of upregulating NFκB. Compellingly, introduction of an undegradable form of the constitutive NFκB inhibitor, IκB, caused DNA fragmentation in several patient isolates, some of which were resistant to glucocorticoid in vitro. Transcription of anti-apoptotic proteins by NFκB was postulated to be responsible for its effects on survival, but Bcl-2 levels did not fluctuate with glucocorticoid or proteasome inhibitor treatment. ^ The in vitro values generated from these studies were organized into a database containing numbers for over 250 patients. Correlation of relevant clinical parameters revealed that levels of spontaneous apoptosis in vitro differ significantly between Rai stages. Importantly, in vitro resistance to nucleoside analogs or glucocorticoids predicted resistance to chemotherapy in vivo, and inability to achieve remission. ^


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The adenovirus type 5 E1A gene was originally developed as a gene therapy to inhibit tumorigenicity of HER-2-overexpressing cells by transcriptional downregulation of HER-2. Our goal is to improve the overall efficacy of E1A gene therapy. To achieve this goal, we have conducted two preclinical experiments. ^ First, we hypothesized that Bcl-2 overexpressing ovarian cancer is resistant to E1A gene therapy. This hypothesis is based on that the 19 kDa protein product of the adenoviral E1B gene which is homologous to Bcl-2 inhibits E1A-induced apoptosis. Treating high Bcl-2-xpressing cells with E1A in combination with an antisense oligonucleotide to Bcl-2 (Bcl-2-ASO) resulted in a significant decrease in cell viability due to an increased rate of apoptosis relative to cells treated with E1A alone. In an ovarian cancer xenograft model, mice implanted with low HER-2, high Bcl-2 cells, treated with E1A plus Bcl-2-ASO led to prolonged survival. Bcl-2 thus may serve as a predictive molecular marker enabling us to select patients with ovarian cancer who will benefit significantly from E1A gene therapy. ^ Second, we elucidated the molecular mechanism governing the anti-tumor effect of E1A in ovarian cancer to identify a more potent tumor suppressor gene. We identified PEA-15 (phospho-protein enriched in astrocytes) upregulated in E1A transfected low HER-2-expressing OVCAR-3 ovarian cancer cell, which showed decreased cell proliferation. PEA-15 moved ERK from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and inhibited ERK-dependent transcription and proliferation. Using small interfering RNA to knock down PEA-15 expression in OVCAR-3 cells made to constitutively express E1A resulted in accumulation of phosphoERK in the nucleus, an increase in Elk-1 activity, DNA synthesis, and anchorage-independent growth. PEA-15 also independently suppressed colony formation in some breast and ovarian cancer cell lines in which E1A is known to have anti-tumor activity. We conclude that the anti-tumor activity of E1A depends on PEA-15. ^ In summary, (1) Bcl-2 may serve as a predictive molecular marker of E1A gene therapy, allowing us to select patients and improve efficacy of E1A gene therapy. (2) PEA-15 was identified as a component of the molecular mechanism governing the anti-tumor activity of E1A in ovarian cancer, (3) PEA-15 may be developed as a novel therapeutic gene. ^


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Background. Cardiac risk assessment in cancer patients has not extensively been studied. We evaluated the role of stress myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) in predicting cardiovascular outcomes in cancer patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. ^ Methods. A retrospective chart review was performed on 507 patients who had a MPI from 01/2002 - 03/2003 and underwent non-cardiac surgery. Median follow-up duration was 1.5 years. Cox proportional hazard model was used to determine the time-to-first event. End points included total cardiac events (cardiac death, myocardial infarction (MI) and coronary revascularization), cardiac death, and all cause mortality. ^ Results. Of all 507 MPI studies 146 (29%) were abnormal. There were significant differences in risk factors between normal and abnormal MPI groups. Mean age was 66±11 years, with 60% males and a median follow-up duration of 1.8 years (25th quartile=0.8 years, 75th quartile=2.2 years). The majority of patients had an adenosine stress study (53%), with fewer exercise (28%) and dobutamine stress (16%) studies. In the total group there were 39 total cardiac events, 31 cardiac deaths, and 223 all cause mortality events during the study. Univariate predictors of total cardiac events included CAD (p=0.005), previous MI (p=0.005), use of beta blockers (p=0.002), and not receiving chemotherapy (p=0.012). Similarly, the univariate predictors of cardiac death included previous MI (p=0.019) and use of beta blockers (p=0.003). In the multivariate model for total cardiac events, age at surgery (HR 1.04, p=0.030), use of beta blockers (HR 2.46; p=0.011), dobutamine MPI (HR 3.08; p=0.018) and low EF (HR 0.97; p=0.02) were significant predictors of worse outcomes. In the multivariate model for predictors of cardiac death, beta blocker use (HR=2.74; p=0.017) and low EF (HR=0.95; p<0.003) were predictors of cardiac death. The only univariate MPI predictor of total cardiac events was scar severity (p=0.005). While MPI predictors of cardiac death were scar severity (p= 0.001) and ischemia severity (p=0.02). ^ Conclusions. Stress MPI is a useful tool in predicting long term outcomes in cancer patients undergoing surgery. Ejection fraction and severity of myocardial scar are important factors determining long term outcomes in this group.^


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The relationship between obesity and mental health disorders has not been explored among adolescents in India. Although evidence from western countries has failed to demonstrate conclusive associations, a tremendous increase in the prevalence of obesity and overweight among urban adolescents in India, along with an absolute lack of studies into mental health of Indian adolescents, necessitate the need for research in this population. This present study used data collected from 861 urban 6th and 8th graders from Delhi, India and tested for the associations of weight status with psychiatric symptomatology and other weight related behaviors. The Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) was used to collect data on psychiatric symptoms. Falling into the overweight or obese category was hypothesized to be associated with borderline or abnormal scores on the SDQ scales. Results indicated a high prevalence for overweight/obesity among the population (>30%). No significant associations were demonstrated between weight status and borderline/abnormal SDQ scores on all the scales. However, significant associations were found between sedentary behaviors (screen time >2 hrs daily), positive and negative weight-control behaviors and borderline/abnormal SDQ scores on various scales. In light of these new findings, a further exploration of the relationship in this population is indicated.^