465 resultados para Casparian strips
Plague es un editor de archivos escritos en lenguajes de planificación como STRIPS y PDDL, que permite lanzar el algoritmo GrahPlan a partir de los archivos de dominio y problema editados y encontrar una solución al problema planteado. El objetivo del editor es eminentemente pedagógico: su uso es muy simple y viene con variados ejemplos de ambos lenguajes de planificación, de modo que el usuario pueda aprenderlos de forma paulatina. Además, la salida de la ejecución permite ir viendo paso a paso el desarrollo del algoritmo GraphPlan: los operadores que se van ejecutando, los no-ops que se han seguido, los mutex que se han aplicado en cada nivel y el tiempo empleado, además de la solución final al problema si se alcanza. El programa hace uso de dos utilidades que permiten compilar el código STRIPS o PDDL que son JavaGP y PDDL4J. Una vez ejecutado el problema de planificación, se obtiene la salida en pantalla y también se puede imprimir el problema completo incluida la solución. El objetivo ha sido crear un programa que permita al usuario editar rápidamente archivos STRIPS y PDDL, los pueda compilar velozmente y obtener el resultado en un solo sitio, con una salida mucho más clara, organizada y entendible y se evite el problema de tener que usar editores externos y una ventana de línea de comando para ejecutar GraphPlan. Plague is a text editor for files written in action languages, such as STRIPS and PDDL, which allows running the GraphPlan algorithm from the domain archives and edited problems, and finding a solution to the proposed problem. The goal of the editor is primarily for pedagogical purposes: it is simple to use and comes equipped with a variety of examples in both action languages, so that the user can gradually learn. In addition, as the editor runs it allows the user to observe the step by step development of the GraphPlan algorithm: the operators being executed, the no-ops that have been followed, the mutex applied at each level and the time spent, as well as the final answer to the problem, if reached. The program uses two utilities allowing the STRIPS or PDDL code to be compiled: JavaGP and PDDL4J. Once the planning problem has been executed, the result is shown on screen and the complete problem can also be printed, including the solution. The objective has been to create a program that allows the user to quickly edit STRIPS and PDDL archives, to compile them swiftly and obtain the solution in a single place, with a result that is clear, organised and understandable, thus avoiding the problem of having to use external editors and command prompts to execute GraphPlan.
Con el fin de aminorar retrasos por descementación de cualquier accesorio durante el tratamiento de Ortodoncia Lingual, se ha considerado que la fuerza de adhesión es muy importante, especialmente cuando está ubicada en las diferentes interfaces presentes entre el bracket y la resina del PAD; entre la resina del PAD y el cemento resinoso fotopolimerizable y entre este cemento y el esmalte dental. Por lo que este estudio se ha enfocado en determinar la resistencia adhesiva en la interfaz localizada entre la resina de la base del PAD y el cemento resinoso fotopolimerizable utilizando ácido fluorhídrico y óxido de aluminio como tratamiento de superficie previo a la cementación indirecta de la técnica lingual. MATERIALES Y METODOS: El tipo de estudio fue experimental "in vitro", con una muestra de 30 cuerpos de prueba hechos con resina Transbond XT, utilizando para su confección un blíster de brackets, se siguieron tres protocolos diferentes; G1 o grupo control sin ninguna preparación, G2 con aplicación de óxido de aluminio, 50 micrones durante 10 segundos en la superficie del cuerpo de prueba, G3 con aplicación de ácido fluorhídrico al 9% en la superficie del cuerpo de prueba durante 10 minutos. Previo al test de resistencia adhesiva, se realizó los cortes de precisión en cada cuerpo de prueba, obteniendo así 45 tiras de prueba, cada una de las muestras fue adherida a un porta muestra para la prueba de micro tracción, la misma que fue realizada con la máquina universal Mini-Instron modelo 5942, a una velocidad de deformación constante de 0.5 mm/min. Los datos fueron sometidos al test de Normalidad de residuos de Shapiro Wilk (p>0,05) y de LEVENE para el análisis de homogeneidad de las varianzas. La resistencia adhesiva fue comparada entre los grupos por medio del Análisis de Varianza (ANOVA) como factor único para el procesamiento de los datos. Para todos los análisis el nivel de significancia fue del 5% (p< 0,05) con un nivel de confianza del 95% (IC95%). Se consideró estadísticamente significativo valores por debajo de 0,05. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: El resultado del test de ANOVA, reveló que el factor de tratamiento de superficie F(2,12)=2,52;p=0,12 no es significante, por lo tanto los diferentes tratamientos de superficie (óxido de aluminio y ácido fluorhídrico) utilizados son equivalentes al grupo control, indicando que no ejercen influencia de manera significativa en los valores de Resistencia Adhesiva (RA) en la preparación de la interfaz localizada entre la resina de la base del PAD y el cemento resinoso fotopolimerizable; concluyendo que se puede utilizar cualquier protocolo de tratamiento de superficie indicado en la presente investigación.
Purpose.: To analyze the levels of diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) and diadenosine pentaphosphate (Ap5A) in tears of subjects with Sjögren syndrome and to compare them with those in a control group. Methods.: Twelve subjects with a diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome and 20 healthy control subjects were invited to participate in the present study. Schirmer strips were used to measure tear secretion (Schirmer I test) and to collect tears. Ap4A and Ap5A were measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), and a dry eye questionnaire (DEQ) was used to evaluate dry eye symptomatology. Results.: The mean concentrations of Ap4A and Ap5A in the Sjögren syndrome group were 2.54 ± 1.02 and 26.13 ± 6.95 μM, respectively. This group of patients was divided in two subgroups: four patients with normal tear production and eight patients with low tear production. Concentrations of Ap4A, and Ap5A in patients with normal tear production (Schirmer test result, 12.3 ± 1.2 mm) were 0.47 ± 0.20 and 8.03 ± 3.27 μM, respectively. In the patients with low tear production (Schirmer test result, 1.0 ± 0.3 mm), the concentrations were 4.09 ± 1.36 and 39.51 ± 8.46 μM, respectively and in the control group, 0.13 ± 0.03 and 0.04 ± 0.02 μM, respectively. Conclusions.: Patients with Sjögren syndrome have abnormally elevated concentrations of diadenosine polyphosphates, indicating that these compounds could be used in the diagnosis of this disease.
Purpose To evaluate the possible use of soft contact lenses (CL) to improve the secretagogue role of diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) promoting tear secretion. Methods Two conventional hydrogel CL (Omafilcon A and Ocufilcon D) and two silicone hydrogel (SiH) CL (Comfilcon A and Balafilcon A) were used. Ap4A was loaded into the lenses by soaking in a 1 mM Ap4A solution during 12 h. In vitro experiments were performed by placing the lenses in multi-wells during 2 h containing 1 ml of ultrapure water. 100 μl aliquots were taken at time zero and every minute for the first 10 min, and then every 15 min. In vivo experiments were performed in New Zealand rabbits and both the dinucleotide release from SiH and tear secretion were measured by means of Schirmer strips and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. Results Ap4A in vitro release experiments in hydrogel CL presented a release time 50 (RT50) of 3.9 ± 0.2 min and 3.1 ± 0.1 min for the non-ionic and the ionic CL, respectively. SiH CL released also Ap4A with RT50 values of 5.1 ± 0.1 min for the non-ionic and 2.7 ± 0.1 min for the ionic CL. In vivo experiments with SiH CL showed RT50 values of 9.3 ± 0.2 min and 8.5 ± 0.2 min for the non-ionic and the ionic respectively. The non-ionic lens Ap4A release was able to induce tear secretion above baseline tear levels for almost 360 min. Conclusion The delivery of Ap4A is slower and the effect lasts longer with non-ionic lenses than ionic lenses.
Rhizobium freirei PRF 81 is employed in common bean commercial inoculants in Brazil, due to its outstanding efficiency in fixing nitrogen, competitiveness and tolerance to abiotic stresses. Among the environmental conditions faced by rhizobia in soils, acidity is perhaps the encountered most, especially in Brazil. So, we used proteomics based approaches to study the responses of PRF 81 to a low pH condition. R. freirei PRF 81 was grown in TY medium until exponential phase in two treatments: pH 6,8 and pH 4,8. Whole-cell proteins were extracted and separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, using IPG-strips with pH range 4-7 and 12% polyacrilamide gels. The experiment was performed in triplicate. Protein spots were detected in the high-resolution digitized gel images and analyzed by Image Master 2D Platinum v 5.0 software. Relative volumes (%vol) of compared between the two conditions tested and were statistically evaluated (p ≤ 0.05). Even knowing that R. freirei PRF 81 can still grow in more acid conditions, pH 4.8 was chosen because didn´t affect significantly the bacterial growth kinetics, a factor that could compromise the analysis. Using a narrow pH range, the gel profiles displayed a better resolution and reprodutibility than using broader pH range. Spots were mostly concentrated between pH 5-7 and molecular masses between 17-95 kDa. From the six hundred well-defined spots analyzed, one hundred and sixty-three spots presented a significant change in % vol, indicating that the pH led to expressive changes in the proteome of R. freirei PRF 81. Of these, sixty-one were up-regulated and one hundred two was downregulated in pH 4.8 condition. Also, fourteen spots were only identified in the acid condition, while seven spots was exclusively detected in pH 6.8. Ninety-five differentially expressed spots and two exclusively detected in pH 4,8 were selected for Maldi-Tof identification. Together with the genome sequencing and the proteome analysis of heat stress, we will search for molecular determinants of PRF 81 related to capacity to adapt to stressful tropical conditions.
Increasing plant diversity in conventionally monoculture agrosystems has been promoted as a method to enhance beneficial arthropod density and efficacy, suppress herbivory and provide a range of ecosystem services. I investigated the pest suppressive potential and economic impact of plant diversification in organic field corn. The experiment consisted of two treatments, corn grown in monoculture (C) and bordered by strips of partridge pea (PP). Pest and natural enemy populations, corn damage, yield, and profits were compared among treatments. Natural enemy and herbivore arthropod populations were affected by treatment and distance from plot border. Corn damage due to pests was also affected by treatment and location, but did not significantly affect yield. Yield in monoculture plots was generally greater than in PP but did not result in greater profit. Pest and natural enemy arthropod abundances were elevated in partridge pea treatment borders, but these populations did not consistently diffuse into plot interiors. The potential causes and implications of findings are discussed.
Background: It is important that the residual bowel adapts after massive resection. The necessary intestinal adaptation is a progressive recovery from intestinal failure through increase in absorptive surface area and functional capacity and includes both morphological and functional adaptations. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate intestinal morphological and functional adaptations of small bowel syndrome (SBS) model rats (SBS1W) 7 days after bowel resection. Materials and Methods: Male sprague–dawley rats (n = 20/group) underwent either a 75% proximal small bowel resection (SBS1W group) or a control operation (control group). Markers of morphological adaptation were revealed by TEM analysis of H&E-stained tissue samples. The intestinal barrier condition was assessed by BT, and sIgA concentration in intestinal mucus was measured by ELISA. Contractility and the slow wave rhythm of the entire intestinal remnant were measured and recorded. Results: The SBS1W group experienced more weight loss than control group and had a clearly different intestinal morphology as revealed in TEM images. Compared with control rats, the SBS1W group had a lower sIgA concentration in intestinal mucus and higher BT to lymph nodes (70% vs 40%; level I), portal blood (40% vs 10%; level II), and peripheral blood (60% vs 30%; level III). Disorder of spontaneous rhythmic contraction, irregular amplitude, and slow frequency were detected in the SBS1W group by a muscle strips test. Similarly, the slow wave of the entire intestinal remnant in the SBS1W group was irregular and uncoordinated. Conclusions: The finding of intestinal adaptation following massive SBR in SBS1W rats provides more understanding of the mechanisms of progressive recovery from the intestinal failure that underlies SBS. The mechanical, chemical, immunological, and biological barriers were all impaired at 7 days following bowel resection, indicating that the SBS model rats were still in the intestinal adaptation phase.
Avaliámos a importância das bermas das estradas como áreas de refúgio para pequenos mamíferos, em paisagens Mediterrânicas intensivamente pastoreadas, e comparámos esta possível função das estradas como refúgio com o papel fundamental das galerias ripícolas como reservatórios de diversidade biológica. Para esse efeito, foram realizadas capturas de micromamíferos em dois segmentos de estrada e em duas ribeiras da região de Évora. Foram capturados 457 indivíduos de cinco espécies diferentes. Mus spretus foi a espécie mais capturada, seguida de Crocidura russula e Apodemus sylvaticus. M. spretus apresentou uma maior abundância nas bermas de estrada do que na vegetação ripicola, enquanto que a abundância de C. russula e A. sylvaticus era semelhante para ambos os habitats. O número de capturas das três espécies foi bastante superior dentro dos habitats lineares do que na matriz circundante. Os indivíduos de M. spretus eram maiores nas ribeiras, mas significativamente menores fora dos habitats lineares, e os indivíduos de C. russula apresentavam uma melhor condição corporal nas bermas das estradas. Tanto as estradas como as ribeiras exerceram um forte efeito de barreira aos movimentos dos micromamíferos. Concluímos então que as bermas das estradas actuam como habitat de refúgio em áreas sub-óptimas das paisagens Mediterrânicas. ABSTRACT: We assessed the importance of road verges as refuge areas for small mammals, in highly intensified grazed pastures on a Mediterranean landscape, and compared road function as refuge with the fundamental role of riparian galleries as reservoirs of biological diversity. For this purpose, a small mammal trapping study was undertaken on road verges and on small stream sides. We sampled two road segments and two streams in the vicinity of Évora, Portugal. We captured a total of 457 individuals of five different species. Mus spretus was the most common species captured, followed by Crocidura russula and Apodemus sylvaticus. M. spretus was more abundant on road verges than on riparian strips, whilst the abundance of C. russula and A. sylvaticus were similar in the two habitats. Captures of the three species were much higher inside both linear habitats than on the surrounding matrix. M. spretus were bigger on stream sites but significantly smaller outside the linear habitats and C. russula had better body conditions on roads. 8oth roads and streams exerted a strong barrier effect to small mammals' movements. We conclude that roadside verges act as refuge habitat in sub-optimal Mediterranean landscapes.
This thesis presents a set of novel methods to biaxially package planar structures by folding and wrapping. The structure is divided into strips connected by folds that can slip during wrapping to accommodate material thickness. These packaging schemes are highly efficient, with theoretical packaging efficiencies approaching 100%. Packaging tests on meter-scale physical models have demonstrated packaging efficiencies of up to 83%. These methods avoid permanent deformation of the structure, allowing an initially flat structure to be deployed to a flat state.
Also presented are structural architectures and deployment schemes that are compatible with these packaging methods. These structural architectures use either in-plane pretension -- suitable for membrane structures -- or out-of-plane bending stiffness to resist loading. Physical models are constructed to realize these structural architectures. The deployment of these types of structures is shown to be controllable and repeatable by conducting experiments on lab-scale models.
These packaging methods, structural architectures, and deployment schemes are applicable to a variety of spacecraft structures such as solar power arrays, solar sails, antenna arrays, and drag sails; they have the potential to enable larger variants of these structures while reducing the packaging volume required. In this thesis, these methods are applied to the preliminary structural design of a space solar power satellite. This deployable spacecraft, measuring 60 m x 60 m, can be packaged into a cylinder measuring 1.5 m in height and 1 m in diameter. It can be deployed to a flat configuration, where it acts as a stiff lightweight support framework for multifunctional tiles that collect sunlight, generate electric power, and transmit it to a ground station on Earth.
This study investigated the physical characteristics of lightweight concrete produced using waste materials as coarse aggregate. The study was inspired by the author’s Peace Corps service in Kilwa, Tanzania. Coconut shell, sisal fiber, and PET plastic were chosen as the test waste products due to their abundance in the area. Two mixes were produced for each waste product and the mix proportions designed for resulting compressive strengths of 3000 and 5000 psi. The proportions were selected based on guidelines for lightweight concrete from the American Concrete Institute. In preparation for mixing, coconut shells were crushed into aggregate no larger than 3/4 inch, sisal fiber was cut into pieces no longer than 3/8 inch, and PET plastic was shredded into 1/4 inch-wide strips no longer than 6 inches. Replicate samples were mixed and then cured for 28 days before they were tested for compressive strength, unit weight, and absorption. The resulting data were compared to ASTM Standards for lightweight concrete masonry units to determine their adequacy. Based on these results, there is potential for coconut shell to be used as coarse aggregate in lightweight concrete. Sisal fiber was unsuccessful in producing the appropriate compressive strength. However, the reduction in spalling of the hardened concrete and the induction of air in the mixes incorporating sisal fiber suggests that it has the potential to improve other characteristics of lightweight concrete. Concrete mixes using PET plastic as aggregate resulted in adequate compressive strengths, but were too dense to be considered ‘lightweight’ concrete. With some adjustments to slightly decrease absorption and unit weight, the PET plastic concrete mixes could be classified as medium weight concrete and, therefore, achieve many of the same benefits as would be seen with lightweight concrete.
Discovering Hands (DH) es un proyecto que nace en Alemania en el 2006, liderado por el doctor Frank Hoffmann. El programa se desarrolla pensando en el importante problema de salud pública en el cual se ha convertido en el cáncer de mama, pues según la Organización Mundial de la Salud es el mayor causal de muerte en mujeres, tanto en países desarrollados como en vía de desarrollo, y en Alemania esta enfermedad acaba con la vida de aproximadamente 18.000 mujeres cada año. (The Global Journal, 2014) DH entrena y capacita mujeres visualmente impedidas para detectar de manera temprana los signos de cáncer de mama, dado que estas poseen un sentido del tacto más desarrollado que el de una persona que no se encuentre limitada visualmente. Esto les permite localizar el cáncer de forma más rápida que un médico general ya que son capaces de identificar los tumores más pequeños, logrando así reducir notablemente los costos totales del tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Adicional a esto, el capacitar y preparar a mujeres con discapacidad visual para la detección temprana de cáncer de mama, incrementa la fuerza laboral del país, pues estas mujeres pasarían a ser parte de la población económicamente activa del mismo (PEA) y lograrían que las personas dejen de percibir esta condición como una discapacidad y por el contrario la vean como una ventaja. Después de unos años de prueba, el programa ha sido mejorado y extendido tanto en Alemania como en otros países (Austria), razón por la cual se realizó el estudio de factibilidad del proyecto en países como Colombia - donde se quiere llevar a cabo un proyecto piloto en la ciudad de Cali - México y Argentina. El presente trabajo se enfoca en Argentina, por medio del cual se busca proponer aportes para disminuir las causas de muertes originadas por esta enfermedad y los altos costos que estas le generan al sector de la salud de este país. Con el estudio se logró identificar la factibilidad de la implementación del modelo de negocio, evidenciando que Argentina cuenta con unas particularidades en su sistema de gobierno que pueden hacer que la puesta en práctica del proyecto sea más compleja que en otros países.
El modelo de Discovering Hands ha sido reconocido internacionalmente como un proyecto innovador que se ha expandido por diferentes países del mundo, como Austria, y se ha empezado a estudiar la propuesta en países como República Checa, India y Colombia. (Discovering Hands, 2016). Esto se debe a que no solo mejora el tratamiento de cáncer de mama, sino que también reduce los costos totales de tratamiento de la enfermedad y aumenta la fuerza laborar de los países donde esté presente. Al representar una gran oportunidad en diferentes aspectos, se quiso desarrollar un estudio de factibilidad del modelo de negocio en tres países de América Latina, Colombia –donde ya se encuentra en marcha un proyecto piloto liderado por la CAF en Cali - , Argentina y México. El presente trabajo consiste en dicho estudio de factibilidad, focalizado en México; por medio de este se buscaron tres cosas primordiales, conocer y estudiar el contexto del mercado y situación de salud en el país, analizar los datos recogidos, con el fin de proponer soluciones para disminuir una de las principales causas de muerte en el país. Actualmente en México el 52% de casos de cáncer de mama diagnosticados sucede en etapas tardías, aumentando el riesgo de muerte de los pacientes (Colima, 2013). Con el estudio se logró identificar una oportunidad potencial para Discovering Hands siendo su estrategia un recurso adicional para contribuir a mejorar el diagnóstico precoz de cáncer de mama en el país y debido a esto se presenta un modelo de negocio adaptable a las necesidades mexicanas
The degree to which pruning helps reestablish balance in agroforestry was assessed in a system established in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2008. Seven native tree species were planted at a density of 600 trees/ha in five strips of three rows each, and annual crops were cultivated in the 17-m crop strips between the tree strips. Competition was established after 35 months, decreasing the aboveground biomass production of corn planted close to the trees. An assessment of black oats in the dry season following tree pruning showed that the proximity of trees caused reductions in plant and panicle density, aboveground biomass production, number of grains per panicle and grain weight. Because pruning was not sufficient to maintain crop yields, tree thinning is recommended in order to minimize competition and restore conditions for adequate crop production.
Regarding the process of translation, the analysis of intra and extratextual factors allows the translator to identify which aspects of the source text will have to be, or will not have to be, adapted at the translation to the culture of the target text (NORD, 2012). This fact allows a connection between Sociolinguistics and Translation Studies, which has already been pointed out by Mayoral (1998), Bolaños-Cuéllar (2000), among others. Therefore, this paper seeks to elaborate an activity project making use of translation, in a functional and pedagogical perspective, with the purpose of raising awareness and the teaching of extralinguistical factors in the usage of the Argentinian voseo and brazilian learners of Spanish at high school. To do so, starting from a theoretical discussion regarding the use of translation in foreign language classes and the connection between translating activity and the knowledge of linguistic variation, we elaborate a didactic sequence involving the translation of Argentinian comic strips to Brazilian Portuguese. In this didactic sequence, we elaborate an analysis script for the comic strips based on a pre-translation model proposed by Nord (2012), which may contribute with the design of didactic proposals in this theoretical path.
The question of identity is in vogue, in social theory, in the political practices, and for sure, in language studies. In many ways and under various approaches, it has been problematized. In this paper, we are especially interested in the relationship between identity and its representation as a discursive production. The identity refers to a set of own characteristics for those the subject is recognizable and known in society, while the subject is constructed by the speeches that forms itself. Thus, under the bias of Discourse Analysis and considering the perspective of Cultural Studies, we will observe the speech about the identity of genre in some strips of Muriel, a character created by Laertes, a cartoonist who in 2009 adopted the practice of crossdressing. The choice for this subject was mainly motivated by the current thematic aspects exposed in the strips, for mobilizing various discourses and discuss, through art and humor, a remarkable and controversial experience in our society. Our goal is to observe in which ways their strips reveal a need for exposure, information and affirmation about a certain identity practice, and from that, examine the discursive practices that constitute - and also contribute - to an specific identity. We understand that Laertes’ personal experience has motivated the discourse conveyed in his recent work. An expression and exposure about his identity that tells from himself and also to himself and from many people to many others.