799 resultados para Cabrini-Green High Impact Program.


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In the past two decades numerous programs have emerged to treat individuals with developmental disabilities who have sexual offending behaviours. There has, however been very few studies that systematically examine the effectiveness of long term treatment with this population. The present research examines the therapeutic outcomes of a multi-modal behaviour approach with six individuals with intellectual disabilities previously charged with sexual assault. The participants also exhibited severe behavioural challenges that included verbal aggression, physical aggression, destruction and self-injury. These six participants (5 males, 1 female) were admitted to a Long Term Residential Treatment Program (LTRTP), due to the severity of their behaviours and due to their lack of treatment success in other programs. Individualized treatment plans focused on the reduction of maladaptive behaviours and the enhancing of skills such as positive coping strategies, socio-sexual knowledge, life skills, recreation and leisure skills. The treatment program also included psychiatric, psychological, medical, behavioural and educational interventions. The participants remained in the Long Term Residential Treatment Program (LTRTP) program from 181 to 932 days (average of 1.5 years). Pre and post treatment evaluations were conducted using the following tools: frequency of target behaviours, Psychopathology Inventory for Mentally Retarded Adults (PIMRA), Emotional Problems Scale (EPS), Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool (SSKAAT-R) and Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOL-Q). Recidivism rates and the need for re-hospitalization were also noted for each participant. By offering high levels of individualized interventions, all six participants showed a 37 % rate of reduction in maladaptive behaviours with zero to low rates of inappropriate sexualbehaviour, there were no psychiatric hospitalizations, and there was no recidivism for 5 of 6 participants. In addition, medication was reduced. Mental health scores on the PIMRA were reduced across all participants by 25 % and scores on the Quality of Life Questionnaire increased for all participants by an average of 72 %. These findings add to and build upon the existing literature on long term treatment benefits for individuals with a intellectual disability who sexually offend. By utilizing an individualized and multimodal treatment approach to reduce severe behavioural challenges, not only can the maladaptive behaviours be reduced, but adaptive behaviours can be increased, mental health concerns can be managed, and overall quality of life can be improved.


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The Ontario Tobacco Control Act of 1994 imposed a total ban on smoking in schools, and on school property for every school in the province. The imposition of this policy created problems for school administrators. For instance, students who were smoking on walkways and properties adjacent to school boundaries, clashed with neighbouring property owners who were angry about the resulting damage and disruption. The enforcement of this policy consumes valuable resources at each school; therefore, knowledge about the impact of the policy is important. If effective, this policy has the potential to improve the health of students over their lifetime, by preventing or delaying smoking behaviour. Alternatively, an ineffective policy will continue to create administrative problems for the school and serve no legitimate purpose. Therefore, knowledge about the impact of the smoking ban policy on students' smoking intentions assists policy makers and school administrators in their understanding of the policy's impact within the schools. This research provided an impact evaluation of the ban on smoking in schools and on school property in Ontario. A total of 2069 students, from five high schools, in the Niagara Region, provided complete responses to a survey, designed to test whether smoking intentions were affected by the imposition of the policy. The study used Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1991), specifically, the perceived behavioural control measure, to gain some understanding of students' perceptions of control over smoking imposed by the ban. The findings indicate the policy has the potential to influence students' overall smoking intentions. The ban on smoking policy was found to be a significant predictor of the smoking intentions of high school students. As well, attitude, social norms, and perceptions of control were significant predictors of smoking intentions. Exploratory findings also indicated differences between the control beliefs of students from different high schools, indicating potential differences in the enforcement of the smoking ban between schools. The findings also support the utility of the theory of planned behaviour as a methodology for evaluating the influence of punitive policies. This research study should be continued by utilizing the full theory of planned behaviour, including two phases of data collection and the measurement of actual smoking behaviour.


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This study examined the effects that a training program in phonological awareness had on the early writing skills of children in a Grade One class in the Lincoln County Separate school system. The intent of the training program was to provide consistent and systematic practice in the manipulation of the phonological structure of language. The games and activities of the training program were related to a framework of developmental phonological skills and practised in a group setting during an unstructured period of the regular classroom schedule. The training program operated three days in a six-day cycle for approximately twenty minutes a day, from November until mid-March. All children were tested at the outset and conclusion of the study to determine level of functioning in letter identification, word recognition, verbal intelligence, phonological awareness and spelling. Results of the pre-tests and post-tests were compared to determine differences between the experimental and control groups over time. In addition, a systematic analysis of the children's writing looked at the development of the spelling of regular and irregular words. The results of this study provided strong support for the hypothesis that the treatment group would progress through the stages of early writing development more quickly than children without such training. On the basis of differences between the groups over time, it was evident that training in phonological awareness had a direct positive effect on the spelling of regular words for children during the early stages of writing. The training program did not have a significant effect on the spelling of irregular words. Test results evaluating phonological awareness indicated a significant difference within each group over time but no significance between the groups during the experimental period. It would appear that the results of these tests reflect maturational changes in the child rather than causal effects of the training program. Nor did the effects of the training program transfer significantly to other aspects of language. Although some of the hypotheses considered were not supported by the study, the results do indicate that children during the early stages of writing development can benefit from a training program in phonological awareness. The theoretical direction for effective programming as a result of this study is discussed. The educational implications of training phonological awareness concurrent to beginning efforts in writing are considered.


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This study explored experiences in relation to the impact of the College of Nurses of Ontario's (CNO's) mandatory Quality Assurance (QA) program on registered nurses (RNs) working in a clinical setting of an acute care hospital. A qualitative descriptive research design was used and data collection was done in 2 stages. First, a survey with open-ended questions was given to 45 nurses. Second, 8 respondents from the survey were interviewed using a semistructured format. Data were obtained from 2 groups-diploma-prepared and post diploma-prepared RNs. Findings demonstrated that the CNO's QA program had varying influences on the RNs' learning paths, and these differences appeared to be related to the educational background of the individual. The diploma-prepared nurses reported that their commitment to professional development was influenced by their level of internal motivation, the pressures associated with time, and the need for a strong external motivator, namely the obligation of management to conduct formal performance appraisals. They further reported that the QA program played a part in positively altering their commitment to continuing education. The post-diploma baccalaureate nurses reported that the QA program played a positive role in influencing their ongoing learning, along with their level of internal motivation, the work and health care environment, and the element of professionalism. Several implications for nursing practice, theory, and fiirther research also became evident.


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Objective. Despite steady declines in the prevalence of tobacco use among Canadians, young adult tobacco use has remained stubbornly high over the past two decades (CTUMS, 2005a). Currently in Ontario, young adults have the highest proportion of smokers of all age cohorts at 26%. A growing body of evidence shows that smoking restrictions and other tobacco control policies can reduce tobacco use and consumption among adults and deter initiation among youth; whether young adult university students' smoking participation is influenced by community smoking restrictions, campus tobacco control policies or both remains an empirical question. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among current smoking status of students on university campuses across Ontario and various tobacco control policies, 3including clean air bylaws of students' home towns, clean air by-laws of the community where the university is situated, and campus policies. Methods. Two data sets were used. The 200512006 Tobacco Use in a Representative Sample of Post-Secondary Students data set provides information about the tobacco use of 10,600 students from 23 universities and colleges across Ontario. Data screening for this study reduced the sample to 5,114 17-to-24 year old undergraduate students from nine universities. The second data set is researcher-generated and includes information about strength and duration of, and students' exposure to home town, local and campus tobacco control policies. Municipal by-laws (of students' home towns and university towns) were categorized as weak, moderate or strong based on criteria set out in the Ontario Municipal By-law Report; campus policies were categorized in a roughly parallel fashion. Durations of municipal and campus policies were calculated; and length of students' exposure to the policies was estimated (all in months). Multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to examine the relationship between students' current smoking status (daily, less-than-daily, never-smokers) and the following policy measures: strength of, duration of, and students' exposure to campus policy; strength of, duration of, and students' exposure to the by-law in the university town; and, strength of, duration of, and students' exposure to the by-law in the home town they grew up in. Sociodemographic variables were controlled for. Results. Among the Ontario university students surveyed, 7.0% currently use tobacco daily and 15.4% use tobacco less-than-daily. The proportions of students experiencing strong tobacco control policies in their home town, the community in which their university is located and at their current university were 33.9%,64.1 %, and 31.3% respectively. However, 13.7% of students attended a university that had a weak campus policy. Multinomial logistic regressions suggested current smoking status was associated with university town by-law strength, home town by-law strength and the strength of the campus tobacco control policy. In the fmal model, after controlling for sociodemographic factors, a strong by-law in the university town and a strong by-law in students' home town were associated with reduced odds of being both a less-than-daily (OR = 0.64, 95%CI: 0.48-0.86; OR = 0.80, 95%CI: 0.66-0.95) and daily smoker (OR = 0.59, 95%CI: 0.39-0.89; OR = 0.76, 95%CI: 0.58-0.99), while a weak campus tobacco control policy was associated with higher odds of being a daily smoker (OR = 2.08, 95%CI: 1.31-3.30) (but unrelated to less-than-daily smoking). Longer exposure to the municipal by-law (OR = 0.93; 95%CI: 0.90-0.96) was also related to smoking status. Conclusions. Students' smoking prevalence was associated with the strength of the restrictions in university, and with campus-specific tobacco control policies. Lessthan- daily smoking was not as strongly associated with policy measures as daily smoking was. University campuses may wish to adopt more progressive campus policies and support clean air restrictions in the broader community. More research is needed to determine the direction of influence between tobacco control policies and students' smoking.


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This research studioo the effect of integrated instruction in mathematics and~ science on student achievement in and attitude towards both mathematics and science. A group of grade 9 academic students received instruction in both science and mathematics in an integrated program specifically developed for the purposes of the research. This group was compared to a control group that had received science and mathematics instruction in a traditional, nonintegrated program. The findings showed that in all measures of attitude, there was no significant difference between the students who participated in the integrated science and mathematics program and those who participated in a traditional science and mathematics program. The findings also revealed that integration did improve achievement on some of the measures used. The performance on mathematics open-ended problem-solving tasks improved after participation in the integrated program, suggesting that the integrated students were better able to apply their understanding of mathematics in a real-life context. The performance on the final science exam was also improved for the integrated group. Improvement was not noted on the other measures, which included EQAO scores and laboratory practical tasks. These results raise the issue of the suitability of the instruments used to gauge both achievement and attitude. The accuracy and suitability of traditional measures of achievement are considered. It is argued that they should not necessarily be used as the measure of the value of integrated instruction in a science and mathematics classroom.


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This qualitative study stemmed from a concern of the perceived decline in students' reading motivation after the early years of schooling, which has been attributed to the disconnect between the media students are accustomed to using outside the classroom and the media they predominantly use within the classroom. This research documented the effectiveness of a digital children's literature program and a postreading multimedia program on eight grade 1 students' reading motivation, word recognition, and comprehension abilities. Eight students were given ten 25-minute sessions with the software program over 15 weeks. Preprogram, interim-program, and postprogram qualitative data were collected from students, teachers, and parents through questionnaires, interviews, standardized reading assessment tools, classroom observations, field notes, and student behaviour observation checklists. Findings are summarized into 3 themes. The motivational aspects and constructivist styles of instruction in the digital reading programs may have contributed to 5 student participants' increased participation in online storybook reading at home. Qualitative data revealed that the digital children's literature program and multimedia postreading activities seemed to have a positive influence on the majority of grade 1 student participants' reading motivation, word recognition, and listening comprehension skills. These findings suggest the promise of multimedia and Internet-based reading software programs in supporting students with reading andlor behavioural difficulties. In keeping with current educational initiatives and efforts, increased use of media literacy practices in the grade 1 curriculum is suggested.


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Complex social-cognitive deficits are common in individuals diagnosed with high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome. Research on effective and evidence-based social interventions is needed for this population. This study focused specifically on the challenges these individuals face with respect to flexible thinking and related flexible behaviour in social situations. Madrigal and Winner's (2008) Superflex curriculum - targets social flexibility, however at the time of this study no published research had been conducted to determine the effectiveness of this approach. This study was a pilot study, which sought to examine the impact of the Superflex curriculum within a 10-week training program in teaching one individual with high functioning autism how to think and behave flexibly in social situations. Multiple measurement tools were utilized, and analyses within and across the measures revealed inconsistencies, especially with respect to generalization. Although preliminary, this study provided valuable information for subsequent research.


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This study examined the efficacy of providing four Grade 7 and 8 students with reading difficulties with explicit instruction in the use of reading comprehension strategies while using text-reader software. Specifically, the study explored participants' combined use of a text-reader and question-answering comprehension strategy during a 6-week instructional program. Using a qualitative case study methodology approach, participants' experiences using text-reader software, with the presence of explicit instruction in evidence-based reading comprehension strategies, were examined. The study involved three phases: (a) the first phase consisted of individual interviews with the participants and their parents; (b) the second phase consisted of a nine session course; and (c) the third phase consisted of individual exit interviews and a focus group discussion. After the data collection phases were completed, data were analyzed and coded for emerging themes, with-quantitativ,e measures of participants' reading performance used as descriptive data. The data suggested that assistive technology can serve as an instructional "hook", motivating students to engage actively in the reading processes, especially when accompanied by explicit strategy instruction. Participants' experiences also reflected development of strategy use and use of text-reader software and the importance of social interactions in developing reading comprehension skills. The findings of this study support the view that the integration of instruction using evidence-based practices are important and vital components in the inclusion oftext-reader software as part of students' educational programming. Also, the findings from this study can be extended to develop in-class programming for students using text-reader software.


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The learning gap created by summer vacation creates a significant breach in the learning cycle, where student achievement levels decrease over the course ofthe summer (Cooper et aI., 2000). In a review of 39 studies, Cooper and colleagues (1996) specified that the summer learning shortfall equals at least one month loss of instruction as measured by grade level equivalents on standardized test scores. Specifically, the achievement gap has a more profound effect on children as they grow older, where there is a steady deterioration in knowledge and skills sustained during the summer months (Cooper et aI., 1996; Kerry & Davies, 1998). While some stakeholders believe that the benefits of a summer vacation overshadow the reversing effect on achievement, it is the impact of the summer learning gap on vulnerable children, including children who are disadvantaged as a result of requiring special educational needs, children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and children learning English as a second language, that is most problematic. More specifically, research has demonstrated that it is children's literacy-based skills that are most affected during the summer months. Children from high socioeconomic backgrounds recurrently showed gains in reading achievement over the summer whereas disadvantaged children repeatedly illustrate having significant losses. Consequently, the summer learning gap was deemed to exaggerate the inequality experienced by children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Ultimately, the summer learning gap was found to have the most profound on vulnerable children, placing these children at an increased chance for academic failure. A primary feature of this research project was to include primary caregivers as authentic partners in a summer family literacy program fabricated to scaffold their children's literacy-based needs. This feature led to the research team adapting and implementing a published study entitled, Learning Begins at Home (LBH): A Research-Based Family Literacy Program Curriculum. Researchers at the Ontario Institute designed this program for the Study of Education, University of Toronto. The LBH program capitalized on incorporating the flexibility required to make the program adaptable to meet the needs of each participating child and his or her primary caregiver. As it has been well documented in research, the role primary caregivers have in an intervention program are the most influential on a child's future literacy success or failure (Timmons, 2008). Subsequently, a requirement for participating in the summer family literacy program required the commitment of one child and one of his or her primary caregivers. The primary caregiver played a fundamental role in the intervention program through their participation in workshop activities prior to and following hands on work with their child. The purpose of including the primary caregiver as an authentic partner in the program was to encourage a definitive shift in the family, whereby caregivers would begin to implement literacy activities in their home on a daily basis. The intervention program was socially constructed through the collaboration of knowledge. The role ofthe author in the study was as the researcher, in charge of analyzing and interpreting the results of the study. There were a total of thirty-six (36) participants in the study; there were nineteen (19) participants in the intervention group and seventeen (17) participants in the control group. All of the children who participated in the study were enrolled in junior kindergarten classrooms within the Niagara Catholic District School Board. Once children were referred to the program, a Speech and Language Pathologist assessed each individual child to identify if they met the eligibility requirements for participation in the summer family literacy intervention program. To be eligible to participate, children were required to demonstrate having significant literacy needs (i.e., below 25%ile on the Test of Preschool Early Literacy described below). Children with low incident disabilities (such as Autism or Intellectual Disabilities) and children with significant English as a Second Language difficulties were excluded from the study. The research team utilized a standard pre-test-post-test comparison group design whereby all participating children were assessed with the Test of Preschool Early Literacy (Lonigan et aI., 2007), and a standard measure of letter identification and letter sound understanding. Pre-intervention assessments were conducted two weeks prior to the intervention program commencing, and the first set of the post-intervention assessments were administered immediately following the completion of the intervention program. The follow-up post-intervention assessments took place in December 2010 to measure the sustainability of the gains obtained from the intervention program. As a result of the program, all of the children in the intervention program scored statistically significantly higher on their literacy scores for Print Knowledge, Letter Identification, and Letter Sound Understanding scores than the control group at the postintervention assessment point (immediately following the completion of the program) and at the December post-intervention assessment point. For Phonological Awareness, there was no statistically significant difference between the intervention group and the control at the postintervention assessment point, however, there was a statistically significant difference found between the intervention group and the control group at the December post-intervention assessment point. In general, these results indicate that the summer family literacy intervention program made an immediate impact on the emergent literacy skills of the participating children. Moreover, these results indicate that the summer family literacy intervention program has the ability to foster the emergent literacy skills of vulnerable children, potentially reversing the negative effect the summer learning gap has on these children.


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This study was an investigation into whether strong teacher-student rapport relates to the drop-out rates of students in grade 9 and 10 health and physical education (HPE). In the study, One hundred and thirty-six grade 9 students from five high schools in Ontario participated in this study. Findings of whether or not rapport related to students’ decision to take an additional HPE credit beyond grade 9 did not prove conclusive. A significant multivariate interaction effect was not found; however, tests of between-subject effects on sex and grade 10 dropouts showed some interesting trends. More research is needed to further illuminate the link between teacher-student rapport and students’ enrollment in optional HPE classes.


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Les antipatrons sont de “mauvaises” solutions à des problèmes récurrents de conception logicielle. Leur apparition est soit due à de mauvais choix lors de la phase de conception soit à des altérations et des changements continus durant l’implantation des programmes. Dans la littérature, il est généralement admis que les antipatrons rendent la compréhension des programmes plus difficile. Cependant, peu d’études empiriques ont été menées pour vérifier l’impact des antipatrons sur la compréhension. Dans le cadre de ce travail de maîtrise, nous avons conçu et mené trois expériences, avec 24 sujets chacune, dans le but de recueillir des données sur la performance des sujets lors de tâches de compréhension et d’évaluer l’impact de l’existence de deux antipatrons, Blob et Spaghetti Code, et de leurs combinaisons sur la compréhension des programmes. Nous avons mesuré les performances des sujets en terme : (1) du TLX (NASA task load index) pour l’éffort ; (2) du temps consacré à l’exécution des tâches ; et, (3) de leurs pourcentages de réponses correctes. Les données recueillies montrent que la présence d’un antipatron ne diminue pas sensiblement la performance des sujets alors que la combinaison de deux antipatrons les entrave de façon significative. Nous concluons que les développeurs peuvent faire face à un seul antipatron, alors que la combinaison de plusieurs antipatrons devrait être évitée, éventuellement par le biais de détection et de réusinage.


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Contexte : Les stratégies pharmacologiques pour traiter la schizophrénie reçoivent une attention croissante due au développement de nouvelles pharmacothérapies plus efficaces, mieux tolérées mais plus coûteuses. La schizophrénie est une maladie chronique présentant différents états spécifiques et définis par leur sévérité. Objectifs : Ce programme de recherche vise à: 1) Évaluer les facteurs associés au risque d'être dans un état spécifique de la schizophrénie, afin de construire les fonctions de risque de la modélisation du cours naturel de la schizophrénie; 2) Développer et valider un modèle de Markov avec microsimulations de Monte-Carlo, afin de simuler l'évolution naturelle des patients qui sont nouvellement diagnostiqués pour la schizophrénie, en fonction du profil individuel des facteurs de risque; 3) Estimer le coût direct de la schizophrénie (pour les soins de santé et autres non reliés aux soins de santé) dans la perspective gouvernementale et simuler l’impact clinique et économique du développement d’un traitement dans une cohorte de patients nouvellement diagnostiqués avec la schizophrénie, suivis pendant les cinq premières années post-diagnostic. Méthode : Pour le premier objectif de ce programme de recherche, un total de 14 320 patients nouvellement diagnostiqués avec la schizophrénie ont été identifiés dans les bases de données de la RAMQ et de Med-Echo. Les six états spécifiques de la schizophrénie ont été définis : le premier épisode (FE), l'état de dépendance faible (LDS), l’état de dépendance élevée (HDS), l’état stable (Stable), l’état de bien-être (Well) et l'état de décès (Death). Pour évaluer les facteurs associés au risque de se trouver dans chacun des états spécifiques de la schizophrénie, nous avons construit 4 fonctions de risque en se basant sur l'analyse de risque proportionnel de Cox pour des risques compétitifs. Pour le deuxième objectif, nous avons élaboré et validé un modèle de Markov avec microsimulations de Monte-Carlo intégrant les six états spécifiques de la schizophrénie. Dans le modèle, chaque sujet avait ses propres probabilités de transition entre les états spécifiques de la schizophrénie. Ces probabilités ont été estimées en utilisant la méthode de la fonction d'incidence cumulée. Pour le troisième objectif, nous avons utilisé le modèle de Markov développé précédemment. Ce modèle inclut les coûts directs de soins de santé, estimés en utilisant les bases de données de la Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec et Med-Echo, et les coûts directs autres que pour les soins de santé, estimés à partir des enquêtes et publications de Statistique Canada. Résultats : Un total de 14 320 personnes nouvellement diagnostiquées avec la schizophrénie ont été identifiées dans la cohorte à l'étude. Le suivi moyen des sujets était de 4,4 (± 2,6) ans. Parmi les facteurs associés à l’évolution de la schizophrénie, on peut énumérer l’âge, le sexe, le traitement pour la schizophrénie et les comorbidités. Après une période de cinq ans, nos résultats montrent que 41% des patients seront considérés guéris, 13% seront dans un état stable et 3,4% seront décédés. Au cours des 5 premières années après le diagnostic de schizophrénie, le coût direct moyen de soins de santé et autres que les soins de santé a été estimé à 36 701 $ canadiens (CAN) (95% CI: 36 264-37 138). Le coût des soins de santé a représenté 56,2% du coût direct, le coût de l'aide sociale 34,6% et le coût associé à l’institutionnalisation dans les établissements de soins de longue durée 9,2%. Si un nouveau traitement était disponible et offrait une augmentation de 20% de l'efficacité thérapeutique, le coût direct des soins de santé et autres que les soins de santé pourrait être réduit jusqu’à 14,2%. Conclusion : Nous avons identifié des facteurs associés à l’évolution de la schizophrénie. Le modèle de Markov que nous avons développé est le premier modèle canadien intégrant des probabilités de transition ajustées pour le profil individuel des facteurs de risque, en utilisant des données réelles. Le modèle montre une bonne validité interne et externe. Nos résultats indiquent qu’un nouveau traitement pourrait éventuellement réduire les hospitalisations et le coût associé aux établissements de soins de longue durée, augmenter les chances des patients de retourner sur le marché du travail et ainsi contribuer à la réduction du coût de l'aide sociale.


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De nos jours les cartes d’utilisation/occupation du sol (USOS) à une échelle régionale sont habituellement générées à partir d’images satellitales de résolution modérée (entre 10 m et 30 m). Le National Land Cover Database aux États-Unis et le programme CORINE (Coordination of information on the environment) Land Cover en Europe, tous deux fondés sur les images LANDSAT, en sont des exemples représentatifs. Cependant ces cartes deviennent rapidement obsolètes, spécialement en environnement dynamique comme les megacités et les territoires métropolitains. Pour nombre d’applications, une mise à jour de ces cartes sur une base annuelle est requise. Depuis 2007, le USGS donne accès gratuitement à des images LANDSAT ortho-rectifiées. Des images archivées (depuis 1984) et des images acquises récemment sont disponibles. Sans aucun doute, une telle disponibilité d’images stimulera la recherche sur des méthodes et techniques rapides et efficaces pour un monitoring continue des changements des USOS à partir d’images à résolution moyenne. Cette recherche visait à évaluer le potentiel de telles images satellitales de résolution moyenne pour obtenir de l’information sur les changements des USOS à une échelle régionale dans le cas de la Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM), une métropole nord-américaine typique. Les études précédentes ont démontré que les résultats de détection automatique des changements dépendent de plusieurs facteurs tels : 1) les caractéristiques des images (résolution spatiale, bandes spectrales, etc.); 2) la méthode même utilisée pour la détection automatique des changements; et 3) la complexité du milieu étudié. Dans le cas du milieu étudié, à l’exception du centre-ville et des artères commerciales, les utilisations du sol (industriel, commercial, résidentiel, etc.) sont bien délimitées. Ainsi cette étude s’est concentrée aux autres facteurs pouvant affecter les résultats, nommément, les caractéristiques des images et les méthodes de détection des changements. Nous avons utilisé des images TM/ETM+ de LANDSAT à 30 m de résolution spatiale et avec six bandes spectrales ainsi que des images VNIR-ASTER à 15 m de résolution spatiale et avec trois bandes spectrales afin d’évaluer l’impact des caractéristiques des images sur les résultats de détection des changements. En ce qui a trait à la méthode de détection des changements, nous avons décidé de comparer deux types de techniques automatiques : (1) techniques fournissant des informations principalement sur la localisation des changements et (2)techniques fournissant des informations à la fois sur la localisation des changements et sur les types de changement (classes « de-à »). Les principales conclusions de cette recherche sont les suivantes : Les techniques de détection de changement telles les différences d’image ou l’analyse des vecteurs de changements appliqués aux images multi-temporelles LANDSAT fournissent une image exacte des lieux où un changement est survenu d’une façon rapide et efficace. Elles peuvent donc être intégrées dans un système de monitoring continu à des fins d’évaluation rapide du volume des changements. Les cartes des changements peuvent aussi servir de guide pour l’acquisition d’images de haute résolution spatiale si l’identification détaillée du type de changement est nécessaire. Les techniques de détection de changement telles l’analyse en composantes principales et la comparaison post-classification appliquées aux images multi-temporelles LANDSAT fournissent une image relativement exacte de classes “de-à” mais à un niveau thématique très général (par exemple, bâti à espace vert et vice-versa, boisés à sol nu et vice-versa, etc.). Les images ASTER-VNIR avec une meilleure résolution spatiale mais avec moins de bandes spectrales que LANDSAT n’offrent pas un niveau thématique plus détaillé (par exemple, boisés à espace commercial ou industriel). Les résultats indiquent que la recherche future sur la détection des changements en milieu urbain devrait se concentrer aux changements du couvert végétal puisque les images à résolution moyenne sont très sensibles aux changements de ce type de couvert. Les cartes indiquant la localisation et le type des changements du couvert végétal sont en soi très utiles pour des applications comme le monitoring environnemental ou l’hydrologie urbaine. Elles peuvent aussi servir comme des indicateurs des changements de l’utilisation du sol. De techniques telles l’analyse des vecteurs de changement ou les indices de végétation son employées à cette fin.


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L’asthme est l’une des pathologies chroniques les plus fréquemment rencontrées durant la grossesse, affectant environ 8% des femmes enceintes. Les lignes directrices pour le traitement de l’asthme affirment que le risque d’un développement non optimal du fœtus dû à un asthme mal maîtrisé est supérieur au risque associé à la prise de médicaments pour le traitement de l’asthme durant la grossesse. Des questions persistent par contre sur l’innocuité des hautes doses de corticostéroïdes inhalés (CSI) et très peu de données sont publiées pour les bêta2-agonistes à longue action (BALA). Un programme de recherche en deux volets a été développé afin de répondre à certaines de ces questions. Dans un premier volet, une cohorte de femmes asthmatiques accouchant au Québec de 1998 à 2008 a été assemblée à partir des bases de données de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec et de MED-ÉCHO afin d’évaluer l’impact de la prise de CSI ou de BALA sur la prévalence de faible poids à la naissance (FPN), de prématurité et de bébé petit pour l’âge gestationnel (PAG). La cohorte était composée de 7376 grossesses dont 56,9% étaient exposées aux CSI et 8,8% aux BALA. Dans cette cohorte, l’utilisation de BALA n’était pas associée à des prévalences plus élevées de FPN (OR=0,81, IC95%:0,58–1,12), prématurité (OR=0,84, IC95%:0,61–1,15) ou PAG (OR=0,92, IC95%:0,70–1,20). Lors de la comparaison des BALA (salmétérol comparé au formotérol comme référence) la différence la plus importante était pour le PAG (OR=1,16, IC95%:0,67–2,02). Pour les CSI, une tendance à une augmentation de FPN, prématurité et PAG a été observée avec l’augmentation des doses. Le OR le plus élevé était pour une dose > 500 ug/jour (équivalent fluticasone) pour le FPN: (OR=1,57, IC95%:0,86–2,87). La comparaison des CSI les plus utilisés (fluticasone comparé au budésonide comme référence) montre des différences non statistiquement significatives avec la différence maximale observée pour le PAG (OR=1,10, IC95%:0,85–1,44). Dans un second volet, une sous-cohorte de femmes asthmatiques avec visites médicales pour exacerbation d’asthme au Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS) a été constituée pour comparer le traitement des exacerbations durant et hors grossesse. Les résultats montrent que le traitement par CS était moins fréquent et différé pour les femmes enceintes comparées aux femmes non-enceintes. Le traitement de maîtrise de l’asthme (CSI et/ou BALA) dans l’année précédant l’exacerbation était sous-optimal. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse démontrent l’innocuité des BALA et des doses faibles à modérées de CSI pendant la grossesse pour les issues de FPN, prématurité et PAG alors que des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires afin d’évaluer l’innocuité des hautes doses de CSI. Une innocuité comparable entre les CSI (budésonide, fluticasone) et les BALA étudiés (formotérol, salmétérol) a également été démontrée. Les résultats montrent également un recours moindre aux CS pour le traitement des exacerbations d’asthme durant la grossesse comparativement à hors grossesse. Ces résultats sont un ajout important aux évidences permettant aux cliniciens et aux femmes enceintes asthmatiques de faire les meilleurs choix pour optimiser le traitement pharmacologique durant la grossesse.