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Pumpkin leaves grown under high light (500-700 micromol of photons m-2.s-1) were illuminated under photon flux densities ranging from 6.5 to 1500 micromol.m-2.s-1 in the presence of lincomycin, an inhibitor of chloroplast protein synthesis. The illumination at all light intensities caused photoinhibition, measured as a decrease in the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence. Loss of photosystem II (PSII) electron transfer activity correlated with the decrease in the fluorescence ratio. The rate constant of photoinhibition, determined from first-order fits, was directly proportional to photon flux density at all light intensities studied. The fluorescence ratio did not decrease if the leaves were illuminated in low light in the absence of lincomycin or incubated in darkness in the presence of lincomycin. The constancy of the quantum yield of photoinhibition under different photon flux densities strongly suggests that photoinhibition in vivo occurs by one dominant mechanism under all light intensities. This mechanism probably is not the acceptor side mechanism characterized in the anaerobic case in vitro. Furthermore, there was an excellent correlation between the loss of PSII activity and the loss of the D1 protein from thylakoid membranes under low light. At low light, photoinhibition occurs so slowly that inactive PSII centers with the D1 protein waiting to be degraded do not accumulate. The kinetic agreement between D1 protein degradation and the inactivation of PSII indicates that the turnover of the D1 protein depends on photoinhibition under both low and high light.


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Pigments destroyed during photoinhibition of water-splitting photosystem II core complexes from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were studied. Under conditions of a transiently inactivated donor side, illumination leads to an irreversible inhibition of the electron transfer at the donor side that is paralleled by the destruction of chlorophylls a absorbing maximally around 674 and 682 nm. The observed stochiometry of 1 +/- 0.1 destroyed chlorophyll per inhibited photosystem II suggests that chlorophyll destruction could be the primary photodamage causing the inhibition of photosystem II under these conditions.


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O aumento no consumo energético e a crescente preocupação ambiental frente à emissão de gases poluentes criam um apelo mundial favorável para pesquisas de novas tecnologias não poluentes de fontes de energia. Baterias recarregáveis de lítio-ar em solventes não aquosos possuem uma alta densidade de energia teórica (5200 Wh kg-1), o que as tornam promissoras para aplicação em dispositivos estacionários e em veículos elétricos. Entretanto, muitos problemas relacionados ao cátodo necessitam ser contornados para permitir a aplicação desta tecnologia, por exemplo, a baixa reversibilidade das reações, baixa potência e instabilidades dos materiais empregados nos eletrodos e dos solventes eletrolíticos. Assim, neste trabalho um modelo cinético foi empregado para os dados experimentais de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, para a obtenção das constantes cinéticas das etapas elementares do mecanismo da reação de redução de oxigênio (RRO), o que permitiu investigar a influência de parâmetros como o tipo e tamanho de partícula do eletrocatalisador, o papel do solvente utilizado na RRO e compreender melhor as reações ocorridas no cátodo dessa bateria. A investigação inicial se deu com a utilização de sistemas menos complexos como uma folha de platina ou eletrodo de carbono vítreo como eletrodos de trabalho em 1,2-dimetoxietano (DME)/perclorato de lítio (LiClO4). A seguir, sistemas complexos com a presença de nanopartículas de carbono favoreceu o processo de adsorção das moléculas de oxigênio e aumentou ligeiramente (uma ordem de magnitude) a etapa de formação de superóxido de lítio (etapa determinante de reação) quando comparada com os eletrodos de platina e carbono vítreo, atribuída à presença dos grupos laterais mediando à transferência eletrônica para as moléculas de oxigênio. No entanto, foi observada uma rápida passivação da superfície eletrocatalítica através da formação de filmes finos de Li2O2 e Li2CO3 aumentando o sobrepotencial da bateria durante a carga (diferença de potencial entre a carga e descarga > 1 V). Adicionalmente, a incorporação das nanopartículas de platina (Ptnp), ao invés da folha de platina, resultou no aumento da constante cinética da etapa determinante da reação em duas ordens de magnitude, o qual pode ser atribuído a uma mudança das propriedades eletrônicas na banda d metálica em função do tamanho nanométrico das partículas, e estas modificações contribuíram para uma melhor eficiência energética quando comparado ao sistema sem a presença de eletrocatalisador. Entretanto, as Ptnp se mostraram não específicas para a RRO, catalisando as reações de degradação do solvente eletrolítico e diminuindo rapidamente a eficiência energética do dispositivo prático, devido ao acúmulo de material no eletrodo. O emprego de líquido iônico como solvente eletrolítico, ao invés de DME, promoveu uma maior estabilização do intermediário superóxido formado na primeira etapa de transferência eletrônica, devido à interação com os cátions do líquido iônico em solução, o qual resultou em um valor de constante cinética da formação do superóxido de três ordens de magnitude maior que o obtido com o mesmo eletrodo de carbono vítreo em DME, além de diminuir as reações de degradação do solvente. Estes fatores podem contribuir para uma maior potência e ciclabilidade da bateria de lítio-ar operando com líquidos iônicos.


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Sais de diazônio são um classe de compostos amplamente usados em química orgânica. Sua aplicação abrange uma gama de sínteses desde corantes até reações de hetero-acoplamento para produção de fármacos, mas pouco é conhecido de sua redução eletroquímica para fins sintéticos. As metodologias empregadas na redução de sais de diazônio geralmente envolvem o uso de metais ou compostos capazes de transferir elétrons como Pd, Cu ou tetratiafulvaleno. Neste trabalho é descrita a redução eletroquímica de dois sais de diazônio: tetrafluoroborato de 2-(2-propen-1-ilóxi)benzenodiazônio (1) e tetrafluoroborato de 2-(2-propen-1-iltio)benzenodiazônio (2) usando três eletrodos: Pt, Hg e pó de grafite. Quando foi feita a eletrólise de (1) utilizando cátodo de Hg vários produtos foram formados envolvendo uma reação de ciclização intramolecular, porém não conseguimos separá-los pelos métodos cromatográficos. A eletrólise de (2) em condições experimentais similares conduziu a uma mistura complexa de produtos provavelmente devido a uma interação do Hg com o átomo de enxofre do substrato e seus produtos de redução. Usando o cátodo de Pt e sal (1) a reação não foi eficiente pois ocorria uma queda brusca da corrente, provavelmente devido ao bloqueio da superfície do eletrodo. Concernente ao eletrodo de pó de grafite, apenas alguns experimentos preliminares foram feitos, portanto uma análise de seu desemprenho é prematura.


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The main goal of this project was to develop an efficient methodology allowing rapid access to structurally diverse scaffolds decorated with various functional groups. Initially, we discovered and subsequently developed an experimentally straightforward, high-yielding photoinduced conversion of readily accessible diverse starting materials into polycyclic aldehydes and their (hemi)acetals decorated by various pendants. The two step sequence, involving the Diels-Alder addition of heterocyclic chalcones and other benzoyl ethylenes to a variety of dienes, followed by the Paternò-Büchi reaction, was described as an alkene-carbonyl oxametathesis. This methodology offers a rapid increase in molecular complexity and diversity of the target scaffolds. To develop this novel methodology further and explore its generality, we directed our attention to the Diels-Alder adducts based on various chromones. We discovered that the Diels-Alder adducts of chromones are capable of photoinduced alkene-arene [2+2] cycloaddition producing different dienes, which can either dimerize or be introduced into a double-tandem [4π+2π]·[2π+2π]·[4π+2π]·[2π+2π] synthetic sequence, followed by an acid-catalyzed oxametathesis, leading to a rapid expansion of molecular complexity over a few experimentally simple steps. In view of the fact that oxametathesis previously was primarily observed in aromatic oxetanes, we decided to prepare model aliphatic oxetanes with a conformationally unconstrained or "flexible" methyl group based on the Diels-Alder adducts of cyclohexadiene or cyclopentadiene with methyl vinyl ketone. Upon addition of an acid, the expected oxametathesis occurred with results similar to those observed in the aromatic series proving the generality of this approach. Also we synthesized polycyclic oxetanes resulting from the Diels-Alder adducts of cyclic ketones. This not only gave us access to remarkably strained oxetane systems, but also the mechanism for their protolytic ring opening provided a great deal of insight to how the strain affects the reactivity. Additionally, we discovered that although the model Hetero-Diels-Alder adducts did not undergo [2+2] cycloaddition, both exo- and endo-Sulfa-Diels-Alder products, nonetheless, were photochemically active and various products with defined stereochemistry could be produced upon photolysis. In conclusion, we have developed an approach to the encoding and screening of solution phase libraries based on the photorelease of externally sensitized photolabile tags. The encoding tags can be released into solution only when a binding event occurs between the ligand and the receptor, equipped with an electron transfer sensitizer. The released tags are analyzed in solution revealing the identity of the lead ligand or narrowing the range of potential leads.


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We have investigated the influence of electrode material and crystallographic structure on electron transfer and biofilm formation of Geobacter sulfurreducens. Single-crystal gold - Au(110), Au(111), Au(210) - and platinum - Pt(100), Pt(110), Pt(111), Pt(210) - electrodes were tested and compared to graphite rods. G. sulfurreducens electrochemically interacts with all these materials with different attachment kinetics and final current production, although redox species involved in the electron transfer to the anode are virtually the same in all cases. Initial bacterial colonization was fastest on graphite up to the monolayer level, whereas gold electrodes led to higher final current densities. Crystal geometry showed to have an important influence, with Au(210) sustaining a current density of up to 1442 (± 101) μA cm- 2 at the steady state, over Au(111) with 961 (± 94) μA cm- 2 and Au(110) with 944 (± 89) μA cm- 2. On the other hand, the platinum electrodes displayed the lowest performances, including Pt(210). Our results indicate that both crystal geometry and electrode material are key parameters for the efficient interaction of bacteria with the substrate and should be considered for the design of novel materials and microbial devices to optimize energy production.


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In the present Letter several carbolactones (oxidative products) are obtained under aprotic cathodic conditions in the preparative scaled electrolysis of 1,2-quinones in a divided electrochemical cell and in the presence of oxygen. When 9,10-phenanthrenequinone is reduced 6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one and [1,1′-biphenyl]-2,2′-dicarboxylic acid are obtained as major products. In the reduction of 1,2-naphthoquinone, 2-benzopyran-1(1H)-one, and 2-(2-carboxyethenyl)-benzoic acid were formed as main products. The proposed mechanism to explain the formation of these and other products, that involves an electron-transfer reaction to the oxygen in air, is now discussed.


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Dopamine is the biological molecule responsible, among other functions, of the heart beat and blood pressure regulation. Its loss, in the human body, can result in serious diseases such as Parkinson's, schizophrenia or depression. Structurally, this molecule belongs to the group of catecholamines, together with epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The hydroquinone moiety of the molecule can be easily oxidized to quinone, rendering the electrochemical methods a convenient approach for the development of dopamine biosensors. The reactivity of similar aromatic molecules, such as catechol and hydroquinone, at well-ordered platinum surfaces, has recently been investigated in our group. In this paper, we extend these studies to the structurally related molecule dopamine. The study has been performed in neutral pH, since this is closer to the natural conditions for these molecules in biological media. Cyclic voltammetry and in situ infra-red spectroscopy have been combined to extract information about the behavior of this molecule on well-defined platinum surfaces. Dopamine appears to be electrochemically active and reveals interesting adsorption phenomena at low potentials (0.15–0.25 V vs RHE), sensitive to the single crystal orientation. The adsorption of dopamine on these surfaces is very strong, taking place at much lower potentials than the electron transfer from solution species. Specifically, the voltammetry of Pt(1 1 1) and Pt(1 0 0) in dopamine solutions shows an oxidation peak at potentials close to the onset of hydrogen evolution, which is related to the desorption of hydrogen and the adsorption of dopamine. On the other hand, adsorption on Pt(1 1 0) is irreversible and the surface appears totally blocked. Spectroscopic results indicate that dopamine is adsorbed flat on the surface. At potentials higher than 0.6 V vs RHE the three basal planes show a common redox process. The initial formation of the quinone moiety is followed by a chemical step resulting in the formation of 5,6-dihydroxyindoline quinone as final product. This oxidation process has also been investigated by vibrational spectroscopy.


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TiO2 nanotubes (NTs) have been widely used for a number of applications including solar cells, photo(electro)chromic devices, and photocatalysis. Their quasi-one-dimensional morphology has the advantage of a fast electron transport although they have a relatively reduced interfacial area compared with nanoparticulate films. In this study, vertically oriented, smooth TiO2 NT arrays fabricated by anodization are decorated with ultrathin anatase nanowires (NWs). This facile modification, performed by chemical bath deposition, allows to create an advantageous self-organized structure that exhibits remarkable properties. On one hand, the huge increase in the electroactive interfacial area induces an improvement by 1 order of magnitude in the charge accumulation capacity. On the other hand, the modified NT arrays display larger photocurrents for water and oxalic acid oxidation than bare NTs. Their particular morphology enables a fast transfer of photogenerated holes but also efficient mass and electron transport. The importance of a proper band energy alignment for electron transfer from the NWs to the NTs is evidenced by comparing the behavior of these electrodes with that of NTs modified with rutile NWs. The NT-NW self-organized architecture allows for a precise design and control of the interfacial surface area, providing a material with particularly attractive properties for the applications mentioned above.


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The bioelectrocatalytic (oxygen reduction reaction, ORR) properties of the multicopper oxidase CueO immobilized on gold electrodes were investigated. Macroscopic electrochemical techniques were combined with in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy at the ensemble and at the single-molecule level. Self-assembled monolayer of mercaptopropionic acid, cysteamine, and p-aminothiophenol were chosen as redox mediators. The highest ORR activity was observed for the protein attached to amino-terminated adlayers. In situ STM experiments revealed that the presence of oxygen causes distinct structure and electronic changes in the metallic centers of the enzyme, which determine the rate of intramolecular electron transfer and, consequently, affect the rate of electron tunneling through the protein. Complementary Raman spectroscopy experiments provided access for monitoring structural changes in the redox state of the type 1 copper center of the immobilized enzyme during the CueO-catalyzed oxygen reduction cycle. These results unequivocally demonstrate the existence of a direct electronic communication between the electrode substrate and the type 1 copper center.


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In the present work, the electrochemical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube buckypapers (BPs) were examined in terms of carbon nanotubes nature and preparation conditions. The performance of the different free-standing single wall carbon nanotube sheets was evaluated via cyclic voltammetry of several redox probes in aqueous electrolyte. Significant differences are observed in the electron transfer kinetics of the buckypaper-modified electrodes for both the outer- and inner-sphere redox systems. These differences can be ascribed to the nature of the carbon nanotubes (nanotube diameter, chirality and aspect ratio), surface oxidation degree and type of functionalities. In the case of dopamine, ferrocene/ferrocenium, and quinone/hydroquinone redox systems the voltammetric response should be thought as a complex contribution of different tips and sidewall domains which act as mediators for the electron transfer between the adsorbate species and the molecules in solution. In the other redox systems only nanotube ends are active sites for the electron transfer. It is also interesting to point out that a higher electroactive surface area not always lead to an improvement in the electron transfer rate of various redox systems. In addition, the current densities produced by the redox reactions studied here are high enough to ensure a proper electrochemical signal, which enables the use of BPs in sensing devices.


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The electroassisted encapsulation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes was performed into silica matrices (SWCNT@SiO2). This material was used as the host for the potentiostatic growth of polyaniline (PANI) to yield a hybrid nanocomposite electrode, which was then characterized by both electrochemical and imaging techniques. The electrochemical properties of the SWCNT@SiO2-PANI composite material were tested against inorganic (Fe3+/Fe2+) and organic (dopamine) redox probes. It was observed that the electron transfer constants for the electrochemical reactions increased significantly when a dispersion of either SWCNT or PANI was carried out inside of the SiO2 matrix. However, the best results were obtained when polyaniline was grown through the pores of the SWCNT@SiO2 material. The enhanced reversibility of the redox reactions was ascribed to the synergy between the two electrocatalytic components (SWCNTs and PANI) of the composite material.


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Poster presented at the Bacterial Electron Transfer Processes and their Regulation Meeting, European Federation of Biotechnology Microbial Physiology Section, 15-18 March 2015, Vimeiro, Portugal.


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Human cytochrome P450 (P450) 2D6 is an important enzyme involved in the metabolism of drugs, many of which are amines or contain other basic nitrogen atoms. Asp301 has generally been considered to be involved in electrostatic docking with the basic substrates, on the basis of previous modeling studies and site-directed mutagenesis. Substitution of Glu216 with a residue other than Asp strongly attenuated the binding of quinidine, bufuralol, and several other P450 2D6 ligands. Catalytic activity with the substrates bufuralol and 4-methoxyphenethylamine was strongly inhibited by neutral or basic mutations at Glu216 (>95%), to the same extent as the substitution of Asn at Asp301. Unlike the Asp301 mutants, the Gln216 mutant (E216Q) retained 40% enzyme efficiency with the substrate spirosulfonamide, devoid of basic nitrogen, suggesting that the substitutions at Glu216 affect binding of amine substrates more than other catalytic steps. Attempts to induce catalytic specificity toward new substrates by substitutions at Asp301 and Glu216 were unsuccessful. Collectively, the results provide evidence for electrostatic interaction of amine substrates with Glu216, and we propose that both of these acidic residues plus at least another residue(s) is (are) involved in binding the repertoire of P450 2D6 ligands.


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The outer-sphere oxidation of Fell in the mixed-valence complex trans-[(LCoNCFeII)-Co-14S-N-III(CN)(6)](-), being L-14S an N3S2 macrocylic donor set on the cobalt(III) center, has been studied. The comparison with the known processes of N-5 macrocycle complexes has been carried out in view of the important differences occurring on the redox potential of the cobalt center. The results indicate that the outer-sphere oxidation reactions with S2O82- and [Co(ox)(3)](3-) involve a great amount of solvent-assisted hydrogen bonding that, as a consequence from the change from two amines to sulfur donors, are more restricted. This is shown by the more positive values found for DeltaS(double dagger) and DeltaV(double dagger). The X-ray structure of the oxidized complex has been determined, and it is clearly indicative of the above-mentioned solvent-assisted hydrogen bonding between nitrogen and cyanide donors on the cobalt and iron centers, respectively. trans-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-14S-N-III(CN)(6)], as well as the analogous N-5 systems trans-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-14-N-III(CN)(6)], trans-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-15-N-III-(CN)(6)], and cis-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-n-N-III(CN)(6)], Oxidize water to hydrogen peroxide at pH > 10 with a rather simple stoichiometry, i.e., [(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-n-N-III(CN)(5)] + OH- - [(LCoNCFeII)-Co-n-N-III(CN)(5)](-) + 1/2H(2)O(2). In this way, the reversibility of the iron oxidation process is achieved. The determination of kinetic and thermal and pressure activation parameters for this water to hydrogen peroxide oxidation leads to the kinetic determination of a cyanide based OH- adduct of the complex. A second-order dependence on the base concentration is associated with deprotonation of this adduct to produce the final inner-sphere reduction process. The activation enthalpies are found to be extremely low (15 to 35 kJ mol(-1)) and responsible for the very fast reaction observed. The values of DeltaS(double dagger) and DeltaV(double dagger) (-76 to -113 J K-1 mol(-1) and -5.5 to -8.9 cm(3) mol(-1), respectively) indicate a highly organized but not very compressed transition state in agreement with the inner-sphere one-electron transfer from O2- to Fe-III.