999 resultados para Brazilian growth
The response of phytoplankton assemblages to hydrographical forcing across the southern Brazilian shelf was studied based on data collected during wintertime (June/2012), complemented with MODIS-Aqua satellite imagery. The in situ data set was comprised by water column structure properties (derived from CTD casts), dissolved inorganic nutrients (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate) and phytoplankton biomass [chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration] and composition. Phytoplankton assemblages were assessed by both microscopy and HPLC-CHEMTAX approaches. A canonical correspondence analysis associating physical, chemical and phytoplankton composition data at surface evinced a tight coupling between the phytoplankton community and hydrographic conditions, with remarkable environmental gradients across three different domains: the pelagic, outer shelf Tropical Water (TW); the mid shelf domain under influence of Subtropical Shelf Water (STSW); and the inner shelf domain mainly under influence of riverine outflow of the Plata River Plume Water (PPW). Results showed that intrusion of low salinity and nutrient-rich PPW stimulated the phytoplankton growth and diversity within the inner shelf region, with enhanced Chl a levels (>1.3 mg/m**3) and a great abundance of diatoms, ciliates, dinoflagellates, raphidophyceans and cryptophytes. Conversely, other diatoms (e.g. Rhizosolenia clevei), tiny species of prochlorophytes and cyanobacteria and a noticeable contribution of dinoflagellates and other flagellates associated with lower Chl a levels (<0.93 mg/m**3), characterized the TW domain, where low nutrient concentrations and deep upper mixed layer were found. The transitional mid shelf domain showed intermediate levels of both nutrients and Chl a (ranging 1.06-1.59 mg/m**3), and phytoplankton was mainly composed by dinoflagellates, such as Dinophysis spp., and gymnodinioids. Results have shown considerable phytoplankton diversity in winter at that section of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean.
This paper includes an examination of the sustainability of recent high growth in the poultry meat industry in Brazil. In addition, an assessment is made of the impact of increased production of poultry meat products on the development of local industries. Comparative studies of leading companies in the United States, Mexico, and Brazil reveal competitive advantages in the low costs of feedstuff and labor as well as disadvantages in the scale of business and management efficiency in the Brazilian poultry sector. Increases in domestic and foreign demand for Brazilian poultry meat have promoted development of the Brazilian poultry sector in local areas. The formation of industrial clusters is observed using regional data related to the location of slaughterhouses and the number of chickens farmed. Statistical analyses support observations made in this paper.
The pathogenicity of seven strains of Fusarium equiseti isolated from seabed soil was evaluated on different host plants showing pre and post emergence damage. Radial growth of 27 strains was measured on culture media previously adjusted to different osmotic potentials with either KCl or NaCl (-1.50 to - 144.54 bars) at 15º, 25º and 35º C. Significant differences and interactive effects were observed in the response of mycelia to osmotic potential and temperature.
YBaCuO and GdBaCuO + 15 wt% Ag large, single-grain, bulk superconductors have been fabricated via the top-seeded, melt-growth (TSMG) process using a generic NdBCO seed. The mechanical behavior of both materials has been investigated by means of three-point bending (TPB) and transversal tensile tests at 77 and 300 K. The strength, fracture toughness and hardness of the samples were studied for two directions of applied load to obtain comprehensive information about the effect of microstructural anisotropy on the macroscopic and microscopic mechanical properties of these technologically important materials. Splitting (Brazilian) tests were carried out on as-melt-processed cylindrical samples following a standard oxygenation process and with the load applied parallel to the growth-facet lines characteristic of the TSMG process. In addition, the elastic modulus of each material was measured by three different techniques and related to the microstructure of each sample using optical microscopy. The results show that both the mechanical properties and the elastic modulus of both YBCO and GdBCP/Ag are improved at 77 K. However, the GdBCO/Ag samples are less anisotropic and exhibit better mechanical behavior due to the presence of silver particles in the bulk, superconducting matrix. The splitting tensile strength was determined at 77 K and both materials were found to exhibit similar behavior, independently of their differences in microstructure.
In the five-year period 2005-09, Brazil has dramatically reduced carbon emissions by around 25% and at the same time has kept a stable economic growth rate of 3.5% annually. This combination of economic growth and emissions reduction is unique in the world. The driver was a dramatic reduction in deforestation in the Amazonian forest and the Cerrado Savannah. This shift empowered the sustainability social forces in Brazil to the point that the national Congress passed (December 2009) a very progressive law internalising carbon constraints and promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy. The transformation in Brazil’s carbon emissions profile and climate policy has increased the potentialities of convergence between the European Union and Brazil. The first part of this paper examines the assumption on which this paper is based, mainly that the trajectory of carbon emissions and climate/energy policies of the G20 powers is much more important than the United Nations multilateral negotiations for assessing the possibility of global transition to a low-carbon economy. The second part analyses Brazil’s position in the global carbon cycle and public policies since 2005, including the progressive shift in 2009 and the contradictory dynamic in 2010-12. The final part analyses the potential for a transition to a low-carbon economy in Brazil and the impact in global climate governance.
To generate innovation in Brazil becomes a high level priority in the last two decades. Innovation, according to the Presidential speech, is the right way to conduce the nation towards the development of technological competitive capabilities through the high technology-based products and services. Although the nation has come a long way, Brazil has to face the challenge of overcoming obstacles in infrastructure conditions for innovation. This paper aims to describe the main conditions to manage innovation in Brazil. This work offers a quantitative analysis of the main factors that impact innovation. This is a documental research based on data collected from high reliability international sources complemented by a research field applied to a sample of technology–based firms located in São José dos Campos, Brazil. The results indicated that entrepreneurs deal with difficulties to develop managerial competences in order to manage the business growth while developing new products and services. The lack of qualified human resources to manage business in technological environment is also a matter.
Cravo T. A., Becker B. and Gourlay A. Regional growth and SMEs in Brazil: a spatial panel approach, Regional Studies. This paper examines economic growth for a panel of 508 Brazilian micro-regions for the period 1980-2004, using spatial econometrics and paying particular attention to the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The findings indicate the presence of spatial dependence in the process of economic growth and the existence of two spatial regimes in Brazil. The human capital level of the whole population is an important growth determinant, but does not generate positive spillovers. Furthermore, human capital embodied in SMEs is more important than the size of this sector for regional growth and SME activity generates positive spatial spillovers. © 2014 © 2014 Regional Studies Association.
This paper examines the relationship between the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector and economic growth for an annual panel of Brazilian states for the period 1985–2004. We investigate the importance of the relative size of the SME sector measured by the share of SME employment in total formal employment and the level of human capital in SMEs measured by the average years of schooling of SME employees. The empirical results indicate that the relative importance of SMEs is negatively correlated with economic growth, a result that is consistent with previous studies examining developing countries. In addition, our results show that the human capital embodied in SMEs may be more important for economic growth than the relative size of the SME sector.
Temporally-growing frontal meandering and occasional eddy-shedding is observed in the Brazil Current (BC) as it flows adjacent to the Brazilian Coast. No study of the dynamics of this phenomenon has been conducted to date in the region between 22 degrees S and 25 degrees S. Within this latitude range, the flow over the intermediate continental slope is marked by a current inversion at a depth that is associated with the Intermediate Western Boundary Current (IWBC). A time series analysis of 10-current-meter mooring data was used to describe a mean vertical profile for the BC-IWBC jet and a typical meander vertical structure. The latter was obtained by an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis that showed a single mode explaining 82% of the total variance. This mode structure decayed sharply with depth, revealing that the meandering is much more vigorous within the BC domain than it is in the IWBC region. As the spectral analysis of the mode amplitude time series revealed no significant periods, we searched for dominant wavelengths. This search was done via a spatial EOF analysis on 51 thermal front patterns derived from digitized AVHRR images. Four modes were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Modes 3 and 4, which together explained 18% of the total variance, are associated with 266 and 338-km vorticity waves, respectively. With this new information derived from the data, the [Johns, W.E., 1988. One-dimensional baroclinically unstable waves on the Gulf Stream potential vorticity gradient near Cape Hatteras. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans 11, 323-350] one-dimensional quasi-geostrophic model was applied to the interpolated mean BC-IWBC jet. The results indicated that the BC system is indeed baroclinically unstable and that the wavelengths depicted in the thermal front analysis are associated with the most unstable waves produced by the model. Growth rates were about 0.06 (0.05) days(-1) for the 266-km (338-km) wave. Moreover, phase speeds for these waves were low compared to the surface BC velocity and may account for remarks in the literature about growing standing or stationary meanders off southeast Brazil. The theoretical vertical structure modes associated with these waves resembled very closely to the one obtained for the current-meter mooring EOF analysis. We interpret this agreement as a confirmation that baroclinic instability is an important mechanism in meander growth in the BC system. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fields studies were conducted in 2004/2005 in order to evaluate the effects of tillage on nutrient content in aboveground biomass of two peanut cultivars, cultivated in rotation after mechanical harvested sugarcane and pastures. These trials were carried out in two types of soils; Oxisol and Ultisol, respectively in Ribeir?ao Preto and Mirassol, S?ao Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design was split-plot with four replications. Tillage treatments (conventional, minimum and no-tillage) were main plots while sub-plots were peanut genotypes IAC-Tatu ST (Valencia market-type, erect growth habit, red seed coat, maturity range around 100 days after planting) and IAC-Caiap´o (Runner market-type, prostate growth habit, pink testa, maturity range more than 135 days). From 15 to 90 days after emergence, samples of leaves and stems were harvested, dried, weighted and ground to determine macro and micronutrient concentration. At 75 days after sowing, the cultivar IAC-Caiap´o showed higher contents of N, P, K, Cu, and Zn while IAC-Tatu presented higher concentrations of Ca, Mg, and S. Zn content was higher in conservation tillage than in conventional, mainly in Oxisoil for both of cultivars.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o crescimento de machos e fêmeas do ermitão Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802), da região de São Vicente, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de maio/2001 a abril/2003, na Praia dos Pescadores em São Vicente. Os 2.501 animais capturados foram identificados, determinados quanto ao sexo e mensurados quanto ao seu comprimento de escudo cefalotorácico (CEC). Para o estudo sazonal do crescimento, a população foi dividida em classes de tamanho de 5mm de (CEC), e analisada pelo método de Bertalanffy, com o auxílio do software Fisat II. Foram obtidos 703 indivíduos machos e 1.798 fêmeas, com média de tamanho de 8.94±1.80 e 6.61±1.13mm, respectivamente. Constatou-se um padrão de crescimento sazonal, com machos atingindo um tamanho assintótico (14.92mm) superior ao das fêmeas (13.85mm), além de iniciarem o processo de crescimento aproximadamente cinco meses antes destas. Desta forma, é provável que este seja um padrão que auxilia na diminuição da disputa intra-específica por conchas, uma vez que os machos atingiram maior tamanho e estariam disponibilizando conchas menores para as fêmeas.
Piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus) is a Brazilian migratory fast-growing omnivore, very appreciated as a sport fish, which is threatened to extinction in Southern Brazil due to stock over exploitation and dam building. Therefore, efforts have been made to raise this fish in captivity for reintroduction and aquaculture purposes. In the present study, the effects of different dietary protein and lipid concentrations on piracanjuba fingerlings growth performance, feed utilization, body composition, hepatosomatic index (HSI) and activity of the lipogenic enzymes fatty acid synthetase (FAS), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and malic enzyme (ME) were investigated using a 2 x 3 factorial experiment. Six casein-gelatin based diets were prepared combining two protein (30% and 32%) and three lipid concentrations (5.5%, 8.8% and 12.1%). Eleven fish, average weight 11.30 +/- 0.1 g, were held in each of 18 100-1 aquaria, supplied with recirculating freshwater. Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of fish and fed to apparent satiation, twice a day for 100 d. Piracanjuba fingerlings' daily weight gain (0.36-0.40 g), specific growth rate (1.43-1.51%), feed utilization and HSI were not influenced by dietary protein or lipid concentration. However, body composition was directly affected by dietary treatment. An increase in body fat and dry matter was observed as dietary lipid increased, for both dietary protein concentrations tested. The activity of FAS was depressed by increasing dietary fat levels but the G6PD activity did not differ among dietary treatments, although ME activity showed some regulation by dietary protein. These results indicate that an increase from 5.5% to 12.1% in the dietary lipid, at a dietary protein concentration of 30% or 32%, promotes body fat accumulation in piracanjuba fingerlings with no improvement in growth, suggesting that the lipid requirement for this species should be 5% or less, when raised for commercial purposes. However, the additional energy reserve from body fat accumulation could be desirable for piracanjuba fingerlings produced for stock enhancement. (C) 2003 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS and Ifremer/IRD/Inra/Cemagref. All rights reserved.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi testar a influência de quatro dietas alimentares sobre o crescimento populacional, desenvolvimento, comprimento total, peso seco e valor nutricional de duas espécies zooplanctônicas, Moina micrura and Diaphanosoma birgei, com os seguintes tratamentos alimentares: somente alga (A), alga + vitaminas (AV), alga + ração (AR) e alga + ração + vitaminas (ARV). O pico de crescimento para as duas espécies estudadas ocorreu mais rápido no tratamento AV. em geral, o tratamento AV para M. micrura mostrou melhores resultados para taxa intrínseca, fecundidade, desenvolvimento embrionário e pós-embrionário. Já a longevidade e número total de desovas apresentaram melhores resultados no tratamento AR (p < 0,05). Para D. birgei, os melhores resultados foram obtidos nos tratamentos contendo ração e vitamina (p < 0,05). A maior porcentagem de proteínas e lipídeos para os dois cladóceros ocorreu nos tratamentos contendo ração, já o carboidrato foi maior no tratamento contendo somente alga (p < 0,05). em geral, as dietas contendo ração e vitamina apresentaram os melhores resultados para o desenvolvimento dos cladóceros, com qualidade de água adequada para cultivo, podendo ser utilizadas em culturas com altas concentrações em laboratório.
The growth of aquaculture production systems, mostly the sport-fishing kind, coupled with a lack of control, brings about concerns on the quality of water and food produced. The current paper determines which factors may trigger the growth of cyanobacteria, with subsequent concentrations of microcystins in collected water samples, at the surface and in the water column, from 10 aquaculture systems, during the dry and rainy seasons. The above is undertaken by measurements of biotic (counting of Chlorophyceae, cyanobacteria, and microcystin-LR [MC-LR]) and abiotic (total nitrogen and total phosphorus) factors. Because the water from the 10 aquaculture production systems had MC-LR concentrations that were highly correlated with Microcystis aeruginosa (M. aeruginosa) biomass, most MC-LR microcystins were produced by this species. The MC-LR concentrations and M. aeruginosa counting were positively correlated with nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios and suggest that parameters may affect not only the M. aeruginosa biomass, but also MC-LR concentrations. Water Environ. Res., 82, 240 (2010).
O sistema automatizado Bioscreen C foi utilizado para o crescimento de quatro linhagens de Mucor hiemalis, isoladas do solo da Estação Ecológica de Juréia-Itatins (EEJI), estado de São Paulo, em meios líquidos com uma única fonte de carbono (2%) ou de nitrogênio (1%), pH 5,0, a 25ºC, e agitação de 150rpm por 5 dias. O meio com somente uma única fonte de nitrogênio foi adicionado com 2% de glicose. As leituras de densidade óptica foram realizadas a 540nm, em intervalos de 2h, por cinco dias. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente com o Teste de Friedman (alfa = 5%). Os melhores crescimentos foram obtidos com as linhagens M1, M2 e M3, que atingiram o início da fase log em 60 horas de cultivo. As melhores fontes de carbono variaram de acordo com a linhagem estudada, e extrato de levedura provou ser a melhor fonte de nitrogênio para todas as linhagens. Acetato de sódio inibiu o crescimento das quatro linhagens, sendo a M3 a mais afetada. O uso do sistema automatizado foi muito conveniente para as culturas em meio liquido, sendo rápido e automático, constituindo em uma boa técnica para a determinação das condições ambientais ótimas para crescimento de fungos filamentosos.