467 resultados para Braquiaria brizantha


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Aimed to identify, for assessing the tillering dynamics and morphogenesis , strategy (s ) suitable ( s) defoliation management to optimize the appearance of tillers and biomass of Urochloa Brizantha syn. Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu ( marandugrass ) throughout the year. The experiment was conducted from January 2013 to May 2014 were studied three strategies defoliation: Marandugrass with 30 cm throughout the experimental period (constant height); Marandugrass 15 cm in winter, the spring 30 cm and 45 cm in summer (increasing height); and Marandugrass 45 cm in winter, the spring 30 cm and 15 cm in summer (descending height). The experimental design was completely randomized in a split plot in time, with four replications. In winter, in the spring and summer, the following variables were calculated: appearance rate (TApP), mortality (TMoP) and survival (TSoP) of tillers, balance (BAL) between TApP and TMoP, stability index (IE) numbers of tillers and leaf elongation rates and stem, length of leaf blade and stem, leaf senescence rate, phyllochron and duration of life of the sheet. The TAPP was higher in the early spring and summer. For TMoP, the highest values were in the late spring and summer. The balance between TApP and TMoP was negative in winter and late spring, regardless of defoliation strategy. There was no difference in IE between the heights of the canopy during winter and late spring .. The number of tillers was higher in early spring and summer and lower in winter and late spring. The defoliation strategies have not changed phyllochron, leaf elongation rate. In spring and summer, there were increases in the rates of appearance, elongation and leaf senescence and, furthermore, decreased life span and phyllochron sheet. The plant height with increasing showed a lower rate of senescence and lower culm length in the spring. To increase the number of tillers marandu, it is advantageous to handle the plant with increasing height, ie, 15 cm in autumn and winter, the spring 30 cm and 45 cm in summer.The maintaining of B. brizantha cv. Marandu with fixed height of 30 cm or with variations between 15 and 45cm from the fall/winter to summer, does not influence the appearance and the growth of leaves per tiller, which indicates great flexibility on management defoliation in this forage plant.


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The livestock system in Brazil mainly uses the pastures as source of food to cattle, and the marandu palisade grass is one of the main forage crop plants. In order to supply the demand of these animals in amount of forage, it is necessary to adopt management strategies aimed at increased forage production with adequate characteristics to animal intake. In this context, is requiered to identify management strategies of defoliation that improve tillering of marandu palisade grass during the seasons. There is a chance that the maintenance of lower marandu palisade grass during the fall and winter compared to spring and summer, increase the incidence of light at the base of the plants and, indeed, encourage tillering and modify the structure of the pasture compared to maintain marandu palisade grass with constant height along these stations.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever o processo de gerar competências inovadoras na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária. No inicio de 1980, o centro de pesquisa da Embrapa Gado de Corte estava engajado no projeto Marandu - Brachiaria brizantha - originalmente uma planta nativa da África, potencialmente usada para alimentação do gado. Atualmente é responsável por cerca de 40% das sementes de forrageiras vendidas no Brasil, cultivada em cerca de 70 milhões de hectares de pastagens no país. Uma abordagem qualitativa foi definida para a pesquisa exploratória, e delineamento de estudo de caso. Foram feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os pesquisadores envolvidos no projeto e examinado os processos de geração, armazenamento, distribuição e aplicação do modelo de conhecimento tecnológico aplicado pela Embrapa. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam a relevância do ciclo de geração de competências nos processos da gestão do conhecimento, essenciais nas tecnologias da pecuária de corte do agronegócio.


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RESUMO: Os solos da região Noroeste do Paraná apresentam cerca de 85 a 90% de areia e níveis críticos de nutrientes, conferindo alta suscetibilidade à erosão e baixa capacidade de armazenamento de água. Além disso, a região apresenta clima quente, tornando-a bastante vulnerável a estresses abióticos. Uma das estratégias para aumentar a produtividade e, ao mesmo tempo, incrementar serviços ambientais é aumentar a diversidade de atividades, por meio do sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta (iLPF). O sistema iLPF pode conferir maior taxa de sequestro de carbono, conservação da biodiversidade e melhoria da qualidade do solo, água e ar, em comparação a sistemas não integrados. No município de Santo Inácio, PR, foram conduzidas por cinco anos duas áreas com sistema iLPF. Nos três primeiros anos de condução, foi possível conciliar a produção de grãos (soja), forragem (Brachiaria ruziziensis e B brizantha ) e madeira (eucalipto), sem que um componente prejudicasse o outro. A partir do terceiro ano, as árvores interferiram expressivamente na produtividade de grãos e forragem, indicando a necessidade de redução do número de árvores por área. O iLPF é um sistema de produção relevante para aumentar a provisão de bens e serviços ecossistêmicos na região Noroeste do Paraná, mas que ainda precisa de ajustes tecnológicos para incrementar os ganhos econômicos e ambientais. ABSTRACT: Most soils in Northwest of Paraná state, Brazil, are sandy (85 to 90% sand), with critical nutrient levels, high susceptibility to erosion and low water storage capacity Moreover, the region?s warm weather confers to these soils high vulnerability to abiotic stresses The diversification of production via adoption of integrated cropping-livestock-forestry (ICLF) systems is an important strategy to increase productivity and, simultaneously enhance ecosystem services. ICLF systems can increase carbon sequestration, conserve biodiversity and improve soil, water and air quality, compared with specialized production systems. Two trials were carried out for five years using ICLF in Santo Inácio county in Paraná state, Brazil. In the first three years, it was possible to harmonize production of grains (soybean), fodder (Brachiaria ruziziensis and brizantha) and wood (Eucalyptus) without negative effects of three components on each other. After the third year, the trees significantly reduced grain yield and fodder production, indicating the need for thinning to reduce tree interference. The ICLF system is relevant to increase the delivery of ecosystem goods and services in Northwestern Paraná, though technological adjustments are needed to increase its economic and environmental gains.


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The program PROBIODIESEL from the Ministry of Science and Technology has substantially increased glycerine, obtained as a sub-product of biodiesel production process, making it necessary to seek alternatives for the use of this co-product. On the other hand, herbicides although play a role of fundamental importance in the agricultural production system in force, have been under growing concern among the various segments of society because of their potential environmental risk. In this work, we used glycerin in microemulsion systems for application of herbicides, to improve efficiency and lower environmental pollution caused by the loss of those products to the environment. To obtain the systems of microemulsinados were used Unitol L90 NP and Renex 40 as surfactants, butanol as co-surfactant, coconut oil as oil phase and aqueous phase as we used solutions of glycerin + water. Through the determination of phase diagrams, the microemulsion region was found in the system E (L90 Unitol, coconut oil and glycerin + water 1:1). Three points were chosen to the aqueous phase rich in characterization and application in the solubilization of glyphosate and atrazine. Three experiments were performed in Horta, Department of Plant Sciences, Plant Science Sector, UFERSA, Mossoró-RN. The first experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide glyphosate (0.0, 0.45, 0.9, 1.35 and 1.8 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity of Brachiaria brizantha was measured at 7, 14, 28 and 60 DAA (days after application). At 60 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The second experiment was developed in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide atrazine (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 2.4 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays and Talinum paniculatum was evaluated at 2, 7, 20 DAA. The experiment III was developed in randomized complete blocks with 16 treatments and three repetitions. The treatments consisted of 16 combinations among the constituents of the microemulsion: Unitol L90 surfactant (0.0, 1.66, 5.0, 15 %) and glycerin (0.0, 4.44, 13.33 and 40.0 %). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays was evaluated at 1, 7 and 14 DAA. At 14 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The control plants using the microemulsions was lower than in the water due to the poisoning caused by the initial microemulsions in the leaves of the plants, a fact that hinders the absorption and translocation of the herbicide. There was no toxicity in Zea mays plants caused by the herbicide, however, were highly intoxicated by microemulsions. T. paniculatum was better controlled in spraying with the microemulsions, regardless of the dose of the herbicide. The glycerine did not cause plant damage. Higher poisoning the plants are caused by tensoactive Unitol L90 and higher rates occur with the use of higher concentrations of surfactant and glycerin, or microemulsion. The microemulsions used hampered the action of glyphosate in controlling B. brizantha and caused severe poisoning in corn, and these poisonings attributed mainly to the action of surfactant


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Animal, 2016.


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Soil acidity and low natural fertility are the main limiting factors for grain production in tropical regionssuch as the Brazilian Cerrado. The application of lime to the surface of no-till soil can improve plant nutrition, dry matter production, crop yields and revenue. The present study, conducted at the Lageado Experimental Farm in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil, is part of an ongoing research project initi-ated in 2002 to evaluate the long-term effects of the surface application of lime on the soil?s chemical attributes, nutrition and kernel/grain yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea), white oat (Avena sativa L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) inter cropped with palisade grass (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu), as well as the forage dry matter yield of palisade grass in winter/spring, its crude protein concentration, estimated meat production, and revenue in a tropical region with a dry winter during four growing seasons. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks with four replications. The treatments consisted of four rates of lime application (0, 1000, 2000 and 4000 kg ha−1), performed in November 2004. The surface application of limestone to the studied tropical no-till soil was efficient in reducing soil acidity from the surface down to a depth of 0.60 m and resulted in greater availability of P and K at the soil surface. Ca and Mg availability in the soil also increased with the lime application rate, up to a depth of 0.60 m. Nutrient absorption was enhanced with liming, especially regarding the nutrient uptake of K, Ca and Mg by plants.Significant increases in the yield components and kernel/grain yields of peanut, white oat and maize were obtained through the surface application of limestone. The lime rates estimated to achieve the maximum grain yield, especially in white oat and maize, were very close to the rates necessary to increase the base saturation of a soil sample collected at a depth of 0?0.20 m to 70%, indicating that the surface liming of 2000 kg ha−1is effective for the studied tropical no-till soil. This lime rate also increases the forage dry matter yield, crude protein concentration and estimated meat production during winter/spring in the maize-palisade grass inter cropping, provides the highest total and mean net profit during the four growing seasons, and can improve the long-term sustainability of tropical agriculture in the Brazilian Cerrado.


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The competitive influence of the root system of the exotic grass Urochloa brizantha and the widespread forb Leonotis nepetifolia on the emergence, survival and early growth of the seedlings of eight tropical heliophilous herbaceous species, six early-successional woody species and five late-successional woody species from Brazil, grown in 3500-cm3 pots and in greenhouse without light restriction were assessed. The density of fine-root systems produced by the forb and the grass in pots were 6.8 cm cm-3 soil and 48.1 cm cm-3 soil, respectively. Seedlings survival of the heliophilous herbaceous, early- and late-successional woody species were 86%, 70% and 100% in presence of the forb root system and 12%, 14% and 100% in competition with grass root system, respectively. The competitive pressure applied by the grass root system on seedling growth of the heliophilous herbaceous, early- and late-successional woody species were 2.4, 1.9 and 1.4 times greater than the forb root system. Total root length of the heliophilous herbaceous, early- and late-successional woody species grown without competitors were 13, 33 and 5 times greater than in competition with forb, and were 66, 54 and 6 times greater than in competition with grass root system, respectively. The averages of fine-root diameter of plants grown without competitors were 209 microm for the heliophilous herbaceous, 281 microm for early-successional trees and 382 microm for late-successional trees. The root system of the forb did not avoid seedling establishment of most plant species, but the grass root system hampered more the establishment of heliophilous herbaceous and early-successional woody species than the seedling establishment of late-successional woody species. The different density of root systems produced in soil by the forb and the grass, and the distinct root traits (e.g. root diameter and root tissue density) of the early- and late-successional plant species can explain the differences in the establishment of seedlings of plant species belonging to different groups of tropical succession when exposed to below-ground competition.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar a época e dose de aplicação do herbicida Kifix® em arroz de terras altas com tecnologia Clearfield® (BRS A 501 CL) consorciado com Urochloa brizantha cv. Paiaguás.


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Em Bacabal, MA, Foram avaliados o rendimento forrageiro, a percentagem de folhas e de FDN e FDA de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, Panicum maximum cvs. Massai, Mombaça, Tanzânia e Tobiatã. O plantio foi realizado no inicio das chuvas (janeiro) de 1999 e os cortes para avaliação, em número de oito, realizaram-se de abril de 1999 até julho de 2000. Foi usado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com parcelas de 3 x 5 m e três repetições.


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Avaliou-se em Teresina, PI., a contribuição do Pennisetum purpureum Schum cv. Pioneiro, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu e Cynodon spp. cv. Tifton, na produção do leite.


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The presence of cover crop straw and early application of total N at sowing may provide significant changes in the microbial population, reflecting on the N dynamics in the soil and in upland rice plants. This study aimed at determining the effect of the early application of nitrogen doses as mineral N and microbial biomass carbon in the soil, as well as in the activity of nitrate reductase, and grain yield of upland rice plants cultivated under notillage system (NTS). A randomized blocks design, in a split-plot scheme, with four replications, was used. The treatments consisted of N doses (0 kg ha-1, 40 kg ha-1, 80 kg ha-1 and 120 kg ha-1) and the presence or absence of U. brizantha cover straw. Maintaining the straw on the soil surface reduces the ammonium levels and increases the microbial biomass carbon content of the soil. The application of increasing doses of N in the soil provides increases in the levels of nitrate and ammonium in the soil up to 28 days after emergence. The activity of the nitrate reductase enzyme in the plants increases and the contents of ammonium and nitrate in the soil decrease with the crop development. The number of panicles and grain yield of upland rice increase with the increase of the nitrogen fertilization, but decrease in the presence of U. brizantha straw. Thus, it is recommend the use of early N fertilization in upland rice crop.


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Extratos aquosos de sementes, parte aérea e raízes de três gramíneas e três leguminosas forrageiras foram preparados a uma concentração de 10%, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos potencialmente alelopáticos sobre a germinação de sementes e o alongamento da radícula das invasoras de pastagens: Desmodium adscendens, Sida rhombito/ia e Vernonia po/yanthes. A germinação foi monitorada em períodos de dez dias, com contagens diárias e eliminação das sementes germinadas. O alongamento da radicula era medido ao final de um período de dez dias de crescimento. Os efeitos do potencial osmótico foram isolados através de cálculos. As espécies doadoras evidenciaram potencial idades alelopáticas que variou de intensidade em função da especificidade entre espécies doadoras e receptoras. Comparativamente, as leguminosas apresentaram potencial idades alelopáticas inibitórias superiores as das gramineas. Brachiaria. brizantha e Ca/opogonium mucunoides foram as espécies que promoveram as reduções mais intensas sobre a germinação das sementes e o alongamento da radicula das espécies receptoras. A parte aérea das espécies doadoras constituiu-se na principal fonte de substancias potencialmente alelopáticas, solúveis em água. Independentemente da espécie doadora, D. adscendens e S. rhombifo/ia foram as invasoras que se mostraram mais susceptíveis aos efeitos potencialmente alelopáticos.