929 resultados para Bovino - Carcaças Carcaças


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The Brazil´s Atlantic coastal forest biome is considered one of the richest and most exuberant biodiversity of the whole planet. Still, other data shows the reality of this Brazilian forest: more than 93% of its original formation has been already devastated, being the human actions the greatest threat to the perpetuation of the balance and diversity of this ecosystem. This destruction affects all the fauna and flora, with even greater impact on medium and large mammals, due to its high demand on the availability of resources, living area and sensitivity to disturbances. However, today it is known the vital importance of these mammals in the preservation and maintenance of biological systems. Thus, the purpose of this study was to survey the species richness of medium and large mammals in a remnant neotropical forest located in Itatinga, SP,Brazil, using the indirect method of recording (traces on sand-plots, marking territorial, faeces, carcasses, scratches on tree trunks and vocalizations) and camera trapping. Data were collected during ten (10) consecutive months in the year 2008, from February to November. Within twenty-five plots of sand installed and monitored during the ten months were found fifteen (15) species of terrestrial mammals of medium and large, five (5) orders and twelve (12) families. Among them, we highlight the presence of threated species like the puma (Puma concolor), the deer (Mazama gouazoubira) and the giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). The chosen method showed up effective in raising terrestrial mammalian species of medium and large neotropical forest area, having a good applicability and advantages over other existing methods. The study area presents a huge diversity of species and, therefore, this work it is recommended to be only the beginning of new researches in the area in order to enrich... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Em ambiente natural, as moscas-varejeiras depositam seus ovos geralmente em grupos de 100 a 300 ovos, freqüentemente na presença de ovos de outras espécies. Estes ovos são depositados em substratos discretos e efêmeros, que constituem unidades pequenas e separadas espacialmente, tais como carcaças, fezes, frutos, fungos e vegetais em decomposição, nas quais ocorrem mudanças sucessivas e rápidas. Em condições naturais, tais substratos apresentam-se saturados de indivíduos, de uma única ou mais espécies de insetos, principalmente em estágio larval, caracterizando uma intensa competição por recursos durante o desenvolvimento pós embrionário. Vários autores tentaram explicar a coexistência de moscas-varejeiras em substratos efêmeros, sugerindo que cada espécie pode ter seu próprio nicho dentro do substrato, uma especialização em diferentes partes do recurso alimentar ou comportamentos distintos de dispersão larval pós alimentar, que podem permitir a coexistência de espécies. No gênero Chrysomya, as similaridades nos nichos ecológicos, como por exemplo, no requerimento alimentar de suas larvas, podem acirrar a competição por recursos, e a espécie C. albiceps pode tornar-se predadora, apresentando comportamento de predação intra-guilda e canibalismo, interferindo na coexistência, no tamanho populacional das espécies presentes e podendo até excluir alguma delas. O nível de competição por espaço e alimento que os imaturos irão enfrentar relaciona-se com o padrão de distribuição espacial destes no substrato, decorrentes da escolha do sítio de oviposição pelas fêmeas adultas. Assim, o comportamento de oviposição é um processo biológico fundamental para as moscas, pois pode determinar a sobrevivência e o tamanho populacional nas sucessivas gerações. Por este motivo, o objetivo deste trabalho ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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There are diseases in vertebrates associated with the structure of bone tissue that directly affect the locomotor system of the animal. Being a endoskeleton, the diagnosis of these diseases becomes difficult in vivo. The characterization of the physical structure of the bone tissue of healthy animals becomes a major tool in the diagnosis comparison of live animals. Thus, the objective of this work is to determine the average value of the key physical properties of the bone structure used in the clinical diagnosis, such as: bone density, porosity, and mass attenuation coefficient of 59.6 keV photons of bone tissue and bovine and equine check variations in these values. The samples were provided by the pathology department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny of Botucatu-SP, which are of one male equine and one female bovine animals, using the radio and metacarpus, together with these materials were supplied the historic them. They were withdrawn ten samples in cuts of 10cm over the bone . These samples were submitted to the wet method of immersion in water for the density, by the method of attenuation of gamma radiation of radioisotope 241Am, it is estimated the mass attenuation coefficient, and then were dried in the oven for determining the content moisture. In determining the porosity of the samples was tight ground, in order to obtain the density of particles. The results for the mass attenuation coefficient of gamma radiation to the levels of saturated humidity, environment humidity, dry humidity respectively 0289 ± 0039; 0286 ± 0040 and 0297 ± 0042. And the density of particles was 2.2691 g/cm3


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Nas florestas Neotropicais, os mamíferos podem desempenhar papéis importantes como predadores e/ou dispersores de sementes, polinizadores, frugívoros, folívoros ou até mesmo predadores de topo e, por isso, são importantes para a manutenção e regeneração das comunidades biológicas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (i) realizar um levantamento da diversidade de espécies de aves e mamíferos cinegéticos no PETAR, (ii) estimar a abundância relativa, densidade, biomassa e tamanho populacional das aves e mamíferos mais avistados, (iii) comparar a diversidade e abundância das espécies estudadas em dois núcleos com diferentes pressões antrópicas. A área de estudo esta localizada na Serra da Paranapiacaba, que é a segunda maior área protegida do estado de São Paulo, possuindo mais de 125 000 ha, onde quatro Unidades de Conservação estão conectadas (Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira, Parque Estadual de Intervales, Parque Estadual de Carlos Botelho e Estação Ecológica Xituê). Ligadas a Serra do Mar, estas UC´s formam um grande corredor de biodiversidade que compreende o maior contínuo florestal de Mata Atlântica. O presente estudo segue o mesmo protocolo de amostragem do projeto BIOTA Fapesp (01/14463-05). As espécies alvo da amostragem foram aves de grande porte (Cracídeos, Tinamídeos e Fasianídeos) e mamíferos acima de 1kg, com exceção do esquilo (Guerlinguetus ingrami) que é uma espécie indicadoras de áreas defaunadas. Para o levantamento qualitativo (riqueza) foram utilizadas identificação de pegadas, carcaças, rastros e observações ad libitum. Já o levantamento quantitativo (abundância, densidade, biomassa e tamanho populacional) foi obtido pelo método de transecções lineares, em que para cada indivíduo observado foram obtidas a distância perpendicular animal-trilha, horário do avistamento, número de indivíduos e sua localização... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a foodborne pathogen associated with enteritis in humans, ranging from a mild to bloody diarrhea to hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and even death. Large E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks have been reported worldwide and are frequently associated with consumption of undercooked beef. Cattle are a major reservoir of the pathogen, which is found in the intestinal tract of the animal. The carcasses can be contaminated with feces during the slaughter and production process. Ground beef remains the most common vehicle. The purpose of this study was to determine the E. coli O157:H7 importance associated to human illness and productivity losses to the meat industry, as well as identifying mechanisms of contamination related to beef and strategies to improve the safety of beef products


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The organic wastes need to be adequately managed, in order to avoid the environmental pollution and damage to the public health. So, this work aimed to study the composting process using two methods: manual and mechanized, for the treatment of bovine ruminal waste. This residue is generated in large proportions during the bovine slaughter process, and it can lead environmental degradation and contamination, or even damage to the public health, when not treated. For the initial adjustment of the composting parameters, it was incorporated the residue of coffee husks. The manual composting system was done by the manually aerated piles, while the mechanized composting system was done in a reactor coupled to a compressor that enabled the aeration of the system. The proportions used in both systems were: 90% bovine rumen (R) and 10% coffe husks (CC); 85% bovine rumen and 15% coffe husks; 80% bovine rumen and 20% coffe husks. The parameters determined during the monitoring of the composting process were: temperature, pH, moisture, organic matter, ash, organic carbon, Kjeldahl nitrogen and C/N ratio. The results obtained during the monitoring of the piles and reactors presented similar behavior, except for the parameters Kjeldahl nitrogen and C/N ratio. When compared to the “Instrução Normativa no 25 de 23/07/2009 do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento”, the organic produced composts with the best results were: pile 2 (85% R; 15% CC) and reactors 1 (90% R; 10% CC) e 2 (85% R; 15% CC)


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In the last years, the embryo in vitro production for every domestic species and mainly for bovine has attained a notorius status. This reproductive biotechnical procedure associate with ultrasound-guided ovum pick up (OPU) has been more and more incorporated and spread in our cattle herds, ranking up Brazil already at the top of the list in number of in vitro embryo produced. Some significant advantages provided, such as the possibility of using the premature or pregnant animals oocytes, without necessarily requiring the use of hormonal treatment, to make it possible to generate pregnancy at a shorter period of time, the rationalization in the use of semen and optimization in the use of sexed semen were determinant factors for OPU/IVP to reach this outstanding position. Nevertheless, right now the possibility of IVP embryo cryopreservation, just now is the biggest impediment for maximizing the use of this biotechnology, due to both lack of efficient methods and low laboratory produced embryo cryotolerance. Nowadays, the most used methods of IVP embryo cryopreservation are: slow freezing and vitrification. Traditionally, slow freezing is still the most used methods for in vivo and in vitro produced embryo cryopreservation. However, more recently vitrification - although still not commercially used in large scale - has been presenting satisfactory results in IVP embryo cryopreservation, according to searches


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This work aimed to develop a biological system for removal of ammonia nitrogen operating at low concentrations of dissolved oxygen. Thus, a biological upflow vertical reactor was built, in which the affluent pass through the support media until the top. Sludge from an anaerobic stabilization pond of a slaughterhouse unit in the city of Presidente Prudente - SP was used as inoculum. Initially the system operated in batch and afterwards in a continuous flow with different HRT. For feeding the reactor, an initial phases was adopted a synthetic culture media, described by Martins (2007), in order to establish the ideal conditions for the development of Anammox bacteria and subsequently, submitted to the system a slugde effluent of slaughterhouse. The results showed significant removal efficiency of N-NH4+, especially in the phase without recirculation of culture media, with an average of 71% removal, with the proportion of removal of N-NH4 +:N-NO2- average 1: 1,69. For the period of operation with effluent from the slaughterhouse, were not obtained satisfactory results, without confirmation of the proliferation of Anammox bacteria in the system, due to the high presences of organic matter in the same confirmed by high concentrations of COD


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A Entomologia Forense é a ciência que aplica o estudo dos insetos, dentre outros artrópodes, a procedimentos legais, estando subdividida em três sub-áreas principais: Entomologia Urbana, Entomologia de Produtos Estocados e Entomologia Médico-Legal ou Médico-Criminal. A fauna entomológica cadavérica no Brasil apresenta uma ampla diversidade de espécies que se sucedem na carcaça, pois o processo de decomposição oferece condições ideais principalmente ao desenvolvimento dos dípteros, dentre outros insetos. A sucessão ecológica em carcaças ocorre em ondas de colonização, também denominada de sucessão ecológica de colonização de carcaças. A primeira onda, que é a mais importante para o presente estudo, inclui principalmente as moscas-varejeiras; dentre elas, merece destaque a espécie Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), um díptero da família Calliphoridae, que utiliza a carcaça para oviposição ou para alimentação dos adultos. Dos ovos eclodem as larvas, que se alimentam dos tecidos em decomposição, se desenvolvem e empupam no solo, nos arredores do cadáver, sendo assim possível estimar, a partir de evidências entomológicas, o tempo decorrido desde a morte até a descoberta de cadáveres humanos, ou seja, o intervalo pós-morte ou IPM, além de permitir obter informações do local onde possivelmente o crime tenha ocorrido, causa da morte, entre outros aspectos. Alguns trabalhos têm demonstrado que vários fatores podem afetar a determinação do IPM, tornando a investigação criminal mais difícil e, quando não forem levados em consideração, conduzem a erros no cálculo do IPM. Dispersão larval pós-alimentar, competição, predação, parasitismo, condições ambientais, e a presença de toxinas/drogas no corpo devem ser analisados em conjunto, de modo que erros na estimativa do IPM sejam minimizados tanto quanto possível. Deste modo, testes preliminares utilizando dietas artificiais em laboratório são...


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In the pre-slaughter management of pigs there are stressors, which depending on the duration or severity, are able to alter the quality of meat. One of the factors considered critical to the welfare is the fasting period in the farm. This practice is fundamental and proven relevance in the production chain. Besides the effects on meat quality and welfare of pigs, fasting is among the main factors responsible for the incidence of skin lesions, can significantly influence the incidence of esophagogastric ulcers and is also important to avoid any contamination of carcasses by gastrointestinal contents. When fasting is done right, it has a positive impact on welfare, meat quality and conditions of welfare during the pre-slaughter management of pigs


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)