467 resultados para Bimodal
O osteossarcoma ou sarcoma osteogénico (OS) é o tumor maligno primário mais comum de origem óssea que ocorre em crianças e adultos jovens. Este tumor surge a partir de células mesenquimais e é histologicamente caracterizado pela presença de células fusiformes e formação aberrante de osteóide. A incidência desta neoplasia apresenta uma distribuição bimodal, com um primeiro pico na adolescência e um segundo pico a ocorrer entre a 6ª e a 7ª década de vida. A maioria dos pacientes apresenta doença localizada à data do diagnóstico, e destes, aproximadamente 15 a 20% apresentam metástases detectáveis, em especial, pulmonares. A abordagem terapêutica ao OS engloba quimioterapia pré-operatória (neoadjuvante) seguida de ressecção cirúrgica do tumor primário e de todas as metástases visíveis e de quimioterapia pós-operatória (adjuvante). Historicamente, muitos agentes foram testados e usados no tratamento do OS, mas desde os anos 90 até à actualidade, o esquema de tratamento baseia-se na utilização de três agentes: Metotrexato (MTX), Doxorrubicina (A) e Ciclofosfamida (P), podendo ou não ser incluído um 4º agente, a Ifosfamida (I) ou o Ectopósido (E). Para surtir efeito, o MTX é administrado em alta dose, habitualmente de 12g/m2, podendo ir até 20g/m2, apresentando vários efeitos adversos. Como tal, outros agentes quimioterápicos têm sido testados, assim como outros tipos de tratamento e alvos, com o intuito de melhorar a performance e a sobrevida sem recorrência. A identificação de biomarcadores que permitam o diagnóstico, prognóstico e monitorização da terapia tem sido outra das principais linhas de investigação relacionadas com o OS. O objetivo deste trabalho centra-se na revisão da importância do tratamento neoadjuvante enquanto fator prognóstico do OS, e da monitorização laboratorial na utilização do MTX por forma a evitar efeitos secundários.
Context. Recent observations of brown dwarf spectroscopic variability in the infrared infer the presence of patchy cloud cover. Aims. This paper proposes a mechanism for producing inhomogeneous cloud coverage due to the depletion of cloud particles through the Coulomb explosion of dust in atmospheric plasma regions. Charged dust grains Coulomb-explode when the electrostatic stress of the grain exceeds its mechanical tensile stress, which results in grains below a critical radius a < a Coul crit being broken up. Methods. This work outlines the criteria required for the Coulomb explosion of dust clouds in substellar atmospheres, the effect on the dust particle size distribution function, and the resulting radiative properties of the atmospheric regions. Results. Our results show that for an atmospheric plasma region with an electron temperature of Te = 10 eV (≈105 K), the critical grain radius varies from 10−7 to 10−4 cm, depending on the grains’ tensile strength. Higher critical radii up to 10−3 cm are attainable for higher electron temperatures. We find that the process produces a bimodal particle size distribution composed of stable nanoscale seed particles and dust particles with a ≥ a Coul crit , with the intervening particle sizes defining a region devoid of dust. As a result, the dust population is depleted, and the clouds become optically thin in the wavelength range 0.1–10 μm, with a characteristic peak that shifts to higher wavelengths as more sub-micrometer particles are destroyed. Conclusions. In an atmosphere populated with a distribution of plasma volumes, this will yield regions of contrasting radiative properties, thereby giving a source of inhomogeneous cloud coverage. The results presented here may also be relevant for dust in supernova remnants and protoplanetary disks.
El objetivo principal fue el de relacionar el desempeño escolar de adolescentes con las características de sus familias analizadas con un enfoque sistémico estructural. El diseño fue transeccional, observacional y bimodal no precisó relaciones de causalidad. Analizó las características del grupo de familias con hijos con mal desempeño escolar (Grupo A) y las comparó con aquellas con hijos con buen desempeño escolar (Grupo B). Se encontraron semejanzas y diferencias entre ellas. Entre las primeras están: migración (30% en ambos) divorcio y separación de los padres (27% en B y 36% en A), límites al exterior difusos y rígidos, hijos numerosos en la segunda generación, pocos hijos en la tercera generación y parentalización de hijos y abuelos. Las diferencias: el 18. % de las familias del grupo A fueron nucleares en comparación con de las del B que fueron el 54.5%, las familias extendidas de tres generaciones fueron menos frecuentes en el B (18.3%) que en las del A (36.3%). En B predominan los límites claros en todos los subsistemas (entre el 45.5% y 57%) en el A no existen límites claros sino solo difusos y rígidos. El análisis demostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre algunas variables, y tendencias entre otras, que se relacionaron luego con los aspectos cualitativos investigados en dichas familias. Es así como se encontró asociación entre límites difusos y rígidos con maltrato, mayor diversidad de formas en el ciclo familiar, jerarquías atípicas ejercitadas por los abuelos, hermanos y padre. Los límites claros se asociaron con: jerarquías compartidas y las ejercitadas sólo por la madre. Las tendencias demostraron que ambos grupos exhiben elementos que no califican a las familias como funcionales, hay mayor asociación del mal desempeño escolar con familias monoparentales y extendidas, límites difusos y rígidos, maltrato, jeraquías atípicas y formas diversas del ciclo familiar. Pueden constituir factores de riesgo para ambos grupos: la migración, el divorcio, la separación, la falta de claridad y rigidez de los límites hacia el exterior y la parentalización de hijos y abuelos.
Within land vertebrate species, snakes display extreme variations in their body plan, characterized by the absence of limbs and an elongated morphology. Such a particular interpretation of the basic vertebrate body architecture has often been associated with changes in the function or regulation of Hox genes. Here, we use an interspecies comparative approach to investigate different regulatory aspects at the snake HoxD locus. We report that, unlike in other vertebrates, snake mesoderm-specific enhancers are mostly located within the HoxD cluster itself rather than outside. In addition, despite both the absence of limbs and an altered Hoxd gene regulation in external genitalia, the limb-associated bimodal HoxD chromatin structure is maintained at the snake locus. Finally, we show that snake and mouse orthologous enhancer sequences can display distinct expression specificities. These results show that vertebrate morphological evolution likely involved extensive reorganisation at Hox loci, yet within a generally conserved regulatory framework.
Introducción: la aspiración de un cuerpo extraño es causa importante y prevenible de morbimortalidad en la infancia, principalmente en menores de 3 años. En ausencia de un adulto que presencie el episodio de sofocación o atragantamiento, el diagnóstico puede dificultarse, retrasándolo. Objetivo: conocer las características clínicas e imagenológicas de los pacientes que al arribo al DEP se planteó el diagnóstico de obstrucción de vía aérea (OVA) por cuerpo extraño (CE) y actualización. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, observacional y retrospectivo de las historias clínicas de 10 niños ingresados a la URE del DEP con diagnóstico de OVA por CE entre el 1 de enero de 2010 y el 31 de diciembre de 2013, analizando edad, sexo, hora del accidente, procedencia, lugar, medio social, presencia de adulto, examen físico, imagenología, naturaleza del CE, localización anatómica, maniobras practicadas, primera asistencia, tiempo hasta su expulsión/extracción, complicaciones y destino de los pacientes. Resultados: siete de los diez niños fueron varones; edades entre 6 meses y 13 años; nueve de Montevideo y área metropolitana. En los casos presenciados por adultos -nueve- se consultó dentro de las 24 horas. En siete se trató de material orgánico (carne, fruta, semillas) durante la alimentación (almuerzo, cena), y en tres ocasiones no orgánico, uno radioopaco. Nueve niños estaban en su hogar y uno en la escuela. La primera asistencia en seis casos consistió en maniobras realizadas por familiares (barrido de boca con el dedo) o personal de salud (maniobra de Heimlich) siendo inefectivas. En ocho casos los hallazgos del examen físico coincidieron con el diagnóstico planteado. La radiología mostró el CE o signos indirectos. La eliminación espontánea ocurrió en dos ocasiones; en dos se extrajo en el DEP, y en seis mediante broncoscopio rígido bajo anestesia general, de bronquio fuente derecho en cuatro y de bronquio fuente izquierdo en dos. No se registraron complicaciones y todos los pacientes fueron dados de alta. Comentarios: es una patología de baja incidencia. Distribución bimodal, con picos a los ocho meses y a los ocho años, en domicilio y a predominio de material orgánico. Alta participación de adultos sin hábitos de puericultura y de medio social deficitario puede incidir en su ocurrencia. El síndrome asfíctico con confirmación posterior de aspiración estuvo presente en nueve casos. La exploración física y la imagenología fueron de utilidad. Las maniobras que buscan desobstruir la vía aérea fueron inefectivas. La extracción en block quirúrgico con broncoscopio rígido continúa siendo de elección. No se registró morbimortalidad inmediata al episodio. Se debe insistir en la divulgación de medidas preventivas en padres y cuidadores así como contar con regionalización y transporte pediátricos adecuados.
The occurrence of mafic (mainly gabbros and diorites) and felsic (syenites and granites) rocks, in close spatial association, in the Elvas region, at the northern part of the Ossa-Morena Zone, could be interpreted as a single bimodal (alkaline) plutonic complex. However, in spite of scarce isotopic (Sm-Nd) data, the co-magmatic origin of both rock groups (mafic and felsic) has already been questioned [1]. Based on the mineral chemistry of primary clinopyroxenes (Di–Hd, %En: 45.5 – 27.2) and representative whole-rock analyses, gabbros and diorites of the Elvas massif show a transitional character between alkaline and non-alkaline fields and wide compositions: SiO2 (42.47 – 58.00 wt%); TiO2 (0.24 – 1.68 wt%); Y/Nb (4.0 – 10.7); Th (0.1 – 6.8 ppm); Zr (18.6 – 576.9 ppm). The felsic group is composed by highly differentiated rocks which correspond to distinct levels of silica saturation and alkalinity. Peralkaline syenites usually present sodic (riebeckite) and sodic-calcic (aegirine-augite, ferrowinchite) inosilicates and reveal quite variable compositions: SiO2 (57.50 – 72.07 wt%); TiO2 (0.10 – 1.45 wt%); Th (1.7 – 67.0 ppm); Zr (133.0 – 4800.0 ppm). The alkaline granites show hedenbergite as the characteristic inosilicate, presenting relatively common compositions: SiO2 (61.85 – 78.06 wt%); TiO2 (0.21 – 0.58 wt%); Th (11.8 – 38.4 ppm); Zr (317.3 – 1234.6 ppm) [2]. Recent Sm-Nd isotopic results, on a total of 18 whole-rock samples (6 mafites and 12 felsites), allow new and more consistent interpretation concerning the petrogenesis of these plutonic rocks. Assuming an age of 490 Ma [3], the felsic rocks provide (0.6 < Nd490 < 4.3), similar to other contemporary (per)alkaline rocks of this region [4], reflecting magmatic extractions from time-integrated depleted mantle sources followed by variable and incomplete mixing (and/or AFC-type) processes with enriched, probably crustal sources. This alkaline/peralkaline magmatism is thought to represent the main regional record of the rifting event which presumably led to the opening of the Rheic Ocean. On the other hand, the mafic plutonic rocks of the Elvas massif cannot represent the magmatic precursors of these syenites and granites as they show completely distinct Nd isotopic ratios (3.7 < Nd490 < 1.2) indicating important contribution of long-term enriched (crustal) sources. Instead, considering the age and the Nd isotopic signature of other mafic plutonic unit emplaced nearby (the Campo Maior massif: ca. 370 Ma; 6.0 < Nd370 < 5.2) [5], and recalculating the isotopic ratios of the Elvas massif for the same age (4.3 < Nd370 < 1.6), it is plausible to consider that these plutons (Campo Maior and Elvas) can be coeval and representative of the Variscan magmatism in this region. In such hypothesis, the differences between these isotopic values could be explained, on a time-integrated basis, either by magmatic sources for the Elvas massif less enriched in LREE than the sources involved in the Campo Maior massif, or, if both plutonites share similar depleted mantle sources, by magmatic differentiation paths considerably affected by crustal contamination processes, which reached higher degrees in the Campo Maior massif.
Mirocaris fortunata were sampled from the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent area (Eiffel Tower site) on the mid-Atlantic ridge during the French DIVA 2 cruise (June 1994). Small adults (17 to 22 mm total length), although morphologically identical, could be divided into 2 categories on the basis of pigmentation, lipid composition and C-13/C-12 stable isotope ratios of fatty acids. Highly pigmented small adults (8.6 to 9.2 mu g carotenoid shrimp(-1)) contained higher levels of total lipid than similar-sized individuals containing lower levels of pigment (0.9 to 2.9 mu g carotenoid shrimp(-1)). Lipid class analysis indicated that wax esters comprised 62.5% of total lipid in the former group. These pigmented shrimp also contained high proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly the phototrophic microplanktonic markers 20:5(n-3) and 22:6(n-3) (14.0 and 33.5% respectively). By contrast small adults (22 mm) and adult shrimp (25 to 26 mm) with low levels of carotenoid pigmentation contained lower amounts of total lipid, little or no wax ester and low levels of 20:5(n-3) and 22:6(n-3), but did contain 16:2(n-4) and 18:2(n-4) and the non-methylene interrupted dienes 20:2 Delta 5,13 and 22:2 Delta 7,15. GC-IRMS analysis of all fatty acids and fatty alcohols in the pigmented small adults indicated delta(13)C values of -18.2 to -27.7 parts per thousand, which is consistent with a photosynthetic carbon source for these compounds. The C-13/C-12 isotope composition of fatty acids from low-pigmented small adults and adults was more variable (-12.5 to -33.1 parts per thousand) and suggests a bimodal distribution which may be attributable to differing nutritional sources or the physiological/reproductive status of these shrimp. Samples of eggs, which are carried by the female on the pleopods, represented approximately 57% of total somatic lipid which indicates a substantial reproductive investment by this species. The egg lipids comprised high proportions of triacylglycerols (64.4 to 78.0% of total lipid) whilst the fatty acid composition was dominated by the monounsaturated fatty acids 16:1(n-7), 18:1(n-7) and 18:1(n-9), which accounted for 65.7 to 33.5% of total fatty acids. By contrast, PUFA were relatively minor components of egg lipids, particularly 20:5(n-3) and 22:6(n-3), which accounted for only 1.1 and 2.9% of total egg fatty acids respectively. This indicates that the reproductive investment by this species is supported mainly by material derived from bacterial chemosynthesis. The potential for M. fortunata hedge betting by producing larvae which either metamorphose at the vent site or adopt a bathypelagic lifestyle and delay metamorphosis to facilitate more widespread dispersal is discussed.
Background: Gender differences are expected to influence the pattern and outcome of management of abdominal wall hernias. Some of these are left to speculations with few published articles on hernias in females. Objectives: To describe the clinical pattern of abdominal wall hernias in females. Method: A 5 year retrospective review. Result: There were 181 female patients with 184 hernias representing 27.9% of the total number of hernia patients operated. Mean age was 41.66±24.46 years with a bimodal peak in the 1st and 7th decades. Inguinal hernia accounted for majority (50.5%) but incisional hernia predominated in the 30-49 age group, while only inguinal and umbilical hernias were seen in the first two decades (p=0.04). There was no side predilection in the cases of inguinal hernia. There were 12 (6.6%) emergency presentations, most of which occurred in the 6th decade and above and none below 30 years (p=0.02). Umbilical (4 cases) and femoral hernias (3 cases) accounted for most of these cases. Incisional hernia was the commonest cause of recurrent hernias. Conclusion: Inguinal hernia is the commonest hernia type in females followed by incisional hernias which also accounteds for most recurrent cases. Age appears to be a risk factor for developing complications.
Organismal development, homeostasis, and pathology are rooted in inherently probabilistic events. From gene expression to cellular differentiation, rates and likelihoods shape the form and function of biology. Processes ranging from growth to cancer homeostasis to reprogramming of stem cells all require transitions between distinct phenotypic states, and these occur at defined rates. Therefore, measuring the fidelity and dynamics with which such transitions occur is central to understanding natural biological phenomena and is critical for therapeutic interventions.
While these processes may produce robust population-level behaviors, decisions are made by individual cells. In certain circumstances, these minuscule computing units effectively roll dice to determine their fate. And while the 'omics' era has provided vast amounts of data on what these populations are doing en masse, the behaviors of the underlying units of these processes get washed out in averages.
Therefore, in order to understand the behavior of a sample of cells, it is critical to reveal how its underlying components, or mixture of cells in distinct states, each contribute to the overall phenotype. As such, we must first define what states exist in the population, determine what controls the stability of these states, and measure in high dimensionality the dynamics with which these cells transition between states.
To address a specific example of this general problem, we investigate the heterogeneity and dynamics of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). While a number of reports have identified particular genes in ES cells that switch between 'high' and 'low' metastable expression states in culture, it remains unclear how levels of many of these regulators combine to form states in transcriptional space. Using a method called single molecule mRNA fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH), we quantitatively measure and fit distributions of core pluripotency regulators in single cells, identifying a wide range of variabilities between genes, but each explained by a simple model of bursty transcription. From this data, we also observed that strongly bimodal genes appear to be co-expressed, effectively limiting the occupancy of transcriptional space to two primary states across genes studied here. However, these states also appear punctuated by the conditional expression of the most highly variable genes, potentially defining smaller substates of pluripotency.
Having defined the transcriptional states, we next asked what might control their stability or persistence. Surprisingly, we found that DNA methylation, a mark normally associated with irreversible developmental progression, was itself differentially regulated between these two primary states. Furthermore, both acute or chronic inhibition of DNA methyltransferase activity led to reduced heterogeneity among the population, suggesting that metastability can be modulated by this strong epigenetic mark.
Finally, because understanding the dynamics of state transitions is fundamental to a variety of biological problems, we sought to develop a high-throughput method for the identification of cellular trajectories without the need for cell-line engineering. We achieved this by combining cell-lineage information gathered from time-lapse microscopy with endpoint smFISH for measurements of final expression states. Applying a simple mathematical framework to these lineage-tree associated expression states enables the inference of dynamic transitions. We apply our novel approach in order to infer temporal sequences of events, quantitative switching rates, and network topology among a set of ESC states.
Taken together, we identify distinct expression states in ES cells, gain fundamental insight into how a strong epigenetic modifier enforces the stability of these states, and develop and apply a new method for the identification of cellular trajectories using scalable in situ readouts of cellular state.
June 2011 saw the first historic eruption of Nabro volcano, one of an ongoing sequence of eruptions in the Afar-Red Sea region since 2005. It halted air travel in northern Africa, contaminated food and water sources, and displaced thousands from their homes. Due to its remote location, little was known about this event in terms of the quantity of erupted products and the timing and mechanisms of their emplacement. Geographic isolation, previous quiescence and regional civil unrest meant that this volcano was effectively unmonitored at the time of eruption, and opportunities for field study are limited. Using free, publicly available satellite data, I examined rates of lava effusion and SO2 emission in order to quantify the amount of erupted products and understand the temporal evolution of the eruption, as well as explore what information can be gleaned about eruption mechanisms using remote sensing data. These data revealed a bimodal eruption, beginning with explosive activity marked by high SO2 emission totalling 1824 - 2299 KT, and extensive ash fall of 270 - 440 km2. This gave way to a period of rapid effusion, producing a ~17 km long lava flow, and a volume of ~22.1 x 106 m3. Mass balance between the SO2 and lava flows reveals no sulfur 'excess', suggesting that nearly all of the degassed magma was extruded. The 2011 eruption of Nabro lasted nearly 6 weeks, and may be considered the second largest historic eruption in Africa. Work such as this highlights the importance of satellite remote sensing for studying and monitoring volcanoes, particularly those in remote regions that may be otherwise inaccessible.
Recent findings indicate that bimodal-redundant stimulation promotes perceptual learning and recruits attention to amodal properties in non-human as well as human infants. However it is not clear if bimodal-redundant stimulation can also facilitate memory during the postnatal period. Moreover, most animal and human studies have employed an operant paradigm to study memory, but have not compared the effectiveness of contingent versus passive presentation of information on memory. The current study investigated the role of unimodal versus bimodal presentation and, the role of a contingent versus passive exposure in memory retention in the bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Results revealed that contingently trained chicks demonstrated a preference for the familiarized call under both unimodal and bimodal conditions. Between-group analyses revealed that the contingent-bimodal group preferred the familiarized call as compared to the passive-bimodal group. These results indicate that the contingency paradigm accompanied with the bimodal stimulus type facilitated memory during early development.
By virtue of its proximity and richness, the Virgo galaxy cluster is a perfect testing ground to expand our understanding of structure formation in the Universe. Here, we present a comprehensive dynamical catalogue based on 190 Virgo cluster galaxies (VCGs) in the "Spectroscopy and H-band Imaging of the Virgo cluster" (SHIVir) survey, including kinematics and dynamical masses. Spectroscopy collected over a multi-year campaign on 4-8m telescopes was joined with optical and near-infrared imaging to create a cosmologically-representative overview of parameter distributions and scaling relations describing galaxy evolution in a rich cluster environment. The use of long-slit spectroscopy has allowed the extraction and systematic analysis of resolved kinematic profiles: Halpha rotation curves for late-type galaxies (LTGs), and velocity dispersion profiles for early-type galaxies (ETGs). The latter are shown to span a wide range of profile shapes which correlate with structural, morphological, and photometric parameters. A study of the distributions of surface brightnesses and circular velocities for ETGs and LTGs considered separately show them all to be strongly bimodal, hinting at the existence of dynamically unstable modes where the baryon and dark matter fractions may be comparable within the inner regions of galaxies. Both our Tully-Fisher relation for LTGs and Fundamental Plane analysis for ETGs exhibit the smallest scatter when a velocity metric probing the galaxy at larger radii (where the baryonic fraction becomes sub-dominant) is used: rotational velocity measured in the outer disc at the 23.5 i-mag arcsec^{-2} level, and velocity dispersion measured within an aperture of 2 effective radii, respectively. Dynamical estimates for gas-poor and gas-rich VCGs are merged into a joint analysis of the stellar-to-total mass relation (STMR), stellar TFR, and Mass-Size relation. These relations are all found to contain strong bimodalities or dichotomies between the ETG and LTG samples, alluding to a "mixed scenario'' evolutionary sequence between morphological/dynamical classes that involves both quenching and dry mergers. The unmistakable differentiation between these two galaxy classes appears robust against different classification schemes, and supports the notion that they are driven by different evolutionary histories. Future observations using integral field spectroscopy and including lower-mass galaxies should solidify this hypothesis.
A study of European hake Merluccius merluccius gill net selectivity was undertaken off the Algarve (Southern Portugal), between 1999 and 2001. Four nominal mesh sizes (70, 80, 90 and 100 mm) were used in fishing trials and the 'share each length class catch total' (SELECT) method was used to fit gill net selectivity curves. Hake were caught in the same size range by all mesh sizes, between 17 and 65 cm total length. While most fishes were wedged, significant and similar proportions were entangled in all mesh sizes, contributing to the wide size range, and in some cases, bimodal shape of catch size frequency distributions. Insignificant numbers of undersized hake were caught, with most catches consisting of mature female fish. Catch rates decreased sharply with increasing mesh size. The bimodal model gave the best fit for hake that were wedged, with estimated modal lengths of 40.1, 46.7 and 51.0 cm for the 70, 80 and 90 mm nominal mesh sizes, respectively. The high catch per unit effort of the smallest mesh size, with most fish caught being female, together with the fact that the modal length of the fitted selectivity curve is well below the size at maturity for hake in Portuguese waters, suggests that the 80 mm nominal mesh size is more appropriate for ensuring resource sustainability.
Antecedentes: El síndrome de Sjögren (SS) es una patología crónica, autoinmune, de características multifactoriales en su etiología. También es conocida como una epitelitis autoinmune, caracterizada por síntomas secos como xeroftalmia y xerostomía, pero que también puede tener compromiso sistémico, dado por manifestaciones extra-glandulares. En la actualidad es poco reconocida como tal, y por lo tanto, la tasa de sobrevida en estos pacientes se encuentra disminuida pero poco tenida en cuenta a la hora de la valoración de ellos. Este trabajo describe la evidencia encontrada acerca de las causas de mortalidad y sus factores asociados luego de realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio fue reunir de forma exhaustiva y sistemática toda la evidencia empírica, publicada o no, que cumpla los criterios de búsqueda y elegibilidad sobre factores asociados al incremento de la mortalidad o disminución en la sobrevida de los pacientes con diagnóstico de SS. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura mediante una búsqueda exhaustiva de todos los estudios publicados en las bases de datos electrónicas preestablecidas, hasta abril de 2015, con el fin de determinar las causas más frecuentes de mortalidad en pacientes con SS y los factores asociados a ella. Resultados: Se encontraron 4,654 resultados que coincidían con los criterios de búsqueda establecidos; de estos, 33 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y se distribuyeron de la siguiente forma: el 66.6% (22/33) correspondieron a estudios de corte cohorte, 30.3% (10/33) a estudios de corte transversal y el 3.03% (1/33) a estudios casos y controles. Se obtuvieron resultados en cuanto a frecuencias de mortalidad, razón estandarizada de mortalidad, tasas de supervivencia, causas más frecuentes de mortalidad y sus factores asociados. Conclusiones: La mortalidad reportada en los diferentes estudios fue entre el 1.2% hasta el 30%. Aquellos estudios que reportaron una tasa de mortalidad inferior al 5%, tuvieron un tiempo de seguimiento menor 8 años [1,7,33,60,64,86]. La mayoría de los casos sigue un curso relativamente estable, pero hay un porcentaje importante que presenta otras manifestaciones sistémicas con mayor frecuencia de complicaciones durante la evolución del SS. Por tanto, son los que requieren un seguimiento más estrecho, debido a una mayor necesidad de tratamiento sistémico y al mayor riesgo de ingreso hospitalario y de mortalidad, especialmente por el desarrollo de procesos linfoproliferativos B. La presencia de factores pronósticos en el paciente con SS obligará a realizar un seguimiento clínico e inmunológico mucho más estrecho, lo cual permitirá identificar lo antes posible las complicaciones que puedan aparecer e instaurar las correspondientes medidas terapéuticas, para aumentar las tasas de supervivencia.
our distinct nocturnal surface ozone (NSO) enhancement events were observed, with NSO concentration exceeding 80μg/m3, at multiple ozone (O3) monitoring stations (32 sites) in January, November and December between year 2000–2010, in Portugal. The reasonable explanation for the observed bimodal pattern of surface ozone with enhanced NSO concentration during nighttime has to be transport processes, as the surface ozone production ceases at nighttime. Simultaneous measurements of O3 at multiple stations during the study period in Portugal suggest that horizontal advection alone cannot explain the observed NSO enhancement. Thus, detailed analysis of the atmospheric conditions, simulated with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, were performed to evaluate the atmospheric mechanisms responsible for NSO enhancement in the region. Simulations revealed that each event occurred as a result of one or the combination of different atmospheric processes such as, passage of a cold front followed by a subsidence zone; passage of a moving surface trough, with associated strong horizontal wind speed and vertical shear; combination of vertical and horizontal transport at the synoptic scale; formation of a low level jet with associated vertical mixing below the jet stream. The study confirmed that large-scale flow pattern resulting in enhanced vertical mixing in the nocturnal boundary layer, plays a key role in the NSO enhancement events, which frequently occur over Portugal during winter months.