973 resultados para Beef Heifers


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Pastures containing alfalfa-grass or smooth bromegrass were stocked with .6, .8, or 1.0 cow-calf units per acre to compare cow and calf production in rotational grazing systems managed for optimum forage quality. To remove excess forage early in the grazing season, yearling heifers or steers grazed with the cows in each pasture at a stocking rate of .6 ccu per acre for the first 28, 37, and 40 days of grazing in years one, two, and three. Live forage density and days of grazing per paddock were estimated by sward height. Cows, calves, and yearlings were weighed and cows condition scored every 28 days. All cows grazed for 140 days unless forage became limiting. The cows on the smooth bromegrass pasture stocked at 1.0 cow-calf units per acre were removed after 119 days in 1994, 129 days in 1995, and 125 days in 1996. Cows on one of the alfalfagrass pastures stocked at 1.0 ccu per acre were removed after 136 days of grazing in 1996 because of lack of forage. Alfalfa-grass pastures tended to have a more consistent supply of forage over the grazing season than the bromegrass pastures. Cows grazing the alfalfa-grass pastures had greater seasonal weight gains and body condition score increases and lower yearling weight gains than the smooth bromegrass pastures. Daily and total calf weight gains and total animal production also tended to be greater in alfalfa-cool season grass pastures. Increasing stocking rates resulted in significantly lower cow body condition increases and yearling weight gains, and also increased the amounts of calf and total growing animal produced.


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The heifer development project was a five year project conducted on the site of the former Jackson County Farm north of Andrew, Iowa, for four years and on an area producer’s farm for the fifth year. Heifers arrived around December 1 each year and the average number of heifers each year was 43 with a low of 37 and high of 47. After a 30+ day warm-up period the heifers were put on a 112-day test from early January to late April. They were fed a shelled corn and legume-grass hay ration consisting of between 13% and 14% crude protein and a range of .44 to .58 megacal/pound of NEg over the five years. During the 112-day test heifers gained 1.86, 1.78, 1.5, 1.63 and 2.2 pounds per day, respectively, for years 1992 through 1996. The actual average breeding weight was less than the target weight in three years by 5, 12 and 22 pounds and exceeded the target weight in two year by 17 and 28 pounds. Estrus synchronization used a combination of MGA feeding and Lutalyse injection. Heifers were heat detected and bred 12 hours later for a three-day period. On the fourth day, all heifers not bred were mass inseminated. Heifers then ran with the cleanup bull for 58 days. The average synchronization response rate during the project was 79%. The overall pregnancy rates based on September pregnancy averaged 92%. The five year average total cost per head for heifer development was $286.18 or about $.85 per day. Feed and pasture costs averaged 61% of the total costs.


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Growth hormone (GH) is a metabolic hormone that plays an important role in long-bone growth and muscle accretion in mammals. The anterior pituitary gland at the base of the brain is the primary site of GH production and release into the general circulation. Neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus in the lower part of the brain secrete GH-releasing hormone ([GHRH] or factor [GRF]) and GH-release-inhibiting hormone ([GHRIH] or somatostatin [SRIH]) that acutely modulate GH secretion by the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is connected to the median eminence of the hypothalamus by a stalk (hypophyseal stalk). Complete surgical removal of the pituitary gland (hypophysectomy) arrests growth and greatly impairs metabolism in laboratory and farm animal species. Daily subcutaneous injection of bovine GH (bGH) in immature hypophysectomized rats significantly increased body growth and epiphyseal plate width of the long-bone (tibia) compared with diluent-treated hypophysectomized controls. Growth rate was less, however, in the bGH-treated animals compared with intact controls. In beef calves, hypophysectomy completely arrested body weight gain and long-bone growth. GH is secreted in an episodic pattern in young growing intact calves. Episodic GH secretion was abolished immediately following hypophyseal stalk transection, and basal GH blood concentration was less than in shamoperated controls. Regardless, growth continued in these stalk-transected calves during a 1,008-day period, but at a lower growth rate than seen in the sham-operated controls. At autopsy, pituitary gland weight was greatly decreased in hypophyseal stalktransected compared with sham-operated calves. Thus, in spite of obliterated episodic GH release and decreased basal secretion of GH, the isolated pituitary gland of hypophyseal stalk transected calves continues to secrete sufficient amounts of GH for significant growth and development throughout a long period.


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Two synchronization protocols in lactating dairy and beef cows and in dairy heifers were tested for efficacy of breeding by artificial insemination (AI) with or without estrus detection. Controls received three prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) injections 14 days apart before AI at observed estrus. Pregnancy rates were compared with animals on the Ovsynch protocol that combined gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and PGF2a treatments with a timed AI 16 to 20 hours after the second GnRH injection. The pregnancy rates were similar at synchronized ovulation to fixed-time AI in lactating cows, but not effective in heifers because of the lack of synchronization.


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Three groups of steers--one theoretical group and two experimental groups—were evaluated for marketing cattle live, as boxed beef, and grade and yield when the live price was $71 to $73/cwt, grade and yield price $125/cwt for Choice yield grade 3 carcasses with $20/cwt discount for Select carcasses, and in a commodity-trim or close-trim boxed beef market. The results show that the value of highyielding steers can be significantly increased if sold in a close-trim boxed beef market. The close-trim premiums ranged from $5.06 per head for Select close-trim yield grade 4 carcasses to $87.18 per head for close-trim Choice yield grade 1 carcasses. A group of experimental steers averaging 82% Choice and 60% yield grades 1 and 2 returned an additional $104 in the close-trim boxed market compared with selling live for $73/cwt. Another group of experimental steers averaging 21% Choice, 18% Standard, and 93% yield grades 1 and 2 had $29 per head greater return than if the steers had been sold live for $71/cwt. These comparisons emphasize the importance of knowing how cattle will potentially grade before selecting an alternative marketing strategy. This prior knowledge is most important when the spread in price between Choice and Select is high. Producers need to learn more about their cattle to predict how the cattle may grade for a specified value-based market.


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A retrospective study of 2,146 feedlot cattle in 17 feedlot tests from 1988 to 1997 was conducted to determine the impact of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) on veterinary treatment costs, average daily gain, carcass traits, mortality, and net profit. Morbidity caused by BRD was 20.6%. The average cost to treat each case of BRD was $12.39. Mortality rate of calves diagnosed and treated for BRD was 5.9% vs. .35% for those not diagnosed with BRD. Average daily gain differed between treated and non-treated steers during the first 28 days on feed but did not differ from 28 days to harvest. Net profit was $57.48 lower for treated steers. Eighty-two percent of this difference was due to a combination of mortality and treatment costs. Eighteen percent of the net profit difference was due to improved performance and carcass value of the non-treated steers. Data from 496 steers and heifers in nine feedlot tests were used to determine the effects of age, weaning, and use of modified live virus or killed vaccines prior to the test to predict BRD. Younger calves, non-weaned calves, and calves vaccinated with killed vaccines prior to the test had higher BRD morbidity than those that were older, weaned, or vaccinated with modified live virus vaccines, respectively. Treatment regimes that precluded relapse resulting in re-treatment prevented reduced performance and loss of carcass value. Using modified live virus vaccines and weaning calves 30 days prior to shipment reduced the incidence of BRD.


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Small peptide hormones produced in the lower part of the brain (hypothalamus) regulate episodic and basal secretion of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland that affect metabolism and growth in cattle. This study focused on long-term growth in young calves subjected to hypophysectomy (HYPOX), hypophyseal stalk transection (HST), and sham operation control (SOC). Crossbred (Hereford x Aberdeen Angus) and Hereford, and Aberdeen Angus calves were HYPOX (n = 5), HST (n = 5), or SOC (n = 8) at 146 days of age, whereas another group was HST (n = 5) or SOC (n = 7) at 273 days of age. Body weight was determined every 21 days from birth to 1008 days of age. From day 146-1008, growth was arrested (P < 0.001) in HYPOX (0.06 kg/day) compared with SOC (0.50 kg/day) calves. Growth continued but at a significantly lower rate (P < 0.05) in calves HST at 146 days (0.32 kg/day) and 273 days (0.32 kg/day) compared with SOC (0.50 kg/day). Although episodic growth hormone (GH) secretion was abolished and peripheral blood serum GH concentration remained consistently lower in HST calves (2.4 ng/ml) than in the SOC (5.5 ng/ml; P < 0.01), the calves continued to grow throughout 1008 days. Peripheral serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration was less (P < 0.05) in HST compared with SOC calves. There was an abrupt decrease (P < 0.001) in serum thyroxine (T4) (4-fold) and triiodothyronine (T3) (3-fold) concentration after surgery that remained to 360 days in HST compared with SOC calves. At sacrifice, pituitary gland weight was markedly reduced (P < 0.001) in HST (0.18 g/100 kg body weight) compared with SOC (0.55 g/100 kg body weight) calves. Histological examination of pituitary glands from HST calves indicated the persistence of secretory GH and TSH cells in the same areas of the anterior pituitary gland as SOC calves. Coronal sections of the gland revealed GH and TSH secreting cells in HST calves that were similar to the controls. These results indicate that long-term growth continues, but at a slower rate, after hypophyseal stalk transection of immature calves in spite of complete abolition of episodic GH secretion and consistently decreased basal secretion of GH, TSH, T4, and T3 compared with sham-operated animals. Growth was abolished after hypophysectomy of immature calves in which circulating GH and TSH was undetectable.


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Fifty-five yearling crossbred steers and 3C cow-calf pairs were used in a forage-based beef production system demonstration project at the Armstrong Outlying Research Farm. From May 11 to June 13, steers rotationally grazed a 41-acre grass pasture that was divided into eight paddocks. From June 13 to August 24, steers were placed in a drylot and fed berseem clover/oat soilage from a strip-intercropping system. Beginning June 5, 36 cow-calf pairs were allowed to rotationally graze the 41-acre pasture until September 18. Calf weight gains for the 110 days were 1.57 pounds per day, and total production from the pasture was 151 pounds per acre. No cow weight change or condition score change was measured. Total steer production was 29 and 580 pounds per acre or average daily gains were .67 and 2.23 pounds while grazing pasture and being fed in a drylot.


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The heifer development project took place the past four years on the site of the former Jackson County Farm north of Andrew, Iowa. Heifers arrived around December 1 with 38 heifers delivered for 1992, 44 for 1993, 46 for 1994, and 47 for 1995. After a 30+ day warm-up period, the heifers were put on a 112-day test from early January to late April. They were fed a shelled corn and legume-grass hay ration consisting of between 13% and 14% crude protein and .48, .58, .44, and .54 megacal/pound of NEg respectively for the years 1992 - 1995. During the 112-day test heifers gained 1.86, 1.78, 1.5, and 1.63 pounds per day respectively for years 1992 through 1995. The 1995 heifers averaged 853 pounds at breeding (22 pounds under target weight). This compares with previous years in which the breeding weight was less than target weight in two years by 5 and 12 pounds and exceeded the target weight in one year by 17 pounds. Estrus synchronization used a combination of MGA feeding and Lutalyse injection. Heifers were heatdetected and bred 12 hours later for a three-day period. On the fourth day, all heifers not bred were mass inseminated. Heifers then ran with the cleanup bull for 58 days. The synchronization response rate in 1995 was 83%, which compares with the three year previous average of 77%. The overall pregnancy rates based on September pregnancy exams were 94.6% in 1992, 93% in 1993, 91% in 1994, and 91.5% in 1995. Development costs for the 326 days in 1995 totaled $269.14 per heifer. This compares with the average of $286. 92 for the three previous years. The four-year average total cost per head for heifer development was $282.48, or about $.84 per day. Feed and pasture costs represented 58% of the total costs, or $.49 per day.


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Pastures containing alfalfa-smooth bromegrass or smooth bromegrass were stocked with .6, .8, or 1.0 cow-calf units per acre to compare cow and calf production in rotational grazing systems managed for optimum forage quality. To remove excess forage early in the grazing season, yearling heifers grazed with the cows in each pasture at a stocking rate of .6 heifers per acre for the first 28 days of grazing. Live forage density and days of grazing per paddock were estimated by sward height. Cows, calves, and heifers were weighed and cows condition scored every 28 days. All cows grazed for 140 days except those grazing the smooth bromegrass pasture stocked at 1.0 cow-calf units per acre; these were removed after 119 days in 1994 and 129 days in 1995 because of lack of forage. Alfalfa-grass pastures tended to have a more consistent supply of forage over the grazing season than the bromegrass pastures. Cows grazing the alfalfa-cool season grass pastures had greater seasonal weight gains and body condition score increases and lower heifer weight gains than the smooth bromegrass pastures. Daily and total calf weight gains and total animal production also tended to be greater in alfalfa-cool season grass pastures. Increasing stocking rates resulted in significantly lower condition increases and heifer weight gains, while increasing the amounts of calf and total growing animal produced.


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Lean, finely textured beef (LFTB) is a lean product derived from beef-fat trimmings. Characterization of LFTB showed that, while it is high in total protein, the LFTB contains more serum and connective tissue proteins and less myofibrillar proteins than muscle meat. Because of the protein differences, LFTB has less functionality in processed meats, resulting in lower yields and softer texture. Appropriate use of sodium chloride, sodium tripolyphosphate, k-carrageenan, or isolated soy protein achieved desired stability and yields in frankfurters with FTLB. The softer texture may be used to advantage in high-protein, low-fat meat products where excessive toughness or firmness is often a problem.


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Detailed financial information on individual farm operations is difficult to obtain. This study analyzes 22 beef operations in detail to arrive at a set of financial benchmarks compatible with the recommendations of the Farm Financial Standards Task Force. Averaging the 22 operations in the study shows them to be on solid financial footing. However, the study points out significant variability between individual operations. This demonstrates how critical it is for farmers to analyze their own operation.


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Six-hundred pound Angus steer calves were fed cornbased finishing diets for 180 days to determine the effects of stepwise reduction of protein in the diet on performance and carcass characteristics. Reducing protein in the diet, but satisfying the requirements projected by the National Research Council model for Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle, did not affect performance or carcass measurements. Further reduction in protein content of the diet, so the projected requirement of the rumen microorganisms was not being met, did not affect performance or carcass measurements. It is concluded that quantity of protein fed to finishing cattle can be programmed and abstantially reduced. These reductions will result in substantially less nitrogen excreted in manure from larger feedlots.


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The objective was to test the hypothesis that dopamine regulates prolactin (PRL) secretion by determining acute changes in catecholamine concentrations in hypophyseal portal blood of cattle and their relation to peripheral blood concentration of PRL in hypophyseal stalk-transected (HST) and sham-operated control (SOC). Holstein heifers were subjected to neurosurgery to collect hypophyseal portal blood with a stainless steel cannula designed with a cuff placed under the pituitary stalk and peripheral blood via a jugular vein catheter. PRL plasma concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay, and dopamine and norepinephrine in portal plasma by radioenzymatic assay. During anesthesia before HST or SOC, PRL plasma concentration ranged from 20–40 ng/ml throughout 255 minutes. PRL abruptly increased and remained above 90 ng/ml after HST, compared with a steady decrease to <20 ng/ml in SOC heifers throughout 440 minutes. Within 5 minutes after severing of the hypophyseal stalk, dopamine in portal blood (>8 ng/ml) was significantly increased (P<0.05) compared with peripheral blood (<2 ng/ml). Norepinephrine concentration in portal blood was significantly greater (P<0.05) than in peripheral blood during the first 60 minutes. The sustained high PRL level in peripheral plasma after severing the hypophyseal stalk stimulated hypothalamic dopamine secretion from hypophyseal portal vessels during the prolonged period of blood collection. Norepinephrine concentration in these cattle was greater in hypophyseal portal blood than in peripheral blood, implicating both an important hypothalamic source of the catecholamine as well as an adrenal gland contribution during anesthesia.