998 resultados para Barcelona Coast
The east and west coast populations of wild Penaeus monodon in India were genetically characterized by RAPD analysis using six highly polymorphic primers reported earlier. The average genetic similarities within populations, based on profiles generated by all the six primers, were 0.828 and 0.851 for the east and west coast populations, respectively, values with individual primers ranging from 0.744 to 0.889. The average genetic similarity between populations across all the primers was 0.774. The number of bands found to be polymorphic were 38 (51.35%) and 37 (50.68%) in the east and west coast populations, respectively. Primer 5 yielded the highest level of polymorphism (63.63%) in the east coast population whereas primer 3 yielded the lowest level of polymorphism (36.36%) in the west coast population. The study reveals the existence of genetic variation in P. monodon stocks providing scope for genetic improvement through selective breeding. It also provides baseline data for future work on population structure analysis of P. monodon.
Comparative fishing experiments with 25 m bulged belly and 25 m six seam trawls were carried out to study the relative efficiency of the gear. Bulged belly trawl was found more efficient than the other at depths below 40 m. The tension and horizontal opening were more in bulged belly and six seam trawl respectively. Bulged belly caught more of prawns and lobsters but there was no significant difference in the catch of sciaenids, cephalopods and ribbon fishes in the two nets.
Results of bottom trawling in inshore areas off Paradeep with reference to total catch composition and catch per unit effort during 1962-1978 are reported. With increase in fishing effort, benthic species recorded the highest catch in 1969-'70 and thereafter it fluctuated. Fluctuations till 1968-'69 may be due to seasonal migration of fishes. The decline after 1971-'72 can be attributed to overfishing. Off Mahanadi, Devi and Rushikulya river mouths, showed a north-south migration of fishes from october. Presently off Devi river mouth is a rich ground for demersal fishes.
Standing stock of three principal demersal fishes of the inshore waters off Mangalore was assessed. The assessment was based on fortnightly samplings conducted in an area extending over ca 850 km². The data gathered was computed employing Alverson's methods. The standing stock of Nemipterus japonicus, Saurida tumbil and Grammoplites scaber indicates that this area supports good quantities of these fishes and if properly exploited, will sustain a profitable demersal fishery.
Occurrence and growth rates of two species of intertidal fouling bryozoans namely Electra bengalensis (Stoliczka) and Electra crustulanta (Pallas) are presented in this paper. The former was a typically marine form, settling on panels only during the high saline conditions of the pre-monsoon period and were absent during the low salinity conditions of the monsoon period, while the latter appeared to be a typical brackish water form settling on panels during the low saline conditions existing during the monsoon and post-monsoon periods and were totally absent during the pre-monsoon months. Regression co-efficient of the former was higher than that of the latter suggesting more pronounced growth in Electra bengalensis. Maximum growth for this species was noticed during March, April and May (pre-monsoon) while for the other species growth was more or less similar during monsoon and post-monsoon months (June-January) showing that the species was at home in oligohaline and mesohaline waters.
Fishing experiments were undertaken to study the relative utility of a newly designed four seam type net on a conventional two seam net at the centre along the East Coast in both inshore and deeper zones (up to 100m.) and the results indicated that the new four seam net has given higher catch rate of 6 to 8% more with higher catch rate of fish supposed to belong to off bottom region. Further this gear found more selective in obtaining Lactarius, which is one of the good variety of fish from trawlers, in both quantity as well as in quality. In terms of horizontal spread this new net gave less on comparison with the conventional two seam net, thereby showed corresponding increase in vertical spread; but warp tension remained more or less same in both the gear. Both gear have worked equally well in majority of depth ranges experimented with optimum spread. Finally the results indicated that the new net can work well from the present trawlers along the coast.
Comparative fishing operations with the conventional two seams net and a 29.26 m. long wing shrimp trawl of four seam type were undertaken. The result showed that the four seams net gave nearly twice prawn catch than that of the conventional type. It was also found that the four seams net can be developed into a combination trawl for the effective exploitation of both prawns and fish along the coasts off Kakinada.
Proximate composition of 19 species of marine Gastropoda and one of marine Amphineura have been studied. Seasonal variations in proximate composition of the meat of gastropods, Thais rugosa (Born), are reported. Majority of the gastropod species have high protein and ash contents.
The paper deals with the proximate composition of Crassostrea graphoides, C. cucullata, Placenta placenta, Pinna vexillum, P. bicolor, P. atropurpurea, Solen truncatus and Pitar erycina. Seasonal variations in water, protein, salt and ash in the meat of C. graphoides, C. cucullata and P. placenta are reported. Percentage of meat is high in S. truncatus and low in C. graphoides, C. cucullata and P. erycina. Most of these species contain higher moisture than gastropods
The paper presents the seasonal variations in moisture, protein, salt and ash in the meat of Murex virgineus, Solen sp., Loligo sp., Sepiella inermis and Octopus sp. Moisture and fat contents of twenty two species of molluscs are reported. Inverse relationship between protein and ash has been observed. Cephalopoda recorded higher meat, moisture and protein contents than amphineura, gastropoda and pelecypoda. Pelecypoda contains higher fat than amphineura, gastropoda and cephalopoda.
Species composition and some aspects of the biology of the fouling community in Neendakara port (southwest coast of India) has been examined for a period of one year. Fouling organisms were collected with a system of glass panels exposed for varying durations and during different months in the port. One species of sponge, nine species of coelenterates, thirteen species of polyzoans, four species of mud-tube dwelling polychaetes, four species of serpulids, one species each of mud-tube forming amphipod and tanaid, two species of oysters, six species of mussels and not less than eight species of tunicates were the macro fouler which settled over the panels. Monthly and seasonal settlement of the different species has been recorded. Fouling has been a continuous process occurring throughout the year in Neendakara port with slightly fluctuating biomass and considerably varying species composition. Alternate species dominance of marine and brackish water forms has been an important feature of fouling in the area. Number of species of the sedentary fouling animals represented on test panels has been high during the highly saline pre-monsoon period and low during the monsoon period.
The extent of idle capacity in fish processing (freezing) plants estimated by stratified random sampling is reported. The estimates for 1978 and 1979 for the processing plants on the west coast of India were 76.9 % and 73.2 % respectively at the rate of 250 working days per annum and two shifts per day. The percentage error of estimates worked out to 6.04 for 1978 and 6.98 for 1979. Substantial under utilization of processing plants noticed in all the states accounts mainly to the non-availability of raw material (prawn), high cost of production and shortage of power.
The extent of idle capacity in the fish processing (freezing) plants in the east coast of India estimated by stratified random sampling and the factors responsible for the same are reported. The estimates of idle capacity of fish processing plants in the east coast for the years 1978 and 1979 were respectively 75.9% and 72.5% on the basis of 250 working days per annum and double shift per day. The percentage errors of estimates worked out to 6.9 for 1978 and 4.7 for 1979. The corresponding figures were worked out on the basis of 200 working days also. Substantial under-utilisation of plants in all the maritime states in the east coast accounted mainly to non-availability of raw material, high cost of production, shortage of power, scarcity of ice and potable water during peak season and frequent labour troubles.
An interesting assemblage of commensalic organisms ranging from Protozoa to Arthropoda has been identified from the wood boring animals (molluscs and crustaceans) from the south-west coast of India. Certain aspects of the general biology of the associated ciliates such as the nature of incidence, division in relation to environmental parameters, survival outside the body of the host and reactions related to the general condition of the host are described. Results are also presented of the tolerance of the rare commensalic hydroid Eutima commensalis to different salinities of the medium.
Cost-benefit analysis of a 9.82 m and 11 m fishing trawlers based on the number of fishing trips is presented. The number of fishing trips per year determines the profit and loss of the trawler. With the increase in the number of fishing trips, the profit also increase for both the sizes of trawlers. The minimum quantity of prawn and fish to be landed for 0-20% profit for varying number of fishing trips are worked out. The break-even for 9.82 and 11m trawlers was observed to be 185 and 210 fishing trips respectively during 1980-81.