962 resultados para Autti, Hanna


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INTRODUÇÃO: Várias escolas de Medicina do País criaram disciplinas para o ensino de Ética Médica, mas o impacto dessa intervenção não tem sido claramente questionado. OBJETIVO: Mensurar o conhecimento referente ao tema Ética Médica adquirido pelos alunos do curso de Medicina da Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (Famerp). MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo transversal descritivo. Os graduandos do ano letivo de 2012 responderam a um questionário autoaplicável com 12 questões objetivas, com três opções (verdadeiro, falso, desconhece), elaboradas com base no Código de Ética Médica (CEM). Os dados foram analisados com auxílio da estatística descritiva e inferencial; consideraram-se significantes valores de p ≤ 0,05. RESULTADOS: Dos 387 alunos, 251 responderam ao questionário (64,9%). Houve nítida evolução de conhecimento da primeira para a quarta série, porém, a partir da quarta série, houve estagnação do conhecimento. Além da estagnação observada, houve baixa taxa de acertos na sexta série (56,2%), apesar de ter sido a mais alta. CONCLUSÃO: Há necessidade do ensino formal da Ética Médica durante todos os anos da graduação, já que o modelo atual, com ensino apenas na terceira série, se mostrou ineficaz.


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Innovation has been widely recognized as an important driver of firm competitiveness, and the firm’s internal research and development (R&D) activities are often considered to have a critical role in innovation activities. Internal R&D is, however, not the source of innovation as firms may tap into knowledge necessary for innovation also through various types of sourcing agreements or by collaborating with other organizations. The objective of this study is to analyze the way firms go about organizing efficiently their innovation boundaries. Within this context, the analysis is focused, firstly, on the relation between innovation boundaries and firm innovation performance and, secondly, on the factors explaining innovation boundary organization. The innovation literature recognizes that the sources of innovation depend on the nature of technology but does not offer a sufficient tool for analyzing innovation boundary options and their efficiency. Thus, this study suggests incorporating insights from transaction cost economics (TCE) complemented with dynamic governance costs and benefits into the analysis. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part introduces the background of the study, research objectives, an overview of the empirical studies, and the general conclusions of the study. The second part is formed of five publications. The overall results firstly indicate that although the relation between firm innovation boundary options is partly industry sector-specific, the firm level search strategies and knowledge transfer capabilities are important for innovation performance independently of the sector. Secondly, the results show that the attributes suggested by TCE alone do not offer a sufficient explanation of innovation boundary selection, especially under conditions of high levels of (radical) uncertainty. Based on the results, the dynamic governance cost and benefit framework complements the static TCE when firm innovation boundaries are scrutinized.


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Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) are widely used in clinical anaesthesia and emergency medicine. Main objectives are to facilitate endotracheal intubation and to allow surgery by reducing muscle tone and eliminating sudden movements, which may otherwise lead to trauma and complications. The most commonly used NMBAs are non-depolarizing agents with a medium duration of action, such as rocuronium and cisatracurium. They bind to the acetylcholine receptors in the neuromuscular junction, thus inhibiting the depolarization of the postsynaptic (muscular) membrane, which is a prerequisite for muscle contraction to take place. Previously, it has been assumed that nitrous oxide (N2O), which is commonly used in combination with volatile or intravenous anaesthetics during general anaesthesia, has no effect on NMBAs. Several studies have since claimed that N2O in fact does increase the effect of NMBAs when using bolus administration of the relaxant. The effect of N2O on the infusion requirements of two NMBAs (rocuronium and cisatracurium) with completely different molecular structure and pharmacological properties was assessed. A closed-loop feedback controlled infusion of NMBA with duration of at least 90 minutes at a 90% level of neuromuscular block was used. All patients received total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) with propofol and remifentanil. In both studies the study group (n=35) received N2O/Oxygen and the control group (n=35) Air/Oxygen. There were no significant differences in the mean steady state infusion requirements of NMBA (rocuronium in Study I; cisatracurium in Study II) between the groups in either study. In Study III the duration of the unsafe period of recovery after reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block by using neostigmine or sugammadex as a reversal agent was analyzed. The unsafe period of recovery was defined as the time elapsed from the moment of no clinical (visual) fade in the train-of-four (TOF) sequence until an objectively measured TOF-ratio of 0.90 was achieved. The duration of these periods were 10.3 ± 5.5 and 0.3 ± 0.3 min after neostigmine and sugammadex, respectively (P < 0.001). Study IV investigated the possible effect of reversal of a rocuronium NMB by sugammadex on depth of anaesthesia as indicated by the bispectral index and entropy levels in thirty patients. Sugammadex did not affect the level of anaesthesia as determined by EEG-derived indices of anaesthetic depth such as the bispectral index and entropy.


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Tässä energiatekniikan kandidaatintyössä kartoitetaan Lempäälän kunnan biokaasupotentiaalia, sekä selvitetään potentiaalin suuruusluokkaa ja kannattavimman hyödyntämisratkaisun toimintamallia. Työssä tarkastellaan erilaisia mahdollisia biokaasun lähteitä ja selvitetään niiden hyödyntämisestä koituvia kustannuksia.Työ on tehty Lempäälän Lämpö Oy:n tilauksesta.


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