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The spatial variability of several soil attributes (bulk density, penetration resistance, water content, organic matter content and pH) as well as soybean yield have been assessed during the 2007/08 growing season, in Selviria (MS) in a Hapludox (Typic Acrustox), under no tillage. The objectives were to assess the spatial variability of soil and plant parameters at the small plot scale and to select the best soil attribute explaining most the variability of agricultural productivity. Soil and plant were sampled on a grid with 121 points within a plot of 25,600 m 2 in area and slope of 0.025 mm -1 slope. Medium and low coefficients of variation were obtained for most of the studied soil attributes as expected, due to the homogenizing effect of the no-till system on the soil physical environment. From the standpoint of linear regression and spatial pattern of variability, productivity of soybeans could be explained according to the hydrogen potential (pH). Results are discussed taken into account that the soybean crop in no-tillage is widely used in crop-livestock integration on the national scene.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The use of cover crops in the soil causes changes in soil attributes influencing in a series of hydro-physical processes, which also modify the ability of soil to support the many activities that it is intended. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on physical attributes of the soil. For this, an experiment was carried out on a Typic Hapludox, Jaboticabal State, Brazil, using cover crops of millet, sunn hemp, jack bean, lab-lab and black velvet bean in no-tillage and fallow area (spontaneous vegetation). The characteristics evaluated were the bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, aggregate stability, penetration resistance and organic matter. The incorporation of cover crops has proved to be a beneficial practice for the physical attributes of the soil, allowing a greater aggregate stability compared to fallow in the depth of 0-0.05 m. All cover crops presented values of soil penetration resistance below the critical value of 2 MPa.
Soil attributes reflect influence of the geomorphic surfaces. Therefore, the objective of this work was to investigate the influence of the geomorphic surfaces on soil attributes in a topossequence from low lands to high lands in the Humaitá region, AM. A transect of 4.5 km, from the top of the slope towards the low lands was established and the geomorphic surfaces were identified and limited according to topographic and estratigraphic criteria, based on detailed field investigation. Twenty soil samples were collected in each one of the slope segments within the geomorphic surfaces (G.S.), at the following depths: G.S. I: LAa (0.0-0.16 and 0.48-0.79 m); G.S. II: Lad1 (0.0-0.13 and 0.44-0.70) and Lad2 (0.0-0.10 and 0.30-0.55 m); G.S. III: RYve1 (0.0-0.18 and 0.51-0.89) and RYve2 (0.0-0.23 and 0.58-0.91 m). The sampling depths were determined by the surface and subsurface horizon depths, defined during the soil morphological description. Physical analysis involved particle size distribution, disperse clay, soil and particle density and total porosity. The chemical analysis involved determinations of pH in water and KCl, exchangeable cations, exchangeable Al, total acidity (H+Al), available P, organic carbon. The relief variations contributed to the presence of dystrophic soils in the geomorphic surface I and eutrophic soils in the geomorphic surface III. The multivariate statistical techniques were able to separate three heterogeneous groups, equivalent to the mapped geomorphic surfaces.
The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the hydro-physical attributes of the Red Oxisol cultivated with maize in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, under different systems of use and periods of adoption of managements. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with split-plot arrangement, with six replications and the treatments were: six years of no-tillage system (SPD6), eight years of no-tillage system (SPD8), ten years of no-tillage system (SPD10), conventional tillage system (SPC) and an adjacent area of native forest (NF). The soil penetration resistance (PR), density, macroporosity, microporosity of the soil in layers of 0-0.05; 0.05-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m, and the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kθ) in 0.15 m depth were evaluated. It was found that the PR conditions were favorable for the cultivation to 0.20 m, indicating a structure preserved even after soil chiseling. Furthermore, the Kθ in the soil showed similar behavior between SPC and periods of SPD, although this was shown in a part of maize cycle, macroporosity values near 0.10 m3 m-3 and soil water tensions near 0.09 MPa.
The precision agriculture technologies such as the spatial variability of soil attributes have been widely studied mostly with sugarcane. Among these technologies have been recently highlighted the use of the vegetation index derived from remote sensing products, such as powerful tools indicating the development of vegetation. This study aimed to analyze the spatial variability of clay content, pH and phosphorus in an Oxisol in an area with sugarcane production, and correlate with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The georeferenced grid was created for the soil properties (clay, phosphorus and pH) and generated the maps of spatial variability. For these same sites were calculated the NDVI, in addition to mapping of this ratio, the evaluation of the spatial correlation between this and other studied properties. The clay and phosphorus content showed positive spatial correlation with the NDVI, while no spatial correlation was observed between NDVI and pH. The satellite images from the sensor ETM + Landsat were used to correlate to NDVI to observe the spatial variability of the studied attributes.
Considering the importance of knowledge of the spatial distribution of soil properties, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of physical properties in a Cambisolunder different land uses in the southern Amazon region. The study was conducted on three farms with cassava, sugarcane, and agroforestry, in the region of Humaitá, in the south of the State of Amazonas. In these areas, 70 x 70 m grids were established, with a regular spacing of 10 x 10 m and a total of 64 points, where soils were sampled at 0.0-0.10 m depth. Texture (sand, silt, and clay), macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, bulk density, and aggregate stabilitywere determined. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and geostatistics. It was found that the propertiesvaried spatially and that the range of these variations between land uses was different, with the highest variability for the sugarcane management.
This study aim to evaluate the spatial variability of soil physical attributes in of Alfissol forest in Manicoré region, AM. The mapping of an agroforestry growing area of 70×70m was made using a regular grid sampling of 10 × 10m. In each grid, soil samples were collected at 0.0-0.2 and 0,40-0,60 m depth, with a total of 128 sample points. Physical analyses were made (texture, soil bulk and particles density, macro and microporosity, total porosity and aggregates stability in water). With the exception of DMG, DMP and class aggregates <1.00 mm had all the physical attributes spatial dependence structure ranging from moderate to weak. Values were above the range established in the mesh (12.00 to 45.56 m), enabling to make a basis for future studies in forest area. The physical attributes presented in kriging maps different spatial behavior, however there are relationships between these attributes shown by geostatistics proving that this is effective tool for studies in forest area.
In tropical regions, the residual effect of phosphate fertilizer source is of crucial importance. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of application of P sources in chemical properties of soil, nutrition and productivity of sugarcane plant and during the first and second ratoon. The sources of P applied in furrows at planting were, triple superphosphate, Arad phosphate, bone meal (100 kg ha-1 P2O5 total) and a control without P, the varieties of sugarcane studied were IAC86-2480 and SP79-1011. A randomized block design in a 4 × 2 factorial was used, with four replications. The study was conducted in the municipality of Alta Floresta-MT, Brazil, in Typic Hapludox. After each cutting, in soil P content, pH and Ca were evaluated. In the plant, the production of green and dry matter of shoots, the concentration of P in the biomass harvested, the export of P and agronomic efficiency of the sources of P were determined. The bone meal had a higher agronomic efficiency resulted in greater accumulation and export of P by crop, higher content of available Ca and P and increase soil pH. The Arad reactive phosphate increased its agronomic efficiency between crop cycles.
Sewage sludge, waste with high organic matter content and rapid decomposition, combined with sawdust, rich in carbon and slow decomposition, are suitable components for the study of degraded areas. In order to test the interactions of these residues in the recovery of a degraded soil in Selvíria - MS, four doses of sewage sludge (0, 8, 16 and 24 t ha -1, dry basis ) and four doses of sawdust particles (0, 8, 16 and 24 t ha-1, dry basis ) were tested in February 2009, in a completely randomized block design (4 × 4 + 1 factorial), with four replications. As indicators of the effects, the penetration resistance, gravimetric moisture and soil bulk density (0-0.10, 0.10-0.20; 0.20-0.40 m) were used. Significant effects were observed for the factors (sewage sludge and sawdust) and control treatment for penetration resistance in the soil depths studied, for gravimetric moisture in the intermediate layer and for the soil density in the surface and intermediate layers. Considering the type of soil and the short period of study (24 months), the use of organic wastes presented improvement in physical properties of soil in relation to control. However, it is necessary to study them for a longer period.
Soil degradation can be defined as a process that reduces the ability of soil to produce property or services. Thus, the objective was to study the influence of topography and erodibility in the distribution of the chemical attributes of an Alfissol in degraded areas of Gilbués in the State of Piaui, Brazil. In the chosen area a sampling grid of 1 ha was demarcated, with points spaced at 10 x 10 m, and 121 samples were collected at intersections, in 0-0.20 m depth. Each point was georeferenced as a way to demarcate the area and prepare a topography map. For all samples pH, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, hydrogen and aluminum were determined. The estimate of erodibility was calculated from the equation proposed by Denardin. Based on the experiment and the results obtained it is concluded that the number of samples used was sufficient to determine the variability of soil in degraded areas of the Gilbués municipality. The discontinuity in the topography of the landscape and erodibility cause a moderate degree of heterogeneity in most chemical properties of the studied soil, establishing specific management zones.
Rustic forages as the signal-grass are predominant in areas of Cerrado in extensive livestock systems that favor soil degradation. However, with time, not even these forages can have a good development in those areas. The objective of this study was to analyze the variability of plant and soil attributes; to define the linear and spatial correlations between signal-grass yield and the chemical attributes of the studied soil, and to evaluate, among the chemical attributes of the soil, which one that best explain the variability in this forage yield. The experiment was conducted in an area that had been under pasture for more than 30 years, belonging to UNESP - Ilha Solteira Campus, located in Selvíria - MS. A geostatistical grid was installed in an oxisol, for soil and plant data collection, with 121 sampling stations, consisted of eleven transections with 160 m width in the direction of the Cartesian axes. The dry mass yield of signal-grass was low, presenting high variation. The attributes MSr, N, PB, MO1, MO2, pHa1, pHa2, pHk1 and pHk2 did not vary at random. They presented data variability from low to high and followed clearly defined spatial patterns, ranging between 17.7-162.9 m. There was significant linear correlation at 1% between MSr and N leaf, and between MSr and PB. The cross semivariograms MSr=f(N) and MSr=f(PB) confirmed that the dry matter can be estimated from data of nitrogen leaf and crude protein content of this forage.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the diet and biological attributes of the population of Galeocharax knerii residing near net cage fish farming activities in the Chavantes reservoir (Paranapanema River, Brazil) to check their possible impacts. Samples were collected from two populations: one near the net cages (NC) and one from an area not influenced by these cages denominated the reference site (RS). Monthly sampling was carried out from March 2008 to February 2009. Fish were caught with a standardized effort using gill nets deployed for 14 hours. The alimentary index (AI) and degree of repletion (RD) were calculated to determine diet composition. Analyses of the sex ratio and the gonadosomatic index (GSI) were also performed. The calculations of AI revealed that fish wastes constituted the most frequent food item in the diet in both study areas (NC = 70.43; RS = 87.55), followed by the consumption of Apareiodon affinis (AI = 29.56), which was abundant near the NC, and prawn at the reference site (AI = 12.28). The sex ratio differed from 1:1 and mature individuals were only found in the population near the NC. The findings demonstrate that G. knerii indirectly benefits from the input of organic matter, using small fish as its main food resource. We conclude that the activities of fish farming influence diet and biological attributes of the species G. knerii, evidenced mainly by higher feeding activity, numerical abundance and biomass in the area of the cages.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA