685 resultados para Asunto
Incluye Bibliografía
La presente edición del Boletín abarca una materia que se ha vuelto un problema urgente y global, la seguridad vial. Las Naciones Unidas, tomando conciencia de que el incremento de la accidentabilidad vial, que afecta a la población más vulnerable del planeta, es decir, a los ciudadanos de menores ingresos de los países en vías de desarrollo y que, además, se ha ido conformando en una verdadera crisis de salud pública, ha decidido abordar con urgencia este asunto. Es así como la Organización Mundial de la Salud, ha dedicado el Día Mundial de la Salud en 2004 a la seguridad vial.Ante la urgencia de actuar para evitar más muertes por esta causa, es que en septiembre de este año, se celebró en Ginebra una reunión de los jefes de transporte de las cinco comisiones económicas regionales de las Naciones Unidas y se dedicaron a trabajar sobre este tema.A continuación, se resumen diversos antecedentes e iniciativas que se han adoptado para evaluar y atacar esta epidemia del mundo moderno, entregando una visión de las pesimistas perspectivas que se vislumbran para el 2020, en que los choques se constituirán en la tercera causa de muerte, a menos que se comience a trabajar seriamente desde hoy mismo, para combatir este mal.
Este número de Reseñas sobre Población y Desarrollo aborda el asunto de la reproducción en la adolescencia, que es prioritario en América Latina por los altos niveles que alcanza y por su relación bidireccional con la desigualdad social. El texto sintetiza hallazgos de un estudio en curso, realizado con el apoyo del UNFPA, sobre los niveles, tendencias, desigualdades sociales y determinantes próximos de esta reproducción en América Central. Se trata de la subregión con mayores índices de reproducción adolescente de América Latina, pero que, a diferencia de América del Sur, registra un tendencia relativamente generalizada a su baja. El análisis empírico, basado en el procesamiento de los censos y las encuestas especializadas más recientes disponibles en la subregión, se complementa con sugerencias de política, en particular en materia de intervenciones relacionadas con la educación sexual integral y con el acceso universal a la salud sexual y reproductiva mediante servicios adecuados para adolescentes.
El tema que se trata en este documento es el acceso al crédito de las personas mayores, un asunto generalmente soslayado en las acciones a favor de este grupo social, pese a su importante contribución para alcanzar su seguridad e inclusión económica. La temática es abordada desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos, en particular los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales y el principio de igualdad y no discriminación.
Dimensões da subsunção do trabalho ao capital: estudo de uma montadora de automóveis no ABC paulista
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Subject cataloguing consists of a mental operation directly associated with the professional performance. Thus, the subject cataloguer’s daily actions must be observed in order to understand the real context of the informational products that result of the process of subject cataloguing, taking into account that the professional performance and the work context are inseparable. In this perspective, it is necessary that research on subject cataloguing includes questions concerning the nature of the cataloguers’ shared knowledge structure. In this context, this study presents a reflection from the socio-cognitive approach on the activities developed by subject cataloguing professionals.
The Subject Cataloguing, in spite of its expres-sive historical trajectory in the information organization, has not been as discussed as the descriptive cataloguing, although they arise from the same process. Recovering the Cataloguing history, you can see that there is a dichotomy between the descriptive process and the subject one; the first one was emphasized for the developing of codes and interchange patterns. Nevertheless, the studies on subject cataloguing are essential to give bases to products for helping the searching of holdings. For this reason, based on the literature, it is discusses the subject cataloguing and the set of problems about a possible institution of rules/code that guides it.
Em decorrência da grande busca pelo aprendizado de novas línguas e sendo este ensino um assunto muito presente nas pesquisas atuais, este trabalho propõe a discussão de uma proposta de ensino de línguas. Seu principal objetivo é a proposta de elaboração de uma unidade didática através da metodologia de ensino denominada Enfoque por Tarefas, para isso propõe-se uma reflexão sobre a metodologia apresentada, uma análise a respeito da constituição de uma unidade didática e enfim apresenta-se a organização de uma unidade didática baseada em tarefas. O trabalho é organizado em quatro capítulos, sendo os três primeiros constituídos da parte descritiva tais como a reflexão sobre a metodologia, constituição da unidade didática, reflexão sobre uma unidade constituída de tarefas, enquanto o último capítulo visa à aplicação dessas discussões através da apresentação de uma proposta de unidade didática montada a partir de tarefas. Além da parte descritiva, são apontados benefícios que a proposta pode trazer ao ensino de línguas, tais como o tipo de material utilizado e a função do professor e do aluno na aplicação da metodologia
The violence is a phenomenon to be faced by several public actions and requires a formal notification system that preserves the victim of suffering from public exposure. This article discusses, in the specificity of Psychology action at the Court of the State of Sao Paulo, the importance of public policy in confronting sexual violence and the assistance of the victims. The main objective of this article is to provide a review of the relationship between the Judiciary and the Public Policy, focusing on networking and the unnecessary judicialization of actions that should be developed in another environment. The way the fact is treated in the family and the society will determine the victims' reactions and their readiness to talk about it, both in the police investigation, as in the judicial lawsuit, or yet, in specific assistance programs.
Background: The possibility to acquire sexually transmitted diseases generates bio-psycho-social conflicts affecting daily life of women. Objective: To investigate the knowledge of women on the concept of being infected by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and to understand the significance they attributed to their condition as HPV carriers. Material and method: It is a qualitative study in which ten women were interviewed, after the result of a cytopathological exam suggesting HPV. Data were collected at the Center of Health School of the Universidade Estadual Paulista -UNESP-Brazil. Results: The significant items were: deception and preoccupation about the cure, since they indicate that it is very deceptive to be infected with an incurable disease by a person whom they trust; the method of having sexual relations and being infected again; the necessity of care and of being optimistic to face the disease and the threat of cervix cancer originating anxiety. Discussion: Orientations made by health professionals were efficacious to clarify the relationship with cancer development. It is possible to understand the necessity of assistance orientations and the opportunity to hear them, offering individualized quality care. This study also offers important elements to reinforce the educational role of health professionals, principally those referring to sexually transmitted infection and cancer, seeking prevention and early treatment with the offered information. However, there is no desire of finishing the subject regarding perception, thus there is much to discover about diseases related to human papilloma virus. Key words: women carriers of HPV, feelings attributed by women.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Studies have shown that encopresis, related to bowel control disorder, can bring significant impact for the individual life, such as low self-esteem and deficits in social interaction. Despite the significant impairment recognized that this disorder can have on child development, the scientific literature has given little attention to the theme, with a low number of publications on the subject. Thus, this paper investigated Brazilian publications in psychology related to encopresis between 1994 and 2013 in data base Lilacs and Scielo. 231 articles were found and were selected those that reported only intervention in encopresis. There were five articles and four published by the same journal and described behavioral interventions, and one author wrote three. The other one was psychoanalytic. The surveys were conducted with children and adolescents and behavioral interventions have been successful with remission of encopresis symptoms. The data affirm the deficiency in publications in the area and possibly limited number of psychologists investigating the issue, which is of significant importance.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of this study was to identify vulnerability to tuberculosis (TB) related to knowledge about the disease among 76 nursing students and professionals. A quantitative descriptive study was conducted using a closed questionnaire for the collection of data regarding transmission, preventive and biosafety measures, diagnosis, and prejudice regarding the disease. The SAS software version 9.1.3 was used for data analysis, with the level of significance set at 5% (p < 0.05). Nursing students and professionals showed a vulnerability to TB related to knowledge about transmission, preventive and biosafety measures, and diagnosis of the disease. With respect to transmission, vulnerability was higher among nursing professionals. The results indicate the need for investment by healthcare institutions surrounding this topic in view of the important role of nursing in the establishment of strategies for prevention and control of the disease.
OBJETIVO: Identificar as expressões usadas por familiares para descrever a experiência de conviver com o adoecimento mental. MÉTODOS: Tratase de pesquisa que realizou análise dos relatos de familiares por meio do software Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'um Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE), contendo metodologia de análise de dados qualitativos que se adapta a qualquer domínio de investigação, em que se pretenda tratar material textual. RESULTADOS: A análise realizada pelo ALCESTE forneceu quatro classes agrupadas duas a duas: Classe 2 -- início da doença e Classe 4 -- início do tratamento; Classe 1 -- convivência e Classe 3 - cotidiano. CONCLUSÃO: Os momentos descritos pelos familiares foram identificados por expressões, palavras e termos usados pelos mesmos em suas narrações. A principal contribuição deste estudo foi trazer a linguagem dos familiares para descrever os momentos do adoecimento por meio de uma metodologia de análise mais distante do pesquisador.