557 resultados para Assignments


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The problematic gestation of the Directive on temporary agency work shows the presence of several criticalities that there are also in the national transposition in relation to the principle of equal treatment and to the mechanisms for preventing abuse during successive assignments. From a first analysis it can be said that in some EU Member States only the derogations have been implemented and not the general principle of equal treatment. At the same time, the obligation of the Member States, contained in the Directive on temporary agency work, to establish mechanisms for preventing abuse during successive assignments is crucial, especially in the light of the recent case law of the EU Court of Justice in which the Court does not apply to the temporary agency workers the protective rules of the Directive on fixed-term contracts (see C-290/12 , Della Rocca).


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Relatório Final apresentado para a obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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texdoc provides tools to create a LaTeX document from within Stata in a weaving fashion. This is especially useful if you want to produce a LaTeX document that contains Stata output, such as, e.g., a Stata Journal article or solutions to statistics homework assignments.


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The capillary-pressure characteristics of 22 samples of lithified post-Paleozoic Indian-Ocean carbonates were compared to published data from older carbonate rocks (lower Paleozoic Hunton Group of Texas and Oklahoma). The Indian-Ocean samples are considerably more porous than are the Paleozoic samples, yet all of the Indian-Ocean samples fit readily into a descriptive petrofacies scheme previously established for the Hunton Group. The Indian-Ocean samples may be assigned to four petrophysical facies (petrofacies) based on the shapes of their capillary-pressure curves, their pore-throat-size distributions, their estimated recovery efficiency values (for nonwetting fluids), and the visual characteristics of their pore systems, as observed with a scanning-electron microscope. Petrofacies assignments for the Indian-Ocean samples are as follows. Petrofacies I includes six samples collected from the coarse basal portions of event deposits (primarily turbidites). These samples have large throats, leptokurtic throat-size distributions, low- to moderate recovery efficiency values, concave cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies II includes two sedimentologically dissimilar samples that have medium-size throats, platykurtic throat-size distributions, moderate- to-high recovery efficiency values, gently sloping cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies III includes two polymictic sandstones and a skeletal packstone that have small throats, polymodal throat-size distributions, moderate recovery efficiency values, gently sloping cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies IV includes 11 samples, mostly recrystallized neritic carbonates, that have small throats, leptokurtic throat-size distributions, high recovery efficiency values, convex cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and low porosity values. Comparison of petrofacies assignment to core-, thin-section-, and smear-slide data, and to inferred depositional setting, suggests that pore systems in most samples from Holes 765C and 766A result from primary depositional features, whereas pore systems in samples from Hole 761C and one sample from Hole 765C have been strongly influenced by diagenetic processes. For Hole 761C, prediction of petrophysical parameters should be most successful if based on diagenetic facies patterns. By contrast, the distribution of favorable reservoir facies and of permeability barriers in less highly altered rocks collected from Holes 765C and 766A is related to depositional patterns. Recovery efficiency is inversely related to both porosity and median throat size for the present data set. This relationship is similar to that observed for carbonates of the lower Paleozoic Hunton Group and the Ordovician Ellenburger dolomite, but opposite of that observed for some other ancient carbonates. The coarse deposits of the massive basal units of turbidites are petrophysically distinct and form a coherent petrophysical group (Petrofacies I) with substantial reservoir potential. Two samples assigned to Petrofacies I have extremely large throats (median throat size at least 4 ?m, and at least six times that of any other sample) and therefore high permeability values. These two samples come from thin, coarse turbidites that lack or have poorly developed fine divisions and are interpreted to have been deposited on channeled suprafan lobes in a proximal mid-fan setting. The restriction of extremely high permeability values to a single depositional facies suggests that careful facies mapping of deep-sea fans in a deliberate search for such coarse turbidites could dramatically enhance the success of exploration for aquifers or hydrocarbon reservoirs. Such reservoirs should have substantial vertical heterogeneity. They should have high lateral permeability values but low vertical permeability values, and reservoir sections should include numerous thin units having widely differing petrophysical characteristics.


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Sparse, poorly preserved late Oligocene (3 species) and early Miocene (4 species) ostracod faunas have been recovered from CRP-2A, while relatively more abundant Quaternary faunas occur in CRP-1 (24 species). All taxa are marine. No definitive age assignments can be made on the two older faunas, which are not considered to be in situ, although the taxa identified are not at variance with sediment ages determined on other grounds. The Oligocene ostracods (Lithostratigraphical Unit, LSU 9.4) suggest deposition in cold, relatively shallow, shelf waters with faunal connections to the Antarctic Peninsula and South America, while the Miocene fauna (LSU 5.1) is considered to be a cool-cold, deeper water (?outer shelf) association with faunal connections to both New Zealand and the Antarctic Peninsula. The Quaternary faunas are primarily from LSU 3.1 (carbonate-rich layer), and suggest deposition in very cold, relatively quiet water that was at least 100 m, and possibly 130-200 m deep. None of the taxa are known from pre-Pleistocene sediments, and all occur in modern Antarctic/sub-Antarctic regimes, predominantly from south of 60° S. Specimens in the "carbonate-rich layer" probably have suffered minor penecontemporaneous fractionation, while the fauna in LSU 2.2 has suffered more extensive post-mortem transportation and possible reworking (though not necessarily from pre-Quaternary sources).


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Analyses of Re, Os, and Ir concentrations, as well as Os-isotopic compositions, are reported for a suite of sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 959. These samples vary in age from late Neogene to Late Cretaceous, and represent a range in depositional oxidation-reduction conditions from suboxic in the Neogene to anoxic in the Late Cretaceous. Age assignments based on shipboard biostratigraphic data are used to calculate initial 187Os/186Os ratios of Neogene nannofossil/foraminifer oozes and Eocene to upper Oligocene laminated diatomites. These calculated initial ratios are in general agreement with published data constraining the Os-isotopic evolution of seawater through time, indicating that the Os-isotopic composition of these sediments is controlled largely by the Os isotopic composition of contemporaneous seawater. Results from analyses of Upper Cretaceous to lower Paleocene claystones do not exhibit elevated Ir concentrations and exhibit Re-Os systematics that are highly consistent with closed-system production of 187Os by in situ 187Re decay. Scatter in both the Cretaceous and Cenozoic data sets is likely the result of the influence of nonhydrogenous Os, carried by clastics, on the bulk sediment Os-isotopic composition, or post-depositional mobility of Re and/or Os.


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New geochronometers are needed for sediments of the Arctic Ocean spanning at least the last half million years, largely because oxygen-isotope stratigraphy is relatively ineffective in this ocean, and because other dating techniques require significant assumptions about sedimentation rates. Multi-aliquot luminescence sediment-dating procedures were applied to polymineral, fine-silt samples from 9 core-top and 37 deeper samples from 20 cores representing 19 sites across the Arctic Ocean. Most samples have independent age assignments and other known properties (e.g., % coarse fraction, % carbonate, U-Th isotopes). Thick-source alpha-particle counting indicates that for most regions the contribution of measured unsupported 230Th and 231Pa to calculated dose rates is


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We examine rock-magnetic, carbonate, and planktonic foraminiferal fluxes to identify climatically controlled changes of terrigenous and pelagic sedimentation at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 646 (the Labrador Sea). Terrigenous sediments are brought to the site principally by bottom currents. We use a rock-magnetic parameter sensitive to changes in magnetic mineral grain size, the ratio of anhysteretic susceptibility to low-field magnetic susceptibility (XARM/X), to monitor changes in bottom-current intensity over time, with large values of XARM/X (finer-grained magnetic minerals) indicating weaker bottom currents. A second rock-magnetic parameter, magnetic mineral accumulation rate (KaT) was used to indicate variations in terrigenous flux. Planktonic foraminiferal and carbonate accumulation rates (Pfar and CaC03ar) are used as indicators of pelagic flux. Absolute age assignments are based on correlation between the planktonic foraminiferal oxygen-isotope variations for Site 646 and the SPECMAP master oxygen-isotope curve. Cross-correlation analyses of the parameters that we studied with respect to the SPECMAP curve suggest that from oxygen-isotope stages 21 to 11, sedimentation rate, KaT, X, CaCO3ar, and Pfar were at their maximums, whereas XARM/X was at its minimum during peak interglacials (i.e., 0 k.y. lag time with respect to minimum ice volume). However, all parameters we examined lag behind minimum ice volume from stages 11 to 1, indicating a change in timing of both pelagic and terrigenous fluxes at approximately 400 k.y. BP. The negative correlation coefficient between XARM/X and the SPECMAP curve further suggest that finer-grained magnetic minerals are deposited during glacial periods, which probably reflects weaker bottom currents. The shift observed in the lag times of parameters examined with respect to the SPECMAP record is attributed to a change in significance of orbital parameters. Spectral results exhibit strong power in eccentricity (about 100 k.y.) throughout the record. Kap X, CaCO3flr, and Pfar show significant power in obliquity (about 41 k.y.), whereas XARM/X shows significant power at 73 k.y. from stages 21 to 11. The 73-k.y. period in XARM/X is near the difference tone of obliquity and eccentricity: 1/43-1/102 = 1/69. Kar and XARM/X show power only in eccentricity from stages 11 to 1. X and Pfar show significant power in precession (about 18 and 22 k.y.) whereas CaC03ar has power at 34 k.y, which could be a combination of precession and obliquity. The shift in power of orbital parameters may by attributed to the effect of the about 413-k.y. signal of eccentricity.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Efficient talent employment is at the core of the Army Officer Human Capital Model. However, the Army's current employment paradigm is unequal to the needs of a professional, volunteer Army facing the twin challenges of a competitive labor market and an increasingly complex global operating environment. It unduly prioritizes "fairness" when making assignments, has a narrowly defined pathway to senior leadership ranks, cannot see the talent it possesses, and suffers from severe principal-agent problems. Optimal employment theories, information age tools, and well-regulated market mechanisms can help the Army match individual officer talents against specific work requirements, reducing risk and achieving the depth and breadth of talent it needs, both now and in the future.


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The cell cycle is one of the most fundamental processes within a cell. Phase-dependent expression and cell-cycle checkpoints require a high level of control. A large number of genes with varying functions and modes of action are responsible for this biology. In a targeted exploration of the FANTOM2-Variable Protein Set, a number of mouse homologs to known cell-cycle regulators as well as novel members of cell-cycle families were identified. Focusing on two prototype cell-cycle families, the cyclins and the NIMA-related kinases (NEKs), we believe we have identified all of the mouse members of these families, 24 cyclins and 10 NEKs, and mapped them to ENSEMBL transcripts. To attempt to globally identify all potential cell cycle-related genes within mouse, the MGI (Mouse Genome Database) assignments for the RIKEN Representative Set (RPS) and the results from two homology-based queries were merged. We identified 1415 genes with possible cell-cycle roles, and 1758 potential paralogs. We comment on the genes identified in this screen and evaluate the merits of each approach.


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Manual curation has long been held to be the gold standard for functional annotation of DNA sequence. Our experience with the annotation of more than 20,000 full-length cDNA sequences revealed problems with this approach, including inaccurate and inconsistent assignment of gene names, as well as many good assignments that were difficult to reproduce using only computational methods. For the FANTOM2 annotation of more than 60,000 cDNA clones, we developed a number of methods and tools to circumvent some of these problems, including an automated annotation pipeline that provides high-quality preliminary annotation for each sequence by introducing an uninformative filter that eliminates uninformative annotations, controlled vocabularies to accurately reflect both the functional assignments and the evidence supporting them, and a highly refined, Web-based manual annotation tool that allows users to view a wide array of sequence analyses and to assign gene names and putative functions using a consistent nomenclature. The ultimate utility of our approach is reflected in the low rate of reassignment of automated assignments by manual curation. Based on these results, we propose a new standard for large-scale annotation, in which the initial automated annotations are manually investigated and then computational methods are iteratively modified and improved based on the results of manual curation.


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A new indole alkaloid, akuammiginone (1), and a new glycosidic indole alkaloid, echitamidine-N-oxide 19-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (2), together with the five known alkaloids, echitaminic acid (3), echitamidine N-oxide (4), N-b-demethylalstogustine N-oxide (5), akuammicine N-oxide (6), and N-b-demethylalstogustine (7), were isolated from the trunk bark of Alstonia scholaris collected in Timor, Indonesia. The structures of all compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic methods. This is the first report of compounds 3-5 and 7 in A. scholaris. Some NMR assignments of the known compounds were revised.


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Students in a physical sciences course were introduced to cooperative learning at the University of Queensland, Gatton Campus. Groups of four to five students worked together in tutorial and practical sessions. Mid-term and practical examinations were abolished and 40% of total marks were allocated to the cooperative learning activities. A peer- and self-assessment system was successfully adapted to account for individual performance in cooperative learning group assignments. The results suggest that cooperative learning was very well received by students, and they expressed willingness to join cooperative learning groups in other courses. In addition, cooperative learning offered many benefits to students in terms of graduate attributes such as teamwork, communication, lifelong learning and problem-solving.