881 resultados para Arvores - Mudas
Avaliaram-se o crescimento vegetativo e a produção de cultivares novas e tradicionais de abacaxi na região de Bauru. As cultivares estudadas foram: 'Smooth Cayenne', 'Jupi', 'Imperial', 'Gold' e 'Gomo de Mel'. As mudas foram obtidas por cultura de tecidos pela empresa BIONOVA a partir de plantas-matrizes cedidas pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical e por produtores comerciais e passaram por um período de 100 dias de aclimatação em telado acondicionadas em tubetes. O plantio no campo foi realizado em canteiros revestidos com 'mulching' plástico preto em janeiro de 2007. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Cada parcela apresentou 32 plantas, e o sistema de plantio foi em linhas duplas, no espaçamento 0,30 x 0,50 x 1,0 m. A avaliação dos tratamentos foi baseada na determinação do nível de crescimento vegetativo (massa e comprimento da folha 'D' e diâmetro do caule) e nas características físicas dos frutos. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. Nas condições ambientais da região de Bauru (SP), e considerando o uso de mudas obtidas por cultura de tecidos, os resultados deste trabalho indicaram a superioridade das cultivares 'Gold', 'Smooth Cayenne' e 'Jupi' em relação a 'Imperial' e 'Gomo de Mel', com crescimento vegetativo maior e produção de frutos mais pesados.
This study aimed to analyze the effect of a saline solution on growth and chemical composition of Atriplex nummularia, shrubby plant, absorbing salts used in the diet of animals and the management of water and saline soils. These plant seedlings were planted and grown in a reserved area at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The plantation was divided into two blocks, in which one of them was irrigated with saline solution with a concentration of 2840 mgL-1 of NaCl and the second group was irrigated with drinking water. After six months, the plants were collected, harvested and divided into three parts: leaf, thin and thick stem. Monthly, dimension measurements were carried out for cataloging the growth of Atriplex. Ion Chromatography (IC) and Optical Emission Spectroscopy Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-OES) were used to analyze the chemical composition of the partition plant parts. The results of these analyses revealed that an absorption process of anions and cations by Atriplex nummularia plant during its growth was achieved, in particular by a higher concentration of sodium and chloride ions. Scanning electron microscopy images showed and confirmed the presence of small crystals on the leaf surface. Electrical conductivity and pH measurements of the aerial parts of the plant were carried out and these results showed that the leaf is the plant part where there is a largest concentration of ions. In addition, measurements of specific surface were obtained from irrigated plants with saline solution, achieving higher surface area, in all cases. Plant dimensions obtained monthly showed that the plants irrigated with water grew 5% more than those plants irrigated with saline solution. Based on results obtained, Atriplex plant showed a higher potential to survive and adapt to environments (aquatic or geological) with high levels of salinity and this property can be used as a tool for removing salts/metals from industrial contaminated soils and effluents.
Ensaios foram conduzidos, em casa de vegetação, com solos de pastagem degradada reflorestada e cerrado preservado (controle) visando avaliar a contribuição de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) autóctones no crescimento de mutambo (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamb.). As mudas foram transplantadas para sacos de plástico (2 kg) com substratos esterilizados na proporção 4:1 (solo:areia), e o tratamento inoculado recebeu 300 esporos de FMA por saco. A inoculação não proporcionou aumento significativo na produção da matéria seca da parte aérea, matéria fresca das raízes e altura da planta, sugerindo que a G. ulmifolia não é responsiva à micorrização.
Poucos são os estudos desenvolvidos com a aplicação via foliar de micronutrientes, na cultura do abacaxi. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de B e Zn, em forma de quelato, ácido ou sal, via foliar, buscando-se obter respostas sobre os efeitos na produtividade e qualidade dos frutos. O experimento foi realizado em Guaraçaí (SP), em solo com textura média. Foram utilizadas mudas tipo filhote, da cultivar Smooth Cayenne (Havaiano). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, utilizando-se fontes para fornecer, em cada aplicação, 110 g ha-1de B e 250 g ha-1de Zn. Foram realizadas duas pulverizações foliares, aos 7 e 9 meses após o plantio. As fontes de B e Zn não exerceram efeito nos teores de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável, diâmetro médio do fruto, comprimento do fruto sem coroa e índice de maturação. Apenas os teores de B, Zn e K, na folha, foram influenciados pelos tratamentos utilizados.
A propagação do maracujazeiro através da enxertia poderá ser a solução para o controle de doenças do sistema radicular. Assim, com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência de plantas enxertadas de maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims) em três porta-enxertos, utilizando-se de câmara úmida, instalou-se este experimento em um viveiro de mudas no município de Adamantina-SP, no período de dezembro de 2005 a abril de 2006. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2, com quatro repetições e 10 plantas/parcela. Os fatores avaliados foram três porta-enxertos (Passiflora edulis, P. alata e P. gibertii)em dois ambientes (com e sem câmara úmida). Foi utilizada a enxertia convencional pelo método de garfagem tipo fenda cheia. Avaliaram-se a sobrevivência e a altura dos enxertos, o diâmetro do caule do porta-enxerto e do enxerto, o número de folhas e a fitomassa seca da parte aérea e das raízes. Verificaram-se melhores resultados com os porta-enxertos P. edulis e P. gibertii, superiores ao P. alata em todas as variáveis estudadas. Os maiores índices de sobrevivência foram observados em P. edulis e P. gibertii, com 100% e 98,8%, respectivamente. Apesar de o P. alata ter-se mostrado inferior, é viável o uso deste material como porta-enxerto para o maracujazeiro-amarelo. O uso da câmara úmida favoreceu o pegamento dos enxertos em P. alata.
Avaliou-se, sob duas densidades de plantio, um variante somaclonal de porte baixo de bananeira, comparando-o com a variedade Nanicão Jangada que lhe deu origem. Os materiais genéticos 'Nanicão Jangada'(controle) e o variante somaclonal representado pelas seleções 224 e 225 de um ensaio anterior, foram avaliados nos espaçamentos 2,0m X 2,0m (densidade 2500 plantas ha-1) e 3,0m X 2,0m (1666plantas ha-1), na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia - UNESP, Campus de Ilha Solteira-SP. O ensaio foi conduzido em blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições, com utilização de mudas micropropagadas, sob irrigação por gotejamento, no período de dezembro de 1998 a março de 2001, com avaliação dos dois primeiros ciclos de produção. Constatou-se efeito da densidade e do ciclo sobre a produção estimada de frutos sendo que no cultivo mais denso, a média foi de 81,25 t.ha-1 no primeiro ciclo de produção e 67,93 t.ha-1 no segundo ciclo. No cultivo de menor densidade a produção estimada no primeiro ciclo foi de 51,35 t.ha-1 e 44,08 t.ha-1 no segundo. As seleções do variante de porte baixo apresentaram menor altura da planta e mostraram-se relativamente mais precoces e com produção semelhante a cv. Nanicão Jangada no primeiro ciclo. No segundo ciclo houve uma queda na produção do bananal, com maior intensidade para a seleção 225 do variante.
Este trabalho foi realizado no Escritório de Desenvolvimento Rural - Jales, região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de efetuar um levantamento do potencial da cultura da banana 'Maçã' na região, determinando-se indicadores técnicos e econômicos de dois sistemas de produção, os quais utilizam, no plantio, mudas micropropagadas e convencional. O levantamento de dados necessários à realização da pesquisa nos aspectos ligados à elaboração das matrizes de coeficientes técnicos, base para estimativas de custos de produção, foi obtido diretamente junto a produtores da região, e a metodologia de custos foi baseada no custo total de produção. Os resultados econômicos mostraram-se satisfatórios na região para os dois sistemas de produção, mas a receita líquida obtida com a utilização de mudas micropropagadas foi 34% maior que a obtida no sistema convencional.
A maioria dos plantios de bananeira ainda é realizada utilizando mudas tradicionais, mas outros métodos de propagação, como a micropropagação in vitro, vêm sendo desenvolvidos e aperfeiçoados, para elevar a taxa de multiplicação em curto espaço de tempo e melhorar a qualidade da produção de mudas. Contudo, a contaminação é um dos maiores problemas desta técnica. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência da descontaminação de explantes de bananeira com o uso de diferentes concentrações de cloro ativo durante a assepsia do explante. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado e constituído de cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições, sendo cada repetição representada por 5 explantes em diferentes concentrações de cloro ativo, sendo: T1 (testemunha, sem cloro ativo); T2 (0,5%); T3 (1,0%); T4 (1,5%), e T5 (2%). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a maior eficiência dentre os tratamentos testados foi a imersão dos explantes em hipoclorito de sódio com 2% de cloro ativo, sendo as doses testadas não tóxicas aos explantes, permitindo o desenvolvimento normal dos mesmos, concluindo assim que essa concentração possa ser utilizada para o controle de contaminações para micropropagação de bananeira cv. Grande Naine.
Com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência de plantas de maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims) enxertadas sobre três porta-enxertos com uso de câmara úmida, instalou-se este experimento em um viveiro de mudas no município de Adamantina - SP, no período de dezembro de 2005 a abril de 2006. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2, com quatro repetições. Os fatores avaliados foram três porta-enxertos (Passiflora edulis, P. alata e P. gibertii) em dois ambientes (com e sem câmara úmida). Foi utilizada a enxertia hipocotiledonar pelo método de garfagem tipo fenda cheia. Avaliaram-se a altura das plantas, o diâmetro do caule do porta-enxerto e do enxerto, o número de folhas, o comprimento do entrenó, a porcentagem de sobrevivência das plantas e a fitomassa seca da parte aérea e das raízes. Observou-se que o método de enxertia utilizado foi bem-sucedido para as três espécies de porta-enxertos estudadas. P. gibertii e P. edulis proporcionaram melhores resultados como porta-enxertos. O porta-enxerto P. alata proporcionou menor altura de planta, menor diâmetro do enxerto e do porta-enxerto e menor índice de sobrevivência. O uso da câmara úmida não favoreceu nenhuma das variáveis estudadas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a incidência e a severidade do vírus do endurecimento dos frutos em maracujazeiro-amarelo enxertado e pé-franco. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Adamantina-SP, no período de abril de 2006 a junho de 2007, adotando-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e oito repetições. Foram avaliados três porta-enxertos: Passiflora edulis, P. alata e P. gibertii, e plantas de pé-franco. Utilizou-se como copa o maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims). Avaliaram-se a porcentagem de plantas com sintomas de virose e a severidade dos sintomas. As primeiras plantas com sintomas de virose ocorreram aos 90 dias do plantio das mudas no campo, atingindo, aos 180 dias, 100% de plantas com virose em P. alata e P. gibertii, e 97,5% em P. edulis e pé-franco.
The anthropical action caused destruction of great part of the Atlantic forest remaining today around 7% to 8% of the original portion. A classical example of the degradation is the situation of the Pau-Brasil (Caesalpinia echinata Lam.) which appellant exploration summarized abruptly decreased the wild occurrence of the species. Besides the economic exploration and the threat of extinction, the plant shows some characteristics that its own physiology makes difficult the survival in natural conditions. For this reason, any strategy developed to conserve it should also guarantee ways for its multiplication. In these conditions, the only reasonable technology is micropropagation in vitro based on immature segments of Catullus (explants or internodes). However, in virtue of the threat of extinction, extractivism and fenology, the disponibility of the sources of explants are reduced. Then, to turn this around, the present research showed the hypothesis that arrange these explants would have as a solution to elaborate a bank of matrixes and the utilization of produced seedlings as source of explant. Then, assuming that the soil is a fundamental element for a good formation of the seedlings, there were tests in a greenhouse on the Laboratory of plant biotechnology at UFRN, from May to June of 2008 that showed the influence of the four different soils on the production of Pau-Brasil. The objective of this work was to make possible the seedlings production of the specie and from them to establish a bank of matrixes as source of explant to guarantee the continuity of the process of micropropagation, contributing with the preservation of the specie
About 40% of the earth is occupied by tropical and subtropical forests, including 42% of dry forests, where there is Caatinga Bioma, contemplating tree forests and shrubs, with xerophytic characteristics. Study and conservations of Caatinga biologic diversity is one of the greatest challenges of Brazilian science because those are, proportionally, the less studied among natural areas, with most of the scientific effort centered in very few points around the main cities in the area and also because it is the less protected natural Brazilian area. The environmental degradation is constantly increasing and has its rhythm accelerated by the men appropriation to meet or not their own needs. Therefore, species conservation should be based in three principles: the use of natural resources by present generation, waste prevention and use of the natural resources to benefit the majority of the citizens. Among the strategies to species conservation, we can mention the ex situ conservation , in which the conservation of genetic resources may be realized outside of the natural environment in which the species occur, and in situ conservation , or, in other words, in the places where the species occur. In ex situ conservation, the germplasm collections are maintained in the field and/or in laboratories (conservation chambers), and this mainly conserves intraspecific diversity (genetic variance), the ex situ collections are continuously enriched by collection activities, introduction and germplasm interchange; the in situ conservation preserving ecosystems and habitats, maintaining and recovering native population of species of interest. So, the objective of this paper is the search for strategies to the conservation of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia B. (sabiá) using instruments of environmental perception and plant biotechnology, as mechanisms of in situ and ex situ conservation. To environmental perception, were realized open, semi-structured and qualitative interviews. The questions included socioeconomic data and knowledge of Sabiá specie. To plant biotechnology, Sabiá seed collection were realized in different location to formation of a germplasm bank. The specie micropropagation was made from nodal segment of plants from the matrizeiro. About the knowledge of rural populations and the use of Sabiá plant, some preferences occurred from speeches that the plant possesses a firm wood, not attacked by termites, legalized for exploration by the Brazilian environmental organ (IBAMA), and is a native specie. This research found the rural population has knowledge about Sabiá specie and the natural resources are exhausting. The proposal that the rural community brought was the donation of the Sabiá specie seeding initiating on the rain season, in which the seeding would be plated between the lots, in individual plantations. To the formation of a matrix bank, plant biothecnology brought answers favorable to Sabiá specie seeding, with the formation of multiple shoots
The Caatinga biome has a high diversity of potential and their conservation constitutes one of the greatest challenges of Brazilian science. The sustainable management of the Caatinga emerges as an alternative that through the formation of systems agrossilvipastoris, enables the use of forest resources sustainably, ensuring their conservation, regeneration and recovery. In RN this technique has been developed mainly in settlements of Agrarian Reform, such as P. A. Moaci Lucena, and their impacts go beyond the environmental aspect and reverberate socially and economically on the quality of life of family farmers. Despite the efficiency of the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga in the conservation of native species, many forests species of this biome faces serious problems of propagation and for this reason have become vulnerable to extinction, as is the case of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth . Thus , it is evident the need to use sustainable alternatives to overcome the difficulties of propagation of this species and enable their replacement in areas where their existence is threatened. The Plant Biotechnology is considered as a promising alternative in this sense, considering that by micropropagation enables the large-scale production of seedlings with high health genetics status. This work has the following objectives: evaluate the perception of family farmers of P. A. Moaci Lucena in relation to social, environmental and economic impacts of the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga and check the conditions of germination and in vitro propagation of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth that enabling the production of seedlings of this specie on a large scale. To achieve the first objective, semi-structured interviews showed that in the perception of farmers PA Moaci Lucena, the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga was responsible for generating many social, environmental and economic impacts that affected directly in the improvement in the quality of life of the families of the Settlement Project Moaci Lucena. Have to achieve the second objective, were investigated the influence of different substrates and concentrations of growth regulator BAP in the germination and shoot induction in vitro of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth. The vermiculite was presented as the most suitable substrate for germination of this species, because it provided a more rapid germination, higher growth rates and higher dry matter accumulation. Regarding micropropagation, the concentration of 17.76 μmol/L of BAP presented a more responsive in relation to multiplication rate and the number of shoots in M. caesalpiniifolia, thus constituting the most suitable concentration for the in vitro propagation of this specie
Decapod crustaceans are one of the most important portions of megafaunal of coastal waters, playing a role as modifier of the environment and controlling populations of other organisms. Among the Decapoda, crab (brachyuran) constitutes the dominant macrofauna of mangroves. Among brachyuran is the mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus, Linnaeus, 1763), which represents the main component of the macrofauna of mangroves, particularly in Northern and Northeastern Brazil. In Brazil, its distribution is known from the state of Amapá to the north of Santa Catarina. This species is distinguished by its economic importance, being one of the main fishing resources in Brazil, generating a significant impact on their natural populations. This reduction would result in loss of value to the product, preventing its commercialization. Although it´s great ecological and economic importance, there are few articles about the biological aspects of U. cordatus, mainly in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This work aimed to study the population dynamics of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), in Conchas estuary, Porto do Mangue, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. During the period November 2009 to October 2010 the crabs were collected monthly, obeying predetermined lunar periods (new moon or full moon) in a mangrove area in Porto do Mangue - RN. With the aid of a steel caliper (0.01 mm) and a precision balance (0.01 g) were measured biometric variables related to the animal's carapace, major propodus chela, width of abdomen (female), length of gonopodium ( males) and total weight. In addition, it was recorded, the gonads and molt stages, for males and females. In total, 476 crabs were collected, with 338 males and 138 females. Males were larger, heavier and in greater proportion than females. The reproductive period for the species in this location was limited during the months November to May, suggesting a change in current environmental legislation for the closure period. Synchrony was observed between the morphological and physiological maturity with females maturing earlier, possibly, a reproductive strategy adopted, compared to the low fishing pressure in the area. The molting period occurred in the dry season peaking in October. The analysis of growth, based on the parameters of von Bertalanffy was calculated using the nonlinear fit using modes (AJMOD). High growth rates for both males (L = 7.54 cm, k = 0.95, t0 =- 00:08; tmax = 4.84) and females (L = 6.50, k = 1 , 2, t0 =- 0008; tmax = 3.28) were found, contrasting with data from the literature, using other techniques. Males had higher asymptotic width size and longevity, but a lower growth constant when compared with females. The estimated age, for males and females, reaching the minimum capture size was 1.82 years and 1.63 years respectively. The size of physiological maturity, when individuals are able to reproduce, was estimated at 1.4 years and 1.05 years, for males and females, respectively. The recruitment period for this species is seasonal, with two peaks of occurrence, one in the rainy season and one in the dry season. This work represented the first effort on understanding the ecology of the mangrove crab, to the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. However, further studies on its biology should be undertaken, especially those related to growth, and recruitment, where observed that literature is more scarce
Nowadays, as well as in the past decades, the dumping of biodegradable organic waste in landfill is common practice in Brazil, as well as in most parts of the world. Nevertheless due to its rapid decomposition and release of odors, this practice hamper’s the operation and implementation of a recycling system. These facts encouraged our research to find an efficient system for the management of organic waste, not only for the use of official workers responsible for managing these wastes, but also for non-governmental institutions. The Recycling for Life Community Association – ACREVI (Associação Comunitária Reciclando para a Vida), together with the municipal authorities of Mossoró-RN, Brazil, have assumed the social role of collecting and recycling solid waste produced by most of the local population. However, it was observed that the organic waste it collected was not receiving any treatment. This present work aims to make compost with mixed waste (green waste and organic household), and then do chemical analysis of the material in view to use the waste as organic fertilizer. The objective being: to share the knowledge acquired by putting it into a very simple language accessible to people with little education. The experiment was conducted at ACREVI, Mossoró (RN), and the compost was obtained following the method "windrow", forming three cells (I, II, III) with conical shape, dimensions of 1.6 meters and 2.0 meters in diameter for cells I and II, and 1.0 meters high and 2.0 meters in diameter for cell III. The process was accompanied by analysis: CHN elemental, a variation of cell temperature, humidity, pH, TKN, bulk density, nutrients and heavy metals. Stabilized organic compounds reached the C/N ratio of 10.4/1 cell I and 10.4/1 in the cell II in the cell, showing how good soil conditions, with potential to improve the physical properties of any soil and pH acid soils, has presented the cell III at the end of the process the C/N 26/1, is a high ratio may be associated with the stack size III, thus changing the optimal conditions for the occurrence of the process. The levels of heavy metals in the analyzed compounds were lower than those established by the SDA normative instruction, Nº 27, of 5 June, 2006. The use of pruning trees and grass are used in small-scale composting, while generating a quality compost in the final process, it also created an important condition for a correct sizing of the composting piles. Under the studied conditions it is not advisable to use cells with a height of 1.00 m in height and 2.00 m in diameter, as these do not prevent the rapid dissipation of heat and thus can not be a good product at the end of composting. The composting process in the shed of the association and the preparation of the primer enabled the development of an alternative technology to generate income for members of ACREVI.