996 resultados para Artificial source
O desmame precoce pela substituição do aleitamento natural por artificial: intervenção de enfermagem
O desmame precoce é um tema que vem sendo discutido com muita frequência, contudo, observa-se que essa prática está sendo banido, o que põe em risco o desenvolvimento do bebé, já que o desmame precoce é o principal responsável pela desnutrição e mortalidade infantil no primeiro ano de vida. Faz-se necessária a detenção precoce dos factores de risco á interrupção do aleitamento materno exclusivo. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo perceber o quanto o desmame precoce através da substituição do aleitamento natural pelo aleitamento artificial prejudica tanto o bebé quanto a mãe. O aleitamento materno exclusivo é uma das primeiras intervenções de saúde infantil que a mãe pode empreender para assegurar a saúde de seu bebé. Relativamente à metodologia foi eleita uma abordagem qualitativa e para recolha dos dados foi aplicado um questionário estruturado, contendo perguntas objetivas sobre o aleitamento materno exclusivo e o desmame precoce que foram posteriormente submetidos a uma análise de conteúdo. Foram entrevistadas 33 mães lactantes com idade compreendida entre os 15 aos 43 anos de idade, no Serviço da Maternidade do Hospital Baptista de Sousa em São Vicente de 23 de Maio á 18 de Junho de 2014. Autores como Couto (2009, p.216) “têm comprovado os benefícios do aleitamento natural na saúde do bebé/mãe, no fortalecimento do vínculo afetivo entre ambos, bem como na economia das famílias, instituições de saúde e dos governos”. Nesse contexto percebe-se a importância da intervenção do enfermeiro no processo do aleitamento natural, já que ele é o educador, incentivador e promotor desse benefício. Nos resultados das entrevistas mostraram que a maioria (88%) das inquiridas têm conhecimento do aleitamento materno obtido através do enfermeiro, médico, pediatras, familiares, comunicação social, e de outras formas, e têm a noção de que até 6 meses é o periodo ideal para o aleitamento materno exclusivo. As inquiridas apontaram que factores tais como problemas com as mamas, choro do bebé, regresso da mãe ao trabalho, infeção por HIV, doenças crónias e estar debilitada contribuem para o desmame precoce.
Interaction between Musca domestica L. and its predator Muscina stabulans (Fallén) (Diptera, Muscidae): Effects of prey density and food source abundance. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of prey density and food source abundance on the predatory behavior of Muscina stabulans over M. domestica. Three predator/prey proportions were evaluated (1:1, 1:3 and 1:6), using 100 third instar predator larvae against second instar prey larvae. Each proportion was maintained using three different levels of food substrate (25, 50 and 100 g). The experiments were carried out in triplicate in BOD incubators (25ºC, UR 70% ± 10% and 12 h photoperiod). The mortality of the M. domestica larvae was 100% under all conditions, except in the 1:6 predator/prey proportion, at the 50g and 100g food substrate levels, where it was 99.99% and 99.22%, respectively. There was a significant increase in the development period of M. stabulans in relation to the increase in prey density and decrease in quantity of food substrate. An increase in the proportion of individuals and a reduction in the amount of resource slowed down larval development. Muscina stabulans pupal weight was proportional to the increase in prey density and the amount of food substrate. The proportion or the density influenced the survival of M. stabulans, with no difference in relation to the amount of food source and consequently in the interaction of the factors. There was no difference between the 1:1 and 1:3 predator-prey densities, with both differing from the 1:6 density.
Aiming to contribute to a rearing methodology for the brown stink bug, Euschistus heros, in the laboratory, we evaluated oviposition on artificial substrates of different colors. During six days, oviposition was evaluated daily, by counting the total number of eggs, number of clutches, and eggs/clutch. Females laid 12,463 eggs, in 1,677 clutches, resulting in an average of 7.28 ± 0.44 eggs/clutch. Black, brown, and green felt had the most eggs and clutches. The results demonstrated that many colors are suitable as oviposition substrate for E. heros, providing information for the mass rearing of this insect.
Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito dos regulamentos dos cursos de graduação para a obtenção do grau de licenciatura na universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde. Nele abordamos os conceitos de Bussines Process Management (BPM), Bussines Process Automation (BPA) e Open Source, cujo seu principal objectivo é dar a conhecer o estudo e implementação de automatização de processo de negócio usando ferramentas de BPM Open Source e o seu impacto depois da implementação. No presente trabalho fez-se uma investigação sobre algumas ferramentas Open Source usadas na automatização de processos de negócio, e implementado um processo BPM no framework Activiti para automatização do processo de negócio segunda via dos números dos clientes da Unitel T+. Para a automatização do processo Segunda Via foi integrado os frameworks Activiti e o Liferay, visto que dado a realidade de uma operadora de telecomunicação existe uma plataforma de gestão dos dados dos clientes implementado no Liferay, e havia necessidade de integrar estes dois frameworks distintos. Um dos maiores desafios na integração dos dois frameworks foi a autenticação. Para dar resposta a este problema, obter maior nível de segurança e sincronizar os frameworks foi utilizado o Hook que permite uma única autenticação e balanceamento (sincronização) dos dados no Activiti e no Liferay.
Este é o meu trabalho do fim de curso de Engenharia de Sistemas e Informática, no grau de licenciatura que tem como tema “Utilização de Plataformas Open Source” onde vou abordar a utilização de plataformas Open Sources na área de TI mas concretamente no desenvolvimento do software em geral o que engloba todas as fazes de desenvolvimento do software. De um modo geral está memória visa fazer uma pequena publicitação dos softwares Open Sources, sabendo que é muito comum encontramos grandes softwares Open Source mais pouco utilizado em relação a um outro software do mesmo tipo mas que é proprietário, como no caso de Windows e Linux. Pretende-se analisar as principais características de softwares Open Source que dificultam a sua utilização por parte dos profissionais de empresas de base tecnológica e chefe de laboratórios informático das instituições de ensino superior da Cidade da Praia, também pretende saber o porque da dominação dos softwares proprietários em países em desenvolvimento em geral.Entretanto vamos apresentar as principais melhorias que empresas de desenvolvimento de softwares Open Source devem fazer para aumentar a utilização dos seus softwares em comparação com o software proprietário.
De nombreux travaux récemment publiés indiquent que les patients schizophrènes souffrant de symptômes positifs, présentent des déficits en mémoire de la source. L'auteur décrit les différentes difficultés rencontrées. Dans ce contexte, une équipe suisse a élaboré différents exercices de remédiation cognitive, appuyée sur le programme RECOS. Une première évaluation fait ressortir des résultats encourageants.
Waveform-based tomographic imaging of crosshole georadar data is a powerful method to investigate the shallow subsurface because of its ability to provide images of electrical properties in near-surface environments with unprecedented spatial resolution. A critical issue with waveform inversion is the a priori unknown source signal. Indeed, the estimation of the source pulse is notoriously difficult but essential for the effective application of this method. Here, we explore the viability and robustness of a recently proposed deconvolution-based procedure to estimate the source pulse during waveform inversion of crosshole georadar data, where changes in wavelet shape with location as a result of varying near-field conditions and differences in antenna coupling may be significant. Specifically, we examine whether a single, average estimated source current function can adequately represent the pulses radiated at all transmitter locations during a crosshole georadar survey, or whether a separate source wavelet estimation should be performed for each transmitter gather. Tests with synthetic and field data indicate that remarkably good tomographic reconstructions can be obtained using a single estimated source pulse when moderate to strong variability exists in the true source signal with antenna location. Only in the case of very strong variability in the true source pulse are tomographic reconstructions clearly improved by estimating a different source wavelet for each transmitter location.
Realiza una revisión del proceso de la crianza de larvas de la anchoveta; el cuál es un importante pez de carnada empleada en la captura de los atunes en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Se describe las técnicas de separación de huevos en los criaderos de laboratorio.
Objective: There are only a few established artificial urinary sphincters for treatment of incontinence. We have developed a new device composed by three parts: the actuator, three contractile rings and a control unit. The actuator is made of Nitinol fibers, driven by microprocessor. The fibers are linked to the rings placed around the urethra. They function with alternance in their open and closed position. This concept is called piano concept. With this set-up, the constant compression on the urethra is strongly reduced. Methods: Six male sheep have been used for this study. The sphincter was open each hour for a period of 10 min., to guaranty urination. The bladder was filled with water while one cuff was closed and bladder pressure was monitored. The animals were sacrificed. Two biopsies around two cuffs of each explant and all three cuffs from each explant including urethra were analyzed. Urethra not surrounded by a cuff was taken as control. Results: The pressure exerted by the sphincter around the urethra provided continence. Simulated incontinence occurred at a pressure of 1bar measured on the bladder wall using a pressure probe. The closing force of the cuff was approx. 0·7N. No difference in tissue structure and organization of the urethra with and without artificial sphincter was observed. Conclusions: This device has several advantages compared to other urinary sphincters. It is easy to implant, has no hydraulic nature and reduces ischemic injury of the urethra by the alternance of urethral part compressed. Proof of concept in vivo has been demonstrated. Other studies are planned to determine long-term outcome.
Background: EEG is the cornerstone of epilepsy diagnostics and mandatory to determine the underlying epilepsy syndrome (e.g. focal vs idiopathic generalized). However, its potential as imaging tool is still underrecognized. In the present study, we aim to determine the prerequisites of maximal benefit of electric source imaging (ESI) to localize the irritative zone in patients with focal epilepsy. Methods: 150 patients suffering from focal epilepsy and with minimum 1 year post-operative follow-up were studied prospectively by reviewers blinded to the underlying diagnosis and outcome. We evaluated the influence of two important factors on sensitivity and specificity of ESI: the number of electrodes (low resolution, LR-ESI: \30 vs. high resolution, HR-ESI: 128-256 electrodes), and the use of individual MRI (i-MRI) vs. template MRI (t-MRI) as head model.Results: ESI had a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 87% when HR-ESI with i-MRI was used. Using LR-ESI, sensitivity decreased to 68%, or even 57% when only t-MRI was available. The sensitivity of HR-ESI/i-MRI compared favorably with those of MRI (76%), PET (69%) and ictal/interictal SPECT (64%).Interpretation: This study on a large patient group shows excellent sensitivity and specificity of ESI if 128 EEG channels or more are used for ESI and if the results are co-registered to the patient's individual MRI. Localization precision is as high as or even higher than established brain imaging techniques, providing excellent costeffectiveness in epilepsy evaluation. HR-ESI appears to be a valuable additional imaging tool, given that larger electrode arrays are easily and rapidly applied with modern EEG equipment and that structural MRI is nearly always available for these patients.
MMORPG són les sigles de Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game: Joc de Rol Multijugador Online Massiu. Els jugadors connecten a un servidor i poden interactuar entre ells en el món virtual que el joc ofereix. Hi pot haver milers d'usuaris connectats simultàniament al mateix món, generant una població i molt d'ambient si el servidor està ben programat, i latència i/o bloquejos si se supera el límit de jugadors simultanis que el servidor suporta. El més atractiu d'aquest tipus de jocs és que dónen la capacitat de jugar amb i/o contra altra gent real. Resulta molt més emocionant veure intel•ligència real dins el joc, sense que tot sigui intel•ligència artificial. A més d'això hi ha el fet de que pràcticament tots aquests jocs són de l'estil Sandbox o sorral, cosa que significa que el jugador és totalment lliure de fer el que vulgui en un món obert, sense haver de seguir una trama lineal. Durant el principi del segon curs vaig començar a investigar una manera de poder jugar a Lineage 2 des de la residència en la que estava aquí a Vic, ja que la seva connexió a Internet tenia un proxy que bloquejava tots els ports excepte HTTP i algunes poques excepcions més, així que no podia connectar al seu servidor per jugar. I aquí vaig topar amb L2JServer, un projecte open source que emula un servidor de Lineage 2. Només instal•lant una base de dades MySQL, el java JDK i extraient uns arxius a una carpeta, ja podies executar el teu propi servidor d'aquest joc. Per entrar-hi només calia enganyar el programa client redirigint la DNS oficial cap a la teva IP utilitzant el fitxer hosts de windows i ja hi podies entrar.
Introduction and objectives: The AMS 800TM is considered the gold standard for sphincter replacement. However, the one-ring design can erode the urethra and lead to severe complications. A mechanism that could alternatively compress successive segments of the urethra would limit such deleterious outcome. We report 12 weeks animal urethral tissue analysis following implantation of a new modular artificial sphincter. METHODS: The device is composed by three parts: the contractile unit, two rings and an integrated microprocessor. The contractile unit is made of Nitinol fibers. The rings are placed around the urethra to control the flow of urine by squeezing the urethra. They work in a sequential alternative mode and are controlled by a microprocessor connected to an external computer. The computer can reveal specific failure of device components. The device was impkanted in eight male sheep. The rings were positioned around the urethra and the control unit was placed 5cm away. The device was working twenty hours per day; it was open 10min. per hour to allow urination. The animals were sacrificed after 12 weeks. The urethra and the tissues surrounding the control unit were macroscopically and microscopically examined. Two transversal sections crossing the sphincter and two transversal sections crossing the urethra alone were obtained and stained with modified Paragon after resin embedding. Urethra was also embedded in paraffin. The first section was stained with safranin-hematoxylin-eosin, the second section was stained with Masson's Trichrome and the remaining eight sections were available for immunolabelling of the macrophages.Results: The chronic study went uneventful. No clinical infection or pain was observed. The computer registered no specific failure in ring function, Nitinol wires and tube connectors. At explantation, except for a slight grade of lymphocytes in two out of eight specimens, no urethral stricture or atrophy could be observed. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the absence of macrophages. Tissue structure and organization of the urethra with and without artificial sphincter were similar. No migration of the device was observed.Conclusions: The study clearly showed no tissue damage or inflammation of the urethra. Electronic design, preservation of urethral vascularisation and adjustability after implantation are the key ideas to improve the actual AUS. Further studies will be carried out to evaluate this potential.
OBJECTIVE: HIV-1 post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is frequently prescribed after exposure to source persons with an undetermined HIV serostatus. To reduce unnecessary use of PEP, we implemented a policy including active contacting of source persons and the availability of free, anonymous HIV testing ('PEP policy'). METHODS: All consultations for potential non-occupational HIV exposures i.e. outside the medical environment) were prospectively recorded. The impact of the PEP policy on PEP prescription and costs was analysed and modelled. RESULTS: Among 146 putative exposures, 47 involved a source person already known to be HIV positive and 23 had no indication for PEP. The remaining 76 exposures involved a source person of unknown HIV serostatus. Of 33 (43.4%) exposures for which the source person could be contacted and tested, PEP was avoided in 24 (72.7%), initiated and discontinued in seven (21.2%), and prescribed and completed in two (6.1%). In contrast, of 43 (56.6%) exposures for which the source person could not be tested, PEP was prescribed in 35 (81.4%), P < 0.001. Upon modelling, the PEP policy allowed a 31% reduction of cost for management of exposures to source persons of unknown HIV serostatus. The policy was cost-saving for HIV prevalence of up to 70% in the source population. The availability of all the source persons for testing would have reduced cost by 64%. CONCLUSION: In the management of non-occupational HIV exposures, active contacting and free, anonymous testing of source persons proved feasible. This policy resulted in a decrease in prescription of PEP, proved to be cost-saving, and presumably helped to avoid unnecessary toxicity and psychological stress.
The COMPTEL unidentified source GRO J1411-64 was observed by INTEGRAL, and its central part, also by XMM-Newton. The data analysis shows no hint for new detections at hard X-rays. The upper limits in flux herein presented constrain the energy spectrum of whatever was producing GRO J1411-64, imposing, in the framework of earlier COMPTEL observations, the existence of a peak in power output located somewhere between 300-700 keV for the so-called low state. The Circinus Galaxy is the only source detected within the 4$\sigma$ location error of GRO J1411-64, but can be safely excluded as the possible counterpart: the extrapolation of the energy spectrum is well below the one for GRO J1411-64 at MeV energies. 22 significant sources (likelihood $> 10$) were extracted and analyzed from XMM-Newton data. Only one of these sources, XMMU J141255.6-635932, is spectrally compatible with GRO J1411-64 although the fact the soft X-ray observations do not cover the full extent of the COMPTEL source position uncertainty make an association hard to quantify and thus risky. The unique peak of the power output at high energies (hard X-rays and gamma-rays) resembles that found in the SED seen in blazars or microquasars. However, an analysis using a microquasar model consisting on a magnetized conical jet filled with relativistic electrons which radiate through synchrotron and inverse Compton scattering with star, disk, corona and synchrotron photons shows that it is hard to comply with all observational constrains. This and the non-detection at hard X-rays introduce an a-posteriori question mark upon the physical reality of this source, which is discussed in some detail.