1000 resultados para Artèries coronàries-Malalties, Sistema cardiovascular-Malalties


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There are conflicting data on the prevalence of coronary events and the quality of the management of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) inHIV-infected patients. Methods.We performed a retrospective descriptive study to determine the prevalence of coronary events and to evaluate the management of CVRF in a Mediterranean cohort of 3760 HIV-1-infected patients from April 1983 through June 2011. Results.We identified 81 patients with a history of a coronary event (prevalence 2.15%); 83% of them suffered an acute myocardial infarction. At the time of the coronary event, CVRF were highly prevalent (60.5% hypertension, 48% dyslipidemia, and 16% diabetes mellitus).OtherCVRF, such as smoking, hypertension, lack of exercise, and body mass index, were not routinely assessed. After the coronary event, a significant decrease in total cholesterol ( � = 0.025) and LDLcholesterol ( � = 0.004) was observed. However, the percentage of patients whomaintained LDL-cholesterol > 100mg/dL remained stable (from 46% to 41%, � = 0.103). Patients using protease inhibitors associated with a favorable lipid profile increased over time ( � = 0.028). Conclusions.The prevalence of coronary events in our cohort is low. CVRF prevalence is high and theirmanagement is far from optimal. More aggressive interventions should be implemented to diminish cardiovascular risk in HIV-infected patients.


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Background: Some countries have recently extended smoke-free policies to particular outdoor settings; however, there is controversy regarding whether this is scientifically and ethically justifiable. Objectives: The objective of the present study was to review research on secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure in outdoor settings. Data sources: We conducted different searches in PubMed for the period prior to September 2012. We checked the references of the identified papers, and conducted a similar search in Google Scholar. Study selection: Our search terms included combinations of"secondhand smoke,""environmental tobacco smoke,""passive smoking" OR"tobacco smoke pollution" AND"outdoors" AND"PM" (particulate matter),"PM2.5" (PM with diameter ≤ 2.5 µm),"respirable suspended particles,""particulate matter,""nicotine,""CO" (carbon monoxide),"cotinine,""marker,""biomarker" OR"airborne marker." In total, 18 articles and reports met the inclusion criteria. Results: Almost all studies used PM2.5 concentration as an SHS marker. Mean PM2.5 concentrations reported for outdoor smoking areas when smokers were present ranged from 8.32 to 124 µg/m3 at hospitality venues, and 4.60 to 17.80 µg/m3 at other locations. Mean PM2.5 concentrations in smoke-free indoor settings near outdoor smoking areas ranged from 4 to 120.51 µg/m3. SHS levels increased when smokers were present, and outdoor and indoor SHS levels were related. Most studies reported a positive association between SHS measures and smoker density, enclosure of outdoor locations, wind conditions, and proximity to smokers. Conclusions: The available evidence indicates high SHS levels at some outdoor smoking areas and at adjacent smoke-free indoor areas. Further research and standardization of methodology is needed to determine whether smoke-free legislation should be extended to outdoor settings.


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We propose an innovative, integrated, cost-effective health system to combat major non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular, chronic respiratory, metabolic, rheumatologic and neurologic disorders and cancers, which together are the predominant health problem of the 21st century. This proposed holistic strategy involves comprehensive patient-centered integrated care and multi-scale, multi-modal and multi-level systems approaches to tackle NCDs as a common group of diseases. Rather than studying each disease individually, it will take into account their intertwined gene-environment, socio-economic interactions and co-morbidities that lead to individual-specific complex phenotypes. It will implement a road map for predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory (P4) medicine based on a robust and extensive knowledge management infrastructure that contains individual patient information. It will be supported by strategic partnerships involving all stakeholders, including general practitioners associated with patient-centered care. This systems medicine strategy, which will take a holistic approach to disease, is designed to allow the results to be used globally, taking into account the needs and specificities of local economies and health systems.


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The most common types of orofacial pain originate at the dental or periodontal level or in the musculoskeletal structures. However, the patient may present pain in this region even though the source is located elsewhere in the body. One possible source of heterotopic pain is of cardiac origin. Objectives: Report two cases of orofacial pain of cardiac origin and review the clinical cases described in the literature. Study Design: Description of clinical cases and review of clinical cases. Results and conclusions: Nine cases of atypical pain of cardiac origin are recorded, which include 5 females and 4 males. In craniofacial structures, pain of cardiac origin is usually bilateral. At the craniofacial level, the most frequent location described is in the throat and jaw. Pain of cardiac origin is considered atypical due to its location, although roughly 10% of the cases of cardiac ischemia manifest primarily in craniofacial structures. Finally, the differential diagnosis of pain of odontogenic origin must be taken into account with pain of non-odontogenic origin (muscle, psychogenic, neuronal, cardiac, sinus and neurovascular pain) in order to avoid diagnostic errors in the dental practice as well as unnecessary treatments.


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Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is increasingly considered a heterogeneous condition. It was hypothesised that COPD, as currently defined, includes different clinically relevant subtypes. Methods To identify and validate COPD subtypes, 342 subjects hospitalised for the first time because of a COPD exacerbation were recruited. Three months after discharge, when clinically stable, symptoms and quality of life, lung function, exercise capacity, nutritional status, biomarkers of systemic and bronchial inflammation, sputum microbiology, CT of the thorax and echocardiography were assessed. COPD groups were identified by partitioning cluster analysis and validated prospectively against cause-specific hospitalisations and all-cause mortality during a 4 year follow-up. Results Three COPD groups were identified: group 1 (n ¼ 126, 67 years) was characterised by severe airflow limitation (postbronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV 1 ) 38% predicted) and worse performance in most of the respiratory domains of the disease; group 2 (n ¼ 125, 69 years) showed milder airflow limitation (FEV 1 63% predicted); and group 3 (n ¼ 91, 67 years) combined a similarly milder airflow limitation (FEV 1 58% predicted) with a high proportion of obesity, cardiovascular disorders, iabetes and systemic inflammation. During follow-up, group 1 had more frequent hospitalisations due to COPD (HR 3.28, p < 0.001) and higher all-cause mortality (HR 2.36, p ¼ 0.018) than the other two groups, whereas group 3 had more admissions due to cardiovascular disease (HR 2.87, p ¼ 0.014). Conclusions In patients with COPD recruited at their first hospitalisation, three different COPD subtypes were identified and prospectively validated:"severe respiratory COPD","moderate respiratory COPD", and"systemic COPD'


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Ensuring the accuracy of dietary assessment instruments is paramount for interpreting diet-disease relationships. The present study assessed the relative and construct validity of the 14-point Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS) used in the Prevencio´n con Dieta Mediterra´nea (PREDIMED) study, a primary prevention nutrition-intervention trial. A validated FFQ and the MEDAS were administered to 7146 participants of the PREDIMED study. The MEDASderived PREDIMED score correlated significantly with the corresponding FFQ PREDIMED score (r = 0.52; intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.51) and in the anticipated directions with the dietary intakes reported on the FFQ. Using Bland Altman"s analysis, the average MEDAS Mediterranean diet score estimate was 105% of the FFQ PREDIMED score estimate. Limits of agreement ranged between 57 and 153%. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that a higher PREDIMED score related directly (P , 0.001) to HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and inversely (P , 0.038) to BMI, waist circumference, TG, the TG:HDL-C ratio, fasting glucose, and the cholesterol:HDL-C ratio. The 10-y estimated coronary artery disease risk decreased as the PREDIMED score increased (P , 0.001). The MEDAS is a valid instrument for rapid estimation of adherence to the Mediterranean diet and may be useful in clinical practice.


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Ensuring the accuracy of dietary assessment instruments is paramount for interpreting diet-disease relationships. The present study assessed the relative and construct validity of the 14-point Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS) used in the Prevencio´n con Dieta Mediterra´nea (PREDIMED) study, a primary prevention nutrition-intervention trial. A validated FFQ and the MEDAS were administered to 7146 participants of the PREDIMED study. The MEDASderived PREDIMED score correlated significantly with the corresponding FFQ PREDIMED score (r = 0.52; intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.51) and in the anticipated directions with the dietary intakes reported on the FFQ. Using Bland Altman"s analysis, the average MEDAS Mediterranean diet score estimate was 105% of the FFQ PREDIMED score estimate. Limits of agreement ranged between 57 and 153%. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that a higher PREDIMED score related directly (P , 0.001) to HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and inversely (P , 0.038) to BMI, waist circumference, TG, the TG:HDL-C ratio, fasting glucose, and the cholesterol:HDL-C ratio. The 10-y estimated coronary artery disease risk decreased as the PREDIMED score increased (P , 0.001). The MEDAS is a valid instrument for rapid estimation of adherence to the Mediterranean diet and may be useful in clinical practice.


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Cada día es más relevante la aportación de las enfermeras/os, al igual que otros miembros del equipo de salud, en la prevención de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y en la detección temprana y el seguimiento de las personas que presentan factores de riesgo. El disponer de documentación escrita sobre los cuidados, considerando las peculiaridades de cada persona, mejora nuestra...


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La contribución de las enfermeras/os en los cuidados de colaboración en el paciente con infarto agudo de miocardio es básica, ya que son expertas en la interpretación de arritmias y en la actuación rápida frente a situaciones graves.


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La misión principal de la circulación venosa es el drenaje hacia el corazón del CO2 y demás catabolitos originados por el metabolismo celular para su posterior depuración pulmonar, hepática o renal.


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Entre los mecanismos que permiten contrarrestar la acción de la gravedad, el que actúa mediante el fraccionamiento dinámico de la columna de presión hidrostática en las EEII durante la marcha es: a. La bomba cardíaca. b. La bomba toracoabdominal. c. La bomba valvulomuscular. d. La bomba...


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Los autores exponen el caso de un paciente de dos años de edad afecto de un cuadro clínico que cumplia todos los criterios diagnósticos del sindrome de Fisher. En esta entidad poco frecuente y de etiopatogenia desconocida se discute si la lesion asienta a nivel periférico -como en la polirradiculoneuritis del síndrome de Guillain-Barré- o por el contrario tiene lugar en el Sistema Nervioso Central. Los hallazgos clínicos en este caso, así como el resultado de alguno ae los exámenes complementarios, apoyan la participación central. La evolución hacia la recuperación fue lenta, pero favorable, como está descrito.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar a prevalência de malformações congênitas do sistema nervoso central (SNC) e malformações associadas diagnosticadas pela ultrassonografia obstétrica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, transversal, descritivo, em instituição de referência para gestações de alto risco. RESULTADOS: Malformações congênitas do SNC estiveram presentes sem outras malformações associadas em 65,78%, com a distribuição: hidrocefalia (37,5%), mielomeningocele (15%), encefalocele (12,5%), agenesia de corpo caloso (12,5%), anencefalia (12,5%), holoprosencefalia (7,5%), Dandy-Walker (7,5%), Arnold-Chiari (5,0%), hidranencefalia (5,0%), meningocele (5,0%), cisto aracnoideo (2,5%). Malformações congênitas de outros sistemas estiveram associadas às do SNC: craniofacial (73,9%), ortopédica (65,2%), cardiovascular (34,8%), geniturinária (30,4%), gastrintestinal (30,4%), respiratória (8,7%), sindrômica (8,7), oftalmológica (4,3%). A sensibilidade ultrassonográfica no estudo de malformações fetais do SNC foi 79,4%. A taxa de falso-negativos foi 20,5%. Dentre as limitações quantificáveis destaca-se o oligodrâmnio, presente em 25% dos falso-negativos. CONCLUSÃO: A ultrassonografia obstétrica possui boa sensibilidade no rastreio de malformações fetais do SNC, em especial com o aperfeiçoamento constante e domínio na utilização de métodos especializados, como o Doppler e a ultrassonografia volumétrica (3D/4D), contribuindo para firmar-se como modalidade de escolha nesta rotina. Complementar ao método, a ressonância magnética pode vir a fornecer subsídios para uma ainda melhor assistência perinatal.


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Background: Premorbid metabolic syndrome (pre-MetS) is a cluster of cardiometabolic risk factors characterised by central obesity, elevated fasting glucose, atherogenic dyslipidaemia and hypertension without established cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Community pharmacies are in an excellent position to develop screening programmes because of their direct contact with the population. The main aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of pre-MetS in people who visited community pharmacies for measurement of any of its five risk factors to detect the presence of other risk factors. The secondary aims were to study the presence of other cardiovascular risk factors and determine patients" cardiovascular risk. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive, multicentre study. Patients meeting selection criteria aged between 18 and 65 years who visited participating community pharmacies to check any of five pre-MetS diagnostic factors were included. The study involved 23 community pharmacies in Catalonia (Spain). Detection criteria for pre-MetS were based on the WHO proposal following IDF and AHA/NHBI consensus. Cardiovascular risk (CVR) was calculated by Regicor and Score methods. Other variables studied were smoking habit, physical activity, body mass index (BMI), and pharmacological treatment of dyslipidemia and hypertension. The data were collected and analysed with the SPSS programme. Comparisons of variables were carried out using the Student"s T-test, Chi-Squared test or ANOVA test. Level of significance was 5% (0.05). Results: The overall prevalence of pre-MetS was 21.9% [95% CI 18.7-25.2]. It was more prevalent in men, 25.5% [95% CI 22.1-28.9], than in women, 18.6% [95% CI 15.5-21.7], and distribution increased with age. The most common risk factors were high blood pressure and abdominal obesity. About 70% of people with pre-MetS were sedentary and over 85% had a BMI ≥25 Kg/m2 . Some 22.4% had two metabolic criteria and 27.2% of patients with pre-MetS had no previous diagnosis. Conclusions: The prevalence of pre-MetS in our study (21.9%) was similar to that found in other studies carried out in Primary Care in Spain. The results of this study confirm emergent cardiometabolic risk factors such as hypertension, obesity and physical inactivity. Our study highlights the strategic role of the community pharmacy in the detection of pre-MetS in the apparently healthy population.


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Tradicionalmente el manejo postoperatorio de los pacientes sometidos a circulación extracorpórea ha sido muy debatido. Tras la controversia coloides versus cristaloides ha surgido la discusión sobre el volumen de perfusión en las primeras fases del postoperatorio. La recomendación más extendida es la de restringir los ritmos de infusión basta un 50% de las necesidades basales. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio retrospectivo para ver los requerimientos basales en las primeras horas del postoperatorio evaluando las complicaciones. Del análisis de nuestra experiencia se deduce que la mayoría de pacientes finalizaron este período del postoperatorio con un aporte líquido ligeramente superior a las necesidades basales, sin que tenga repercusiones patológicas graves. Los ritmos de infusión deben ser muy variables adecuándose puntualmente a las necesidades hemodinámicas del paciente que se muestra muy dinámico en esta fase del postoperatotio.