1000 resultados para Arbres fruiters -- Reproducció
Presentamos un diccionario electrónico de las perífrasis verbales del español y su traducción al rumano. Dicha herramienta incluye, además, una completa descripción de cada una de las perífrasis del español, que contiene su clasificación desde un punto de vista semántico, su definición, sus posibles paráfrasis y sinónimos. Además, para cada conjunto verbal se incluye información sobre sus posibles restricciones: variedad de predicados con los que se combinan los auxiliares, variedad de tiempos verbales con los que se pueden conjugar los auxiliares, tipos de sujetos y posibles construcciones recursivas de perífrasis. La descripción se ha hecho aplicando la metodología empirista a partir del estudio de corpus.
La educación multicultural y la intercultural, generalmente, suponen ideologías y prácticas diferentes, pero en otras ocasiones bajo estos conceptos se esconden realidades parecidas. Fijándonos en los discursos y las actuaciones llevadas a cabo en Cataluña y en Quebec, ambas políticas con la etiqueta de educación intercultural (Cataluña hacia donde creen que se debe avanzar y Quebec que lleva en este camino algunos años), pretendemos poner de manifiesto algunos de los retos que ambos contextos han tenido, tienen o tendrán que afrontar. De esta forma el texto se divide en tres partes: la primera describe la evolución catalana realizando, al final, un breve análisis de las relaciones entre los agentes educativos; la segunda presenta los pasos realizados desde los años sesenta en Quebec, con una explicación previa de su posición en comparación con Canadá multiculturalista; y, por último, las conclusiones apuntan a los citados retos de futuro que deberán tomarse en consideración.
En los últimos años la traducción lingüística y la mediación intercultural se han convertido en un ejercicio cada vez más presente y utilizado en servicios e instituciones educativas de Cataluña; tal como se acostumbra a decir popularmente, la práctica va por delante de la teoría y en este caso es muy cierto. A pesar de este bagaje, dicha práctica se manifiesta llena de interrogantes y, sin embargo, no se está produciendo paralelamente una reflexión y clarificación de su funcionamiento. Por ello, nos pareció que nos hallábamos en un momento adecuado para examinarla, ya que se están tomando diversas iniciativas de formación y actuación de mediadores, en este último caso casi siempre en relación con situaciones o marginación de determinados grupos etnoculturales.
A partir de una propuesta metodológica del tipo estudio de caso, un equipo de profesores de la Universidad de Lleida ha creado un espacio de colaboración común mediante un wiki en el marco de un proyecto de innovación docente. Se detalla la manera en la que el wiki se ha ajustado a las necesidades de los usuarios y se exponen tanto el proceso de consenso sobre la arquitectura de la información, como los aspectos técnicos. También se incluyen cuestiones como la protección de los derechos de autor de los materiales generados en este proyecto y publicados en el Wiki. Finalmente se señalan las nuevas líneas en las que se continuará trabajando.
Pig slurry is a valuable nutrient resource but constitutes a waste disposal problem in areas of high animal density. In the semiarid area of Pla d’Urgell, in the Ebro Valley, North-East Spain, irrigated crops receive large amounts of nutrients in the form of manure and mineral fertilizers. We studied the effect of pig slurry and additional side-dress mineral fertilizers on irrigated wheat, Triticum aestivum L., on a coarse loam soil, with high soil P and K levels. Yields increased by 62.3% when using pig slurry. The application of ammonium sulfate nitrate sidedress did not significantly increase wheat production. The average apparent recoveries were higher for potassium (88.7%) than for nitrogen (51.3%) and phosphorus (36.3%). Greater amounts of soil NO3-N were measured over the four growing seasons, which was consistent with the amount of N applied. Macronutrient and micronutrient uptake was significant higher for pig slurry treatments, but only small differences were found between the pig slurry and pig slurry plus ammonium sulfate nitrate treatments. The unfertilized treatment showed significantly lower soil P, K, Cu and Zn content than pig slurry treatments; 34%, 21%, 34%, and 26% respectively. These findings could be used to develop a nutrient management plan based on knowledge of soil test results and crop nutrient removal. This could help to improve the use of pig slurry and mineral fertilizers on limited available land areas and prevent the accumulation of potentially toxic elements in soils and the export of nutrients through agricultural drainage.
Field poppy, Papaver rhoeas L., is a very common weed in winter cereals in North-Eastern Spain. Its control is becoming difficult due to expanding herbicide resistance. To control field poppies there are alternative strategies such as non-chemical control that take into account the weed emergence period. However, there is a lack of knowledge of P. rhoeas emergence patterns in semi-arid conditions. Thus, here we conducted pot experiments on the emergence of P. rhoeas. We aimed to describe the emergence period and to quantify the emergence of a susceptible and of a herbicide-resistant P. rhoeas population at two locations in Catalonia, Spain, from 1998 to 2001 and until 2004 at one of them. Therefore, pots containing seeds of both populations were established at the two locations and emergence was recorded monthly. We studied the origin of the population, the sowing location, the effect of cultivation and the sowing year. First, we found that the main emergence peaks in our experiments occurred in autumn, accounting for between 65.7 and 98.5% of the annual emergence from October to December, and only little emergence was recorded in spring. This emergence pattern is different from those found in the literature corresponding to Northern European countries, where in some cases main flushes occur only in autumn, in spring and winter or only in spring. The emergence was mainly affected by cultivation, but the effect of light stimulus was observed several months later. As a consequence, cultivation should be done in early autumn, promoting emergence during the whole autumn and winter so that emerged seedlings can be controlled before sowing a spring crop. Second, most experiments showed that the emergence was significantly higher in the first autumn than in the following seasons, e.g. 4.1% emergence in the first year and only 2.1, 2.3, 0.5 and 0.6% new emergence at one of the locations for the second, third, fourth and fifth years. Thus, after having a severe P. rhoeas infestation causing a big seed rain, emergence should be stimulated by autumn cultivation in the following season and seedlings controlled by trying to deplete the soil seed bank as much as possible. Despite the fact that emergence will be staggered throughout several years and that there was a significant relationship between rainfall and emergence, so that dry years will cause a smaller emergence rate of the weed, these findings define a cultural management strategy to reduce P. rhoeas infestations and to contribute to integrated weed management strategies combining it with other tools.
In the present study, a 2-year N rate response experiment was conducted in different fields to monitor NO3-N soil profiles, N accumulation by the crop and final crop performance, in order to assess if soil NO3-N at pre-sidedressing (Pre-Sidedress Soil Nitrate Test, PSNT) is a reliable indicator for soil N availability for corn in the irrigated area served by canal d’Urgell (Lleida, Spain), and if the test can be used to separate responsive fields from non-responsive fields to sidedress N fertilizer applications. Preliminary soil N availability (N sidedress fertilizer rate + PSNT) critical levels to identify fields that need supplementary N fertilizer applications were established at ca. 300 and 210 kg NO3-N·ha–1, for PSNTrooting–zone and PSNT0–30 cm, respectively (for a yield goal of 14 t grain·ha–1).
A priori parameterisation of the CERES soil-crop models and tests against several European data sets
Mechanistic soil-crop models have become indispensable tools to investigate the effect of management practices on the productivity or environmental impacts of arable crops. Ideally these models may claim to be universally applicable because they simulate the major processes governing the fate of inputs such as fertiliser nitrogen or pesticides. However, because they deal with complex systems and uncertain phenomena, site-specific calibration is usually a prerequisite to ensure their predictions are realistic. This statement implies that some experimental knowledge on the system to be simulated should be available prior to any modelling attempt, and raises a tremendous limitation to practical applications of models. Because the demand for more general simulation results is high, modellers have nevertheless taken the bold step of extrapolating a model tested within a limited sample of real conditions to a much larger domain. While methodological questions are often disregarded in this extrapolation process, they are specifically addressed in this paper, and in particular the issue of models a priori parameterisation. We thus implemented and tested a standard procedure to parameterize the soil components of a modified version of the CERES models. The procedure converts routinely-available soil properties into functional characteristics by means of pedo-transfer functions. The resulting predictions of soil water and nitrogen dynamics, as well as crop biomass, nitrogen content and leaf area index were compared to observations from trials conducted in five locations across Europe (southern Italy, northern Spain, northern France and northern Germany). In three cases, the model’s performance was judged acceptable when compared to experimental errors on the measurements, based on a test of the model’s root mean squared error (RMSE). Significant deviations between observations and model outputs were however noted in all sites, and could be ascribed to various model routines. In decreasing importance, these were: water balance, the turnover of soil organic matter, and crop N uptake. A better match to field observations could therefore be achieved by visually adjusting related parameters, such as field-capacity water content or the size of soil microbial biomass. As a result, model predictions fell within the measurement errors in all sites for most variables, and the model’s RMSE was within the range of published values for similar tests. We conclude that the proposed a priori method yields acceptable simulations with only a 50% probability, a figure which may be greatly increased through a posteriori calibration. Modellers should thus exercise caution when extrapolating their models to a large sample of pedo-climatic conditions for which they have only limited information.
The effect of age at the first mating and herd size were evaluated in the reference Spanish Databank (BDporc) of 37 698 sows born between 1991 and 1995 and with individual lifetime records. The data included dates of births at entrance and culling, first mating, repetitive mating and conception, first farrowing and weaning records. Individual records were validated before the analysis by screening them through a tolerance “filter” in order to eliminate the extreme values from the analysis. The total database of the sows was classified in 7 classes according to age at the first mating (< 210, 210–220, 221–230, 231–240, 241–250, 251–270, and > 270 days) and in 6 classes of herd size (< 200, 200–300, 301–400, 401–600, 601–800, and > 800 sows). The total number of litters and number of weaned piglets obtained from each sow during the lifetime production were significantly (P < 0.05) greater for gilts between 221 and 240 d of age at the first mating. There was a significant (P < 0.001) effect of the herd size on the reproductive performance of the sow, and the best performance was obtained with herds with 401 to 600 sows compared to < 200 or > 800 sow-herds. Furthermore, a significant (P < 0.001) interaction between age at the first mating and herd size was detected and can be associated with a particular pattern for the herd size class 401–600 sows with the best performances obtained for the sows first mated at less than 200 days. For the other herd sizes, the results indicated that sows mated for the first time at the right age, 221–240 days, are more productive, both in the number and size of the parities throughout lifetime production.
The effect of caponisation on fat composition by parts (wing, breast, thigh, and drumstick) and tissues (skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue, intermuscular adipose tissue and muscle) was examined in the present study and fatty acid profiles of abdominal fat and edible meat by parts and tissue components were determined. The sample was made up of twenty-eight castrated and twenty male Penedesenca Negra chicks reared under free-range conditions and slaughtered at 28 wk of age; the birds were castrated at four or eight weeks. Caponisation significantly increased (P < 0.01) the chemical fat content in all parts (16.31% to 37.98% in breast; 21.98% to 34.13% in wing; 21.09% to 49.57% in thigh; 14.33% to 24.82% in drumstick) and led to minor modifications in fat haracteristics, particularly in the thigh and the drumstick, where the unsaturated vs. saturated fatty acid ratio increased from 1.31 to 1.76 ( P < 0.01) and from 1.48 to 2.07 (P < 0.01), respectively. Delaying the age of castration from 4 to 8 weeks increased this ratio by 0.35 in the edible meat. Even though the profile of the abdominal fat is less saturated in capons, all changes occurring on fat quality after caponisation indicate that increased fatness after castration does not imply worse fat nutritional properties.
Twelve variables were identified to define morphology in 109 calves sired by eight Pirenaica bulls widely used in artificial insemination. The effect of selection for weight at 210 days of age (W210) was detected from the regression coefficient between the 12 variables and the selection index for W210 used in the breeding plan. Unbiased estimates of the genetic correlated responses on the morphology were obtained without previously estimating the genetic correlation among traits. In Pirenaica cattle, selection for W210 increased slaughter live weight, chest depth and corporal length. The expected changes on height (withers, back and rump), rump width and thoracic perimeter were lower but positive and statistically significant.
Raïmat es el resultado de un ambicioso proyecto colonizador, que después de los primeros cincuenta años de actividad, se centró finalmente en la viticultura para dar lugar a la mayor explotación de Europa. En este artículo se mostrará la complejidad de este proceso colonizador, que se caracteriza por la voluntad de implantación en un paraje antes deshabitado y por la capacidad de superación de las grandes dificultades que oponía a la agricultura esta finca de 3.000 Ha. Como contrapunto, se señalará el modo en que se supieron utilizar sus ventajas de localización: las comunicaciones y el agua. La cuestión fundamental es explicar cómo la viticultura se ha ido implantando allí paulatinamente, ganando terreno a la silvicuiltura y al resto de cultivos agrícolas, a partir de los datos inéditos de la propia empresa.