826 resultados para Aplicação de Gestão


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O estudo objetivou pesquisar a aplicabilidade de métodos alternativos para amenizar o problema da disposição dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Especificamente nesse trabalho os objetivos foram direcionados no sentido de desenvolver esforços para viabilizar a reciclagem e o reaproveitamento de materiais, medidas essas, que aumentarão a vida útil dos aterros sanitários. Além disso, procuramos fazer um trabalho de Educação Ambiental para a população envolvida, em uma tentativa de incentivar uma mudança de hábitos. Para tanto, foi selecionado um bairro da cidade de Rio Claro (SP), como um projeto-piloto, onde foram observados os obstáculos e os procedimentos acertados, para uma aplicação em futuros projetos.


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Currently, with the competitiveness that is seen in the market, it is crucial to the success of the business, develop new strategies to keep and win new customer preference. To ensure the success of a particular service or product, the secret is to continually meet the wishes and demands of the customers, which are the key parts of the business, through innovation, variety and quality assurance. To achieve this goal managers should be aware of all types of process that exist in the company, as they are primarily responsible and interested by quality service, customer satisfaction and consequently, generating favorable financial results. A tool used to ensure good results to business is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) that seeks to hear and interpret customers requirements and turn them into essential features for a project


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This study aimed at apprehending and analyzing the perspective of Primary Health Care managers concerning nurses’ work in Children’s Health Surveillance in a city in São Paulo state. The study population consisted of eight professionals from different professional categories with direct activity in the city’s management of the population’s Health Surveillance. It is a descriptive, qualitative study. Data were collected by means of recorded semi-structured interviews. The framework used for data analysis was the thematic Content Analysis Method. The results were systematized into three themes: 1- Managers’ conceptualizations concerning Children’s Health Surveillance and its application in practice; 2- Managers’ perspectives concerning nurses’ work in Children’s Health Surveillance; 3- Qualification of Children’s Health Surveillance under the view of the municipal management. The conceptualizations concerning Children’s Health Surveillance that were apprehended showed to be convergent as they indicated this model’s appropriateness to identify and prioritize children’s care in vulnerability conditions in the territory where they live. However, some managers did not include, in their statements, health promotion aspects as one of the cornerstones of their managerial action. Nurses were considered to be fundamental in the Children’s Health Surveillance process due to their competencies and responsibilities undertaken in this health provision level. The main difficulties for adequate implementation of Children’s Health Surveillance in Primary Health Care and the proposal to overcome them were pointed out. It was concluded that, under the managers’ perspectives, nurses can greatly contribute to Children’s Health Surveillance in Primary Health Care as members of the health care team; however, to that end, they need professional qualification, structural conditions and institutional support with that regard


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In an industry, being a big one or small one, the process improvement is always a focus for it to increase in the market. The improvement, if searched in a simple meaning, brings the unique meaning of change to better. However the meaning of process improvement can take much more than a superficial point of view. Kaizen, Process improvement, Continuous improvement, they are some denotations much more comprehensive of a such a term carried of so many meanings. A good concept of improvement if to search inside processes a more appropriate way, a more succinct, a more economic way to realize it. The idea is to make the process in a better way. In this graduation thesis, there will be presented a process improvement realized in a Vale do Paraíba company. For that, it was used the DMAIC to obtain, measure and control the process improvement. It should be noted that the goal is to present and discuss a process improvement


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This work evaluates the implementation of Lean Six Sigma into the Steam Turbine’s Blades Manufacturing Process, aiming to improve productivity, quality and operational efficiency. Therefore, several tools have been applied, such as VSM, Spaghetti Diagram, Ishikawa, Pareto, DMAIC, Benchmarking and Control Charts, seeking to propose process improvements, as well as Quality Indicators creation. It was obtained a significant waste reduction throughout the process, achieving a lead time reduction of 42% and 83,41% in transport. Also, were introduced the Lean Thinking concepts, such as pull production and Continuous material flow. At the same time, it was possible to calculate the process capability and the sigma level, evaluating and proposing some improvements


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When exhausted, the batteries are classified as hazardous waste because it has potentially toxic heavy metals and bio-accumulators, such as mercury, cadmium and lead in their internal composition functional. Due to the high level of danger, such waste should be properly designed to not allow theses chemical components to cause significant impacts on the environment. Thus, the recycling of waste in question is the best destination. In this context, was wanted to know, through a questionnaire in interview format, how the graduates of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho of Rio Claro / SP are involved with this environmental issue. Since then, has been developed and implemented an environmental management for internal batteries


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The increase in energy consumption in the world has caused the electrical systems becoming ever larger and more complex. Because of that becomes necessary to use special tools to efficiently manage the equipment present in these systems. Nowadays a tool very used is the remote monitoring of assets which works collecting signals using sensors processing these signals and make them available to the system user. So the user can use informations that may assist him efficiently in making decisions when doing a maintenance. The system is technically efficient since it improves the measurement process and enables the asset management of a substation by using advanced technology for that and economically viable especially in cases where the user is subject to monetary loss due an interruption of power supply


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The present study aims to investigate the interrelationship between the Relationship Marketing and Public Relations areas, high lighting its strategic value. The main goal is to discuss how the public relations professional can manage the customer loyalty by improving the after-sales services provided, applying it to a specific market such as business a viation. To establish the foundation to support the hypotheses, a revision of the subject literature was made, seeking to break down the barriers between marketing-mainly of relationship and public relations knowledge fields. A consult of the relevant literature was a continuous activity throughout the work. Divided into three chapters, the two first ones of fundamentals concepts, presents an after-sales services scenario, emphasizing the importance of the relationship and the definition of audiences in this area, in addition to a detailed description of the luxury market, a business aviation reality. The third chapter ends the discussion with a relationship proposal for Embraer Executive Jets, through actions based on the studied concepts. By gathering ideas and reflecting about the subject, using them to develop the proposal, a conclusion was resulted: the public relations professional is prepared and essential to build an effective after-sales relationship, since it's concerned about the communication excellence and knows the audiences significance in this process


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The present study addresses the application of the Environmental Management System in chicken production on a farm owned by the Nardo brothers, located in the city of Guapiaçu/SP (Brazil). The objectives were to analyze the process of solid waste generation, destination and forms of treatment in this activity; propose measures to reduce the use of potable water for non-potable ends; determine other measures identified through a questionnaire drafted by Embrapa (Brazilian Agriculture Research Cooperative) and administered to employees who have direct involvement in the productive process; pay visits to chicken production enterprises; and employ the guidelines proposed by the National Fowl-Breeding Sanitation Program that guide the application of the Environmental Management System. Adequate management of waste was put into effect through the construction of a compost shed capable of meeting current production demands, in which all procedures were accompanied – from civil construction to the commercialization process of the organic fertilizer generated. The rain-gathering system for the roofs of the pens proposed to reduce the consumption of potable ground water destined for washing the floors of the pens was completely dimensioned and budgeted, allowing the motivated owners to place the project into effect in a timely fashion. Other simpler but no less important proposals were also made in order to bring the production up to the required quality standards.


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo una presentación de políticas públicas ambientales, teniendo como foco el Proyecto “Municipio VerdeAzul” (PMVA), lanzado por la Secretaria de Medio Ambiente del Estado de São Paulo en 2007, que tiene como característica la descentralización y comparte la gestión ambiental con los municipios. De esta manera, como estudio de caso fue realizado un análisis del desarrollo y de los resultados del municipio de Magda-São Paulo en la aplicación de ese proyecto en el año 2010. Para eso, se utilizó una metodología basada, inicialmente en la revisión bibliográfica sobre los temas envueltos, seguida del levantamiento de datos oficiales colectados en trabajo de campo y en sitios de órganos públicos, bien como entrevistas con dirigentes municipales para la realización del análisis e interpretación de esos dados. La investigación permitió concluir que el municipio de Magda obtuvo buenos resultados a partir de la participación en el PMVA, que se presenta como una política pública ambiental estratégica, avanzando en la perspectiva de actuación del poder municipal en la gestión del medioambiente


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The competition among companies nowadays, caused by globalization and with customers more and more demanding, makes the companies rethink their strategies for survival. To improve their competition the companies are adopting management tool to improve the manufacturing management, which is considered a key to success. The present study aimed to develop a method, based on techniques of theory of constraints and operational research, to ensure the best use of resources and best decision of a production line on a steel company, with focus in the customers’ delivery time, which is a requirement of the current market. The conclusion of this study is that the correct use of the management tools, such as theory of constraints and operational research, can ensure a long survival for the companies that duel for the market share, especially in regard to customers’ delivery time, that generates their satisfaction


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The expansion of the electrical system is currently a subject of great importance to the development of Brazil. For its realization, large projects are needed, requiring large-scale investment and realization processes of great complexity. Thus, this type of project has a high strategic importance for the performance of companies that conduct. Seeking a way to determine a method to align traditional practices for measuring quality to the corporate strategic needs, this work is the study of the use of the balanced scorecard methodology, applying quality management and operational excellence, with a focus on projects in power systems. We analyzed some cases of successful application of the methodology in business segments in the next study, culminating in a proposed model of the method


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O sistema estuarino do Rio Curimataú, uma planície lamosa amplamente coberta por vegetação de mangue e relativamente pouco impactada, foi estudado quanto à distribuição espacial da microfauna de foraminíferos e suas condicionantes. Vinte e cinco gêneros e quarenta espécies foram identificadas a partir dos sedimentos superficiais, considerando-se os indivíduos vivos e mortos presentes em 10 pontos ao longo do estuário, dos quais se extraíram ao menos 100 espécimes por amostra. O sistema pôde ser compartimentado em quatro sub-ambientes halínicos (hiperhalino, mesohalino, polihalino e euhalino), correspondentes, respectivamente, a quatro ecofácies de foraminíferos designadas de Ammotium spp., Miliammina fusca, Arenoparrella mexicana e Ammonia spp. Cada um destes segmentos ambientais foi caracterizado segundo os padrões de riqueza, diversidade e equitatividade das espécies. Os resultados deste estudo poderão servir para comparações a serem feitas com outros estuários tropicais modernos (impactados antropicamente ou não) e antigos. Tem aplicação, portanto, no setor de petróleo e gás, sendo de interesse às atividades de gestão ambiental de áreas litorâneas e de investigação da história geológica das bacias sedimentares


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The objective of this work is to perform a study applying the methodology of Reliability Centered Maintenance - MCC to a group of cranes belonging to Amsted -Maxion in Cruzeiro - SP. The work consists of a presentation of maintenance, the reasons why more and more people worry about maintenance, making a presentation on the types of maintenance, its peculiar characteristics and then do a study where you identified the functionality required by the equipment under study, identified failure modes and their probable causes, and then detail the effects and consequences of these failures. With that evaluate the criticality of these failures and identify the most significant consequences that affect safety, availability or cost of equipment operation and allow a selection of the most appropriate tasks for the identified failure modes. We will also present best crane equipment, its main components, verify that there was or not improvement in the machine after the application of MCC and make a current analysis of maintenance in Amsted -Maxion


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The success obtained by the Toyota Company in implementing the Toyota Production System was a global case of study that generated different new approaches, such as Lean Thinking. This approach was already successfully applied to various sectors, breeding methodologies as Lean Service, Lean Office or Lean IT. In this paper, the main concepts of Lean Thinking were applied in an information flow through an action research, more specifically in the sending and return of mailing process from a bank. The objectives were to create changes that led to the decrease of the mail returning indexes and ultimately to cost reduction and waste elimination. For this purpose the actual situation was mapped, and after data collection and analysis, a future proposed state was generated for the information flow. Alongside, indicators were conceived for managing process control and a set of implemented and proposed improvements were delivered. The applied Lean Thinking concepts were considered efficient for the application, and the proposed objectives were achieved