979 resultados para Anal Vesicle
Estudo epidemiológico, longitudinal e analítico, desenvolvido em um hospital de Minas Gerais, com o objetivo de analisar os fatores associados à infecção pelo uso do cateter central de inserção periférica em recém-nascidos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por meio de uma ficha estruturada, preenchida pelos profissionais e verificada pelos pesquisadores. Foram estudados 291 cateteres inseridos em 233 recém-nascidos. Os fatores associados à retirada por suspeita de infecção foram: prematuridade, peso ao nascer até 1.500 gramas, cateter de poliuretano, localização não centralizada do cateter e tempo de uso superior a 30 dias. Após ajuste multivariado, permaneceram independentemente associados: peso inferior a 2.500 gramas na inserção, reparo e tempo de uso do cateter. Conclui-se que fatores relacionados à prática dos profissionais contribuíram para a retirada dos cateteres, sinalizando para a necessidade de intervenções que melhorem a segurança e a eficácia em seu uso.
Estudo descritivo e analítico, de base populacional, realizado com uma amostra aleatória e probabilística de 340 hipertensos, representativa da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) de João Pessoa, PB. O estudo compõe a primeira parte de uma coorte iniciada em 2008. O instrumento utilizado foi adaptado do Primary Care Assessment Tool, revalidado no Brasil. A regressão logística avaliou a associação entre o controle pressórico, as variáveis sócio-demográficas e o indicador de adesão/vínculo. Dentre os 340 hipertensos, 32,6% era acompanhado pela ESF e 89,1% apresentou adesão/vínculo satisfatória. Os idosos apresentaram maior chance de controlar a pressão, o que sugere uma percepção melhor do autocuidado e maior adesão ao tratamento. O estudo permitiu dar visibilidade à problemática do controle da hipertensão por meio da avaliação do serviço. Espera-se que esse modelo possa ser adotado em outras localidades, gerando parâmetros para comparações entre municípios distintos.
Investigação fenomenológica, estruturada na analítica existencial de Heidegger, que objetivou desvelar a percepção de usuários que vivenciam o câncer em uma casa de apoio, em relação aos encontros musicais. Participaram do estudo sete usuários da casa de apoio da Rede Feminina de Combate ao Câncer de Maringá, onde foram realizados oito encontros musicais, durante os meses de janeiro e fevereiro de 2011. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada a entrevista individual, conduzida pela seguinte questão norteadora: o que esses encontros musicais representam para você neste momento de sua vida? Durante o processo de compreensão do fenômeno investigado, emergiram duas temáticas ontológicas - Sentindo-se cuidado nos encontros musicais e Transcendendo sua facticidade existencial. Constatou-se que o encontro mediado pela música constitui um recurso no cuidado de enfermagem em cuidados paliativos oncológicos, que inspira vida aos dias dos usuários, imprimindo-lhes a sensação de cuidado e ressignificando seu existir-no-mundo.
Inquérito domiciliário, transversal e analítico que objetivou descrever as características sociodemográficas, de saúde e a qualidade de vida de homens idosos e verificar os fatores socioeconômicos e de saúde associados à qualidade de vida. Participaram 804 homens idosos. Os dados foram coletados pelos instrumentos: Older Americans Resources and Services(OARS), World Health Organization Quality of Life - Bref (WHOQOL-BREF) e Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment for Older Adults(WHOQOL-OLD). Foram realizados análise descritiva, teste t-Student, correlação de Pearson e regressão linear múltipla (p <0,05). Predominaram idosos com 60├ 70 anos, casados, 4├ 8 anos de estudo e renda de um salário mínimo. Os menores escores de qualidade de vida foram no domínio físico e na faceta autonomia e estiveram associados a ausência de companheira e de escolaridade, baixa renda, maior número de morbidades e incapacidade funcional. A incapacidade funcional foi o que mais influenciou a qualidade de vida, excetuando-se o domínio físico e a faceta intimidade.
A constipação intestinal afeta 74% dos indivíduos com paralisia cerebral. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar resultados das intervenções de enfermagem no tratamento da constipação intestinal associada à paralisia cerebral. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, prospectivo e comparativo (antes-depois). A amostra foi composta por 50 pacientes com paralisia cerebral tetraplégica e constipação intestinal. As principais orientações conservadoras foram: consumo diário de alimentos laxantes e óleos vegetais, aumento da ingestão hídrica e execução de manobras intestinais diárias. Houve alívio total ou parcial da constipação em 90% dos participantes, com melhora de aspectos da qualidade de vida, como sono, apetite e irritabilidade, além de diminuição significativa de sangramento retal, fissura anal, retenção voluntária de fezes, choro e dor ao evacuar. Apenas 10% necessitaram de medicações laxantes. Recomenda-se que medidas conservadoras sejam preferencialmente utilizadas para o tratamento da constipação intestinal associada à paralisia cerebral e que medicamentos sejam apenas adjuvantes, quando necessário.
BACKGROUND: Persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have an increased risk for several cancers, but the influences of behavioral risk factors, such as smoking and intravenous drug use, and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on cancer risk are not clear. METHODS: Patient records were linked between the Swiss HIV Cohort Study and Swiss cantonal cancer registries. Observed and expected numbers of incident cancers were assessed in 7304 persons infected with HIV followed for 28,836 person-years. Relative risks for cancer compared with those for the general population were determined by estimating cancer registry-, sex-, age-, and period-standardized incidence ratios (SIRs). RESULTS: Highly elevated SIRs were confirmed in persons infected with HIV for Kaposi sarcoma (KS) (SIR = 192, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 170 to 217) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR = 76.4, 95% CI = 66.5 to 87.4). Statistically significantly elevated SIRs were also observed for anal cancer (SIR = 33.4, 95% CI = 10.5 to 78.6); Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR = 17.3, 95% CI = 10.2 to 27.4); cancers of the cervix (SIR = 8.0, 95% CI = 2.9 to 17.4); liver (SIR = 7.0, 95% CI = 2.2 to 16.5); lip, mouth, and pharynx (SIR = 4.1, 95% CI = 2.1 to 7.4); trachea, lung, and bronchus (SIR = 3.2, 95% CI = 1.7 to 5.4); and skin, nonmelanomatous (SIR = 3.2, 95% CI = 2.2 to 4.5). In HAART users, SIRs for KS (SIR = 25.3, 95% CI = 10.8 to 50.1) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR = 24.2, 95% CI = 15.0 to 37.1) were lower than those for nonusers (KS SIR = 239, 95% CI = 211 to 270; non-Hodgkin lymphoma SIR = 99.3, 95% CI = 85.8 to 114). Among HAART users, however, the SIR (although not absolute numbers) for Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR = 36.2, 95% CI = 16.4 to 68.9) was comparable to that for KS and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. No clear impact of HAART on SIRs emerged for cervical cancer or non-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-defining cancers. Cancers of the lung, lip, mouth, or pharynx were not observed among nonsmokers. CONCLUSION: In persons infected with HIV, HAART use may prevent most excess risk of KS and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, but not that of Hodgkin lymphoma and other non-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-defining cancers. No cancers of the lip, mouth, pharynx, or lung were observed in nonsmokers.
The hematology laboratory in blood doping (bd): 2014 update on the athlete biological passport (APB)
Introduction: Blood doping (BD) is the use of Erythropoietic Stimulating Agents (ESAs) and/or transfusion to increase aerobic performance in athletes. Direct toxicologic techniques are insufficient to unmask sophisticated doping protocols. The Hematological module of the ABP (World Anti-Doping Agency), associates decision support technology and expert assessment to indirectly detect BD hematological effects. Methods: The ABP module is based on blood parameters, under strict pre-analytical and analytical rules for collection, storage and transport at 2-12°C, internal and external QC. Accuracy, reproducibility and interlaboratory harmonization fulfill forensic standard. Blood samples are collected in competition and out-ofcompetition. Primary parameters for longitudinal monitoring are: - hemoglobin (HGB); - reticulocyte percentage (RET); - OFF score, indicator of suppressed erythropoiesis, calculated as [HGB(g/L) * 60-√RET%]. Statistical calculation predicts individual expected limits by probabilistic inference. Secondary parameters are RBC, HCT, MCHC-MCH-MCV-RDW-IFR. ABP profiles flagged as atypical are review by experts in hematology, pharmacology, sports medicine or physiology, and classified as: - normal - suspect (to target) - likely due to BD - likely due to pathology. Results: Thousands of athletes worldwide are currently monitored. Since 2010, at least 35 athletes have been sanctioned and others are prosecuted on the sole basis of abnormal ABP, with a 240% increase of positivity to direct tests for ESA, thanks to improved targeting of suspicious athletes (WADA data). Specific doping scenarios have been identified by the Experts (Table and Figure). Figure. Typical HGB and RET profiles in two highly suspicious athletes. A. Sample 2: simultaneous increases in HGB and RET (likely ESA stimulation) in a male. B. Samples 3, 6 and 7: "OFF" picture, with high HGB and low RET in a female. Sample 10: normal HGB and increased RET (ESA or blood withdrawal). Conclusions: ABP is a powerful tool for indirect doping detection, based on the recognition of specific, unphysiological changes triggered by blood doping. The effect of factors of heterogeneity, such as sex and altitude, must also be considered. Schumacher YO, et al. Drug Test Anal 2012, 4:846-853. Sottas PE, et al. Clin Chem 2011, 57:969-976.
ABSTRACT This thesis is composed of two main parts. The first addressed the question of whether the auditory and somatosensory systems, like their visual counterpart, comprise parallel functional pathways for processing identity and spatial attributes (so-called `what' and `where' pathways, respectively). The second part examined the independence of control processes mediating task switching across 'what' and `where' pathways in the auditory and visual modalities. Concerning the first part, electrical neuroimaging of event-related potentials identified the spatio-temporal mechanisms subserving auditory (see Appendix, Study n°1) and vibrotactile (see Appendix, Study n°2) processing during two types of blocks of trials. `What' blocks varied stimuli in their frequency independently of their location.. `Where' blocks varied the same stimuli in their location independently of their frequency. Concerning the second part (see Appendix, Study n°3), a psychophysical task-switching paradigm was used to investigate the hypothesis that the efficacy of control processes depends on the extent of overlap between the neural circuitry mediating the different tasks at hand, such that more effective task preparation (and by extension smaller switch costs) is achieved when the anatomical/functional overlap of this circuitry is small. Performance costs associated with switching tasks and/or switching sensory modalities were measured. Tasks required the analysis of either the identity or spatial location of environmental objects (`what' and `where' tasks, respectively) that were presented either visually or acoustically on any given trial. Pretrial cues informed participants of the upcoming task, but not of the sensory modality. - In the audio-visual domain, the results showed that switch costs between tasks were significantly smaller when the sensory modality of the task switched versus when it repeated. In addition, switch costs between the senses were correlated only when the sensory modality of the task repeated across trials and not when it switched. The collective evidence not only supports the independence of control processes mediating task switching and modality switching, but also the hypothesis that switch costs reflect competitive interterence between neural circuits that in turn can be diminished when these neural circuits are distinct. - In the auditory and somatosensory domains, the findings show that a segregation of location vs. recognition information is observed across sensory systems and that these happen around 100ms for both sensory modalities. - Also, our results show that functionally specialized pathways for audition and somatosensation involve largely overlapping brain regions, i.e. posterior superior and middle temporal cortices and inferior parietal areas. Both these properties (synchrony of differential processing and overlapping brain regions) probably optimize the relationships across sensory modalities. - Therefore, these results may be indicative of a computationally advantageous organization for processing spatial anal identity information.
Calcium-dependent exocytosis of synaptic vesicles mediates the release of neurotransmitters. Important proteins in this process have been identified such as the SNAREs, synaptotagmins, complexins, Munc18 and Munc13. Structural and functional studies have yielded a wealth of information about the physiological role of these proteins. However, it has been surprisingly difficult to arrive at a unified picture of the molecular sequence of events from vesicle docking to calcium-triggered membrane fusion. Using mainly a biochemical and biophysical perspective, we briefly survey the molecular mechanisms in an attempt to functionally integrate the key proteins into the emerging picture of the neuronal fusion machine.
The aim of this study was to identify predictors of intentional use of the HIV risk reduction practices of serosorting, strategic positioning, and withdrawal before ejaculation during unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with casual partners. A cross-sectional survey pertaining to the Swiss HIV behavioral surveillance system, using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire, was conducted in 2007 in a self-selected sample of men having sex with other men (MSM). Analysis was restricted to participants with UAI with casual partner(s) (N = 410). Logistic regression was used to estimate factors associated with intentional use of serosorting, strategic positioning, and withdrawal before ejaculation. In the previous 12 months, 71% of participants reported having UAI with a casual partner of different or unknown HIV-status. Of these, 47% reported practicing withdrawal, 38% serosorting, and 25% strategic positioning. In the 319 participants with known HIV-status, serosorting was associated with frequent Internet use to find partners (OR = 2.32), STI (OR = 2.07), and HIV testing in the past 12 months (OR = 1.81). Strategic positioning was associated with HIV-status (OR = 0.13) and having UAI with a partner of different or unknown HIV-status (OR = 3.57). Withdrawal was more frequently practiced by HIV-negative participants or participants reporting high numbers of sexual partners (OR = 2.48) and having UAI with a partner of unknown or different serostatus (OR = 2.08). Risk reduction practices are widely used by MSM, each practice having its own specificities. Further research is needed to determine the contextual factors surrounding harm reduction practices, particularly the strategic or opportunistic nature of their use.
Anastrepha sororcula Zucchi, 1979, é uma das espécies de mosca-das-frutas mais disseminadas no País, sendo considerada a praga-chave que causa os maiores danos à produção de goiaba (Psidium guajava L., 1758) no Brasil. Em vista da importância desta espécie no complexo de pragas naturais da fruticultura brasileira e, em face à escassez de dados sobre sua biologia e comportamento, este trabalho teve por objetivo obter informações sobre a idade de maturação sexual de A. sororcula em laboratório e descrever seu comportamento reprodutivo. Os machos atingiram a maturidade sexual entre 7 e 18 dias após a emergência, com a maioria dos indivíduos tornando-se sexualmente maduros entre 10 e 13 dias de idade. Exibiram comportamento de sinalização às fêmeas, caracterizado pela distensão da região pleural do abdome, formando uma pequena bolsa de cada lado e, eversão de uma diminuta bolsa membranosa de cutícula retal que circunda a área anal. Durante este processo, os machos realizaram rápidos movimentos de vibração das asas, produzindo sinais audíveis. Uma gotícula foi liberada da região anal durante os movimentos de vibração alar. Após a atração das fêmeas, os machos realizaram uma série de movimentos elaborados de cortejo. As fêmeas alcançaram a maturação sexual entre 14 e 24 dias da emergência, com a maioria tornando-se sexualmente madura aos 19 dias de idade. A exibição diária das atividades sexuais foi confinada quase que exclusivamente ao período das 16:00-17:30h. A. sororcula apresentou um acentuado padrão de protandria.
Um gênero novo de Neocoelidiinae, Coronalidia gen. nov., e duas espécies novas, Coronalidia pictapennis sp. nov. e Coronalidia sagittata sp. nov., são descritos. Coronalidia gen. nov. pode ser separado dos demais gêneros de Neocoelidiinae pela longa sutura coronal, quase atingindo a margem anterior da coroa, pela presença de um processo alongado na base do tubo anal e margem ventral do edeago com dentículos. As fêmeas deste gênero não são conhecidas. Ilustrações e a distribuição geográfica conhecida das espécies estudadas são fornecidas.
Datos sobre recuentos vertebrales, branquiales y radios de las aletas dorsal y anal de las anchovetas peruanas. Como las variaciones del numero de vértebras son por lo general más usadas para la diferenciación de poblaciones de peces, en esta primera contribución se presenta el análisis estadísticos del número de vertebras en diferentes localidades, dejando los otros datos para un trabajo futuro.
Neuron-astrocyte reciprocal communication at synapses has emerged as a novel signalling pathway in brain function. Astrocytes sense the level of synaptic activity and, in turn, influence its efficacy through the regulated release of 'gliotransmitters' such as glutamate, ATP or D-serine. A calcium-dependent exocytosis is proposed to drive the release of gliotransmitters but its existence is still debated. Over the last years, we have been studying the molecular determinants governing D-serine release from glia using different approaches. Using a novel bioassay for D-serine, we have been able to show that D-serine release occurs mainly through a calcium- and SNARE proteindependent mechanism just supporting the idea that this amino acid is released by exocytosis from glia. We next have pursued our exploration by confocal imaging and tracking of the exocytotic routes for Dserine- mediated gliotransmission and have shown that D-serine releasable pools are confined to synaptobrevin2/cellubrevin-bearing vesicles. To shed light onto the mechanisms controlling the storage and the release of gliotransmitters and namely D-serine, we have developed a new method for the immunoisolation of synaptobrevin 2- positive vesicles from rat cortical astrocytes in culture while preserving their content in gliotransmitters. The purified organelles are clear round shape vesicles of excellent purity with homogeneous size (40 nm) as judged by electron microscopy. Immunoblotting analysis revealed that isolated vesicles contain most of the major proteins already described for neuron-derived vesicles like synaptic vesicle protein 2 (SV2) and the proton pump H?-ATPase. In addition, we have analyzed the content for various amino acids of these vesicles by means of chiral capillary electrophoresis coupled to laser-induced fluorescence detection. The purified vesicles contain large amount of D-serine. We also detect peaks corresponding to unidentified compounds that may correspond to others amino acids. Postembedding immunogold labelling of the rat neocortex further revealed the expression of D-serine in astrocytes processes contacting excitatory synapses. Finally, we have examined the uptake properties for Dserine and glutamate inside the isolated glial vesicles. Our results provide significant support for the existence of an uptake system for D-serine in secretory glial vesicles and for the storage of chemical substances like D-serine and glutamate. 11th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins 763 123
The combination of multiple exostoses (EXT) and enlarged parietal foramina (foramina parietalia permagna, FPP) represent the main features of the proximal 11p deletion syndrome (P11pDS), a contiguous gene syndrome (MIM 601224) caused by an interstitial deletion on the short arm of chromosome 11. Here we present clinical aspects of two new P11pDS patients and the clinical follow-up of one patient reported in the original paper describing this syndrome. Recognised clinical signs include EXT, FPP, mental retardation, facial asymmetry, asymmetric calcification of coronary sutures, defective vision (severe myopia, nystagmus, strabismus), skeletal anomalies (small hands and feet, tapering fingers), heart defect, and anal stenosis. In addition fluorescence in situ hybridisation and molecular analysis were performed to gain further insight in potential candidate genes involved in P11pDS.