576 resultados para Ammunition containers
Die Arzneimittelcompliance hat eine hohe Vorhersagekraft für den Ausgang einer Organtransplantation. Allerdings wurden soweit keine Studien zur Arzneimittelcompliance mittels eletronischen Compliancemessung bei Dialyse- und Leberzirrhosepatienten durchgeführt. Das primäre Ziel dieser Studie war die Arzneimittelcompliance dieser beiden Patientenkollektive zu evaluieren und als sekundäres Ziel wurden die Einflussfaktoren von Non-Compliance untersucht. rnLeberzirrhosepatinten, die Propranolol und Dialysepatienten, die Phosphatbinder, jeweils 3 x tgl. einnahmen, konnten in der Studie teilnehmen. Die Arzneimittelcompliance wurde mittels MEMSTM über einen Zeitraum von jeweils 6 Monaten bestimmt. Des Weiteren wurde nach Einflussfaktoren wie die demopraphischen Daten, Depression, Lebensqualität und der Gesundheitszustand, bei den Dialysepatienten zusätzlich die Formulierung der Phosphatbinder und die Anzahl evaluiert. Zwischen den organinsuffizienten Patientenkollektiven war ein signifikanter Unterschied in der Dosing Compliancerate auszumachen (p<0,023). Die mittlere DC Rate war bei 61%±6% für Leberzirrhosepatienten im Vergleich zu 43%±5% in Dialysepatienten. Nur 10 Leberzirrhosepatienten (30%) and 6 Dialysepatienten (17%) konnten als compliant eingestuft werden. Je höher die Phosphatbinderdosen waren, umso niedrigere Dosing Complianceraten wurden erzielt. Bei 1,5-3 Tabletten pro Tag betrug die Compliancerate 55%±8% (n=16), bei 4-6 Tabletten pro Tag nur noch 37%±7% (n=15) und bei mehr als 7 Tabletten lediglich 21%±10% (n=5) (p<0,036). Bei den Dialysepatienten war jedoch auffällig, dass die Dosing Compliancerate in Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl der dokumentierten Erkrankungen inkl. Grunderkrankung stieg (Dosing Compliancerate 34%±9% für ≤1 Grunderkrankung, 42%±6% für 1-4 Komorbiditäten, 83%±3% für ≥5 Komorbiditäten; p<0,036).Das geringe Patientenwissen über die Arzneimittel und die Erkrankung und die niedrige Compliancerate bedürfen weitere Untersuchungen um die Aspekte zu verbessern. Diese Studie zeigte das eine pharmazeutische Betreuung schon vor einer Transplantation benötigt wird. Aber eine pharmazeutische Betreuung ist sehr kosten- und zeitintensiv. Vielleicht müssen neue Modelle der pharmazeutische Betreuung untersucht werden oder non-compliante Patienten müssen noch besser identifiziert werden für eine selektive pharmazeutische Betreuung.
By measuring the total crack lengths (TCL) along a gunshot wound channel simulated in ordnance gelatine, one can calculate the energy transferred by a projectile to the surrounding tissue along its course. Visual quantitative TCL analysis of cut slices in ordnance gelatine blocks is unreliable due to the poor visibility of cracks and the likely introduction of secondary cracks resulting from slicing. Furthermore, gelatine TCL patterns are difficult to preserve because of the deterioration of the internal structures of gelatine with age and the tendency of gelatine to decompose. By contrast, using computed tomography (CT) software for TCL analysis in gelatine, cracks on 1-cm thick slices can be easily detected, measured and preserved. In this, experiment CT TCL analyses were applied to gunshots fired into gelatine blocks by three different ammunition types (9-mm Luger full metal jacket, .44 Remington Magnum semi-jacketed hollow point and 7.62 × 51 RWS Cone-Point). The resulting TCL curves reflected the three projectiles' capacity to transfer energy to the surrounding tissue very accurately and showed clearly the typical energy transfer differences. We believe that CT is a useful tool in evaluating gunshot wound profiles using the TCL method and is indeed superior to conventional methods applying physical slicing of the gelatine.
In den Jahren 2001 bis 2007 ist bei den Polizeien der deutschen Bundesländer und bei den Polizeikorps der Schweiz die so genannte Polizeimunition eingeführt worden. Von dieser mit einem deformierenden Geschoss ausgerüsteten Munition verspricht man sich eine größere Wirksamkeit und wegen der begrenzten Durchschlagsleistung eine geringere Gefährdung unbeteiligter Personen. Bei geringerer Auftreffenergie deformiert sich jedoch das Geschoss weniger, die Wirksamkeit wird kleiner und die Eindringtiefe größer. In der hier vorgestellten Arbeit wurde die Abhängigkeit der Deformation und der Eindringtiefe in ballistische Seife von der Auftreffenergie für alle 4 gegenwärtig vorhandenen Polizeigeschosse untersucht. Bereits bei Schussdistanzen von 25–30 m ist mit einer verminderten Wirksamkeit zu rechnen. Bei einer viel gebrauchten Waffe kann zudem die Mündungsenergie so stark reduziert sein, dass sich bereits bei kurzen Schussdistanzen die Geschosse nicht mehr erwartungsgemäß deformieren.
PURPOSE: The purpose of our study was to retrospectively evaluate the specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of computed tomography (CT), digital radiography (DR) and low-dose linear slit digital radiography (LSDR, Lodox(®)) in the detection of internal cocaine containers. METHODS: Institutional review board approval was obtained. The study collectively consisted of 83 patients (76 males, 7 females, 16-45 years) suspected of having incorporated cocaine drug containers. All underwent radiological imaging; a total of 135 exams were performed: nCT=35, nDR=70, nLSDR=30. An overall calculation of all "drug mules" and a specific evaluation of body packers, pushers and stuffers were performed. The gold standard was stool examination in a dedicated holding cell equipped with a drug toilet. RESULTS: There were 54 drug mules identified in this study. CT of all drug carriers showed the highest diagnostic accuracy 97.1%, sensitivity 100% and specificity 94.1%. DR in all cases was 71.4% accurate, 58.3% sensitive and 85.3% specific. LSDR of all patients with internal cocaine was 60% accurate, 57.9% sensitive and 63.4% specific. CONCLUSIONS: CT was the most accurate test studied. Therefore, the detection of internal cocaine drug packs should be performed by CT, rather than by conventional X-ray, in order to apply the most sensitive exam in the medico-legal investigation of suspected drug carriers. Nevertheless, the higher radiation applied by CT than by DR or LSDR needs to be considered. Future studies should include evaluation of low dose CT protocols in order to address germane issues and to reduce dosage.
Psychological flow describes the mental phenomenon that takes place during intense engagement with a task (Jackson & Csikszentmihalyi, 1999). Its components have been operationalized through the development of the Flow State Scale (Jackson & Eklund, 2002). As feedback has been shown to be a critical element for the facilitation of a flow experience (Moneta, 2012), the current study sought to investigate the effect of differential feedback on psychological flow outcomes using the FSS as the dependent variable. The feedback manipulation featured three experimental groups; control, positive, and negative. This study also accounted for the personality trait of perfectionism as a variable influencing the experience of flow. Following the completion of a personality measure, participants engaged in a bolt threading task for ten minutes, then reported the time they perceived to have spent on the task as well as the outcome of their flow experience. The feedback conditions were created by the use of different size containers for participants to place their nut and bolt pairs in, and thus feedback was inherent in the task. The study found that feedback played an important role in the outcome of a flow experience. The positive feedback condition was more conducive to flow than the negative feedback condition. Furthermore, those in the positive condition outperformed those in the negative condition during the ten minutes. Goal clarity and feedback clarity differed significantly across feedback manipulations. Perfectionism¿s impact on the outcome of flow was more pronounced in the negative feedback condition than the positive or control conditions. In settings where engagement and performance are imperative, ample attention should be given to the feedback processes present in the situation.
Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) is a nitramine compound that has been used heavily by the military as an explosive. Manufacturing, use, and disposal of RDX have led to several contamination sites across the United States. RDX is both persistent in the environment and a threat to human health, making its remediation vital. The use of plants to extract RDX from the soil and metabolize it once it is in the plant tissue, is being considered as a possible solution. In the present study, the tropical grass Chrysopogon zizanioides was grown hydroponically in the presence RDX at 3 different concentration levels: 0.3, 1.1, and 2.26 ppm. The uptake of RDX was quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of media samples taken every 6 hr during the first 24 hr and then daily over a 30-day experimental period. A rapid decrease in RDX concentration in the media of both controls and plant treatments was seen within the first 18 hours of the experiment with the greatest loss in RDX over time occurring within the first 6 hours of exposure. The loss was similar in both controls and plant exposures and possibly attributed to rapid uptake by the containers. A plant from one treatment at each of the three concentrations was harvested at Day 10, 20 and 30 throughout the experiment and extracted to determine the localization of RDX within the tissue and potentially identify any metabolites on the basis of differing retention times. Of the treatments containing 0.3, 1.1, and 2.26 ppm RDX, 13.1%, 18.3%, and 24.2% respectively, was quantified in vetiver extracts, with the majority of the RDX being localized to the roots. All plants not yet harvested were harvested on Day 30 of the experiment. A total of three plants exposed to each concentration level as well as the control, were extracted and analyzed with HPLC to determine amount of RDX taken up, localization of RDX within the plant tissue, and potentially identify any metabolites. Phytotoxicity of RDX to vetiver was also monitored. While a loss in biomass was observed in plants exposed to all the different concentrations of RDX, control plants grown in media not exposed to RDX showed the greatest biomass loss of all the treatments. There was also little variation in chlorophyll content between the different concentration treatments with RDX. This preliminary greenhouse study of RDX uptake 10 by Chrysopogon zizanioides will help indicate the potential ability of vetiver to serve as a plant system in the phytoremediation of RDX.
Peru is a developing country with abundant fresh water resources, yet the lack of infrastructure leaves much of the population without access to safe water for domestic uses. The author of this report was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the sector of water & sanitation in the district of Independencia, Ica, Peru. Independencia is located in the arid coastal region of the country, receiving on average 15 mm of rain annually. The water source for this district comes from the Pisco River, originating in the Andean highlands and outflowing into the Pacific Ocean near the town of Pisco, Peru. The objectives of this report are to assess the water supply and sanitation practices, model the existing water distribution system, and make recommendations for future expansion of the distribution system in the district of Independencia, Peru. The assessment of water supply will be based on the results from community surveys done in the district of Independencia, water quality testing done by a detachment of the U.S. Navy, as well as on the results of a hydraulic model built in EPANET 2.0 to represent the distribution system. Sanitation practice assessments will be based on the surveys as well as observations from the author while living in Peru. Recommendations for system expansions will be made based on results from the EPANET model and the municipality’s technical report for the existing distribution system. Household water use and sanitation surveys were conducted with 84 families in the district revealing that upwards of 85% store their domestic water in regularly washed containers with lids. Over 80% of those surveyed are drinking water that is treated, mostly boiled. Of those surveyed, over 95% reported washing their hands and over 60% mentioned at least one critical time for hand washing when asked for specific instances. From the surveys, it was also discovered that over 80% of houses are properly disposing of excrement, in either latrines or septic tanks. There were 43 families interviewed with children five years of age or under, and just over 18% reported the child had a case of diarrhea within the last month at the time of the interview. Finally, from the surveys it was calculated that the average water use per person per day is about 22 liters. Water quality testing carried out by a detachment of the U.S. Navy revealed that the water intended for consumption in the houses surveyed was not suitable for consumption, with a median E. coli most probable number of 47/100 ml for the 61 houses sampled. The median total coliforms was 3,000 colony forming units per 100 ml. EPANET was used to simulate the water delivery system and evaluate its performance. EPANET is designed for continuous water delivery systems, assuming all pipes are always flowing full. To account for the intermittent nature of the system, multiple EPANET network models were created to simulate how water is routed to the different parts of the system throughout the day. The models were created from interviews with the water technicians and a map of the system created using handheld GPS units. The purpose is to analyze the performance of the water system that services approximately 13,276 people in the district of Independencia, Peru, as well as provide recommendations for future growth and improvement of the service level. Performance evaluation of the existing system is based on meeting 25 liters per person per day while maintaining positive pressure at all nodes in the network. The future performance is based on meeting a minimum pressure of 20 psi in the main line, as proposed by Chase (2000). The EPANET model results yield an average nodal pressure for all communities of 71 psi, with a range from 1.3 – 160 psi. Thus, if the current water delivery schedule obtained from the local municipality is followed, all communities should have sufficient pressure to deliver 25 l/p/d, with the exception of Los Rosales, which can only supply 3.25 l/p/d. However, if the line to Los Rosales were increased from one to four inches, the system could supply this community with 25 l/p/d. The district of Independencia could greatly benefit from increasing the service level to 24-hour water delivery and a minimum of 50 l/p/d, so that communities without reliable access due to insufficient pressure would become equal beneficiaries of this invaluable resource. To evaluate the feasibility of this, EPANET was used to model the system with a range of population growth rates, system lifetimes, and demands. In order to meet a minimum pressure of 20 psi in the main line, the 6-inch diameter main line must be increased and approximately two miles of trench must be excavated up to 30 feet deep. The sections of the main line that must be excavated are mile 0-1 and 1.5-2.5, and the first 3.4 miles of the main line must be increased from 6 to 16 inches, contracting to 10 inches for the remaining 5.8 miles. Doing this would allow 24-hour water delivery and provide 50 l/p/d for a range of population growth rates and system lifetimes. It is expected that improving the water delivery service would reduce the morbidity and mortality from diarrheal diseases by decreasing the recontamination of the water due to transport and household storage, as well as by maintaining continuous pressure in the system to prevent infiltration of contaminated groundwater. However, this expansion must be carefully planned so as not to affect aquatic ecosystems or other districts utilizing water from the Pisco River. It is recommended that stream gaging of the Pisco River and precipitation monitoring of the surrounding watershed is initiated in order to begin a hydrological study that would be integrated into the district’s water resource planning. It is also recommended that the district begin routine water quality testing, with the results available to the public.
Mobile Mesh Network based In-Transit Visibility (MMN-ITV) system facilitates global real-time tracking capability for the logistics system. In-transit containers form a multi-hop mesh network to forward the tracking information to the nearby sinks, which further deliver the information to the remote control center via satellite. The fundamental challenge to the MMN-ITV system is the energy constraint of the battery-operated containers. Coupled with the unique mobility pattern, cross-MMN behavior, and the large-spanned area, it is necessary to investigate the energy-efficient communication of the MMN-ITV system thoroughly. First of all, this dissertation models the energy-efficient routing under the unique pattern of the cross-MMN behavior. A new modeling approach, pseudo-dynamic modeling approach, is proposed to measure the energy-efficiency of the routing methods in the presence of the cross-MMN behavior. With this approach, it could be identified that the shortest-path routing and the load-balanced routing is energy-efficient in mobile networks and static networks respectively. For the MMN-ITV system with both mobile and static MMNs, an energy-efficient routing method, energy-threshold routing, is proposed to achieve the best tradeoff between them. Secondly, due to the cross-MMN behavior, neighbor discovery is executed frequently to help the new containers join the MMN, hence, consumes similar amount of energy as that of the data communication. By exploiting the unique pattern of the cross-MMN behavior, this dissertation proposes energy-efficient neighbor discovery wakeup schedules to save up to 60% of the energy for neighbor discovery. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)-based inter-vehicle communications is by now growingly believed to enhance traffic safety and transportation management with low cost. The end-to-end delay is critical for the time-sensitive safety applications in VANETs, and can be a decisive performance metric for VANETs. This dissertation presents a complete analytical model to evaluate the end-to-end delay against the transmission range and the packet arrival rate. This model illustrates a significant end-to-end delay increase from non-saturated networks to saturated networks. It hence suggests that the distributed power control and admission control protocols for VANETs should aim at improving the real-time capacity (the maximum packet generation rate without causing saturation), instead of the delay itself. Based on the above model, it could be determined that adopting uniform transmission range for every vehicle may hinder the delay performance improvement, since it does not allow the coexistence of the short path length and the low interference. Clusters are proposed to configure non-uniform transmission range for the vehicles. Analysis and simulation confirm that such configuration can enhance the real-time capacity. In addition, it provides an improved trade off between the end-to-end delay and the network capacity. A distributed clustering protocol with minimum message overhead is proposed, which achieves low convergence time.
Weltweit ist eine Zunahme terroristischer Aktivitäten zu verzeichnen, sodass allgemein damit gerechnet werden muss, dass auch das zivile Verkehrs- und Transportwesen ein bevorzugtes Ziel terroristischer Anschläge darstellt. Mehrfach wurden schon Sprengkörper in Transportmittel des öffentlichen und zivilen Personen- aber auch Güterverkehrs eingeschleust, um die Bevölkerung durch materielle Zerstörung und massive Personenschäden einzuschüchtern und zu beängstigen. Daher ist eine Anpassung der sich derzeit im Einsatz befindlichen Transportbehälter an die geänderten Rahmenbedingungen unerlässlich, um auch den Schutz vor Sprengkörpern, die gemeinsam mit dem Handgepäck in Luft-, Land- und Wasserfahrzeuge eingeschleust werden, zu gewährleisten.
Die Ein- und Auslagerung von Flugfrachtcontainern wird bisher üblicherweise mit Hilfe von entsprechend dimensionierten Regalbediengeräten vorgenommen. Shuttle-Systeme besitzen auch in diesem Bereich Vorteile, wie z. B. eine höhere Energieeffizienz und eine hohe Redundanz. Es wird ein Konzept zur Gestaltung eines solchen Systems vorgestellt. Ebenso wird die Leistungsfähigkeit entsprechender Lager über eine Materialflusssimulation bestimmt.
In reverse logistics networks, products (e.g., bottles or containers) have to be transported from a depot to customer locations and, after use, from customer locations back to the depot. In order to operate economically beneficial, companies prefer a simultaneous delivery and pick-up service. The resulting Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Delivery and Pick-up (VRPSDP) is an operational problem, which has to be solved daily by many companies. We present two mixed-integer linear model formulations for the VRPSDP, namely a vehicle-flow and a commodity-flow model. In order to strengthen the models, domain-reducing preprocessing techniques, and effective cutting planes are outlined. Symmetric benchmark instances known from the literature as well as new asymmetric instances derived from real-world problems are solved to optimality using CPLEX 12.1.
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to present the technical specifications of the Forensic Reference Phantom (FRP), to test its behavior relative to organic test materials, and discuss potential applications of the phantom in forensic radiology. Materials and method The FRP prototype is made of synthetic materials designed to simulate the computed tomography (CT) attenuation of water. It has six bore holes that accommodate multiuse containers. These containers were filled with test materials and scanned at 80 kVp, 120 kVp, and 140 kVp. X-ray attenuation was measured by two readers. Intra- and inter-reader reliability was assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Significance levels between mean CT numbers at 80 kVp, 120 kVp, and 140 kVp were assessed with the Friedman-test. The T-test was used to assess significance levels between the FRP and water. Results Overall mean CT numbers ranged from −3.0–3.7HU for the FRP; −1000.3–−993.5HU for air; −157.7– −108.1HU for oil; 35.5–42.0HU for musle tissue; and 1301.5–2354.8HU for cortical bone. Inter-reader and intra-reader reliability were excellent (ICC>0.994; and ICC=0.999 respectively). CT numbers were significantly different at different energy levels. There was no significant difference between the attenuation of the FRP and water. Conclusions The FRP is a new tool for quality assurance and research in forensic radiology. The mean CT attenuation of the FRP is equivalent to water. The phantom can be scanned during routine post-mortem CT to assess the composition of unidentified objects. In addition, the FRP may be used to investigate new imaging algorithms and scan protocols in forensic radiology.
The stable isotopic composition of fossil resting eggs (ephippia) of Daphnia spp. is being used to reconstruct past environmental conditions in lake ecosystems. However, the underlying assumption that the stable isotopic composition of the ephippia reflects the stable isotopic composition of the parent Daphnia, of their diet and of the environmental water have yet to be confirmed in a controlled experimental setting. We performed experiments with Daphnia pulicaria cultures, which included a control treatment conducted at 12 °C in filtered lake water and with a diet of fresh algae and three treatments in which we manipulated the stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13C value) of the algae, stable oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O value) of the water and the water temperature, respectively. The stable nitrogen isotopic composition (δ15N value) of the algae was similar for all treatments. At 12 °C, differences in algal δ13C values and in δ18O values of water were reflected in those of Daphnia. The differences between ephippia and Daphnia stable isotope ratios were similar in the different treatments (δ13C: +0.2 ± 0.4 ‰ (standard deviation); δ15N: −1.6 ± 0.4 ‰; δ18O: −0.9 ± 0.4 ‰), indicating that changes in dietary δ13C values and in δ18O values of water are passed on to these fossilizing structures. A higher water temperature (20 °C) resulted in lower δ13C values in Daphnia and ephippia than in the other treatments with the same food source and in a minor change in the difference between δ13C values of ephippia and Daphnia (to −1.3 ± 0.3 ‰). This may have been due to microbial processes or increased algal respiration rates in the experimental containers, which may not affect Daphnia in natural environments. There was no significant difference in the offset between δ18O and δ15N values of ephippia and Daphnia between the 12 and 20 °C treatments, but the δ18O values of Daphnia and ephippia were on average 1.2 ‰ lower at 20 °C than at 12 °C. We conclude that the stable isotopic composition of Daphnia ephippia provides information on that of the parent Daphnia and of the food and water they were exposed to, with small offsets between Daphnia and ephippia relative to variations in Daphnia stable isotopic composition reported from downcore studies. However, our experiments also indicate that temperature may have a minor influence on the δ13C, δ15N and δ18O values of Daphnia body tissue and ephippia. This aspect deserves attention in further controlled experiments.
BACKGROUND In an effort to reduce firearm mortality rates in the USA, US states have enacted a range of firearm laws to either strengthen or deregulate the existing main federal gun control law, the Brady Law. We set out to determine the independent association of different firearm laws with overall firearm mortality, homicide firearm mortality, and suicide firearm mortality across all US states. We also projected the potential reduction of firearm mortality if the three most strongly associated firearm laws were enacted at the federal level. METHODS We constructed a cross-sectional, state-level dataset from Nov 1, 2014, to May 15, 2015, using counts of firearm-related deaths in each US state for the years 2008-10 (stratified by intent [homicide and suicide]) from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System, data about 25 firearm state laws implemented in 2009, and state-specific characteristics such as firearm ownership for 2013, firearm export rates, and non-firearm homicide rates for 2009, and unemployment rates for 2010. Our primary outcome measure was overall firearm-related mortality per 100 000 people in the USA in 2010. We used Poisson regression with robust variances to derive incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and 95% CIs. FINDINGS 31 672 firearm-related deaths occurred in 2010 in the USA (10·1 per 100 000 people; mean state-specific count 631·5 [SD 629·1]). Of 25 firearm laws, nine were associated with reduced firearm mortality, nine were associated with increased firearm mortality, and seven had an inconclusive association. After adjustment for relevant covariates, the three state laws most strongly associated with reduced overall firearm mortality were universal background checks for firearm purchase (multivariable IRR 0·39 [95% CI 0·23-0·67]; p=0·001), ammunition background checks (0·18 [0·09-0·36]; p<0·0001), and identification requirement for firearms (0·16 [0·09-0·29]; p<0·0001). Projected federal-level implementation of universal background checks for firearm purchase could reduce national firearm mortality from 10·35 to 4·46 deaths per 100 000 people, background checks for ammunition purchase could reduce it to 1·99 per 100 000, and firearm identification to 1·81 per 100 000. INTERPRETATION Very few of the existing state-specific firearm laws are associated with reduced firearm mortality, and this evidence underscores the importance of focusing on relevant and effective firearms legislation. Implementation of universal background checks for the purchase of firearms or ammunition, and firearm identification nationally could substantially reduce firearm mortality in the USA. FUNDING None.
Se realizó un estudio para conocer características relacionadas con el crecimiento inicial de la especie Chysolaena flexuosa (Sims) H. Rob., Asteraceae nativa de las sierras bonaerenses con potencial ornamental gracias al colorido de sus capítulos durante la floración y a su inflorescencia. Se empleó para el ensayo simiente de C. flexuosa recolectada en la Sierra La Barrosa (Partido de Balcarce) y se analizó la evolución de las plantas en invernáculo durante un ciclo de crecimiento. Los estadios reproductivos de C. flexuosa comprendieron las estaciones de primavera, verano e inicios de otoño. En todas las plantas se observaron, a mediados de la etapa reproductiva, capítulos con flores violáceas conjuntamente con capítulos fructificados. A principios de otoño todas las plantas poseían capítulos fructificados que exhibían sus papus de color blanco, situación que entrega a la planta otro interesante atributo. Por su rusticidad, establecida sobre la base de la germinación y supervivencia de sus plántulas, y por el atractivo de la especie desde primavera a inicios del otoño, C. flexuosa se destaca como promisoria para la obtención de cultivares ornamentales para uso como ejemplar aislado, en macetas, borduras o como flor de corte para la realización de arreglos florales secos.