925 resultados para Alonso de Ledesma


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Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el cálculo y diseño de la transmisión de un Renault Clío Sport encargada de transmitir par y potencia del motor a las ruedas motrices mediante una serie de mecanismos. Así mismo, se procederá al cálculo de las distintas fuerzas a las que está sometido el vehículo, seguido del diseño y cálculo del embrague, seleccionando el tipo de compuesto y las dimensiones del mismo, con el cual, podremos unir o separar, mediante el pedal de embrague, el eje del motor con el eje primario de la caja de velocidades. Después se calculan los desarrollos de cada velocidad y los números de dientes de cada engranaje, así como su módulo. Debido al engrane entre dos ruedas aparecen unas fuerzas sobre los dientes, las cuales, afectan para el cálculo del diámetro del eje primario y secundario. También se calcularan y se elegirán los rodamientos que se apoyan en dichos ejes y las chavetas que fijan los engranajes al eje. En el caso del Renault Clío Sport el motor (delantero transversal) y la caja de cambios se encuentran en la parte delantera del vehículo, además de poseer tracción delantera. Se intentará en todo momento reducir el peso en vacío de la caja de cambios mediante la utilización de materiales ligeros pero a la vez resistentes, lo que hará que disminuya el consumo además de una reducción de la contaminación.


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Fossil remains of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) occurring outside their present range are an important indicator of formerly cold climatic conditions, but are easily confused with those of the red deer (Cervus elaphus). The locality of Kiputz IX has yielded one of the best-preserved Late Pleistocene reindeer populations of the southern Pyrenees, occurring in association with Bison priscus and the much more abundant Cervus elaphus. Fossil remains from this site are mostly complete and not affected by human intervention, thus creating the perfect conditions for reliable osteometric analyses. Here, we quantify diagnostic morphological features of the scapula and the humerus of Cervus elaphus and Rangifer tarandus to establish the potential of these bones to aid in interspecific discrimination. In the case of the scapula, the best species discriminator is the ratio of the minimum anteroposterior diameter of the scapular neck and the development of the articular process, while the breadth of the trochlea is the best discriminator in the case of the humerus.


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Balneoterapia ur mineromedizinalen erabileran oinarritzen den antzinako terapia da, historian zehar bilakaera gorabeheratsua izan duena. Balneoterapiaren erabilerak osasunarekin harremana duenez, baliteke erizaintza-zainketa holistikoetan lagungarria izatea. Helburua: Pertsona helduei zuzendutako erizaintza-zainketetan balneoterapiak duen erabilera aztertzea. Metodologia: Hurrengo datu-iturriak erabiliz burututako errebisio narratiboa da: Biblioteka Virtual de la Salud, Tripdatabase, Pubmed, Dialnet, Cuiden, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Biblioteka, osasun-sistema publikoen web-orriak eta NNNConsult plataforma. Bilaketaren mugak identifikatu eta irizpideak zehaztu dira, helburura hurbiltzeko xedearekin. Emaitzak: Guztira 65 publikazio (datu-baseetan 58, bibliotekan 1 eta osasun-sistemetan 6) eta erizaintzako 8 ekintza aukeratu dira. Publikazioen artean, 10 errebisio sistematiko eta 6 Praktika Klinikorako gida bildu dira. Balneoterapiaren kontzeptuak aho-bidea, arnas-bidea edota bide topikoaren bidezko ur mineromedizinalen erabilerari egiten dio erreferentzia eta teknika ezberdinen bitartez, efektu fisiko, kimiko eta psikosozialak eragiten ditu. Asaldura ezberdinak dituzten pertsonengan efektu onuragarriak dituela ikusi da, batez ere asaldura erreumatiko eta kardiobaskular kronikoen kasuetan. Egun, Europako ekialdeko herrialdeetan balneoterapiak indar handia du, baina erizaintza-zainketekin duen lotura ahula da orokorrean. Eztabaida eta ondorioak: Balneoterapiaren inguruko ikerketa gehiago eta protokoloak behar dira, balneoterapia osasunaren mantentze edota berreskuratze prozesuan erabilgarria izan baitaiteke. Pazientearen osasunaren alde, erizaintza-zainketetan balneoterapia gehitzea faktore aberasgarria izango litzateke; horretarako, terapiaren inguruko ezagutzen hedapena beharrezkoa izanik. Ekarpen pertsonalak: Alde batetik, osasunaren promozioan eta prebentzioan balneoterapiaren erabilera aztergai interesgarria da; bestetik, erizaintza-zainketetan erabilgarria izan daiteke, kronikotasunarekin harremana duelako eta baliabideak eskuragarri daudelako gure inguruan. Horretarako, formakuntzan eta gida internazionaletan balneoterapia barneratzea lagungarria izango litzateke.


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Sobre una estructura urbana clara de bastida y en el límite de la zona construida con las murallas, se plantea a un lado de la calle este-oeste, que conduce al Hotel de Ville, la construcción de un edificio museo que guarda las alineaciones actuales de unas construcciones-almacenes de poco interés urbano. Al otro lado de la calle queda el ámbito irregular que se prolonga hasta la Place de L’Abreuvoir y tiene como límite las murallas. Simétricamente al Museo se plantea un pabellón-mercado que configura la nueva entrada a la calle este-oeste y a la vez guarda relación con un pequeño pabellón que cierra visualmente la Plaza de L’Abreuvoir del paseo perimetral de las murallas. El edificio Museo de forma trapezoidal se estructura en tres crujías, que organiza en su parte central los espacios más representativos y de comunicación y en los laterales los usos más funcionales. Por último se ha trabajado con la forma, manipulándola para lograr una respuesta clara y congruente con los usos planteados y el carácter arquitectónico del lugar.


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Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with a diverse range of pathologies. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of diabetes-related complications, the prevalence of coexistent chronic conditions and to report multimorbidity in people with type 2 diabetes living in the Basque Country. Methods: Administrative databases, in four cross sections (annually from 2007 to 2011) were consulted to analyse 149,015 individual records from patients aged >= 35 years with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The data observed were: age, sex, diabetes-related complications (annual rates of acute myocardial infarction, major amputations and avoidable hospitalisations), diabetes-related pathologies (prevalence of ischaemic heart disease, renal failure, stroke, heart failure, peripheral neuropathy, foot ulcers and diabetic retinopathy) and other unrelated pathologies (44 diseases). Results: The annual incidence for each condition progressively decreased during the four-year period: acute myocardial infarction (0.47 to 0.40%), major amputations (0.10 to 0.08%), and avoidable hospitalisations (5.85 to 5.5%). The prevalence for diabetes-related chronic pathologies was: ischaemic heart disease (11.5%), renal failure (8.4%), stroke (7.0%), heart failure (4.3%), peripheral neuropathy (1.3%), foot ulcers (2.0%) and diabetic retinopathy (7.2%). The prevalence of multimorbidity was 90.4%. The highest prevalence for other chronic conditions was 73.7% for hypertension, 13.8% for dyspepsia and 12.7% for anxiety. Conclusions: In the type 2 diabetes mellitus population living in the Basque Country, incidence rates of diabetes complications are not as high as in other places. However, they present a high prevalence of diabetes related and unrelated diseases. Multimorbidity is very common in this group, and is a factor to be taken into account to ensure correct clinical management.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura geral para evolução de circuitos eletrônicos analógicos baseada em algoritmos genéticos. A organização lógica privilegia a interoperabilidade de seus principais componentes, incluindo a possibilidade de substituição ou melhorias internas de suas funcionalidades. A plataforma implementada utiliza evolução extrínseca, isto é, baseada em simulação de circuitos, e visa facilidade e flexibilidade para experimentação. Ela viabiliza a interconexão de diversos componentes aos nós de um circuito eletrônico que será sintetizado ou adaptado. A técnica de Algoritmos Genéticos é usada para buscar a melhor forma de interconectar os componentes para implementar a função desejada. Esta versão da plataforma utiliza o ambiente MATLAB com um toolbox de Algoritmos Genéticos e o PSpice como simulador de circuitos. Os estudos de caso realizados apresentaram resultados que demonstram a potencialidade da plataforma no desenvolvimento de circuitos eletrônicos adaptativos.


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In a multi-target complex network, the links (L-ij) represent the interactions between the drug (d(i)) and the target (t(j)), characterized by different experimental measures (K-i, K-m, IC50, etc.) obtained in pharmacological assays under diverse boundary conditions (c(j)). In this work, we handle Shannon entropy measures for developing a model encompassing a multi-target network of neuroprotective/neurotoxic compounds reported in the CHEMBL database. The model predicts correctly >8300 experimental outcomes with Accuracy, Specificity, and Sensitivity above 80%-90% on training and external validation series. Indeed, the model can calculate different outcomes for >30 experimental measures in >400 different experimental protocolsin relation with >150 molecular and cellular targets on 11 different organisms (including human). Hereafter, we reported by the first time the synthesis, characterization, and experimental assays of a new series of chiral 1,2-rasagiline carbamate derivatives not reported in previous works. The experimental tests included: (1) assay in absence of neurotoxic agents; (2) in the presence of glutamate; and (3) in the presence of H2O2. Lastly, we used the new Assessing Links with Moving Averages (ALMA)-entropy model to predict possible outcomes for the new compounds in a high number of pharmacological tests not carried out experimentally.


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This paper deals with the convergence of a remote iterative learning control system subject to data dropouts. The system is composed by a set of discrete-time multiple input-multiple output linear models, each one with its corresponding actuator device and its sensor. Each actuator applies the input signals vector to its corresponding model at the sampling instants and the sensor measures the output signals vector. The iterative learning law is processed in a controller located far away of the models so the control signals vector has to be transmitted from the controller to the actuators through transmission channels. Such a law uses the measurements of each model to generate the input vector to be applied to its subsequent model so the measurements of the models have to be transmitted from the sensors to the controller. All transmissions are subject to failures which are described as a binary sequence taking value 1 or 0. A compensation dropout technique is used to replace the lost data in the transmission processes. The convergence to zero of the errors between the output signals vector and a reference one is achieved as the number of models tends to infinity.


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Nucleophosmin (NPM) is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein, normally enriched in nucleoli, that performs several activities related to cell growth. NPM mutations are characteristic of a subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), where mutant NPM seems to play an oncogenic role. AML-associated NPM mutants exhibit altered subcellular traffic, being aberrantly located in the cytoplasm of leukoblasts. Exacerbated export of AML variants of NPM is mediated by the nuclear export receptor CRM1, and due, in part, to a mutationally acquired novel nuclear export signal (NES). To gain insight on the molecular basis of NPM transport in physiological and pathological conditions, we have evaluated the export efficiency of NPM in cells, and present new data indicating that, in normal conditions, wild type NPM is weakly exported by CRM1. On the other hand, we have found that AML-associated NPM mutants efficiently form complexes with CRM1HA (a mutant CRM1 with higher affinity for NESs), and we have quantitatively analyzed CRM1HA interaction with the NES motifs of these mutants, using fluorescence anisotropy and isothermal titration calorimetry. We have observed that the affinity of CRM1HA for these NESs is similar, which may help to explain the transport properties of the mutants. We also describe NPM recognition by the import machinery. Our combined cellular and biophysical studies shed further light on the determinants of NPM traffic, and how it is dramatically altered by AML-related mutations.