628 resultados para Algorismes paral·lels


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Serotonin (5-HT), opioids and the dorsal periaqueductal grey (DPAG) have been implicated in the pathophysiology of panic disorder. In order to study 5-HT-opioid interaction, the opioid antagonist naloxone was injected either systemically (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or intra-DPAG (0.2 mu g/0.5 mu L) to assess its interference with the effect of chronic fluoxetine (10 mg/kg, i.p., daily for 21 days) or of intra-DPAG 5-HT (8 mu g/0.5 mu L). Drug effects were measured in the one-escape task of the rat elevated T-maze, an animal model of panic. Pretreatment with systemic naloxone antagonized the lengthening of escape latency caused by chronic fluoxetine, considered a panicolytic-like effect that parallels the drug's therapeutic response in the clinics. Pretreatment with naloxone injected intra-DPAG antagonized both the panicolytic effect of chronic fluoxetine as well as that of 5-HT injected intra-DPAG. Neither the performance of the inhibitory avoidance task in the elevated T-maze, a model of generalized anxiety nor locomotion measured in a circular arena was affected by the above drug treatments. These results indicate that the panicolytic effect of fluoxetine is mediated by endogenous opioids that are activated by 5-HT in the DPAG. They also allow reconciliation between the serotonergic and opioidergic hypotheses of panic disorder pathophysiology.


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The organization of the nervous and immune systems is characterized by obvious differences and striking parallels. Both systems need to relay information across very short and very long distances. The nervous system communicates over both long and short ranges primarily by means of more or less hardwired intercellular connections, consisting of axons, dendrites, and synapses. Longrange communication in the immune system occurs mainly via the ordered and guided migration of immune cells and systemically acting soluble factors such as antibodies, cytokines, and chemokines. Its short-range communication either is mediated by locally acting soluble factors or transpires during direct cell–cell contact across specialized areas called “immunological synapses” (Kirschensteiner et al., 2003). These parallels in intercellular communication are complemented by a complex array of factors that induce cell growth and differentiation: these factors in the immune system are called cytokines; in the nervous system, they are called neurotrophic factors. Neither the cytokines nor the neurotrophic factors appear to be completely exclusive to either system (Neumann et al., 2002). In particular, mounting evidence indicates that some of the most potent members of the neurotrophin family, for example, nerve growth factor (NGF) and brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), act on or are produced by immune cells (Kerschensteiner et al., 1999) There are, however, other neurotrophic factors, for example the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), that can behave similarly (Kermer et al., 2000). These factors may allow the two systems to “cross-talk” and eventually may provide a molecular explanation for the reports that inflammation after central nervous system (CNS) injury has beneficial effects (Moalem et al., 1999). In order to shed some more light on such a cross-talk, therefore, transcription factors modulating mu-opioid receptor (MOPr) expression in neurons and immune cells are here investigated. More precisely, I focused my attention on IGF-I modulation of MOPr in neurons and T-cell receptor induction of MOPr expression in T-lymphocytes. Three different opioid receptors [mu (MOPr), delta (DOPr), and kappa (KOPr)] belonging to the G-protein coupled receptor super-family have been cloned. They are activated by structurallyrelated exogenous opioids or endogenous opioid peptides, and contribute to the regulation of several functions including pain transmission, respiration, cardiac and gastrointestinal functions, and immune response (Zollner and Stein 2007). MOPr is expressed mainly in the central nervous system where it regulates morphine-induced analgesia, tolerance and dependence (Mayer and Hollt 2006). Recently, induction of MOPr expression in different immune cells induced by cytokines has been reported (Kraus et al., 2001; Kraus et al., 2003). The human mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) promoter is of the TATA-less type and has clusters of potential binding sites for different transcription factors (Law et al. 2004). Several studies, primarily focused on the upstream region of the OPRM1 promoter, have investigated transcriptional regulation of MOPr expression. Presently, however, it is still not completely clear how positive and negative transcription regulators cooperatively coordinate cellor tissue-specific transcription of the OPRM1 gene, and how specific growth factors influence its expression. IGF-I and its receptors are widely distributed throughout the nervous system during development, and their involvement in neurogenesis has been extensively investigated (Arsenijevic et al. 1998; van Golen and Feldman 2000). As previously mentioned, such neurotrophic factors can be also produced and/or act on immune cells (Kerschenseteiner et al., 2003). Most of the physiologic effects of IGF-I are mediated by the type I IGF surface receptor which, after ligand binding-induced autophosphorylation, associates with specific adaptor proteins and activates different second messengers (Bondy and Cheng 2004). These include: phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase (Vincent and Feldman 2002; Di Toro et al. 2005) and members of the Janus kinase (JAK)/STAT3 signalling pathway (Zong et al. 2000; Yadav et al. 2005). REST plays a complex role in neuronal cells by differentially repressing target gene expression (Lunyak et al. 2004; Coulson 2005; Ballas and Mandel 2005). REST expression decreases during neurogenesis, but has been detected in the adult rat brain (Palm et al. 1998) and is up-regulated in response to global ischemia (Calderone et al. 2003) and induction of epilepsy (Spencer et al. 2006). Thus, the REST concentration seems to influence its function and the expression of neuronal genes, and may have different effects in embryonic and differentiated neurons (Su et al. 2004; Sun et al. 2005). In a previous study, REST was elevated during the early stages of neural induction by IGF-I in neuroblastoma cells. REST may contribute to the down-regulation of genes not yet required by the differentiation program, but its expression decreases after five days of treatment to allow for the acquisition of neural phenotypes. Di Toro et al. proposed a model in which the extent of neurite outgrowth in differentiating neuroblastoma cells was affected by the disappearance of REST (Di Toro et al. 2005). The human mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) promoter contains a DNA sequence binding the repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST) that is implicated in transcriptional repression. Therefore, in the fist part of this thesis, I investigated whether insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), which affects various aspects of neuronal induction and maturation, regulates OPRM1 transcription in neuronal cells in the context of the potential influence of REST. A series of OPRM1-luciferase promoter/reporter constructs were transfected into two neuronal cell models, neuroblastoma-derived SH-SY5Y cells and PC12 cells. In the former, endogenous levels of human mu-opioid receptor (hMOPr) mRNA were evaluated by real-time PCR. IGF-I upregulated OPRM1 transcription in: PC12 cells lacking REST, in SH-SY5Y cells transfected with constructs deficient in the REST DNA binding element, or when REST was down-regulated in retinoic acid-differentiated cells. IGF-I activates the signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) signaling pathway and this transcription factor, binding to the STAT1/3 DNA element located in the promoter, increases OPRM1 transcription. T-cell receptor (TCR) recognizes peptide antigens displayed in the context of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and gives rise to a potent as well as branched intracellular signalling that convert naïve T-cells in mature effectors, thus significantly contributing to the genesis of a specific immune response. In the second part of my work I exposed wild type Jurkat CD4+ T-cells to a mixture of CD3 and CD28 antigens in order to fully activate TCR and study whether its signalling influence OPRM1 expression. Results were that TCR engagement determined a significant induction of OPRM1 expression through the activation of transcription factors AP-1, NF-kB and NFAT. Eventually, I investigated MOPr turnover once it has been expressed on T-cells outer membrane. It turned out that DAMGO induced MOPr internalisation and recycling, whereas morphine did not. Overall, from the data collected in this thesis we can conclude that that a reduction in REST is a critical switch enabling IGF-I to up-regulate human MOPr, helping these findings clarify how human MOPr expression is regulated in neuronal cells, and that TCR engagement up-regulates OPRM1 transcription in T-cells. My results that neurotrophic factors a and TCR engagement, as well as it is reported for cytokines, seem to up-regulate OPRM1 in both neurons and immune cells suggest an important role for MOPr as a molecular bridge between neurons and immune cells; therefore, MOPr could play a key role in the cross-talk between immune system and nervous system and in particular in the balance between pro-inflammatory and pro-nociceptive stimuli and analgesic and neuroprotective effects.


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Premise: In the literary works of our anthropological and cultural imagination, the various languages and the different discursive practices are not necessarily quoted, expressly alluded to or declared through clear expressive mechanisms; instead, they rather constitute a substratum, a background, now consolidated, which with irony and intertextuality shines through the thematic and formal elements of each text. The various contaminations, hybridizations and promptings that we find in the expressive forms, the rhetorical procedures and the linguistic and thematic choices of post-modern literary texts are shaped as fluid and familiar categories. Exchanges and passages are no longer only allowed but also inevitable; the post-modern imagination is made up of an agglomeration of discourses that are no longer really separable, built up from texts that blend and quote one another, composing, each with its own specificities, the great family of the cultural products of our social scenario. A literary work, therefore, is not only a whole phenomenon, delimited hic et nunc by a beginning and an ending, but is a fragment of that complex, dense and boundless network that is given by the continual interrelations between human forms of communication and symbolization. The research hypothesis: A vision is delineated of comparative literature as a discipline attentive to the social contexts in which texts take shape and move and to the media-type consistency that literary phenomena inevitably take on. Hence literature is seen as an open systematicity that chooses to be contaminated by other languages and other discursive practices of an imagination that is more than ever polymorphic and irregular. Inside this interpretative framework the aim is to focus the analysis on the relationship that postmodern literature establishes with advertising discourse. On one side post-modern literature is inserted in the world of communication, loudly asserting the blending and reciprocal contamination of literary modes with media ones, absorbing their languages and signification practices, translating them now into thematic nuclei, motifs and sub-motifs and now into formal expedients and new narrative choices; on the other side advertising is chosen as a signification practice of the media universe, which since the 1960s has actively contributed to shaping the dynamics of our socio-cultural scenarios, in terms which are just as important as those of other discursive practices. Advertising has always been a form of communication and symbolization that draws on the collective imagination – myths, actors and values – turning them into specific narrative programs for its own texts. Hence the aim is to interpret and analyze this relationship both from a strictly thematic perspective – and therefore trying to understand what literature speaks about when it speaks about advertising, and seeking advertising quotations in post-modern fiction – and from a formal perspective, with a search for parallels and discordances between the rhetorical procedures, the languages and the verifiable stylistic choices in the texts of the two different signification practices. The analysis method chosen, for the purpose of constructive multiplication of the perspectives, aims to approach the analytical processes of semiotics, applying, when possible, the instruments of the latter, in order to highlight the thematic and formal relationships between literature and advertising. The corpus: The corpus of the literary texts is made up of various novels and, although attention is focused on the post-modern period, there will also be ineludible quotations from essential authors that with their works prompted various reflections: H. De Balzac, Zola, Fitzgerald, Joyce, Calvino, etc… However, the analysis focuses the corpus on three authors: Don DeLillo, Martin Amis and Aldo Nove, and in particular the followings novels: “Americana” (1971) and “Underworld” (1999) by Don DeLillo, “Money” (1984) by Martin Amis and “Woobinda and other stories without a happy ending” (1996) and “Superwoobinda” (1998) by Aldo Nove. The corpus selection is restricted to these novels for two fundamental reasons: 1. assuming parameters of spatio-temporal evaluation, the texts are representative of different socio-cultural contexts and collective imaginations (from the masterly glimpses of American life by DeLillo, to the examples of contemporary Italian life by Nove, down to the English imagination of Amis) and of different historical moments (the 1970s of DeLillo’s Americana, the 1980s of Amis, down to the 1990s of Nove, decades often used as criteria of division of postmodernism into phases); 2. adopting a perspective of strictly thematic analysis, as mentioned in the research hypothesis, the variations and the constants in the novels (thematic nuclei, topoi, images and narrative developments) frequently speak of advertising and inside the narrative plot they affirm various expressions and realizations of it: value ones, thematic ones, textual ones, urban ones, etc… In these novels the themes and the processes of signification of advertising discourse pervade time, space and the relationships that the narrator character builds around him. We are looking at “particle-characters” whose endless facets attest the influence and contamination of advertising in a large part of the narrative developments of the plot: on everyday life, on the processes of acquisition and encoding of the reality, on ideological and cultural baggage, on the relationships and interchanges with the other characters, etc… Often the characters are victims of the implacable consequentiality of the advertising mechanism, since the latter gets the upper hand over the usual processes of communication, which are overwhelmed by it, wittingly or unwittingly (for example: disturbing openings in which the protagonist kills his or her parents on the basis of a spot, former advertisers that live life codifying it through the commercial mechanisms of products, sons and daughters of advertisers that as children instead of playing outside for whole nights saw tapes of spots.) Hence the analysis arises from the text and aims to show how much the developments and the narrative plots of the novels encode, elaborate and recount the myths, the values and the narrative programs of advertising discourse, transforming them into novel components in their own right. And also starting from the text a socio-cultural reference context is delineated, a collective imagination that is different, now geographically, now historically, and from comparison between them the aim is to deduce the constants, the similarities and the variations in the relationship between literature and advertising.


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L’obiettivo principale di questa ricerca è quello di affrontare le questioni critiche poste all’esegesi da uno dei passi paolini più discussi. Grazie all’impiego delle categorie connesse all’esperienza religiosa, si vuole argomentare la possibilità di leggere il viaggio celeste in termini di modello culturale attraverso il quale interpretare un’esperienza di contatto con il soprannaturale. L’approccio individuato può consentire di rivalutare la funzione di tale narrazione non solo nel contesto di 2 Corinzi, bensì anche in relazione ai paralleli letterari di matrice tanto giudaica e protocristiana quanto greco-romana. Conseguenza di simile analisi ad ampio raggio è il riconoscimento dell’importanza attribuita da Paolo ad esperienze di questo tipo, come testimoniato da alcuni brani centrali delle sue lettere.


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L'inno dedicato ai sette Amesha Spəṇta è parte della produzione avestica recenziore, e si compone in gran parte di porzioni testuali riprese da altri testi avestici a loro volta di formazione tardiva. Lo Yašt si divide in tre parti principali: le stanze 0-10; 11-14; e infine la stanza 15 che comprende la formula di chiusura tipica degli inni avestici. La prima sezione (2.0-10) è composta dalla formula di apertura, incompleta rispetto a quelle dei restanti inni, seguita dai primi sette capitoli di entrambi i Sīh-rōzag compresi i Gāh. Le stanze centrali (11-14) si caratterizzano per l'assenza di passi gemelli, un elevato numero di hapax e di arcaismi formali e inoltre, una grande variabilità nella tradizione manoscritta. Si tratta di una formula magica per esorcizzare/allontanare demoni e stregoni, che doveva essere recitata per sette volte. Tale formula probabilmente rappresentava in origine un testo autonomo che veniva recitato assieme ad altri testi avestici. La versione a noi pervenuta comprende la recitazione di parte di entrambi i Sīh-rōzag, ma è molto probabile che tale arrangement sia soltanto una sequenza recitativa che doveva coesistere assieme ad altre. Attualmente la formula magica viene recitata principalmente assieme allo Yasna Haptaŋhāiti, senza le restanti stanze dell'inno nella sua versione geldneriana. Il testo sembra nascere come formula magica la quale venne recitata assieme a diversi testi avestici come per esempio parti dello Sīh-rōzag. In un periodo impossibile da stabilire con certezza la versione viene fissata nella forma a noi pervenuta nella maggior parte dei manoscritti e per la sua affinità formale probabilmente interpretato come inno e perciò incluso nell'innario avestico.


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Die Herstellung von Polymer-Solarzellen aus wässriger Phase stellt eine attraktive Alternative zu der konventionellen lösemittelbasierten Formulierung dar. Die Vorteile der aus wässriger Lösung hergestellten Solarzellen liegen besonders in dem umweltschonenden Herstellungsprozess und in der Möglichkeit, druckbare optoelektronische Bauteile zu generieren. Die Prozessierbarkeit von hydrophoben Halbleitern im wässrigen Milieu wird durch die Dispergierung der Materialien, in Form von Nanopartikeln, erreicht. Der Transfer der Halbleiter in eine Dispersion erfolgt über die Lösemittelverdampfungsmethode. Die Idee der Verwendung von partikelbasierte Solarzellen wurde bereits umgesetzt, allerdings blieben eine genaue Charakterisierung der Partikel sowie ein umfassendes Verständnis des gesamten Fabrikationsvorgangs aus. Deshalb besteht das Ziel dieser Arbeit darin, einen detaillierten Einblick in den Herstellungsprozess von partikelbasierten Solarzellen zu erlangen, mögliche Schwächen aufzudecken, diese zu beseitigen, um so zukünftige Anwendungen zu verbessern. Zur Herstellung von Solarzellen aus wässrigen Dispersionen wurde Poly(3-hexylthiophen-2,5-diyl)/[6,6]-Phenyl-C61-Buttersäure-Methylester (P3HT/PCBM) als Donor/Akzeptor-System verwendet. Die Kernpunkte der Untersuchungen richteten sich zum einen die auf Partikelmorphologie und zum anderen auf die Generierung einer geeigneten Partikelschicht. Beide Parameter haben Auswirkungen auf die Solarzelleneffizienz. Die Morphologie wurde sowohl spektroskopisch über Photolumineszenz-Messungen, als auch visuell mittels Elektronenmikroskopie ermittelt. Auf diese Weise konnte die Partikelmorphologie vollständig aufgeklärt werden, wobei Parallelen zu der Struktur von lösemittelbasierten Solarzellen gefunden wurden. Zudem wurde eine Abhängigkeit der Morphologie von der Präparationstemperatur beobachtet, was eine einfache Steuerung der Partikelstruktur ermöglicht. Im Zuge der Partikelschichtausbildung wurden direkte sowie grenzflächenvermittelnde Beschichtungsmethoden herangezogen. Von diesen Techniken hatte sich aber nur die Rotationsbeschichtung als brauchbare Methode erwiesen, Partikel aus der Dispersion in einen homogenen Film zu überführen. Des Weiteren stand die Aufarbeitung der Partikelschicht durch Ethanol-Waschung und thermische Behandlung im Fokus dieser Arbeit. Beide Maßnahmen wirkten sich positiv auf die Effizienz der Solarzellen aus und trugen entscheidend zu einer Verbesserung der Zellen bei. Insgesamt liefern die gewonnen Erkenntnisse einen detaillierten Überblick über die Herausforderungen, welche bei dem Einsatz von wasserbasierten Dispersionen auftreten. Die Anforderungen partikelbasierter Solarzellen konnten offengelegt werden, dadurch gelang die Herstellung einer Solarzelle mit einer Effizienz von 0.53%. Dieses Ergebnis stellt jedoch noch nicht das Optimum dar und lässt noch Möglichkeiten für Verbesserungen offen.


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Regulatorische T-Zellen sind essentiell für die Aufrechterhaltung der peripheren Toleranz. Hierbei sorgen diese hocheffektiven Suppressorzellen für ein immunologisches Gleichgewicht, indem sie Immunantworten gegen Autoantigene sowie harmlose Nahrungs- und Umweltantigene verhindern. Andererseits können diese bei chronischen Infekten Immunantworten reduzieren sowie effektive Antitumor-Immunantworten hemmen. Aufgrund ethischer Erwägungen ist die Erforschung regulatorischer T-Zellen und deren Rolle bei der Tumorentwicklung weitestgehend auf Mausmodelle oder humane in vitro oder ex vivo Analysen beschränkt. Um diese Limitationen zu überwinden und translationale immunologische Experimente zu ermöglichen, wurde hier ein humanisiertes Mausmodell verwendet. T- und B-Zell-defiziente NOD-scid IL2Rgammanull (NSG) Mäuse wurden mit humanen CD34+ hämatopoetischen Stammzellen aus Nabelschnurblut rekonstituiert. Aus diesen Stammzellen entstanden in den Tieren vielfältige humane Immunzellen. Im murinen Thymus der NSG Tiere entwickelten sich CD4+ und CD8+ einzelpositive T-Zellen, welche als funktionelle Effektorpopulationen in die Peripherie auswanderten. Humane regulatorische T-Zellen (CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ CD127-) entwickelten sich ebenfalls im murinen Thymus der Tiere und machten ca. 10% der humanen peripheren CD4+ T-Zellen in den Mäusen aus. Diese humanen regulatorischen T-Zellen zeigten vorwiegend einen HLA-DR+ Phänotyp, welcher mit höchster Suppressivität assoziiert ist. Weiter verhielten sich die regualtorischen T-Zellen anergisch und bewiesen ihre Funktionalität unter anderem durch die Inhibition der Proliferation von Effektor-T-Zellen in vitro. rnSubkutan injizierte Tumorzellen eines humanen undifferenzierten pleomorphen Sarkoms wurden in den humanisierten Mäusen nicht abgestoßen und der Tumor konnte, trotz Infiltration humaner Immunzellen, ungehindert wachsen. Als mögliche Ursache hierfür zeigte sich die selektive Akkumulation regulatorischer T-Zellen im Tumor. Zusammen mit dem erhöhten Anteil humaner regulatorischer T-Zellen in der Peripherie, weisen diese Beobachtungen deutliche Parallelen mit Befunden aus humanen Patienten auf. Dies bietet somit erstmalig die Option in vivo die Rolle humaner regulatorischer T-Zellen im undifferenzierten pleomorphen Sarkom zu analysieren. Die hier gezeigten Daten machen deutlich, dass es das humanisierte Mausmodell ermöglicht, die Entstehung und Funktion humaner regulatorischer T-Zellen in vivo zu analysieren, deren Bedeutung in klinisch relevanten Modellen zu charakterisieren und somit innovative Therapien zu etablieren.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird analysiert, ob die neue italienische Partei MoVimento 5 Stelle (M5S) eine rechtspopulistische Partei ist. Darüber hinaus wird mithilfe eines Vergleichs mit Berlusconis Partei Popolo della libertà (PDL) erörtert, ob das M5S den italienischen Rechtspopulismus fortführt. Das M5S wurde im Jahre 2009 von dem italienischen Komiker Beppe Grillo gegründet und zog nach seiner ersten Teilnahme an nationalen Wahlen im Jahre 2013 als zweitstärkste Partei in das italienische Parlament ein. Mit seiner Anti-Establishment-Programmatik und der Ablehnung der etablierten Parteien ähnelt das M5S nicht nur Berlusconis Partei PDL, sondern auch den rechtspopulistischen Parteien, die seit den 1980er Jahren in Westeuropa beständig an Relevanz gewonnen haben. Diese Parteien polemisieren gegen Politiker und Parteien, stellen die Legitimität von Minderheitenrechten und die Prinzipien der repräsentativen Demokratie in Frage. Organisatorisch gruppieren sie sich um einen charismatischen Anführer, dessen Anspruch es ist, die ‚Stimme des Volkes‘ zu repräsentieren. Diese und andere zentrale Charakteristika sind Gegenstand des theoretischen Teils dieser Arbeit. Die Analysedimension sind ‚Programmatik‘ und ‚Organisation‘. Die letztgenannte Kategorie wird in ‚interne Organisationsstruktur‘ und ‚Kommunikation‘ unterteilt. Die Basis der Analyse bilden Parteidokumente (Wahl- und Parteiprogramme, Parteistatuten, Blogeinträge), Experteneinschätzungen und die Forschungsliteratur. Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass es sich beim M5S nicht um eine rechtspopulistische, sondern um eine populistische Partei mit linken Elementen handelt. Den italienischen Rechtspopulismus, wie ihn Berlusconis Partei pflegt, führt sie folglich nicht fort. Sie zeigt in der Organisation starke Parallelen, da beide Parteien von ihren Anführern dominiert werden. Aber das M5S hat eine stark web-basierte Organisationsform und vertritt Umweltthemen, was keine typischen Merkmale rechtspopulistischer Parteien sind. Darüber hinaus vertritt es keine nationalistischen Position, was hingegen konstitutiv für Rechtspopulismus ist.


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Patients with homonymous hemianopia have altered visual search patterns, but it is unclear how rapidly this develops and whether it reflects a strategic adaptation to altered perception or plastic changes to tissue damage. To study the temporal dynamics of adaptation alone, we used a gaze-contingent display to simulate left or right hemianopia in 10 healthy individuals as they performed 25 visual search trials. Visual search was slower and less accurate in hemianopic than in full-field viewing. With full-field viewing, there were improvements in search speed, fixation density, and number of fixations over the first 9 trials, then stable performance. With hemianopic viewing, there was a rapid shift of fixation into the blind field over the first 5-7 trials, followed by continuing gradual improvements in completion time, number of fixations, and fixation density over all 25 trials. We conclude that in the first minutes after onset of hemianopia, there is a biphasic pattern of adaptation to altered perception: an early rapid qualitative change that shifts visual search into the blind side, followed by more gradual gains in the efficiency of using this new strategy, a pattern that has parallels in other studies of motor learning.


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B cell activation factor of the TNF family (BAFF) is a potent B cell survival factor. BAFF overexpressing transgenic mice (BAFF-Tg mice) exhibit features of autoimmune disease, including B cell hyperplasia and hypergammaglobulinemia, and develop fatal nephritis with age. However, basal serum IgA levels are also elevated, suggesting that the pathology in these mice may be more complex than initially appreciated. Consistent with this, we demonstrate here that BAFF-Tg mice have mesangial deposits of IgA along with high circulating levels of polymeric IgA that is aberrantly glycosylated. Renal disease in BAFF-Tg mice was associated with IgA, because serum IgA was highly elevated in nephritic mice and BAFF-Tg mice with genetic deletion of IgA exhibited less renal pathology. The presence of commensal flora was essential for the elevated serum IgA phenotype, and, unexpectedly, commensal bacteria-reactive IgA antibodies were found in the blood. These data illustrate how excess B cell survival signaling perturbs the normal balance with the microbiota, leading to a breach in the normal mucosal-peripheral compartmentalization. Such breaches may predispose the nonmucosal system to certain immune diseases. Indeed, we found that a subset of patients with IgA nephropathy had elevated serum levels of a proliferation inducing ligand (APRIL), a cytokine related to BAFF. These parallels between BAFF-Tg mice and human IgA nephropathy may provide a new framework to explore connections between mucosal environments and renal pathology.


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International migration has increased rapidly in the Czech Republic, with more than 150,000 legally registered foreign residents at the end of 1996. A large proportion of these are in Prague - 35% of the total in December 1996. The aim of this project was to enrich the fund of information concerning the "environment", reasons and "mechanisms" behind immigration to the Czech Republic. Mr. Drbohlav looked first at the empirical situation and on this basis set out to test certain well-known migration theories. He focused on four main areas: 1) a detailed description and explanation of the stock of foreign citizens legally settled in Czech territory, concentrating particularly on "economic" migrants; 2) a questionnaire survey targeting a total of 192 Ukrainian workers (98 in the fall 1995 and 94 in the fall 1996) working in Prague or its vicinity; 3) a second questionnaire survey of 40 "western" firms (20 in 1996 and 20 in 1997) operating out of Prague; 4) an opinion poll on how the Czech population reacts to foreign workers in the CR. Over 80% of economic immigrants at the end of 1996 were from European countries, 16% from Asia and under 2% from North America. The largest single nationalities were Ukrainians, Slovaks, Vietnamese and Poles. There has been a huge increase in the Ukrainian immigrant community over both space (by region) and time (a ten-fold increase since 1993), and at 40,000 persons this represents one third of all legal immigrants. Indications are that many more live and work there illegally. Young males with low educational/skills levels predominate, in contrast with the more heterogeneous immigration from the "West". The primary reason for this migration is the higher wages in the Czech Republic. In 1994 the relative figures of GDP adjusted for parity of purchasing power were US$ 8,095 for the Czech Republic versus US$ 3,330 for the Ukraine as a whole and US$ 1,600 for the Zakarpatye region from which 49% of the respondents in the survey came. On an individual level, the average Czech wage is about US$ 330 per month, while 50% of the Ukrainian respondents put their last monthly wage before leaving for the Czech Republic at under US$ 27. The very low level of unemployment in the latter country (fluctuating around 4%) was also mentioned as an important factor. Migration was seen as a way of diversifying the family's source of income and 49% of the respondents had made their plans together with partners or close relatives, while 45% regularly send remittances to Ukraine (94% do so through friends or relatives). Looking at Ukrainian migration from the point of view of the dual market theory, these migrants' type and conditions of work, work load and earnings were all significantly worse than in the primary sector, which employs well educated people and offers them good earnings, job security and benefits. 53% of respondents were working and/or staying in the Czech Republic illegally at the time of the research, 73% worked as unqualified, unskilled workers or auxiliary workers, 62% worked more than 12 hours a day, and 40% evaluated their working conditions as hard. 51% had no days off, earnings were low in relation to the number of hours worked. and 85% said that their earnings did not increase over time. Nearly half the workers were recruited in Ukraine and only 4% expressed a desire to stay in the Czech Republic. Network theories were also borne out to some extent as 33% of immigrants came together with friends from the same village, town or region in Ukraine. The number who have relatives working in the Czech Republic is rising, and many wish to invite relatives or children to visit them. The presence of organisations which organised cross-border migration, including some which resort to organising illegal documents, also gives some support for the institutional theory. Mr. Drbohlav found that all the migration theories considered offered some insights on the situation, but that none was sufficient to explain it all. He also points out parallels with many other regions of the world, including Central America, South and North America, Melanesia, Indonesia, East Africa, India, the Middle East and Russia. For the survey of foreign and international firms, those chosen were largely from countries represented by more than one company and were mainly active in market services such as financial and trade services, marketing and consulting. While 48% of the firms had more than 10,000 employees spread through many countries, more than two thirds had fewer than 50 employees in the Czech Republic. Czechs formed 80% plus of general staff in these firms although not more than 50% of senior management, and very few other "easterners" were employed. All companies absolutely denied employing people illegally. The average monthly wage of Czech staff was US$ 850, with that of top managers from the firm's "mother country" being US$ 6,350 and that of other western managers US$ 3,410. The foreign staff were generally highly mobile and were rarely accompanied by their families. Most saw their time in the Czech Republic as positive for their careers but very few had any intention of remaining there. Factors in the local situation which were evaluated positively included market opportunities, the economic and political environment, the quality of technical and managerial staff, and cheap labour and low production costs. In contrast, the level of appropriate business ethics and conduct, the attitude of local and regional authorities, environmental production conditions, the legal environment and financial markets and fiscal policy were rated very low. In the final section of his work Mr. Drbohlav looked at the opinions expressed by the local Czech population in a poll carried out at the beginning of 1997. This confirmed that international labour migration has become visible in this country, with 43% of respondents knowing at least one foreigner employed by a Czech firm in this country. Perception differ according to the region from which the workers come and those from "the West" are preferred to those coming from further east. 49% saw their attitude towards the former as friendly but only 20% felt thus towards the latter. Overall, attitudes towards migrant workers is neutral, although 38% said that such workers should not have the same rights as Czech citizens. Sympathy towards foreign workers tends to increase with education and the standard of living, and the relatively positive attitudes towards foreigners in the South Bohemia region contradicted the frequent belief that a lack of experience of international migration lowers positive perceptions of it.


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In the dual ex vivo perfusion of an isolated human placental cotyledon it takes on average 20-30 min to set up stable perfusion circuits for the maternal and fetal vascular compartments. In vivo placental tissue of all species maintains a highly active metabolism and it continues to puzzle investigators how this tissue can survive 30 min of ischemia with more or less complete anoxia following expulsion of the organ from the uterus and do so without severe damage. There seem to be parallels between "depressed metabolism" seen in the fetus and the immature neonate in the peripartum period and survival strategies described in mammals with increased tolerance of severe hypoxia like hibernators in the state of torpor or deep sea diving turtles. Increased tolerance of hypoxia in both is explained by "partial metabolic arrest" in the sense of a temporary suspension of Kleiber's rule. Furthermore the fetus can react to major changes in surrounding oxygen tension by decreasing or increasing the rate of specific basal metabolism, providing protection against severe hypoxia as well as oxidative stress. There is some evidence that adaptive mechanisms allowing increased tolerance of severe hypoxia in the fetus or immature neonate can also be found in placental tissue, of which at least the villous portion is of fetal origin. A better understanding of the molecular details of reprogramming of fetal and placental tissues in late pregnancy may be of clinical relevance for an improved risk assessment of the individual fetus during the critical transition from intrauterine life to the outside and for the development of potential prophylactic measures against severe ante- or intrapartum hypoxia. Responses of the tissue to reperfusion deserve intensive study, since they may provide a rational basis for preventive measures against reperfusion injury and related oxidative stress. Modification of the handling of placental tissue during postpartum ischemia, and adaptation of the artificial reperfusion, may lead to an improvement of the ex vivo perfusion technique.


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AIM: During each oestrous cycle, the mammary gland is subject to changes in ovarian hormone levels. It responds with limited proliferation, differentiation and regression. To understand the processes resulting in these changes, particularly the regulation of cell death, we examined protein levels in mammary epithelium during the oestrous cycle of the Sprague-Dawley rat. METHODS: Studies of serum hormone levels, vaginal smears, uterine weight and morphology, mammary gland morphology, proliferation and apoptotic indices, and protein levels during the stages of the Sprague-Dawley rat oestrous cycle were used to examine the response of mammary epithelium to the oestrous cycle. RESULTS: Proliferation of mammary epithelium was greater in diestrus and proestrus, while apoptosis was increased in metestrus and diestrus. Growth factor-, hormone- and anchorage-mediated cell survival signalling, indicated by activation of Stat5A, FAK and Akt 1 and expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members, was greater in proestrus and reduced in metestrus. In contrast, the levels of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members and proteins associated with apoptosis in mammary epithelium (TGFbeta3, pStat3) were increased during metestrus and diestrus. CONCLUSION: Decreases in growth factor, hormone and cell attachment survival signals corresponded with increased apoptosis during the second half of the oestrous cycle. The protein levels detected during oestrus suggest parallels to apoptosis in mammary involution.


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AIMS: To assess changes in cardiac adrenergic activity with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), and to investigate whether these changes are related to improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). METHODS AND RESULTS: Sixteen patients (13 males, age 66 +/- 7 years) were studied at baseline and after > or =6 months of CRT (mean follow-up 9.2 +/- 3.2 months). LVEF was assessed by nuclear angiography. Responders were defined as patients showing > or =5% absolute increase in LVEF + improvement in > or =1 NYHA class + absence of heart failure hospitalization. Cardiac sympathetic nerve activity was studied by (123)I-metaiodobenzyl-guanidine ((123)I-MIBG) scintigraphy. Responders (n = 8) showed lower (123)I-MIBG washout at follow-up when compared with non-responders (P = 0.002), indicating lower cardiac sympathetic nerve activity. The decrease in (123)I-MIBG washout at follow-up when compared with baseline was only seen in the responder group (P = 0.036). There was a moderate correlation between increase in LVEF and decrease in (123)I-MIBG washout (r = 0.52, P = 0.04). CONCLUSION: CRT induces a reduction in cardiac sympathetic nerve activity in responders, that parallels an improvement in LVEF, whereas non-responders do not show any significant changes.


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The article discusses the function of an accompanying discourse in relation to the genesis of human practical action. On the one side, theory cannot be taken as the ground for practical action; practical action is not a realisation of intentions. On the other hand, human practical action is accompanied by series of explanations, justifications, declarations of intent, pre‑ and post-rationalisations, motivations etc. These accompanying discourses seem in one way or the other to be necessary for the actual realisation of human practical action. Following Pierre Bourdieu, it is suggested that an accompanying discourse cannot in a meaningful manner be separated from the human practical action, that practical theory should be regarded not as theory but as part of practice, and that practical theory first of all provides a common language for talking about practice and hence for reproducing a fundamentally arbitrary idea of the genesis of human practical action. Parallels are drawn to the education/formal training of semi-professionals.