964 resultados para Agricultural Wage Employment


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It is with deep conviction and satisfaction that we have accepted the invitation to take part in this meeting, an occasion which enables us to reflect together on such a delicate and important question and at the same time to get to know our mutual environments,different geographically and culturally often distant but drawn to face together problems of European dimensions, such as the question of youth employment.


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Problems faced by the fishery sector in Nigeria are examined and the role that agricultural cooperatives play in fishery development considered. The importance of improving the marketing and distribution system through fishermen cooperatives is stressed. It is concluded that for the successful implementation of fishery products, there is need for regular communication, cooperation and collaboration among relative agencies


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A brief account is given of fish culture at the Anibonoje Agricultural Industries Ltd. fish farm in Nigeria. The pond culture of Tilapia, Clarias lazera, Heterotis niloticus and Cyprinus carpio is outlined, describing the feeding of the fish, the fertilization of the ponds, and pond management. The role of the government vis-a-vis that of the organized private sector is also examined


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This study was conducted to assess the impact of Nigerian Agricultural, Co-operative and Rural Development Bank Loan on beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries fishermen in Lake Kainji. A total of fifty fishermen (25 beneficiaries and 25 non-beneficiaries) were randomly selected from five fishing villages along the lake basin. Data collected were scored and the percentages of the parameters were calculated appropriately. The types of loans disbursed to beneficiaries revealed that 52% was cash and 48% was in kind. The credit package ranged between N5, 000 to N150, 000 only. Only 48% of the loans granted were paid while the rest remained unpaid. The results obtained from the membership of fishermen Cooperative showed that 64% of beneficiaries were members while 36% were non-members. Also 36% of non-beneficiaries were members while 64% were not. The Common fishing gears used by the two categories of fishermen include gillnets longline, castnet and driftnets. Sixty percent of beneficiaries and 8% of non-beneficiaries fishermen were using canoe with outboard engines while the rest used canoes with paddles. Beneficiaries earned a higher income (N1, 000 to N9, 000) daily than non-beneficiaries (N1, 000 to N6, 000) daily from sales of fish caught. Major contrainsts to increased catch and income identified include inadequate capital, non- availability of fishing inputs, stealing of fishing gears, lack of access to credit facilities and menace of stump and water hyacinth in the lake. Lastly, recommendation were made for the bank management, government and other lending institutions on how to improve the livelihood of the Artisanal fishermen by increasing the loan usually granted


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Fisheries is important to Nigeria agricultural economy because it provides employment for fisherfolks (men and women fishers, fishmongers (fish traders), fish processors and fish farmers. It also supplies protein to the diet of Nigerians and it is equally a viable source of foreign exchange earning to the government.The estimated Nigeria population of 120 million consumes about 1.2million metric tones of fish and fish products annual. This justified the important role fisheries could play in nigerian diet considering that Nigeria has vast inland waters that cover an estimated total surface area of 199,580km super(2) and equally vast sea area of 25,000km super(2). In these waters the author claimed that there are diverse fish resources that are of economic importance in both inland and seawaters. FDF (2000) also estimated that the current annual yield of both inland and seawater put together is about 418,069,3 metric tones from artisanal fisheries and 23,720 metric tones from aquaculture. The shortage between the annual consumption level of 1.2million metric tones and annual yield of 418,069,3 metric tones is made available through importation. It is therefore of concern that given the level of current fish yield from the various fisheries resources the demand still exceeds supply. One wonders whether the production inadequacy is due to poor management of available fisheries resources or that improved fisheries technology that could aid increased production was not efficiently transferred to fish farmers. To answer these questions one need to examine the past and present extension policy in Nigeria as they affect dissemination of fisheries technologies


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[ESP] El objetivo de este artículo es relacionar las características de la inserción laboral femenina con su grado de participación en el mercado laboral en los países de la Unión Europea a través de los datos proporcionados por Eurostat. Nos interesa conocer si una mayor participación laboral entre las mujeres va aparejada con un modelo laboral “femenino”, esto es, con empleos a tiempo parcial, temporales, de baja remuneración y en determinados sectores y ocupaciones. O si por el contrario, en los países en los cuales la tasa de empleo femenina es elevada y hay menor brecha con respecto a la de los hombres, el modelo de inserción laboral de mujeres y hombres es similar. La diversidad de los mercados de trabajo y también de las políticas públicas y de las estructuras productivas en un área tan amplia como al UE27, nos impide establecer modelos de inserción laboral femenina claros, aunque sí hemos podido apuntar rasgos comunes con respecto a las desigualdades de género entre países.


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As últimas décadas evidenciaram profundas transformações na estrutura do trabalho e emprego no cenário global. Esse movimento trouxe implicações sociais de diversas dimensões para a experiência cotidiana dos trabalhadores nas cidades industriais. A pesquisa buscou investigar se as expressões daquelas transformações socioeconômicas numa região particular da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, o Complexo do Alemão, teriam resultados sobre a configuração das identidades dos trabalhadores e o curso de um novo etos do trabalho. O Complexo do Alemão se transformou numa região de investimentos industriais até os anos 1980, quando então começa a declinar-se. As transformações ali operadas e a forma urbana assumida naquele contexto expressam mudanças sociais mais amplas que ocorreram nas últimas décadas na cidade e no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Trabalhou-se com a hipótese de que a alocação de grandes empreendimentos industriais e uma rede de médias e pequenas empresas naquela área calcadas no trabalho assalariado protegido, ora teria contribuído na construção de identidades dos trabalhadores e, de outro lado, a descentramento e esvaziamento daquele padrão teriam impactado a forma como os sujeitos constituem essas identidades mediadas pelo trabalho. Outra hipótese colocada referiu-se a possibilidade da emergência de novas concepções e aspirações profissionais e de trabalho a cimentar novos modos de organização de identidades individuais e coletivas naquela região. Foi colocado em discussão o modelo de modernidade industrial instalado no Brasil bem como o modo como o zoneamento industrial se deu na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa dialogou com os temas do trabalho, industrialização, reestruturação produtiva e identidades. Afora os aportes teóricos, a pesquisa lançou mão de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com trabalhadores de diversas idades que trabalharam ou ainda trabalham na região do Complexo do Alemão. Diante do ordenamento atual no mundo do trabalho, a pesquisa discutiu que mecanismos de exploração são reeditados e que em meio a isso, num jogo contraditório e dialético, os trabalhadores constroem representações sobre si e sobre a coletividade. O horizonte de um trabalho livre e protegido, em nossa modernização periférica, foi importante elemento para a construção de um imaginário operário, tendo o salário e a fábrica como uma porta de acesso para a cidadania. Por fim, mostrou-se que atualmente são postas novas institucionalidades para a questão da identidade do trabalhador; a fábrica, que antes ocupou importante lugar na região em estudo e no imaginário da população daquele território, se reveste de novas conotações.


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Fish play a crucial role in the Bangladeshi diet, providing more than 60% of animal source food, representing a crucial source of micro-nutrients, and possessing an extremely strong cultural attachment. Fish (including shrimp and prawn) is the second most valuable agricultural crop, and its production contributes to the livelihoods and employment of millions. The culture and consumption of fish therefore has important implications for national food and nutrition security, poverty and growth. This review examines the current state of knowledge on the aquaculture sector and fish consumption in Bangladesh, based on extensive analysis of secondary sources (including unpublished data unavailable elsewhere), consultation with various experts and specially conducted surveys.


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[EN]This project aims to determine the factors which influence workers’ wages in the Basque Country, taking data from the INE (Spanish Statistical Office). In first place, I will decide which variables to choose and describe them. Then they will be used to build a wage model. At this point I will observe their behaviour according to their values and the possible differences between them. Once these variables are described, they will be used to develop an econometric model that will allow to see the different effects of the variables on the endogenous variable, in this case the gross annual wage. Finally, all the analysed data will be taken and examined to draw the final conclusions and see how workers’ age, training or gender affect their salary. [EN]


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This project is a study of the Labour Market in the Basque Country. First of all, we have analysed the position of the Basque Country in the European Union employment situation by gender and age. Secondly, we have studied the educational level of the Basque Country from the European Union perspective. Thirdly, we have showed the importance of labour orientation in educational level, especially in higher education. Finally, the design of new employment policies to promote the creation of jobs and stability of the labour market depends on: new industries and university employment policies.


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[EN] This project aims to determine the factors which influence workers’ wages in the Basque Country, taking data from the INE (Spanish Statistical Office). In first place, I will decide which variables to choose and describe them. Then they will be used to build a wage model. At this point I will observe their behaviour according to their values and the possible differences between them. Once these variables are described, they will be used to develop an econometric model that will allow to see the different effects of the variables on the endogenous variable, in this case the gross annual wage. Finally, all the analysed data will be taken and examined to draw the final conclusions and see how workers’ age, training or gender affect their salary. [EN]


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Aquatic agricultural systems in developing countries face increasing competition from multiple stakeholders operating from local to national and regional scales over rights to access and use natural resources—land, water, wetlands, and fisheries-essential to rural livelihoods. A key implication is the need to strengthen governance to enable equitable decision-making amidst such competition, building capacities for resilience and transformations that reduce poverty. This paper provides a simple framework to analyze the governance context for aquatic agricultural system development focused on three dimensions: stakeholder representation, distribution of power, and mechanisms of accountability. Case studies from Cambodia, Bangladesh, Malawi/Mozambique, and Solomon Islands illustrate the application of these concepts to fisheries and aquaculture livelihoods in the broader context of intersectoral and cross-scale governance interacti