953 resultados para Agadir Canyon
Animals inhabiting environments with low productivity and food availability commonly have reduced energy demands and increased digestive efficiencies. The dry matter intake (DMI), apparent digestible dry matter (ADDM), digestible efficiency (DE) and digestible energy intake (DEI) of two populations of common spiny mouse Acomys cahirinus were compared during both winter and summer under conditions of simulated water stress. Mice were captured from the north- and south-facing slopes (NFS and SFS) of the same canyon that represent mesic and xeric habitats, respectively. Measured variables were also compared between F-1 mice that had been born to either NFS or SFS mice, and raised in the laboratory. SFS mice were able to assimilate energy more efficiently than NFS mice during the summer. By comparison, NFS mice were able to assimilate more energy during the winter. During winter, NFS mice assimilated more energy at low levels of water stress, whereas SFS mice assimilated more energy at higher levels. Differences were also apparent in F-1 mice. It is therefore suggested that local climatic conditions can impose physiological adaptations that are retained in succeeding generations, creating unique meta-populations.
The osmoregulatory function of common spiny mice Acomys cahirinus living on opposite slopes of the lower Nahal Oren ('Evolution Canyon') on mount Carmel, Israel, was investigated by increasing the salinity of the water source whilst maintaining a high-protein diet. The southern-facing slope (SFS) of this canyon differs from the northern-facing slope (NFS) as it receives considerably more solar radiation and consequently forms a more xeric, sparsely vegetated habitat. During the summer, mice living on the two opposite slopes significantly differed in their urine osmolality, which also increased significantly as dietary salinity increased. Offspring of wild-captured mice, born in captivity, and examined during the winter, continued to show a difference in osmoregulatory function depending on the slope of origin. However, they differed from wild-captured mice, as they did not respond to the increase in dietary salinity by increasing the concentration of their urine, but rather by increasing the volume of urine produced. This study shows that A. cahirinus occupying different microhabitats may exhibit differences in their ability to concentrate urine and thus in their ability to withstand xeric conditions. We suggest that they may also differ genetically, as offspring from the NFS and SFS retain physiological differences, but further studies will be needed to confirm this hypothesis.
Four of the five members of the Dasyaceae found in the British Isles, Dasya corymbifera J. Agardh, Dasya hutchinsiae Harvey, Dasya punicea Meneghini ex Zanardini and Heterosiphonia plumosa (Ellis) Batters, appear to have Polysiphonia-type life histories on the basis of evidence from field collections of tetrasporophytes and gametophytes. In collections from the British Isles of the fifth species, Dasya ocellata (Grateloup) Harvey, only tetrasporophytes have ever been observed, but there are two reports of gametophytes in this species from further south in Europe. Dasya ocellata tetraspores were isolated into culture from populations in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, and Agadir, Morocco, where one female thallus was collected amongst tetrasporophytes. Dasya ocellata from Ireland underwent a direct tetraspore-to-tetrasporophyte life history, which was followed through two complete cycles. Karyological studies showed that meiosis does not occur during tetrasporangial development: tetrasporangia are mitotic, with c. 64 small chromosomes. Comparison with chromosome numbers in meiotic tetrasporangia of D. hutchinsiae (n = c. 32) showed that this is the diploid chromosome complement. Tetraspores from the Moroccan isolate, by contrast, gave rise to gametophytes (although only the males became fertile) and tetrasporophyte recycling did not occur. Thalli sampled from a population in southern Portugal consisted only of tetrasporophytes. Dasya ocellata, like many members of the Ceramiales, shows intraspecific life history variability; a sexual life history apparently occurs only in southern populations.
Late Pleistocene to Holocene margin sedimentation on the Great Barrier Reef, a mixed carbonatesiliciclastic margin, has been explained by a transgressive shedding model. This model has challenged widely accepted sequence stratigraphic models in terms of the timing and type of sediment (i.e. carbonate vs. siliciclastic) deposited during sea-level oscillations. However, this model documents only hemipelagic sedimentation and the contribution of coarse-grained turbidite deposition, and the role of submarine canyons in this process, remain elusive on this archetypal margin. Here we present a new model of turbidite deposition for the last 60 ky in the north-eastern Australia margin. Using highresolution bathymetry, 58 new and existing radiometric ages, and the composition of 81 turbidites from 15 piston cores, we found that the spatial and temporal variation of turbidites is controlled by the relationship between sea-level change and the variable physiography along the margin. Siliciclastic and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic turbidites were linked to canyons indenting the shelf-break and the welldeveloped shelf-edge reef barriers that stored sediment behind them. Turbidite deposition was sustained while the sea-level position allowed the connection and sediment bypassing through the interreef passages and canyons. Carbonate turbidites dominated in regions with more open conditions at the outer-shelf and where slope-confined canyons dominated or where canyons are generally less abundant. The turn-on and maintenance of carbonate production during sea-level fluctuations also influenced the timing of carbonate turbidite deposition. We show that a fundamental understanding of the variable physiography inherent to mixed carbonate-siliciclastic margins is essential to accurately interpret deep-water, coarse-grained deposition within a sequence stratigraphic context.
Com o intuito de estudar as principais vias de transporte de sedimentos finos recentes na zona central da margem continental Oeste Portuguesa, parâmetros geoquímicos, mineralógicos e granulométricos foram analisados em sedimentos superficiais e em matéria particulada colhida em armadilhas de sedimentos e integrados com observações da hidrodinâmica de fundo. Os parâmetros geoquímicos foram também estudados na coluna de sedimentos depositada nos últimos 150 anos e em sedimentos pré-industriais. Os referidos parâmetros determinados foram: concentrações elementares, isótopos estáveis de Pb, teores em materiais litogénicos, carbonato de cálcio e carbono orgânico. Os canhões de Lisboa-Setúbal e Cascais tiveram especial destaque no presente estudo dado que, até à data, encontram-se menos estudados que o Canhão da Nazaré. Os resultados mostram que a distribuição de sedimentos na zona central da margem ocidental Portuguesa é particionada pelos canhões e que a exportação de sedimentos da plataforma para zonas mais profundas da margem é restringida pelas correntes do talude, excepto onde os canhões funcionam como corredores para o transporte de sedimentos. Enquanto no Canhão de Lisboa-Setúbal, e provavelmente no Canhão de Cascais, o transporte de sedimentos até à zona inferior é limitada, provavelmente apenas despoletado por eventos de elevada energia, no Canhão da Nazaré o transporte ao longo do todo o canhão parece eficiente. As zonas superiores dos canhões de Lisboa-Setúbal e Cascais presentemente actuam como armadilhas de sedimentos finos, aprisionando partículas em suspensão provenientes da plataforma adjacente. A introdução directa de sedimentos provenientes das plumas dos rios Tejo e Sado nas zonas superiores dos canhões parece limitada, contudo a resuspensão dos sedimentos do prodelta do Tejo como resultado de ondas de tempestade e ondas de maré interna permite o transporte de sedimentos para os canhões adjacentes. Na plataforma de Lisboa-Setúbal-Sines foram identificadas as assinaturas geoquímicas e mineralógicas de diferentes fontes de sedimentos finos (e.g. estuários do Tejo e Sado, arribas costeiras, lagoas de St. André e Melides). As concentrações elementares pré-industriais são muito semelhantes nos canhões da Nazaré e Lisboa-Setúbal, mas variados graus de enriquecimento antrópico de metais traço estão presentes nos sedimentos recentes. A mais acentuada influência antrópica na última área referida é consistente com a sua proximidade a áreas densamente povoadas e industrializadas e com input de sedimentos originários dos rios Tejo e Sado, potenciais transportadores de partículas poluentes. A dispersão de Pb atmosférico parece também significativa sendo que toda a zona da plataforma continental adjacente aos canhões de Lisboa-Setúbal e Cascais apresenta-se enriquecida. A principal fonte de Pb antrópico identificada através de isótopos estáveis de Pb é consistente com a assinatura das cinzas de incineradoras. No Canhão de Lisboa a imersão de dragados contaminados parece ser também uma potencial importante fonte de metais traço antropogénicos.
Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univerdade do Algarve, 2015
In epidemiological studies, outdoor exposure to pollen is typically estimated using rooftop monitoring station data, whilst exposure overwhelmingly occurs at street level. In this study the relationship between street level and roof level grass pollen concentrations was investigated for city centre street canyon environments in Aarhus, Denmark, and London, UK, during the grass pollen seasons of 2010 and 2011 respectively. For the period mid-day to late evening, street level concentrations in both cities tended to be lower than roof-level concentrations, though this difference was found to be statistically significant only in London. The ratio of street/roof level concentrations was compared with temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and solar radiation. Results indicated that the concentration ratio responds to wind direction with respect to relative canyon orientation and local source distribution. In the London study, an increase in relative humidity was linked to a significant decrease in street/roof level concentration ratio, and a possible causative mechanism involving moisture mediated pollen grain buoyancy is proposed. Relationships with the other weather variables were not found to be significant in either location. These results suggest a tendency for monitoring station data to overestimate exposure in the canyon environment.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
réalisé en cotutelle avec l'université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
The thesis deals with different aspects connected with the distribution and toxicity of PHC in crude oils in the aquatic environment and marine molluscs. Information has been gathered and presented on the present status of research in the field based on a thorough review of recent literature. It is seen from the literature that the resident time of PHC becomes lesser and lesser when crude oil is discharged in large quantities into the coastal waters where excess oxygenation light penetration, temperature availability and strong tidal currents persist. This results in the reduction of the onslaught of oil pollution. This probably shows that taxic insult of crude oil in tropical shores will be relatively lesser than that occurring in temperate and boreal waters. However, there is no record of major episodal oil pollution comparable in quantum and extent to that of Torrey Canyon or Amoco Cadiz which prevents a more reliable analysis on the issue. Considerable controversy exists on the method of estimation of PHC in seawater. However, Ultra-violet fluorescence spectroscopy has been widely recommended as an analytical tool for the determination of total hydrocarbons. Similarly representation of values as chrysene equivalents has been recognised as the most reliable method of Quantum representation.
Turbulence statistics obtained by direct numerical simulations are analysed to investigate spatial heterogeneity within regular arrays of building-like cubical obstacles. Two different array layouts are studied, staggered and square, both at a packing density of λp=0.25 . The flow statistics analysed are mean streamwise velocity ( u− ), shear stress ( u′w′−−−− ), turbulent kinetic energy (k) and dispersive stress fraction ( u˜w˜ ). The spatial flow patterns and spatial distribution of these statistics in the two arrays are found to be very different. Local regions of high spatial variability are identified. The overall spatial variances of the statistics are shown to be generally very significant in comparison with their spatial averages within the arrays. Above the arrays the spatial variances as well as dispersive stresses decay rapidly to zero. The heterogeneity is explored further by separately considering six different flow regimes identified within the arrays, described here as: channelling region, constricted region, intersection region, building wake region, canyon region and front-recirculation region. It is found that the flow in the first three regions is relatively homogeneous, but that spatial variances in the latter three regions are large, especially in the building wake and canyon regions. The implication is that, in general, the flow immediately behind (and, to a lesser extent, in front of) a building is much more heterogeneous than elsewhere, even in the relatively dense arrays considered here. Most of the dispersive stress is concentrated in these regions. Considering the experimental difficulties of obtaining enough point measurements to form a representative spatial average, the error incurred by degrading the sampling resolution is investigated. It is found that a good estimate for both area and line averages can be obtained using a relatively small number of strategically located sampling points.
We investigate the question of how many facets are needed to represent the energy balance of an urban area by developing simplified 3-, 2- and 1-facet versions of a 4-facet energy balance model of two-dimensional streets and buildings. The 3-facet model simplifies the 4-facet model by averaging over the canyon orientation, which results in similar net shortwave and longwave balances for both wall facets, but maintains the asymmetry in the heat fluxes within the street canyon. For the 2-facet model, on the assumption that the wall and road temperatures are equal, the road and wall facets can be combined mathematically into a single street-canyon facet with effective values of the heat transfer coefficient, albedo, emissivity and thermodynamic properties, without further approximation. The 1-facet model requires the additional assumption that the roof temperature is also equal to the road and wall temperatures. Idealised simulations show that the geometry and material properties of the walls and road lead to a large heat capacity of the combined street canyon, whereas the roof behaves like a flat surface with low heat capacity. This means that the magnitude of the diurnal temperature variation of the street-canyon facets are broadly similar and much smaller than the diurnal temperature variation of the roof facets. Consequently, the approximation that the street-canyon facets have similar temperatures is sound, and the road and walls can be combined into a single facet. The roof behaves very differently and a separate roof facet is required. Consequently, the 2-facet model performs similarly to the 4-facet model, while the 1-facet model does not. The models are compared with previously published observations collected in Mexico City. Although the 3- and 2-facet models perform better than the 1-facet model, the present models are unable to represent the phase of the sensible heat flux. This result is consistent with previous model comparisons, and we argue that this feature of the data cannot be produced by a single column model. We conclude that a 2-facet model is necessary, and for numerical weather prediction sufficient, to model an urban surface, and that this conclusion is robust and therefore applicable to more general geometries.
Street-level mean flow and turbulence govern the dispersion of gases away from their sources in urban areas. A suitable reference measurement in the driving flow above the urban canopy is needed to both understand and model complex street-level flow for pollutant dispersion or emergency response purposes. In vegetation canopies, a reference at mean canopy height is often used, but it is unclear whether this is suitable for urban canopies. This paper presents an evaluation of the quality of reference measurements at both roof-top (height = H) and at height z = 9H = 190 m, and their ability to explain mean and turbulent variations of street-level flow. Fast response wind data were measured at street canyon and reference sites during the six-week long DAPPLE project field campaign in spring 2004, in central London, UK, and an averaging time of 10 min was used to distinguish recirculation-type mean flow patterns from turbulence. Flow distortion at each reference site was assessed by considering turbulence intensity and streamline deflection. Then each reference was used as the dependent variable in the model of Dobre et al. (2005) which decomposes street-level flow into channelling and recirculating components. The high reference explained more of the variability of the mean flow. Coupling of turbulent kinetic energy was also stronger between street-level and the high reference flow rather than the roof-top. This coupling was weaker when overnight flow was stratified, and turbulence was suppressed at the high reference site. However, such events were rare (<1% of data) over the six-week long period. The potential usefulness of a centralised, high reference site in London was thus demonstrated with application to emergency response and air quality modelling.
The paper describes a field study focused on the dispersion of a traffic-related pollutant within an area close to a busy intersection between two street canyons in Central London. Simultaneous measurements of airflow, traffic flow and carbon monoxide concentrations ([CO]) are used to explore the causes of spatial variability in [CO] over a full range of background wind directions. Depending on the roof-top wind direction, evidence of both flow channelling and recirculation regimes were identified from data collected within the main canyon and the intersection. However, at the intersection, the merging of channelled flows from the canyons increased the flow complexity and turbulence intensity. These features, coupled with the close proximity of nearby queuing traffic in several directions, led to the highest overall time-average measured [CO] occurring at the intersection. Within the main street canyon, the data supported the presence of a helical flow regime for oblique roof-top flows, leading to increased [CO] on the canyon leeward side. Predominant wind directions led to some locations having significantly higher diurnal average [CO] due to being mostly on the canyon leeward side during the study period. For all locations, small changes in the background wind direction could cause large changes in the in-street mean wind angle and local turbulence intensity, implying that dispersion mechanisms would be highly sensitive to small changes in above roof flows. During peak traffic flow periods, concentrations within parallel side streets were approximately four times lower than within the main canyon and intersection which has implications for controlling personal exposure. Overall, the results illustrate that pollutant concentrations can be highly spatially variable over even short distances within complex urban geometries, and that synoptic wind patterns, traffic queue location and building topologies all play a role in determining where pollutant hot spots occur.