901 resultados para African American Studies
A cartographer constructs a map of an individual creative history, that of the American artist kara lynch, as it emerges in connection to a collective history of African American cultural expression. Positioning history as complex, dynamic systems of interwoven memory networks, the map follows lynch’s traversals through various “zones of cultural haunting”: places where collective memories made invisible through systematic processes of cultural erasure may be recovered and revived. Through these traversals, which are inspired by lynch’s “forever project” Invisible, the map covers such terrains as haunted narratives, mechanisms of abstraction and coding within African American media production, water as an informational technology, the distribution of memory in blood, the dialectics of materiality and immateriality that frame considerations of black subjectivity, and the possibility that place of music might not be the site of sound but instead the social production of memory.
This essay is an examination that, primarily comparativist in its approach, links publication materials from the temperance and Prohibition periods with the Big Book to show how AA's narrative antidotes to the traumas of modernity (sited in alcohol abuse) were as much the product of premodernist and turn-of-the-century hysteria as they were an attempt to write a new chapter in America's relationship with alcohol based on contemporary medical and social research.
This article analyzes how Lorca develops the concept of ‘duende’, finding a crucial missing link in the Elogio de Antonia Mercé, ‘la Argentina’ (1930). ‘Duende’ crystallizes around 1929/1930 when the poet explicitly takes into account the art of the dancer in performance. Three aspects of performance are singled out and systematically traced through Lorca's evolving reflections on popular art and the struggle of the modern artist to create the new – from his first lecture on the cante jondo in 1922 to the Arquitectura del cante jondo (1930) and finally Juego y teoría del duende (1933). The conclusion is drawn that it is in the performance and reception of a text – whether it is heard or read – that the artist's agonistic stand between tradition and modernity, repetition and singularity, is played out, in an invitation to the listener or reader to celebrate his or her mortality.
Whilst Muriel Rukeyser's poetic affinity with Walt Whitman is generally acknowledged, the close relation of her work and poetic sensibility to the thought and writing of Herman Melville has somehow gone relatively unnoticed, and almost wholly unexamined. In 1918, Van Wyck Brooks called for the creation of a usable past that would energize America by recasting its cultural tradition. His plea addressed the need to rebuild a national heritage via the rediscovery of culturally “great” figures. By the late 1930s, many scholars and writers had answered the call, and the new discipline of American studies was beginning to take shape, aided by a reclamation of one of the country's greatest, most neglected, writers – Herman Melville. This was also the period in which Rukeyser “came of age”; a time when political and international conflicts and economic crises generated both the stark, documentary representation of present social realities and the drive to retrieve or reconstruct a more golden age that might mobilize a dislocated nation. The following article examines the importance of Melville to Rukeyser's work, and situates her within the “Melville revival” as an important figure in the movement throughout the first half of the twentieth century to reconstruct an American cultural character.
Background and objectives
Evidence from European and American studies indicates limited referrals of people with learning (intellectual) disabilities to palliative care services. Although professionals’ perceptions of their training needs in this area have been studied, the perceptions of people with learning disabilities and family carers are not known. This study aimed to elicit the views of people with learning disabilities, and their family carers concerning palliative care, to inform healthcare professional education and training.
A qualitative, exploratory design was used. A total of 17 people with learning disabilities were recruited to two focus groups which took place within an advocacy network. Additionally, three family carers of someone with a learning disability, requiring palliative care, and two family carers who had been bereaved recently were also interviewed.
Combined data identified the perceived learning needs for healthcare professionals. Three subthemes emerged: ‘information and preparation’, ‘provision of care’ and ‘family-centred care’.
This study shows that people with learning disabilities can have conversations about death and dying, and their preferred end-of-life care, but require information that they can understand. They also need to have people around familiar to them and with them. Healthcare professionals require skills and knowledge to effectively provide palliative care for people with learning disabilities and should also work in partnership with their family carers who have expertise from their long-term caring role. These findings have implications for educators and clinicians.
The group known as the Ocho Poetas Mexicanos were marginalised in post-revolutionary literary circles and remain largely forgotten by literary history because they were dismissed as Catholic authors by a literary establishment which favoured nation-building literature at a time when Catholicism was excluded from official constructions of nationhood. This article draws attention to the significant contribution made by group members to contemporary cultural life and re-evaluates the work they published in the 1955 anthology which announced their arrival onto the literary scene. An analysis of this collection demonstrates that there was scant justification for labelling the group as Catholic poets and suggests that they are best understood with reference to the “universal” strand of Mexican literature and as heirs to groups such as the Contemporáneos. The treatment of the Ocho Poetas provides important evidence of the way in which Catholic authors were marginalised in mid-twentieth century Mexico, even if they did not express religious beliefs in their work, and draws attention to the non-literary criteria which can come into play when evaluating texts.
This article explores whether or to what extent the contemporary espionage novel is able to map and interrogate transformations in the post-9/11security environment. It asks how well a form or genre of writing, typically handcuffed to the machinations and demands of the Cold War and state sovereignty, is able to adapt to a new security environment characterized by strategies of “risk assessment” and “resilience-building” and by modes or regimes of power not reducible to, or wholly controlled by, the state. In doing so, it thinks about the capacities of this type of fiction for “resisting” the formations of power it wants to make visible and is partly complicit with.
Book review of A GUERRA E AS IGREJAS: ANGOLA 1961-1991. By Benedict Schubert.
Basel, Switzerland: P. Schlettwein Publishing, 2000. Pp. vii; 251; Introduction
by Christine Messiant. CHF. 30, NAM 70, ZAR 70 paper.
RESUMO: Problema: Atualmente o internamento em unidades de saúde é considerado um recurso de última linha, sendo no contexto familiar e social que a pessoa vive a sua depressão. Consequência desta realidade, o papel de cuidador é naturalmente assumido pelo familiar, mas nem sempre aceite como tal pela pessoa que vive a depressão, tendo este facto repercussões importantes na vida familiar, sobretudo ao nível das relações interpessoais. Questão: - Como é que a pessoa com depressão vê o familiar cuidador? Objetivos: - caraterizar a depressão na perspetiva de quem a vive; - Caraterizar o papel de cuidador familiar na perspetiva do doente; - Descrever as reações do doente na relação com os cuidadores familiares Metodologia: desenho de natureza qualitativa e indutiva com recurso à Grounded Theory. Dois pólos das consultas externas do departamento psiquiatria e saúde mental, Hospital de Évora, em duas cidades diferentes, de fevereiro a julho 2009. Seleção de participantes, não probabilística intencional com os seguintes critérios: adultos ou idosos com diagnóstico de depressão, habitar com familiares, ter capacidade cognitiva que permita recolher informação. Realizadas entrevistas a 20 participantes (8 doentes e 12 familiares), num total de 8 famílias. Resultados: codificação axial permitiu encontrar 4 categorias - narrativa do processo de adoecer – é multifacetada, com a identificação clara do início, causas, características da doença e manifestações; - a depressão e eu – a relação dual entre o doente e a depressão, estratégias de enfrentamento da doença, autoaprendizagem, procura de ajuda, gestão da medicação, sentimentos expressos, desejos; - ler o familiar que cuida - a interpretação e o sentido atribuído pelo doente aos comportamentos do familiar cuidador; o sentimento de não cuidado, centrado na ausência de compreensão e paciência, chantagem emocional, ameaças, agressividade, indiferença, falta de diálogo, controle excessivo, incapacidade para escutar, tentativas falhadas de ajuda; - eu na relação com o familiar que cuida - o doente não reconhece capacidade ao familiar para ajudar, ignora os seus conselhos e sente-se perdido sem saber o que fazer, por vezes evita o diálogo saindo de casa por períodos, não percebe o familiar nem sabe o que ele pensa sobre a sua situação de saúde, sente-se só. Conclusão: quando há uma pessoa com depressão na família tudo se altera; os familiares mudam, construindo o papel de cuidador na interação quotidiana. As estratégias de cuidados desenvolvem-se de modo reativo em função do comportamento do doente, adquirindo contornos particulares de conteúdo nem sempre adequado à situação de saúde vivida. O doente não se sente cuidado, nem reconhece o familiar como parceiro ativo no seu processo de recuperação. Ali, L., Ahlström, B., Krevers, B. & Skärsäter, I. (2012). Daily life for Young adults who care for a person with mental illness: a qualitative study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 19, 610-617 Silva, N., Guarda, T., Mendes, M., Godinho, M., Lima, K., Soares, M. (2012). Respuestas de la persona adulta mayor frente a la depresión: revisión integrativa. Desarrollo Científico Enfermería, 20, nº2, 46-50 Ward, E., Mengesha, M. & Issa, F. (2014). Older African American women’s lived experiences with depression and coping behaviours. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21, 46-59
This proclamation from Governor Mark Sanford proclaims November 7 9, 2003, as the 40th Anniversary of Bible Way Church of Atlas Road.
Call & Response is the newsletter of the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission, whose mission is to identify and promote the preservation of historic sites, structures, buildings, and culture of the African American experience in South Carolina. This is volume III, number 3 and includes a message from the chair, list of board members, preservation project profile, remembrance of Mr. Herbert Alexander DeCosta, Jr., news from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, annual meeting information, and events calendar.
Call & Response is the newsletter of the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission, whose mission is to identify and promote the preservation of historic sites, structures, buildings, and culture of the African American experience in South Carolina. This is volume III, number 2 and includes a message from the chair, list of board members, preservation project profile, spotlight on Michael A. Allen, news from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History and events calendar.
Call & Response is the newsletter of the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission, whose mission is to identify and promote the preservation of historic sites, structures, buildings, and culture of the African American experience in South Carolina. This is volume III, number 1 and includes a message from the chair, list of board members, preservation project profile, news from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History and events calendar.