1000 resultados para Aeronàutica
Modelling of entire wind farms in flat and complex terrain using a full 3D Navier–Stokes solver for incompressible flow is presented in this paper. Numerical integration of the governing equations is performed using an implicit pressure correction scheme, where the wind turbines (W/Ts) are modelled as momentum absorbers through their thrust coefficient. The k–ω turbulence model, suitably modified for atmospheric flows, is employed for closure. A correction is introduced to account for the underestimation of the near wake deficit, in which the turbulence time scale is bounded using a general “realizability” constraint for the fluctuating velocities. The second modelling issue that is discussed in this paper is related to the determination of the reference wind speed for the thrust calculation of the machines. Dealing with large wind farms and wind farms in complex terrain, determining the reference wind speed is not obvious when a W/T operates in the wake of another WT and/or in complex terrain. Two alternatives are compared: using the wind speed value at hub height one diameter upstream of the W/T and adopting an induction factor-based concept to overcome the utilization of a wind speed at a certain distance upwind of the rotor. Application is made in two wind farms, a five-machine one located in flat terrain and a 43-machine one located in complex terrain.
Wind farms have been extensively simulated through engineering models for the estimation of wind speed and power deficits inside wind farms. These models were designed initially for a few wind turbines located in flat terrain. Other models based on the parabolic approximation of Navier Stokes equations were developed, making more realistic and feasible the operational resolution of big wind farms in flat terrain and offshore sites. These models have demonstrated to be accurate enough when solving wake effects for this type of environments. Nevertheless, few analyses exist on how complex terrain can affect the behaviour of wind farm wake flow. Recent numerical studies have demonstrated that topographical wakes induce a significant effect on wind turbines wakes, compared to that on flat terrain. This circumstance has recommended the development of elliptic CFD models which allow global simulation of wind turbine wakes in complex terrain. An accurate simplification for the analysis of wind turbine wakes is the actuator disk technique. Coupling this technique with CFD wind models enables the estimation of wind farm wakes preserving the extraction of axial momentum present inside wind farms. This paper describes the analysis and validation of the elliptical wake model CFDWake 1.0 against experimental data from an operating wind farm located in complex terrain. The analysis also reports whether it is possible or not to superimpose linearly the effect of terrain and wind turbine wakes. It also represents one of the first attempts to observe the performance of engineering models compares in large complex terrain wind farms.
The estimation of power losses due to wind turbine wakes is crucial to understanding overall wind farm economics. This is especially true for large offshore wind farms, as it represents the primary source of losses in available power, given the regular arrangement of rotors, their generally largerdiameter and the lower ambient turbulence level, all of which conspire to dramatically affect wake expansion and, consequently, the power deficit. Simulation of wake effects in offshore wind farms (in reasonable computational time) is currently feasible using CFD tools. An elliptic CFD model basedon the actuator disk method and various RANS turbulence closure schemes is tested and validated using power ratios extracted from Horns Rev and Nysted wind farms, collected as part of the EU-funded UPWIND project. The primary focus of the present work is on turbulence modeling, as turbulent mixing is the main mechanism for flow recovery inside wind farms. A higher-order approach, based on the anisotropic RSM model, is tested to better take into account the imbalance in the length scales inside and outside of the wake, not well reproduced by current two-equation closure schemes.
A novel concept for active space debris removal known as Ion Beam Shepherd (IBS) which has been recently presented by our group is investigated. The concept makes use of a highly collimated ion beam to exert the necessary force on a generic debris to modify its orbit and/or attitude from a safe distance in a controlled manner, without the need of docking. After describing the main characteristics of the IBS system, some of the key aspects of thruster plasma and its interaction with the debris are studied, namely, (1) the modeling of the expansion of an plasma beam, based on the quasi-selfsimilarity exhibited by hypersonic plumes, (2) the characterization of the force and torque exerted upon the target debris, and (3) a preliminary evaluation of other plasma-body interactions.
Numerical explorations show how the known periodic solutions of the Hill problem are modified in the case of the attitude-orbit coupling that may occur for large satellite structures. We focus on the case in which the elongation is the dominant satellite’s characteristic and find that a rotating structure may remain with its largest dimension in a plane parallel to the plane of the primaries. In this case, the effect produced by the non-negligible physical length is dynamically equivalent to the perturbation produced by an oblate central body on a mass-point satellite. Based on this, it is demonstrated that the attitude-orbital coupling of a long enough body may change the dynamical characteristics of a periodic orbit about the collinear Lagrangian points.
Como optimizar el uso de los recursos disponibles
In this paper we report the process of designing and building the EYEFLY 1, a real UAS platform which has just performed its maiden flight. For the development of this aircraft, 30 groups of students from successive years at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica (EUITA) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) carried out their compulsory End of Degree Project as a coordinated Project Based learning activity. Our conclusions clearly indicate that Project Based Learning activities can provide a valid complement to more conventional, theoretically-based, teaching methods. The combination of both approaches will allow us to maintain traditional but well-tested methods for providing our students with a sound knowledge of fundamental engineering disciplines and, at the same time, to introduce our students to exciting and relevant engineering situations and sceneries where social and business skills, such as communication skills, team-working or decision-taking, can be put into practice.
The asymptotic structure of the far-wake behind a charged body in a rarefied plasma flow is investigated under the assumption of small ion-to-electron temperature ratio and of flow speed hypersonic with respect to the ions but not with respect to the electrons. It is found that waves are excited even if the flow is subacoustic (flow velocity less than the ion-acoustic speed). For both superacoustic and subacoustic velocities a steep wave front develops separating the weakly perturbed, quasineutral plasma ahead, from the region behind where ion waves appear. Near the axis a trailing front develops;the region between this and the axis is quasineutral for superacoustic speeds. The decay laws in all of these regions, the self-similar structure of the fronts and the general character of the waves are determined.The damping of the waves and special flow detail for bodies large and small compared with the Debye length are discussed. A nonlinear analysis of the leading wave front in superacoustic flow is carried out. A hyperacoustic equivalence principle is presented.
Some similarities between ion waves in plasmas and gravity waves in incompressible fluids are investigated. It is shown that for zero ion temperature the ion-wave dispersion relation is similar to that of gravity waves in a stratified liquid between rigid, horizontal walls; for large wavelength the ion waves behave as the surface gravity waves of shallow-water theory. The general character of the pattern of ion waves arising in steady plasma flows is analyzed for arbitrary ion temperature, wavelength, and acoustic mach number (which is based on the ion-acoustic speed), and is compared to the pattern of surface gravity waves in steady water flows when surface tension is taken into account.
A theory is presented for a method, recently proposed by Hester and Sonin, of determining the ion temperature in a plasma by measuring the transient current to a cylindrical Langmuir probe after applying a potential Vp{ — eVpy>KTe) under conditions where collection is collision free and the ratio of probe radius to Debye length is small. The ion component of the current does not approach its final steady-state value monotonicalfy, but exhibits a strong, ion-temperature-dependent overshoot in the first few ion-plasma periods following the biasing of the probe. Analytical formulas are derived for the case of a Maxwellian plasma, and convenient graphical results are presented. The possible masking of the overshoot by a transient displacement current is discussed; it is shown how to avoid such displacement effects. For the overshoot to be sensitive to the ion temperature T the probe must be near plasma (zero) potential before applying V1,(eVp~<0.lKTe, VP~ being that initial potential); this is not a drawback of the method, but, on the contrary, it can be used to accurately determine plasma potential along with T.
El presente Proyecto de Fin de Carrera supone el propósito conjunto de los alumnos Álvaro Morillas y Fernando Sáez, y del profesor Vladimir Ulin, de desarrollar una unidad didáctica sobre el programa de simulación para ingeniería Virtual.Lab. La versión sobre la que se ha trabajado para realizar este texto es la 11, publicada en agosto de 2012. Virtual.Lab, del fabricante belga LMS International, es una plataforma software de ingeniería asistida por ordenador, que agrupa en una misma aplicación varias herramientas complementarias en el diseño de un producto, desde su definición geométrica a los análisis de durabilidad, ruido u optimización. No obstante, de entre todas las posibles simulaciones que nos permite el programa, en este proyecto sólo se tratan las que están relacionadas con la acústica. Cabe resaltar que gran parte de los conceptos manejados en Virtual.Lab son compatibles con el programa CATIA V5, ya que ambos programas vienen instalados y funcionan conjuntamente. Por eso, el lector de este proyecto podrá transportar sus conocimientos al que es uno de los programas estándar en las industrias aeronáutica, naval y automovilística, entre otras. Antes de este proyecto, otros alumnos de la escuela también realizaron proyectos de fin de carrera en el campo de la simulación computarizada en acústica. Una característica común a estos trabajos es que era necesario hacer uso de distintos programas para cada una de las etapas de simulación (como por ejemplo, ANSYS para el modelado y estudio de la vibración y SYSNOISE para las simulaciones acústicas, además de otros programas auxiliares para las traducciones de formato). Con Virtual.Lab desaparece esta necesidad y el tiempo empleado se reduce. Debido a que las soluciones por ordenador están ganando cada vez más importancia en la industria actual, los responsables de este proyecto consideran la necesidad de formación de profesionales en esta rama. Para responder a la demanda empresarial de trabajadores cualificados, se espera que en los próximos años los planes de estudio contengan más cursos en esta materia. Por tanto la intención de los autores es que este material sea de utilidad para el aprendizaje y docencia de estas asignaturas en cursos sucesivos. Por todo esto, se justifica la relevancia de este PFC como manual para introducir a los alumnos interesados en iniciarse en un sistema actual, de uso extendido en otras universidades tecnológicas europeas, y con buenas perspectivas de futuro. En este proyecto se incluyen varios ejemplos ejecutables desde el programa, así como vídeos explicativos que ayudan a mostrar gráficamente los procesos de simulación. Estos archivos se pueden encontrar en el CD adjunto. Abstract This final thesis is a joint project made by the students Álvaro Morillas and Fernando Sáez, and the professor Vladimir Ulin. The nature of the joint regards the writing of a didactic unit on Virtual.Lab, the simulation software. The software version used in this text is the number 11, released in August 2012. Virtual.Lab, from the Belgian developer LMS International, is a computer-aided engineering software which is used for several related tasks in this field: product design, durability simulation, optimization, etc. However, this project is focused on the acoustical capabilities. It is worthy to highlight that most procedures explained in this text can be used in the software CATIA V5 as well. Both tools come installed together and may be used at the same time. Therefore, the reader of this project will be able to use the acquired knowledge in one of the most relevant softwares for the aerospace, marine and automotive engineering. Previously to the development of this project, this School has conducted projects on this field. These projects regarded the use of ANSYS for modeling and meshing stages as well as the use of SYSNOISE for the final acoustic analysis. Since both systems use different file formats, a third-party translation software was required. This thesis fulfill this pending necessity with Virtual.Lab; the translation software procedure is not necessary anymore and simulations can be done in a more flexible, fast way. Since companies have an increasing usage of numerical methods in the development of their products and services, the authors think that it is important to develop the appropriate method to instruct new professionals in the field. Thus, the aim of this project is to help teachers and students in their process of learning the use of this leading software in acoustical simulations. For all the reasons mentioned above, we consider that this project is relevant for the School and the educational community. Aiming to achieve this objective the author offers example files and video demonstrations with guidance in the CD that accompanies this material. This facilitates the comprehension of the practical tasks and guides the prospect users of the software.
A theory is presented for an end effect in the current response of a highly negative, cylindrical Langmuir probe in a collisionless plasma flow. Under conditions where the ratio of probe radius to debye length is small and the ion-acoustic Mach number is large, the current exhibits a strong peak when the probe axis is brought into alignment with the flow direction. Closed formulas are given for the maximum and angular half-width of the peak, and universal graphical results are presented for the entire peak structure. The theory shows very good agreement with experimental data. The use of the end effect for diagnostic purposes, in particular, for the determination of the ion temperature, is discussed.
The paper discusses the dispersion relation for longitudinal electron waves propagating in a collisionless, homogeneous isotropic plasma, which contains both Maxwellian and suprathermal electrons. I t is found that the dispersion curve, known to have two separate branches for zero suprathermal energy spread,depends sensitively on this quantity. As the energy half-width of the suprathermal population increases, the branches approach each other until they touch at a connexion point, for a small critical value of that half-width. The topology of the dispersion curves is different for half-widths above and below critical; and this can affect the use of wave-propagation measurements as a diagnostic technique for the determination of the electron distribution function. Both the distance between the branches and spatial damping near the connexion frequency depend on the half-width, if below critical, and can be used to determine it. The theory is applied to experimental data.
Este proyecto fin de carrera tiene como finalidad el diseño e implementación de un sistema multicanal de medida de temperaturas con termopares con procesado digital. Se ha realizado un prototipo de cuatro canales con conexión de termopar, que es el tipo de sensor utilizado para realizar dichas medidas. La tensión generada por el termopar es procesada mediante un conversor de termopar a digital con salida en interfaz modo serie o SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). El control de dicha comunicación se realiza por medio de un Array de Puertas Lógicas Programables o FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), en concreto se ha utilizado una plataforma de desarrollo modelo Virtex-5 de la empresa Xilinx. Esta tarjeta se ha programado también para el procesado software y la posterior comunicación serie con el PC, el cual consta de una interfaz de usuario donde se muestran los resultados de las medidas en tiempo real. El proyecto ha sido desarrollado en colaboración con una empresa privada dedicada principalmente al diseño electrónico. La finalidad de este prototipo es el estudio de una actualización del bloque de medida para el control de las curvas de temperatura de un equipo de reparación aeronáutica. En esta memoria se describe el proceso realizado para el desarrollo del prototipo, incluye la presentación de los estudios realizados y la información necesaria para llevar a cabo el diseño, la fabricación y la programación de los diferentes bloques que componen el sistema. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is to implement a multichannel temperature measurement system with digital processing, using thermocouples. A four-channel prototype with thermocouple connection has been built. The thermocouple voltage is converted to digital line using a Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter with a Serial Perpheral Interface (SPI) output. The master which controls this communication is embedded in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), specifically the Xilinx Virtex-5 model. This FPGA also has the code for software temperature processing and the prototype to PC serial communication embedded. The PC user interface displays the measurement results in real time. This project has been developed at a private electronics design company. The company wants to study an update to change the analogue temperature controller equipment to a digital one. So this prototype studies a digital version of the temperature measurement block. The processes accomplished for the prototype development are detailed in the next pages of this document. It includes the studies and information needed to develop the design, manufacturing process and programming of the blocks which integrate with the global system.