1000 resultados para Aegean_C-40


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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From the concepts of way of life by Greimas (1993) and of happening by Zilberberg (2008), we analyze texts taken from O Cruzeiro magazine, which highlights the singer Linda Batista, comparing her to others from the column “Female matters”, by Maria Teresa, love consultant of the women who read the publication. The analysis of such texts lets us verify the behaviour of a woman in distinction that identifies herself with a female profile of a professional who is configured in a style that can be recognized as a modern way of life, different from the model of a traditional way of a housewife in the forties.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rapidity gaps may provide an adequate signature for electroweak processes at supercolliders, including the production of the Higgs particle. We show how this important issue can be studied in the dijet final states of operating proton-antiproton colliders and present quantitative predictions.


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Boletim elaborado pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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The Fellowship of the Concerned Reports consist of two reports presented before the Fellowship in Atlanta, with one report by Marion Allan Wright describing the civil rights situation in South Carolina and the other by Father Maurice Shean of the Oratory in Rock Hill describing the work of the Rock Hill Council on Human Relations to better race relations in the city. The Fellowship was founded in 1949 and dissolved in 1970. It was an organization of southern women affiliated with the Southern Regional Council and concerned with promoting civil rights.


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Dental lesions represent about 1% of oral cavity tumors being ameloblastoma the most common one. It is a tumor of epithelial origin that mainly affects the jaw, and less commonly the maxilla. Its clinical presentation is that of an asymptomatic slow-growing tumor. Despite being a benign tumor, it has an invasive behavior with a high rate of recurrence if not treated properly. Objective: To describe the cases of ameloblastoma in a reference department. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 40 cases. The variables analyzed were: age, gender, ethnicity, tumor location, type of treatment, complications and recurrence. Results: The most affected gender was male - 21 cases (52.5%); with a predominance of Caucasians - 24 cases (60%). The mean age was 35.45 years; the most common location was in.the jaw - 37 cases (92.5%). Facial asymmetry was the most frequent complaint. Of the 40 cases, 33 were submitted to surgery. Of those submitted to surgery, 24 (72.72%) underwent segmental resection, with recurrence in 4 (12.12%) cases. Conclusion: Ameloblastoma may relapse when treatment is not performed with broad surgical resection of the lesion with wide safety margins.


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Impact cratering has been a fundamental geological process in Earth history with major ramifications for the biosphere. The complexity of shocked and melted rocks within impact structures presents difficulties for accurate and precise radiogenic isotope age determination, hampering the assessment of the effects of an individual event in the geological record. We demonstrate the utility of a multi-chronometer approach in our study of samples from the 40 km diameter Araguainha impact structure of central Brazil. Samples of uplifted basement granite display abundant evidence of shock deformation, but U/Pb ages of shocked zircons and the Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of feldspar from the granite largely preserve the igneous crystallization and cooling history. Mixed results are obtained from in situ Ar-40/Ar-39 spot analyses of shocked igneous biotites in the granite, with deformation along kink-bands resulting in highly localized, partial resetting in these grains. Likewise, spot analyses of perlitic glass from pseudotachylitic breccia samples reflect a combination of argon inheritance from wall rock material, the age of the glass itself, and post-impact devitrification. The timing of crater formation is better assessed using samples of impact-generated melt rock where isotopic resetting is associated with textural evidence of melting and in situ crystallization. Granular aggregates of neocrystallized zircon form a cluster of ten U-Pb ages that yield a "Concordia" age of 247.8 +/- 3.8 Ma. The possibility of Pb loss from this population suggests that this is a minimum age for the impact event. The best evidence for the age of the impact comes from the U-Th-Pb dating of neocrystallized monazite and Ar-40/Ar-39 step heating of three separate populations of post-impact, inclusion-rich quartz grains that are derived from the infill of miarolitic cavities. The Pb-206/U-238 age of 254.5 +/- 3.2 Ma (2 sigma error) and Pb-208/Th-232 age of 255.2 +/- 4.8 Ma (2 sigma error) of monazite, together with the inverse, 18 point isochron age of 254 +/- 10 Ma (MSWD = 0.52) for the inclusion-rich quartz grains yield a weighted mean age of 254.7 +/- 2.5 Ma (0.99%, 2 sigma error) for the impact event. The age of the Araguainha crater overlaps with the timing of the Permo-Triassic boundary, within error, but the calculated energy released by the Araguainha impact is insufficient to be a direct cause of the global mass extinction. However, the regional effects of the Araguainha impact event in the Parana-Karoo Basin may have been substantial. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a comprehensive MRI protocol that investigates for cancer, vascular disease, and degenerative/inflammatory disease from the head to the pelvis in less than 40 minutes on a new generation 48-channel 3T system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All MR studies were performed on a 48-channel 3T MR scanner. A 20-channel head/neck coil, two 18-channel body arrays, and a 32-channel spine array were employed. A total of 4 healthy individuals were studied. The designed protocol included a combination of single-shot T2-weighted sequences, T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo pre- and post-gadolinium. All images were retrospectively evaluated by two radiologists independently for overall image quality. RESULTS: The image quality for cancer was rated as excellent in the liver, pancreas, kidneys, lungs, pelvic organs, and brain, and rated as fair in the colon and breast. For vascular diseases ratings were excellent in the aorta, major branch vessel origins, inferior vena cava, portal and hepatic veins, rated as good in pulmonary arteries, and as poor in the coronary arteries. For degenerative/inflammatory diseases ratings were excellent in the brain, liver and pancreas. The inter-observer agreement was excellent. CONCLUSION: A comprehensive and time efficient screening for important categories of disease processes may be achieved with high quality imaging in a new generation 48-channel 3T system.


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Gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma are uncommon before age of 40 years. While certain clinical, pathological and molecular features of GEJ adenocarcinoma in older patients have been extensively studied, these characteristics in the younger population remain to be determined. In the recent literature, a high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma was demonstrated by using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) DNA probe set specific for the locus specific regions 9p21 (p16), 20q13.2 and Y chromosome. We evaluated 663 patients with GEJ adenocarcinoma and further divided them into 2 age-groups of or= 50 years, rispectively. FISH with selected DNA probe for Y chromosome, locus 9p21 (p16), and locus 20q13.2 was investigated with formalin fixed and parassin embedded tissue from surgical resections of 17 younger and 11 older patients. Signals were counted in > 100 cells with each given histopathological category. The chromosomal aberrations were then compared in the 2 age-groups with the focus on uninvolved squamous and columnar epithelium, intestinal metaplasia (Barrett's mucosa), glandular dysplasia, and adenocarcinoma. Comparisons were performed by the X2 test, Fisher's exact test, Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test as appropriate. Survival was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method with univariate analysis by the log-rank. Significance was taken at the 5% level. There was no difference in the surgical technique applied in both age groups and most patients underwent Ivor Lewis esophagectomy. Among clinical variables there was a higher incidence of smocking history in older patient group. We identified a progressive loss of Y chromosome from benign squamos epithelium to Barrett's mucosa and glandular dysplasia, and, ultimately, to a near complete loss in adenocarcinoma in both age groups. The young group revealed significantly more losses of 9p21 in both benign and neoplastic cells when compared to the older patients group. In addition, we demonstrated an increase in the percentage of cells showing gain of locus 20q13.2 with progression from benign epithelium through dysplasia to adenocarcinoma with almost the same trend in both the young and the older patients. When compared with the older age-group, younger patients with GEJ adenocarcinoma possess similar known demographics, environmental factors, clinical, and pathologic characteristics. The most commonly detected genetic aberrations of progressive Y chromosomal loss, 9p21 locus loss, and 20q13 gains were similar in the younger and older patients. However the rate of loss of 9p21 is significantly higher in young patients, in both the benign and the neoplastic cells. The loss of 9p21, and possibly, the subsequent inactivation of p16 gene may be one of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the accelerated neoplastic process in young patients.