1000 resultados para ADPKD,PKD,alimentazione,attività fisica,qualità di vita,malattia policistica epatorenale
In the last decades, an increasing interest in the research field of wide bandgap semiconductors was observed, mostly due to the progressive approaching of silicon-based devices to their theoretical limits. 4H-SiC is an example among these, and is a mature compound for applications. The main advantages offered 4H-SiC in comparison with silicon are an higher breakdown field, an higher thermal conductivity, a higher operating temperature, very high hardness and melting point, biocompatibility, but also low switching losses in high frequencies applications and lower on-resistances in unipolar devices. Then, 4H-SiC power devices offer great performance improvement; moreover, they can work in hostile environments where silicon power devices cannot function. Ion implantation technology is a key process in the fabrication of almost all kinds of SiC devices, owing to the advantage of a spatially selective doping. This work is dedicated to the electrical investigation of several differently-processed 4H-SiC ion- implanted samples, mainly through Hall effect and space charge spectroscopy experiments. It was also developed the automatic control (Labview) of several experiments. In the work, the effectiveness of high temperature post-implant thermal treatments (up to 2000°C) were studied and compared considering: (i) different methods, (ii) different temperatures and (iii) different duration of the annealing process. Preliminary p + /n and Schottky junctions were also investigated as simple test devices. 1) Heavy doping by ion implantation of single off-axis 4H-SiC layers The electrical investigation is one of the most important characterization of ion-implanted samples, which must be submitted to mandatory post-implant thermal treatment in order to both (i) recover the lattice after ion bombardment, and (ii) address the implanted impurities into lattice sites so that they can effectively act as dopants. Electrical investigation can give fundamental information on the efficiency of the electrical impurity activation. To understand the results of the research it should be noted that: (a) To realize good ohmic contacts it is necessary to obtain spatially defined highly doped regions, which must have conductivity as low as possible. (b) It has been shown that the electrical activation efficiency and the electrical conductivity increase with the annealing temperature increasing. (c) To maximize the layer conductivity, temperatures around 1700°C are generally used and implantation density high till to 10 21 cm -3 . In this work, an original approach, different from (c), is explored by the using very high annealing temperature, around 2000°C, on samples of Al + -implant concentration of the order of 10 20 cm -3 . Several Al + -implanted 4H-SiC samples, resulting of p-type conductivity, were investigated, with a nominal density varying in the range of about 1-5∙10 20 cm -3 and subjected to two different high temperature thermal treatments. One annealing method uses a radiofrequency heated furnace till to 1950°C (Conventional Annealing, CA), the other exploits a microwave field, providing a fast heating rate up to 2000°C (Micro-Wave Annealing, MWA). In this contest, mainly ion implanted p-type samples were investigated, both off-axis and on-axis <0001> semi-insulating 4H-SiC. Concerning p-type off-axis samples, a high electrical activation of implanted Al (50-70%) and a compensation ratio below 10% were estimated. In the work, the main sample processing parameters have been varied, as the implant temperature, CA annealing duration, and heating/cooling rates, and the best values assessed. MWA method leads to higher hole density and lower mobility than CA in equivalent ion implanted layers, resulting in lower resistivity, probably related to the 50°C higher annealing temperature. An optimal duration of the CA treatment was estimated in about 12-13 minutes. A RT resistivity on the lowest reported in literature for this kind of samples, has been obtained. 2) Low resistivity data: variable range hopping Notwithstanding the heavy p-type doping levels, the carrier density remained less than the critical one required for a semiconductor to metal transition. However, the high carrier densities obtained was enough to trigger a low temperature impurity band (IB) conduction. In the heaviest doped samples, such a conduction mechanism persists till to RT, without significantly prejudice the mobility values. This feature can have an interesting technological fall, because it guarantee a nearly temperature- independent carrier density, it being not affected by freeze-out effects. The usual transport mechanism occurring in the IB conduction is the nearest neighbor hopping: such a regime is effectively consistent with the resistivity temperature behavior of the lowest doped samples. In the heavier doped samples, however, a trend of the resistivity data compatible with a variable range hopping (VRH) conduction has been pointed out, here highlighted for the first time in p-type 4H-SiC. Even more: in the heaviest doped samples, and in particular, in those annealed by MWA, the temperature dependence of the resistivity data is consistent with a reduced dimensionality (2D) of the VRH conduction. In these samples, TEM investigation pointed out faulted dislocation loops in the basal plane, whose average spacing along the c-axis is comparable with the optimal length of the hops in the VRH transport. This result suggested the assignment of such a peculiar behavior to a kind of spatial confinement into a plane of the carrier hops. 3) Test device the p + -n junction In the last part of the work, the electrical properties of 4H-SiC diodes were also studied. In this case, a heavy Al + ion implantation was realized on n-type epilayers, according to the technological process applied for final devices. Good rectification properties was shown from these preliminary devices in their current-voltage characteristics. Admittance spectroscopy and deep level transient spectroscopy measurements showed the presence of electrically active defects other than the dopants ones, induced in the active region of the diodes by ion implantation. A critical comparison with the literature of these defects was performed. Preliminary to such an investigation, it was assessed the experimental set up for the admittance spectroscopy and current-voltage investigation and the automatic control of these measurements.
The PhD activity described in this Thesis was focused on the study of metal-oxide wide-bandgap materials, aiming at fabricating new optoelectronic devices such as solar-blind UV photodetectors, high power electronics, and gas sensors. Photocurrent spectroscopy and DC photocurrent time evolution were used to investigate the performance of prototypes under different atmospheres, temperatures and excitation wavelengths (or dark conditions). Cathodoluminescence, absorption spectroscopy, XRD and SEM were used to assess structural, morphologic, electrical and optical properties of materials. This thesis is divided into two main sections, each describing the work done on a different metal-oxide semiconductor. 1) MOVPE-grown Ga2O3 thin films for UV solar-blind photodetectors and high power devices The semiconducting oxides, among them Ga2O3, have been employed for several decades as transparent conducting oxide (TCO) electrodes for fabrication of solar cells, displays, electronic, and opto-electronic devices. The interest was mainly confined to such applications, as these materials tend to grow intrinsically n-type, and attempts to get an effective p-type doping has consistently failed. The key requirements of TCO electrodes are indeed high electrical conductivity and good transparency, while crystallographic perfection is a minor issue. Furthermore, for a long period no high-quality substrates and epi-layers were available, which in turn impeded the development of a truly full-oxide electronics. Recently, Ga2O3 has attracted renewed interest, as large single crystals and high-quality homo- and hetero-epitaxial layers became available, which paved the way to novel application areas. Our research group spent the last two years in developing a low temperature (500-700°C) MOVPE growth procedure to obtain thin films of Ga2O3 on different substrates (Dept. of Physics and IMEM-CNR at UNIPR). We obtained a significant result growing on oriented sapphire epitaxial films of high crystalline, undoped, pure phase -Ga2O3 (hexagonal). The crystallographic properties of this phase were investigated by XRD, in order to clarify the lattice parameters of the hexagonal cell. First design and development of solar blind UV photodetectors based on -phase was carried out and the optoelectronic performance is evaluated by means of photocurrent spectroscopy. The UV-response is adequately fast and reliable to render this unusual phase a subject of great interest for future applications. The availability of a hexagonal phase of Ga2O3 stable up to 700°C, belonging to the same space group of gallium nitride, with high crystallinity and tunable electrical properties, is intriguing in view of the development of nitride-based devices, by taking advantage of the more favorable symmetry and epitaxial relationships with respect to the monoclinic β-phase. In addition, annealing at temperatures higher than 700°C demonstrate that the hexagonal phase converts totally in the monoclinic one. 2) ZnO nano-tetrapods: charge transport mechanisms and time-response in optoelectronic devices and sensors Size and morphology of ZnO at the nanometer scale play a key role in tailoring its physical and chemical properties. Thanks to the possibility of growing zinc oxide in a variety of different nanostructures, there is a great variety of applications, among which gas sensors, light emitting diodes, transparent conducting oxides, solar cells. Even if the operation of ZnO nanostructure-based devices has been recently demonstrated, the mechanisms of charge transport in these assembly is still under debate. The candidate performed an accurate investigation by photocurrent spectroscopy and DC-photocurrent time evolution of electrical response of both single-tetrapod and tetrapod-assembly devices. During the research done for this thesis, a thermal activation energy enables the performance of samples at high temperatures (above about 300°C). The energy barrier is related to the leg-to-leg interconnection in the assembly of nanotetrapods. Percolation mechanisms are responsible for both the very slow photo-response (minutes to hours or days) and the significant persistent photocurrent. Below the bandgap energy, electronic states were investigated but their contribution to the photocurrent are two-three order of magnitude lower than the band edge. Such devices are suitable for employ in photodetectors as well as in gas sensors, provided that the mechanism by which the photo-current is generated and gas adsorption on the surface modify the conductivity of the material are known.
Questo elaborato è il frutto di un’esperienza di vita personale. L’estate scorsa, infatti, ho svolto uno stage curriculare di un mese a Marsiglia, presso la redazione del quotidiano La Marseillaise. Durante il tirocinio ho avuto la preziosa opportunità di mettermi nei panni di una giornalista e di scrivere un articolo in francese che è stato pubblicato nel quotidiano. Qualche mese fa, mentre riflettevo sul possibile argomento del mio elaborato finale, ho pensato che sarebbe stato bello raccogliere tutti i ricordi e le emozioni di questo mese speciale e metterli per iscritto. Mi sono quindi messa all’opera, cercando di unire al racconto riflessioni ed analisi sugli eventi e le emozioni narrate. Nell’introduzione parlerò di come è nata l’idea di partire per Marsiglia, successivamente, nel primo capitolo, affronterò la questione del genere chiamato “récit de vie”, cioè racconto di vita, e delle sue caratteristiche, per poi tuffarmi completamente nel flusso del racconto nei capitoli 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6.
Contains the society's Atti.
Description based on: Anno 2, no. 7 (Iuglio 1920); title from cover.
Bibliographical foot-notes.
We have carried out a discovery proteomics investigation aimed at identifying disease biomarkers present in saliva, and, more specifically, early biomarkers of inflammation. The proteomic characterization of saliva is possible due to the straightforward and non-invasive sample collection that allows repetitive analyses for pharmacokinetic studies. These advantages are particularly relevant in the case of newborn patients. The study was carried out with samples collected during the first 48 hours of life of the newborns according to an approved Ethic Committee procedure. In particular, the salivary samples were collected from healthy and infected (n=1) newborns. Proteins were extracted through cycles of sonication, precipitated in ice cold acetone, resuspended and resolved by 2D-electrophoresis. MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometry analysis was performed for each spot obtaining the proteins’ identifications. Then we compared healthy newborn salivary proteome and an infected newborn salivary proteome in order to investigate proteins differently expressed in inflammatory condition. In particular the protein alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT), correlated with inflammation, was detected differently expressed in the infected newborn saliva. Therefore, in the second part of the project we aimed to develop a robust LC-MS based method that identifies and quantifies this inflammatory protein within saliva that might represent the first relevant step to diagnose a condition of inflammation with a no-invasive assay. The same LC-MS method is also useful to investigate the presence of the F allelic variant of the A1AT in biological samples, which is correlated with the onset of pulmonary diseases. In the last part of the work we analysed newborn saliva samples in order to investigate how phospholipids and mediators of inflammation (eicosanoids) are subject to variations under inflammatory conditions and a trend was observed in lysophosphatidylcholines composition according to the inflammatory conditions.
We report the case of FP affected by personal and extrapersonal neglect and a body representation deficit characterized by delusional ideas. When FP performed the human figure, he placed body parts to the left, despite his extrapersonal neglect. Differently, when he performed the car figure, he placed all parts to the right, in line with his deficit. Comparing FP with a small patient group with the same clinical features without delusional ideas about body emerged that he was the only one to suffer from a specific body representation deficit characterized by a lack of body ownership sense.
Here we report the assessment and treatment of a 6-year-old boy (L.G.) who was referred to us for congenital prosopagnosia (CP). We investigated his performance using a test battery and eye movement recordings pre- and post-training. L.G. showed deficits in recognising relatives and learning new faces, and misrecognition of unfamiliar people. Eye movement recordings showed that L.G. focused on the lower part of stimuli in naming tasks based on familiar or unfamiliar incomplete or complete faces. The training focused on improving his ability to explore internal features of faces, to discriminate specific facial features of familiar and unfamiliar faces, and to provide his family with strategies to use in the future. At the end of the training programme L.G. no longer failed to recognise close and distant relatives and classmates and did not falsely recognise unknown people.
Many studies have attempted to identify the different cognitive components of body representation (BR). Due to methodological issues, the data reported in these studies are often confusing. Here we summarize the fMRI data from previous studies and explore the possibility of a neural segregation between BR supporting actions (body-schema, BS) or not (non-oriented-to-action-body-representation, NA). We performed a general activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of 59 fMRI experiments and two individual meta-analyses to identify the neural substrates of different BR. Body processing involves a wide network of areas in occipital, parietal, frontal and temporal lobes. NA selectively activates the somatosensory primary cortex and the supramarginal gyrus. BS involves the primary motor area and the right extrastriate body area. Our data suggest that motor information and recognition of body parts are fundamental to build BS. Instead, sensory information and processing of the egocentric perspective are more important for NA. In conclusion, our results strongly support the idea that different and segregated neural substrates are involved in body representations orient or not to actions.
There is still a matter of debate around the nature of personal neglect. Is it an attention disorder or a body representation disorder? Here we investigate the presence of body representation deficits (i.e., the visuo-spatial body map) in right and left brain-damaged patients and in particular in those affected by personal neglect. 23 unilateral brain-damaged patients (5 left-brain-damaged and 18 right-brain-damaged patients) and 15 healthy controls took part in the study. The visuo-spatial body map was assessed by means of the “Frontal body-evocation subtest (FBE),” in which participants have to put tiles representing body parts on a small wooden board where only the head is depicted as a reference point. In order to compare performance on the FBE with performance on an inanimate object that had well-defined right and left sides, participants also performed the “Car test.” Group statistical analysis shows that the performance of patients with personal neglect is significantly worse than that of the controls and patients without personal neglect in the FBE but not in the Car test. Single case analyses of the five patients with pure personal neglect confirm the results of group analysis. Our data supports the hypothesis that personal neglect is a pervasive body representation disorder.
Questo lavoro di tesi nasce all’interno del nucleo di ricerca in didattica della fisica dell’Università di Bologna, coordinato dalla professoressa Olivia Levrini e che coinvolge docenti di matematica e fisica dei Licei, assegnisti di ricerca e laureandi. Negli ultimi anni il lavoro del gruppo si è concentrato sullo studio di una possibile risposta all'evidente e pressante difficoltà di certi docenti nell'affrontare gli argomenti di meccanica quantistica che sono stati introdotti nelle indicazioni Nazionali per il Liceo Scientifico, dovuta a cause di vario genere, fra cui l'intrinseca complessità degli argomenti e l'inefficacia di molti libri di testo nel presentarli in modo adeguato. In questo contesto, la presente tesi si pone l’obiettivo di affrontare due problemi specifici di formalizzazione matematica in relazione a due temi previsti dalle Indicazioni Nazionali: il tema della radiazione di corpo nero, che ha portato Max Planck alla prima ipotesi di quantizzazione, e l’indeterminazione di Heisenberg, con il cambiamento di paradigma che ha costituito per l’interpretazione del mondo fisico. Attraverso un confronto diretto con le fonti, si cercherà quindi di proporre un percorso in cui il ruolo del protagonista sarà giocato dagli aspetti matematici delle teorie analizzate e dal modo in cui gli strumenti della matematica hanno contribuito alla loro formazione, mantenendo un costante legame con le componenti didattiche. Proprio in quest'ottica, ci si accorgerà della forte connessione fra i lavori di Planck e Heisenberg e due aspetti fondamentali della didattica della matematica: l'interdisciplinarietà con la fisica e il concetto di modellizzazione. Il lavoro finale sarà quindi quello di andare ad analizzare, attraverso un confronto con le Indicazioni Nazionali per il Liceo Scientifico e con alcune esigenze emerse dagli insegnanti, le parti e i modi in cui la tesi risponde a queste richieste.
Nella tesi è analizzata nel dettaglio una proposta didattica sulla Fisica Quantistica elaborata dal gruppo di ricerca in Didattica della Fisica dell’Università di Bologna, in collaborazione con il gruppo di ricerca in Fisica Teorica e con ricercatori del CNR di Bologna. La proposta è stata sperimentata in diverse classi V di Liceo scientifico e dalle sperimentazioni sono emersi casi significativi di studenti che non sono riusciti ad accettare la teoria quantistica come descrizione convincente ad affidabile della realtà fisica (casi di non accettazione), nonostante sembrassero aver capito la maggior parte degli argomenti e essersi ‘appropriati’ del percorso per come gli era stato proposto. Da questa evidenza sono state formulate due domande di ricerca: (1) qual è la natura di questa non accettazione? Rispecchia una presa di posizione epistemologica o è espressione di una mancanza di comprensione profonda? (2) Nel secondo caso, è possibile individuare precisi meccanismi cognitivi che possono ostacolare o facilitare l’accettazione della fisica quantistica? L’analisi di interviste individuali degli studenti ha permesso di mettere in luce tre principali esigenze cognitive (cognitive needs) che sembrano essere coinvolte nell’accettazione e nell’apprendimento della fisica quantistica: le esigenze di visualizzabilità, comparabilità e di ‘realtà’. I ‘cognitive needs’ sono stati quindi utilizzati come strumenti di analisi delle diverse proposte didattiche in letteratura e del percorso di Bologna, al fine di metterne in luce le criticità. Sono state infine avanzate alcune proposte per un suo miglioramento.
Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di analizzare a fondo il concetto sovrastruttura ferroviaria senza ballast e sottolinearne pregi e difetti rispetto a quella tradizionale con pietrisco, al fine di identificare chiaramente quando e dove i sistemi senza massicciata forniscono prestazioni migliori. L'aumento dei costi di manutenzione delle sovrastrutture ferroviarie al giorno d'oggi stanno aprendo la strada a nuovi sistemi, la maggior parte sviluppati in paesi che hanno linee di velocità elevate e tanti altri paesi si stanno preparando per aggiornare le proprie linee esistenti, nonché per creare nuove linee ferroviarie ad alta velocità. In molti casi i sistemi senza ballast sembrano avere le potenzialità per offrire un servizio per linee ad alta velocità più efficiente rispetto alle tracce tradizionali con ballast, soprattutto a causa della loro maggiore stabilità strutturale, del basso bisogno di manutenzione e del lungo ciclo di vita. Il primo capitolo è dedicato alla descrizione della struttura del binario tradizionale con ballast analizzando gli strati che formano la sovrastruttura. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato alla descrizione di varie tipologie, utilizzate nel mondo, di sovrastrutture ferroviarie senza ballast, di ognuna di esse sono state elencate le caratteristiche costruttive e prestazionali. Il terzo capitolo è dedicato al confronto tra le due tipologie di sovrastruttura, sono state descritte le capacità elastiche e deformative delle due soluzioni, il degrado cui incorrono le due soluzioni, gli stati sollecitanti a cui sono sottoposte e la risposta delle stesse. Di particolare importanza è il confronto di costo dei due sistemi e il rumore e le vibrazioni generate da questi; infatti negli ultimi anni questi sono gli aspetti fondamentali su cui si basa la scelta di un sistema costruttivo; a seguito di questo confronto è stato possibile trarre le conclusioni.
Con la crescita in complessità delle infrastrutture IT e la pervasività degli scenari di Internet of Things (IoT) emerge il bisogno di nuovi modelli computazionali basati su entità autonome capaci di portare a termine obiettivi di alto livello interagendo tra loro grazie al supporto di infrastrutture come il Fog Computing, per la vicinanza alle sorgenti dei dati, e del Cloud Computing per offrire servizi analitici complessi di back-end in grado di fornire risultati per milioni di utenti. Questi nuovi scenarii portano a ripensare il modo in cui il software viene progettato e sviluppato in una prospettiva agile. Le attività dei team di sviluppatori (Dev) dovrebbero essere strettamente legate alle attività dei team che supportano il Cloud (Ops) secondo nuove metodologie oggi note come DevOps. Tuttavia, data la mancanza di astrazioni adeguata a livello di linguaggio di programmazione, gli sviluppatori IoT sono spesso indotti a seguire approcci di sviluppo bottom-up che spesso risulta non adeguato ad affrontare la compessità delle applicazione del settore e l'eterogeneità dei compomenti software che le formano. Poichè le applicazioni monolitiche del passato appaiono difficilmente scalabili e gestibili in un ambiente Cloud con molteplici utenti, molti ritengono necessaria l'adozione di un nuovo stile architetturale, in cui un'applicazione dovrebbe essere vista come una composizione di micro-servizi, ciascuno dedicato a uno specifica funzionalità applicativa e ciascuno sotto la responsabilità di un piccolo team di sviluppatori, dall'analisi del problema al deployment e al management. Poichè al momento non si è ancora giunti a una definizione univoca e condivisa dei microservices e di altri concetti che emergono da IoT e dal Cloud, nè tantomento alla definzione di linguaggi sepcializzati per questo settore, la definzione di metamodelli custom associati alla produzione automatica del software di raccordo con le infrastrutture potrebbe aiutare un team di sviluppo ad elevare il livello di astrazione, incapsulando in una software factory aziendale i dettagli implementativi. Grazie a sistemi di produzione del sofware basati sul Model Driven Software Development (MDSD), l'approccio top-down attualmente carente può essere recuperato, permettendo di focalizzare l'attenzione sulla business logic delle applicazioni. Nella tesi viene mostrato un esempio di questo possibile approccio, partendo dall'idea che un'applicazione IoT sia in primo luogo un sistema software distribuito in cui l'interazione tra componenti attivi (modellati come attori) gioca un ruolo fondamentale.